A/N : Hey guys! This probably looks really weird, I catch onto things and formats slowly T.T sorry! Anyways I hope you enjoy! Please review! First chapter is boring but please stick with it! It'll get better ^_^

"Hurry up! I want to get there before all the hot guys are taken!" Nao shouted from the bathroom. Mai giggled while slowly strapping on her high heeled satin shoes on the couch, while Natsuki combed through her midnight blue hair. "Oh like it would matter to you Spider! Plus it's not like you need any more dirt bags following you around anyways." Natsuki shouted as she put the comb down in front of the mirror in the living room and checked herself out. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and her favorite leather jacket.

"It's not like you would know what it's like to have a GUY anyways mutt! And I bet you couldn't even get a girl if you tried!" Nao barked back walking out of the bathroom. She was wearing a black silk mini with a low string top showing off a generous amount of (..stuff). Natsuki smirked "Oh yeah? I bet I'll get the hottest girl in the club!"

"Now, now ladies. Let's be civilized tonight. I'm tired of being the Calvary for when you two go all competitive and somebody takes you serious! For once ... Please no crazy bets!" Mai pleaded as she slid between the two, now fuming women.

"Whatever. Looks like Mai just saved you from your own embarrassment dog! Because we all know what happened last time." Nao smirked now filing her nails leisurely. "That was cheating! You saw me talking to her and you came up and violated her mid-sentence!" Natsuki yelled back, now clearly vexed.

"Violated?! It's called K-I-S-S-I-N-G mutt and don't get mad at me for having a backbone while you sat there asking about her family!"

"It was conversation! You know that thing where you actually talk to the other person before crashing down their throat you ecchi!"

"Sissy!" Nao shouted.



The biker froze as her face lit up bright red. W-w-what! How did- she couldn't have- this is impossible I never told anyone! "T-t-take that back!" she growled grabbing at the red head's shirt. "Oh ho seems like I hit the mark there! Hahaha! No wonder Mai chimed in to save you!" Nao grinned evilly, clearly amused. "Nao!" Mai interrupted. That's it! I have to do something! Think Natsuki think! "Fine, I bet I'll get any girl in the club that you pick by the end of the night and when I do, you have to FINALLY admit that I am a better player than you are and beg my forgiveness!" Baka! Crap now I can't go back! Great job mouth I appreciate the loyalty. "Wait guys..." Mai warned. I'll get her to back down! Hahaha yes yeeeees "Bet? Or are you too chicken to face me?" "Natsuki wait!" Mai shouted again now very agitated.

"Ok fine." Nao complied. Oh what the- "Bet. But when I win, which I'm sure I will, you have to admit to everyone that you are a virgin and do whatever I say for 3 weeks!" She finished.

Oh god oh god ok! Last resort! Please work! The biker beauty glared at Nao using her signature Kuga-death-glare flashing her emerald eyes through her dominant eyelashes. Nao's shoulders flinched a little at the dangerous atmosphere as she averted her gaze to her nails once again. No no no no back out back out too much! I can't even kiss a girl on the first date let alonecome on mouth say no say no say… "Ok" the biker said finally as the two shook hands. Aaaand my body has abandoned my trust yet again.

"Good grief you two!" Mai complained as she tugged at the bottom of her green dress. "Let's just go already! Chie and Aoi are probably already there waiting on us!" They grabbed their things and headed out all the while being pushed top speed by Mai to her car outside. "Hold on! Uh… Mai? You're driving?" Natsuki questioned. Everybody knows Mai drives like a blind elephant on menopause! Mai nodded as she shoved the two in her car locking it up before they could get away. "God save us all" Nao remarked as she held onto everything and anything stable in the car. Well on the bright side at least I'll be out of that stupid bet.

Mai swerved and bolted through endless lanes of heavy traffic all the while going 77mph ignoring all stoplights and traffic laws. Then finally as the car jolted to a stop in the parking lot she pulled her hands off her death machine. Oh good Kami I saw my life flash before me ten times on each street! This is crazy! One more ride with this girl and I'll never marry! Wait what? I mean um.. Whatever get it together Natsuki! "W-WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL US!" Nao screamed as she pried her hands off of her safe holds. Mai flashed her a puzzled look before getting out of the car. It's that act that kills me every time. Natsuki let out a sigh as she wiggled free from her extra seatbelts and got out the car with a still shaken up Nao in tow.

They walked until they got to the entrance of Club Hime, the best club in the area. "Hey Takeda-san! Long line tonight!" Mai said to the bouncer outside. "Oh hello Mai-san! Yup! It is Friday night after all!" He turned to greet the others. "Hello Nao-san! Looking great as usual" Nao smirked "Did you expect anything less?" she replied with a short wink. He chuckled then turned completely red as he turned towards Natsuki, who was tapping her foot impatiently. "K-k-konbanwa k-k-k-Kuga –san!" He shouted shyly. Ugh I hate this guy. He always has this stupid look on his face when he talks. Just makes me want to kick the crap out of him! The emerald eyed beauty glared at him viciously until he snapped his head away from her gaze. He then straightened back up and opened the rope line for us to enter. "H-have fun ladies."

As soon as they got in we realized how packed it actually was inside. People were dancing everywhere! On the dance floor, the tables, even some girls at the bar sat on the counter wiggling around. The club was dim as the neon lights flashed all over shining everywhere. "Hey lets go over to the booth" Mai suggested. Just as they were walking they spotted Aoi- or at least part of her- over in the corner of a booth on the right.

"Boo" The biker teased. Chie jolted up and almost fell over the table before Aoi caught her hand. She looked up with a huge blush on her face. " Geez guys sneaky much?" she scolded slowly regaining her composure. Natsuki busted out laughing. "Sorry Chie-san I couldn't resist" she replied before giving a small smirk. Nao sat down with a concentrated look on her face. "So what's up guys? What's new?" Aoi questioned after noticing their facials. "Oh just another stupid bet" Mai answered in a boring tone. Chie perked up. "Ooh! So what is it this time Natsuki? Another eating contest?" Great there goes my mood. *sigh* "Nao is going to choose a girl, and I have to get her by the end of the night or I-…..lose" Woo! That's was close! I almost blurted it out just now! "Hah, nice! So who's the girl Nao?" Chie grilled again with barely concealed excitement.

Nao's face flicked on suddenly while she stared directly at the far part of the club. Then a slow mischievous grin spread onto her face. They waited for a response in silence. "Hey mutt, I found your girl" she waved the biker over to look still grinning wide. I don't like that look on her face. Well, I don't like any look on her face but I REALLY don't like this one! Natsuki brought herself over to where Nao was and looked to the far left side of the club where she was pointing.

She looked around aimlessly until she finally spotted her. The biker froze upon seeing her. The girl had long beautiful chestnut colored hair, the most alluring smile, and dominate scarlet colored eyes.

She was standing by a blonde haired girl who seemed to to be very pissed about something due to all of her glares and gestures. And even as loud as the music was, Natsuki could've swore she heard her yelling from across the club. Nonetheless the scarlet eyed goddess kept her elegant smile and looked vigorously amused.

Wow. Are you kidding me? The girl is an ANGEL! There's no way I can get even close to being her acquaintance! "So mutt? You going over there, or do you just want to admit defeat now?" Nao beamed. Grr she really pisses me off! Fine! I'm going over there and I'm going to get her!

Natsuki stood and pushed her way past a cackling Nao and confused friends and began walking over to her 'prey.' Ok Natsuki you can do this! All you have to do first is get her name! Let's go baby let's go!

As soon as she was about ten feet away from the area she looked up to see if the girl was still there. Ok Natsuki! Here goes nothin! Her eyes widened in shock as she realized she was about two inches away from the scarlet eyed goddesses face! Quickly she stumbled backwards as her face lit up as red as the girl's eyes never breaking eye contact with the girl she stared deep into her colors not noticing that the girl was staring just as deeply back at her own. She was about to be taken away by the moment when a velvety yet soft voice rose through her ears.

"Ara…Hello there" The girl smiled brightly as she addressed the biker softly.

…..I hate you Nao.