Disclaimer: Do I look like J.K. Rowling or Hiromu Arakawa? *Looks at profile picture* Damn. I have been deceiving myself because I thought I did. -Sky's sarcasm. So, in other words: I don't own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist, nor am I making a profit from this.

A/N: So, basically, what even got this account started, was my love for FMA/HP crossovers - something I've not written. Well, at least, not in a long time. I was more focused on my other story that I recently posted, that I hadn't planned much ahead in it, and before I knew it, I had a six-page outline for this one (everything is planned except the end practically). That's when I realized that I would thoroughly enjoy writing this - and actually be able to get ahead thanks to a sturdy outline. I'm so proud of myself!

Feedback: Would be so, so appreciated. *Hint* *Hint* It helps me update faster (I think it's a security thing for most author's - 'Oh, no, it must be terribly written if no one comments!' and 'I must just be an awful author' are the top two thoughts that come to mind).

Background information! Please read (!): This is MANGA Ed and Al (though look like they do at the end of Brotherhood), just so you all know! For those who have not read the manga, I highly advise you do! Not just for this story or anything, but because of some of the major differences - especially in some of the characters. For instance, Alphonse in the manga is a little spunkier than anime Al. Yes, he's still his kind, selfless self, but there's on instance when he actually blows up on Izumi and it's hilarious! The chapter(s) for the episode 'One is all, all is one' is so much better in the manga (it goes into more detail and adds a lot of scenes). Plus the ordeal when Alphonse is kidnapped in Dublith by Greed has a few differences. JUST READ THE MANGA AND YOU WILL SEE!

1. Prologue

It is over.

Father knows this, he isn't daft after all, perhaps in denial, because these damn mortals did not defeat him. Yet, his body is saying otherwise; his son, Greed, betrayed him in his final moments, allowing his defeat to become a possibility - a probability. On top of Alphonse Elric sacrificing himself to allow his older sibling, Edward, (those hell-spawn of Van Hohenheim's) to gain the upper-hand in the battle. Now, he was flaking away, shock and pain flooding every vein in his body, demanding that he just give in and fade - but he refuses.

He's humiliated, embarrassed - ashamed - that a mere mortal is going to deal the final blow. The cheers of the soldiers nearby are deafening: "You can do it, Ed!" "Go Fullmetal!" "He's done for!" It's enough to make him sick. Yet, all he can do is wonder why God has rejected him, why it has come to this, and why can't he seem to gather his wits and fight back?!

He's like a cornered animal, desperate and on its last leg. He did not want to go in such a degrading manner; he is above these pathetic humans -

His eyes widen, the sun beating down on his quivering form unrelenting. Edward, still distraught from the sacrifice his younger sibling made in order to save him, stands before him with his (both very fleshy) fists raised, chest heaving as he pants heavily.

Father stumbles forward. Yes, he might not survive, but he can at least drag those damn Elric brothers down with him (hurting Hohenhiem in the process as a plus) - and he has just enough souls within himself to do so. It will ease some of the burn of humiliation that sparks on every nerve ending in his body. Yes. He will do this.

Edward doesn't even know what hits his him.

There is a blinding flash of crimson that stuns him, then he feels a hand slam against his chest with so much force he falls backward (are those black hands reaching for him?!) - and then nothing.

When he comes to, he is greeting by a startling sight: a pair of amber eyes set upon a face so very similar to his own and a thick halo of blond hair that acts like a veil, blocking his view of the vast expanse of white behind the painfully thin figure hovering above. Normally, he would have panicked at waking up to someone being so near while he feels prone, but he recognizes this boy; he is the only person in his life that he loves unconditionally. "Al . . ." he croaks out. His sibling cracks a wide smile.

"Are you okay, brother?" he inquires, helping Edward sit up into an upright position. He nods, because he is, and isn't surprised that Alphonse - sickly think, malnourished, just sacrificed himself, Alphonse - is ignoring himself to care for his stupid older brother.

"Worry about yourself," Edward remarks, shaking his head, "how are you feeling? Did your soul attach properly?"

Alphonse nods and raises his arms out in front of him. "Yeah, but I look like someone straight from the crypt." He chuckles out of good nature, but Edward can't help but feel even worse than what he did - he had put Alphonse in his situation after all. Alphonse must have sensed this because he quickly adds, "What happened? Did we win?"

"I . . . don't know." Alphonse gives him a horrified expression that spurs Edward to add, "But he was in such a weakened state - Colonel Bastard, hell, even a non-alchemist, could have finished him off in one blow. Even a gunshot between the eyes would do that trick." Alphonse visibly relaxes.

"Then how did you get here?"

Edward frowns. How DID he get here? How . . .

"Father used the last of the souls within himself to bring you here," a voice composed of multiples tones answers, drawing both Elrics' attention. They turn to the source, eyes widening at the sight of Truth, wearing Edward's leg, near Edward's Gate a few feet away. "In exchange he wants you dead."

Alphonse and Edward gasp. "NO!" Alphonse screeches, scrambling to his feet, knees shaking at supporting his own weight. Edward scrambles to his own feet and barely manages to catch his trembling sibling from toppling over. "You can't . . . take me instead! Please -"

"Alphonse! NO." Edward snaps, "You won't sacrifice yourself for me! I refuse!"

Truth's mocking laughter interjects and they turn to see him cuffing a hand to his forehead. "He has enough souls to kill only one, but I'm not giving him what he wants. The way he's lived - the way he's died, has warranted that. Instead, I have other plans for you, Elrics."

"What is it, you bastard . . . ?" Edward hisses, noting the way Alphonse's grip tightens on his arm.

"You always want too much, and after being here so many different times, you should know that I'm not going to give you what you ask." he - it - says, "If I were in your shoes, I'd be more worried about getting your brother to go with you. What will you sacrifice for him?" He crosses his arms. "Your entire body? Your life? What?"

Edward clamps his eyes shut. He should have known that Truth wouldn't answer any questions he asked! What is worth Alphonse's soul and body? He has nothing to offer - his body isn't enough - he knows that now, but what then? What?

Think damn it!

Think . . . .

Keep thinking!

You're the youngest to ever join the ranks of State Alchemists . . .

Alphonse is your little brother! Look how much he gave to save you!

You can't let. Him. Down. You can't. Failure isn't an option!

"Brother," Alphonse's voice cuts through his thoughts like a hot knife through butter. He looks at him with a dark gaze. "It's okay." But it's not! He gives Truth a pleading look. "Please . . . just let him go." he says. The words are like a punch to the gut for Edward. He won't leave his brother here - he won't!

"No!" Edward snaps, spine straightening. He has the answer! He knows what to do! He almost laughs at how ignorant he's been! Of course, it is obvious what he has to do. "I know what to use as sufficient payment."

Truth seems to reel for a moment before a shit-eating grin appears on his visage. "Oh?" he begins, "And what might that be?"

Edward points behind Truth. "That big thing there is my payment." He smirks. "It's MY Portal of Truth, which means I can do whatever I want with it."

"But brother . . ." Alphonse murmurs with wide eyes. If he gets rid of his Gate, then . . .

Truth, after getting over the initial shock, slaps a hand to his forehead and laughs hysterically. "You're serious?!" Edward's facial expression remains passive. "Without it you won't be able to use alchemy again." he warns. Edward sighs.

"I know," he says, "it contains all there is to know about alchemy, all the knowledge of the world, but it has made me arrogant. It's made me think that everything can be solved with alchemy. It's blinded me. I don't need that."

"You're willing to lower yourself to being just an ordinary human?" Truth presses, as if unconvinced, which, really, he probably is. After all, Edward has relied so heavily upon alchemy ever since his father left home - and to think, it all started with trying to keep his and Alphonse's mother happy. Something so innocent, well-intended, turned into something akin to an addiction. He needs to free himself.

Edward smiles softly. "What are you talking about?" he questions. "An ordinary human is all I've ever been. One that couldn't even save the life of a little girl." Alphonse flinches, knowing good and well whom he is referring to.

"Hmm, a life with no alchemy . . . are you sure about that?" Truth asks, raising his hand and wagging a finger. "Think about it."

Edward closes his eyes, Alphonse's voice in his mind, followed by many others', including his mother's and father's, Colonel bastard's, Riza's, Granny Pinako's, Ling's, Mei's, Lan-Fan's, and many others, eventually ending with a gentle 'Ed' in Winry's voice. His eyes snap open and his smile widens.

"Who needs alchemy when I have THEM?"

Truth raises his hands high into the air, grinning. "Correct answer, Mr. Al-che-mist!" he says as he starts flaking away, along with Edward's Gate, "There's the exit," he adds, gesturing at Alphonse's Gate, before an ominous expression mars his visage, "Surprise me."

The brother's don't know what that means, but at the moment they don't care. All Edward cares about is that his little brother is back in his body and finally coming back with him - in the flesh. His body isn't denying coming with him (and he hasn't lost any additional body parts) - and all he can do is look Alphonse over with tears brimming in the corners of his eyes.

"Finally . . ." he says, pulling Alphonse to him in a gentle embrace (even though it's taking everything in him not to just crush him with joy) that is quickly reciprocated. When he pulls away, he stares Alphonse in the eye. "That was reckless, Al! You could have been stuck here a long time!"

Alphonse chuckles. "Speak for yourself."

Suddenly Alphonse's Gate cracks open, revealing a golden light. They turn towards it, knowing what they need to do.

"Let's go home together."

Alphonse nods. "Hmm."

But something terrible happens when they step through; immediately they are pulled apart by some invisible force. They desperately reach for one another, clawing at the air and calling out for one another - but it's futile. It all is.

Then Alphonse starts screaming in pain, alerting Edward. "Alphonse!" he cries out, watching as his sibling clutches his abdomen, his screams loud as he is flung further and further away into the golden abyss - further away from Edward.

Eventually, when they can no longer see or hear one another, both black out.

"What happened? Did we win?" Roy Mustang questions, the silence around him unnerving. If only he could see, dammit! Being blind is so . . . isolating and terrifying. It's a pain that he's never experienced before and wants to be put out of immediately, but he knows that's not possible. He involuntarily shivers.

He feels Riza's hand lightly touch the back of his. "Yes, but . . . Alphonse still hasn't returned from the other side - and Edward has vanished alongside Father."

Mustang's heart drops. "You don't mean . . . ?"

There's a pause before she says anything, and that's answer enough: the Elrics are possibly gone forever. But instead of saying that, saying what they're all thinking, she settles with a: "I'm not sure, sir."

In the meanwhile, Alex Louis Armstrong, crying silently, wipes at his tears and looks over at a shocked Hohenheim. "Edward and Alphonse Elric . . ." he pauses, "Van Hohenheim, thanks to your sons our country has been saved. Without them, we would never have uncovered such a conspiracy - and now," he chokes on a sob, "they didn't deserve this."

Van attempts to fight back his own tears, cursing himself for failing two people he loves more than anything, but fails - they pour down his cheeks in rivers. Trisha, I failed you and our boys. It's all my fault.

He feels Izumi's hand tighten around his shoulder (she has been holding him up) and glances over at her, not surprised to see the pained expression on her visage. Then he notices she's on the brink of tears - his sons had become family to her. He knows this. She and Sig loved Alphonse and Edward as if they were their own. He's grateful for the Curtises, they've been a form of stability for his sons - something he's never been.

And in that moment, he comes to one decision: "I'll get them back. I'll find a way - even if it means holding on a little longer," he announces, and whispers in a barely audible murmur, "Just wait Trisha, I'll be with you again soon. I promise."

"Here." the Xingese boy, Ling, says, stepping forward and holding out a Philospher's Stone. He can see Mei, the young girl that Alphonse sacrificed his armor to save, in the background, sobbing as hard as she can. It pains him to see - she really cared for Alphonse. "Bring them back with this."

"They wouldn't want that." Van says in a gentle decline. "I'll find another way. I have to."

Rubeus Hagrid is just enjoying a cup of tea and reading the daily newspaper, something about a wizard executing a chain of public portable-toilet explosions being arrested finally, when a bright flash of blue just out the window catches his attention. He blinks and looks up, waiting for something to happen, but when nothing does, he shrugs and picks up reading where he had left off - when a loud boom startles him.

"Bloody hell!" he swears, having spilled his tea on the shirt he had just put on and stands, going towards the room where the sound came from. When he arrives at his destination, he doesn't expect to see a huge hole in his roof nor a strange blond laying beneath it, bloodied and disheveled.

He doesn't know how to take it, or what to do at first, but eventually approaches and kneels down by the figure. He rolls the male onto his back and raises his eyebrows. The boy is most likely fifteen years of age, stuck in the phase between man and child. That much is obvious.

Hagrid isn't certain the teen is a threat, but he gives him the benefit of the doubt because he looks harmless in his sleep, and packs him to the couch. He lays him down and scratches at his head. What does he do now? Perhaps he should get Dumbledore? He'll know what to do.

So that's what he does.

When he gets back, Dumbledore in tow, the boy begins to stir, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal golden irises (odd). He suddenly sits up, eyes wide, and he cries out, "Alphonse!" He looks around in a panicked state before freezing when he spots Hagrid and Dumbledore. "Who the hell are you?!"

"A feisty 'en." Hagrid mutters while Dumbledore laughs heartily.

"I am Albus Dumbledore," the older of the two proclaims cheerily then gestures towards Hagrid, "and this here, is Rubeus Hagrid. And you might be?"

The boy scrunches his eyebrows, seemingly mulling over this information, then thumbs back in his direction. "Edward Elric. You have weird accents . . . where are you from?"

Dumbledore and Hagrid both raise their eyebrows. He doesn't know where they are from? Their accents are obvious after all. Then again, Edward did appear here in a strange manner. Still yet, that shouldn't stop him from knowing what a British accent is. Most know of it.

Nevertheless, Dumbledore gives an answer. "England."

Now it's Edward's turn to let his eyebrows shoot up high on his forehead. "Eng . . land?" he mumbles, getting to his feet and looking away and shaking his head.

Something is most definitely off with this boy, but Dumbledore doesn't know what it can be. Perhaps amnesia? That's the only diagnosis that he can come up with for someone not knowing of England's existence. Unless he was raised in a very isolated home where his parents refused him basic knowledge.

Hagrid can only scratch his head in confusion. He doesn't know what to say, nor think.

"I am wondering, how did you get here?" Dumbledore questions gently. Edward starts pacing and knots his eyebrows together. Then, suddenly, he halts all movement, and gives a heavy sigh.

"I . . . don't remember."

Dumbledore strokes his beard. "That's unfortunate, it seems you've lost a bit of your memory," he mumbles, "You are bleeding near your temple, perhaps you received brain trauma? How about we head to the infirmary and have you healed?"

In response, Edward gives him a mistrusting look. Dumbledore smiles. "I'm not going to hurt you, Mr. Elric. I can assure you of that. Hagrid and I just wish to help is all."

The boy contemplates it for a moment - not that either man can blame him, he has just arrived in a decidedly foreign place with no recollection of how he got there, injured and confused. Dumbledore understands his hesitancy. Fortunately, when he does answer, it's positive. "Fine . . ."

"Right this way then, Mr. Elric."

In the Weasley household, also known as The Burrow, Molly is shuffling about the kitchen finishing up breakfast while her husband, Arthur, and four of their seven children, Ginny, Ronald, Fred, and George, sit at the table, awaiting for the order to pull out their wands and set the table, when a vibrant flash of blue causes all of them to jump in surprise - then suddenly there's a loud thud that comes from the table.

Molly is baffled, confused, and wondering what the bloody hell is going on, when the light fades away to reveal a sickeningly thin figure laying on the kitchen table, stark naked, and blond hair splayed across the table beneath him. The family can only stare in shock, more concerned that someone is in such a terrible condition than the fact that someone appeared out of thin air and landed on the kitchen table.

But then, Ginny realizes just what she is staring at and clasps her hands over her face and screeches, running out the room. For some reason, the action snaps everyone out of their daze.

"All his bits are visible!" Fred and George exclaim in unison. Molly rolls her eyes and quickly conjures up a blanket to lay over the boy's lower half.

"What just happened?" Ron mumbles, rubbing at his eyes as if they might have deceived him.

"Get them out of the room," Molly snaps at Arthur, who quickly does as requested, sending the children to their bedrooms. He then returns to Molly's side as they take in the boy's appearance.

"What could have possibly have wound him up in such a horrid condition?" Arthur mutters, shaking his head in disbelief. "It looks as if he hasn't eaten anything in years!"

Molly frowns. "Abuse and neglect most likely! Poor child! He's lucky he ended up here! Much longer of this and he would have died!" She waves her wand over him and begins a strong healing spell.

"How much can ya do for him?" Arthur asks, a concerned gaze lingering on the boy's sunken cheeks then drifting down to his rib-cage where every bone is visible. It physically ails him to see, because he didn't even know people could get that skinny.

"His bones are brittle and his muscles are next to non-existent, but with magic I can stabilize him." she answers without missing a beat. "He will have to stay here until he's better." Arthur gives her a look that she sniffs at. "Look, we might as well be sending him to his death if we take him back to where he came from. They obviously don't care for him! He's just a child for God's sake!"

Arthur grunts in defeat. "Yes, yes, you're right, dear. I'll go work on a few strengthening potions. It should help."

There's only one thought that crosses Ron's mind: what the bloody hell just happened?!

That boy, about his age - a concept he can't seem to grasp in his mind - is unlike any he's ever seen before. Yes, his best friend, Harry, is scrawny, he himself is rather lanky, but they are nowhere near the thinness that the boy downstairs is. It hurt him to even stare at the kid! Every rib, bone, and dip is visible in the poor lad's body!

He had heard what his mum had said about the boy's condition: abuse and neglect. On a level that exceeds even that of what Harry has to go through. The Dursleys may lock Harry up in his room, but at least they feed him. He can't even begin to fathom being in such a situation - and for so long - or any amount of time for that matter. He's been blessed with a loving family and he's never been more grateful.

He is brought from his pondering when a knocking on his door startles him. He looks up mumbles 'come in', before the door cracks open and in pops Ginny's head. He arches a red eyebrow. "Ginny?"

She nods and slips inside, shutting the door behind her. She looks anywhere but at Ron, her cheeks still a vibrant shade of ruby. (Not all that surprising considering she just saw the male anatomy in person for the first time.) "Um, what kind of magic was that? How did he get here?"

Ron blinks. "How am I supposed to know?" He flails his arms about in an exasperated fashion. "I've never witnessed such a spell before! It certainly wasn't your average apparition spell!"

Ginny shivers. "I . . . I don't know what to think."

"Not what you expected?" he teases, earning a glare in return. He slaps his knee and laughs obnoxiously.

"Shut up, you eejit!" she snaps, her entire face turning red with embarrassment. She then huffs and storms out of his bedroom, muttering under her breath.

Ron stays up in his room a little longer, but eventually his curiosity gets the best of him and he takes his leave, being as stealthy as he can be when walking down the stairs - only to pause with wide eyes when he spots his parents huddled around the sofa, the unhealthy boy, now clad in clothes too big, laying there in a deep slumber.

"The strengthening potions?" Molly finally asks, looking up at Arthur expectantly. He nods.

"They're brewin'." he answers. He scratches the back of his head, a skeptical look twisting its way onto his features. "Hopefully he's awake by the time they're done."

Molly's face softens as she returns her attention back to the boy. "I'm just hoping we can do somethin' for 'em, the poor boy . . ."

"Do you think we should contact Dumbledore? Tell him about this?"

Ron certainly thinks so, but he can't say as such, he is eavesdropping after all - an endeavor that his parents have never been overly fond of. He hears George, Fred, and Ginny approach behind him. It's about time. They're just as mischievous as he is.

"Yes, but only after he's in proper condition," Molly says with a huff, "He's just a child - and a defenseless one at that. I don't reckon he'll be much of a threat when he wakens, though my spells will give him the ability to at least walk."

Arthur bobs his head in silent agreement.


That's all for now.

Um, it's definitely a longer prologue than what I intended, but I think it got what I needed to get across. I'm sure you noticed one thing: I'm terrible at writing British accents - probably would be better with a southern accent since I have one (freaking annoying as hell, too). I did try though, adding in words that they seemingly used (tried to look up better phrases and such, but that will come in later).

I hope everyone is in character thus far! Harry, Ron, and Hermione will play a part in this - obviously. But our leads will be Ed and Al. I'm mainly concerned with writing Fred, George, and Arthur - I'm not very good with writing humor, which I've been trying to improve, but I feel more comfortable writing things that fall under the 'serious' category.

Also, this is taking place during The Goblet of Fire in the Harry Potter world.

Please tell me your thoughts and whether or not you think this will be worth continuing!

Until next time!