Darksiders's Den of Chaos

Beta: Winged Seer Wolf

Warning: This is just a drabble document full of all my ideas. Some will be brilliant, good, average, bad, awful or fucking terrible. I need Reviews for the ones that you ASTOUNDING and BRILLIANT people on Fanfiction are.

Random drabble 1

Arashi no Sunagakure= Storm of the Village Hidden in the Sand

A vicious storm blew in, obscuring the desert with treacherous winds and flying shards of sand coating the desert. All accept the fifteen miles around the Village hidden in the exact centre of the desert.

This village seemed to be made out of sand and truth be told it was. This village was the Village of the Hidden Sand, it was home to the shinobi and kunoichi or ninja of the Sand Village.

Despite being the smallest of the Great villages which were based in the nations of Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water. The villages were Konoha, Suna, Kumo, Iwa and Kiri.

Out of the five countries and the Hidden Villages weren't actually hidden and were more like cities, Suna were proud enough to say that they had the hardiest Shinobi for extreme survival conditions in the elemental nations, along with the best puppeteers and poisoners. This coupled with their alliance with Konoha who could field the most well rounded and multitude of Bingo Book Shinobi, Hatake Kakashi, Orochimaru of the Sannin and Namikaze Minato to name a few.

However this storm was about to blow someone so spectacular into Suna's way the whole world would be out for him. In this storm came a tall handsome man garbed in black boots, black baggy combat pants, raggedy t-shirt, adorned with a black battle vest and a sand covered trench coat. On his right hand he wore a black gauntlet.

The way he walked, showed he was no stranger to war, combat and death. Something someone needed to be able to cope with in this war torn land. His pale skin stood out like a spectre, his hair long, black and shaggy with a pair of gorgeous but haunted emerald green eyes that shone like emeralds flickered around him.

He staggered, his feet went from under him and he sank to one knee. He reached into the backpack on his back and pulled out a canteen on water. He took a swig and carried on his way.

This man's name was Harry Potter. Harry had been forced through the Veil of Death the moment Lord Voldemort's body hit the floor. The reason for this? Harry had cleanly decapitated Voldemort with a sectusempra spell.

However before his journey through the veil, the goblins had intercepted him and informed of his heritage.


"Mr. Potter, we know of your crimes against Gringotts involve imperiousing several goblins and breaking into one of our family vaults. We also recognise that is was on the hunt for horocruxes. We have encountered those things." The word things was spat with more venom than normal. "As a result of that we have claimed 35% of your interest of your families investments."Goblin Bloodrune, the Master of the Trials declared.

However the Honourable Lord Ragnok the Third stepped in " , your family investments will easily make up the difference in three to five years. Your families have done so much for us, it is foolish for us to cripple them because of the reckless actions of one descendant. Besides that recklessness is an inherited trait in the Potter line."

"Lord Honourable Ragnok, what do you mean by families?" Asked Harry nervously.

Harry had then been given a detailed description of his families.

Name: Hadrian James Potter *1*
Parents: James Syrus Potter *2* (father deceased) Lilian Marie*3* Evans-Potter (Mother deceased)
God Parents: Amelia Susan Bones the 4
th (Maternal choice Godmother deceased) Remus Octavian Lupin (Maternal choice Godfather deceased.)
Sirius Orion Black 5
th (Paternal choice Godfather deceased) Alice Danielle Fortescue *4*-Longbottom
Inheritence: Potter, Black, Peverell.
Wealth: Potter family 777billion galleons and climbing, Black family 776billion galleons and climbin. Peverell has merged with the Potters.

Properties: Various properties around the world. All unplottable and inaccessible.

"I need as much money, books and weapons that I can possibly carry." The goblins complied and soon enough Harry headed towards the ministry with his wand and backpack hidden inside his pockets.

He had changed his clothes into the black garb of wizards on deathrow.

After a false trial he had been shoved through.

End Flashback

Harry shielded his face as the wind and sand bit across his face. Soon enough his legs buckled, his vision turned to black and he passed out in the sand, just three miles from the 15mile still zone.

In the middle of Sunagakure, sat a large white sand stone tower with the kanji for wind etched into it. This was the Shinobi administration office known as the Kage tower. On the roof of the tower a young man stood. He was around 5'8, garbed in grey shinobi pants with leg wraps, black shinobi sandels, a maroon haori with a grey vest and straps holding his gourd of sand to his back. His eyes were teal coloured and surrounded by dark bags giving his eyes the looks of a tanuki and his dark red hair once close shaven now hung longer and more rugged across his head parting slightly on the top right revealing the kanji for love.

This man was the Godaime Kazekage, the fifth wind shadow of the Village hidden in the sands. He was also the demon host of the villages ultimate weapon the Sand Demon Shukaku the One tailed Racoon. He was also known as the Prince of Sand because of his demon host, this young mans name was Gaara. Gaara's eyes snapped open from his noonday meditation, despite being able to only divert sandstorms fifteen miles around Suna, he could tell where anyone was the moment they stepped into the desert.

"Temari!" He called and a young woman in a modest form fitting skirt with a pink chest plate tied with a sash of black cloth and on her back was a massive tessen. This was Temari, the Kazekage's eldest sibling, Princess of the Sand and the Suna-Konoha ambassador.

"Gaara-sama?" She said bowing slightly, due to her blood relationship with the Kazekage where most shinobi knealt she was allowed to stand and bow.

"Temari, I need you to go eighteen miles northwest of eastern gate of Suna. Take Kankuro with you and two medical ninja. Someone out their is in danger of dying. I'm ordering you to go because Shukaku is going absolutely mental trying to get me to go and finish this person." Temari nodded.

Kankuro was just leaving one of his workshops near the tower. After Elder Chiyo he was one of the foremost Puppet users in the Shinobi forces. He left the workshop with his two puppets in scrolls on his back. "Kankuro, Gaara needs us to a mission."

Within three minutes because with the alliance Suna's medical shinobi had improved dramtically and always had several on duty. Grabbing two of the third shinobi war genin medical nin they sprinted out into the desert.

They didn't have to look hard or long because it seemed the sand storm had abated. That was until Kankuro who doubled as his former teams sensor detected something. "Over their. Low chunin definite, chakra seems diplenished so could be higher...It seems Gaara's chakra is at work."

The four dug frantically, it was Temari who found him, from the looks of him. Despite feeling rather thin and looking rather pale, in her eyes he was quite handsome. The medical nins took over, hands glowing green. "Temari-sama, Kankuro-sama, He needs emergency hospital treatment."

The young teen was shoved and restrained in one of Kankuro's puppets and placed on the Puppeteers back. It was the best option to reduce his raging body temperature, plus it would reduce the strain of carrying unconsious personel from out of the desert.

The group turned and ran,soon enough the four of them were scooped up by Gaara's sand. It appeared that the Sand Prince was curious about the new comer, because any native of the Elemental countries knew you NEVER EVER went to Suna alone if you had very little water.

Soon enough the teen was on a hospital bed with saline drips and an IV drip with a ORS solution. "Let me know when he wakes up Nee-chan." Said Gaara before returning to his office.

Temari sat in one of the chairs next to the teens bed. "You interest me. I wonder who you are."

Deep in his mind, Harry was quickly processing everything that had just occurred to him. Apparently the Veil if used on someone who had been innocent were taken to a new world or plane of existence, similar to the world he had left.

That meant this world would have a varient of magicians and would be on the edge of war. The veil also took account of someones upbringing. Based on this Harry knew he was going to dumped in a harsh environment either Mountains or Deserts.

As he entered the Veil, Death had spoken to him and told him that the magic he knew would be greatly limited to Protect, Cut, Pain, Push and Pull.

His eyelids cracker, slowly but surely movement was returning to his body. Slowly ever so slowly he managed to open his eyes. "In the hospital."

"Where...am...I?" He rasped.