"Theon said they were fucking." Bran said, his face innocent of his words.

The children and the wolves were all sitting in Bran's chambers, Sansa sewing, Arya petting Nymeria, Robb trying to be the mature adult, Rickon wrestling with Shaggy and Bran sitting demurely on his bed.

"Brandon!" reproached Sansa, her face bright as a tomato.

"What does that mean?" inquired Rickon, confused.

"That's when lords and ladies take off their clothes - " began Arya loudly.

"Lords and ladies do things alone that are nobody else's business," explained Robb curtly, though his face flamed as bright as Sansa's.

Rickon shrugged and went back to wrestling with Shaggydog.

"Why would they want to do that though?" asked Bran, clearly still unsure of what was being explained to him.

"You will understand when you are older. Theon had no right to tell you like that." Said Robb as Arya cackled at her siblings' embarrassment.

"I cannot believe that you just stood there!" she laughed.

"I - " Bran began angrily.

"Arya, stop that." Commanded Sansa, "He knew not what he was observing."

Ned took a deep breath and decided this was as good a moment as any to interrupt. He only hoped the wolves would not attack him as soon as he set foot trough the door. He looked to Cat, who had clearly decided the same thing. She gave him a curt nod.

As they entered, the children abruptly stopped talking and the wolves all rose to their feet. They froze for half a second, before Bran's wolf trotted over and gently licked Ned's hand. The wolf looked back at his brothers and sisters, before turning to stand by Ned's side.

"Well." Began Ned, shocked by the wolf's sudden warmth, "It seems as though we can have this discussion in peace."

"What are we talking about?" asked Rickon, looking around in confusion. His eyes landed on Bran's wolf "Look Father! The wolves trust you now!" he continued excitedly, oblivious to the seriousness that had settled over the room.

"Mayhap the little one is not ready for winter yet." Said Cat gently.

"If he does not stay, we will have to have this talk over again in a few years' time." Ned whispered back.

"So be it." Catelyn sighed. "Rickon, take Shaggy and go to Old Nan. Be good."

Rickon quickly rose and ran out of the room, Shaggy hot on his heels.

"I'm not ready either!" Bran quickly interjected.

Ned smiled at his second son "I am confident that you will understand."

Bran sighed, resigned.

"Might Arya and I have this talk alone with Mother?" asked Sansa.

Ned and Cat exchanged a look.

"No." He said firmly, though he dearly wished he did not have to explain what he was about to explain to his little ladies.

"We will have this talk as a family." Said Catelyn firmly.

Lady padded towards the door and lay down across the entrance, barring the exit in support of their words.

"All right." Said Arya "Just tell us then. I would like to get this over with."

"Well at least we do not have to worry about the wolves any longed." Ned whispered to Cat.

"No, although I suspect we may have some new worries to contend with in the near future." She answered quietly.

They shared a final look and Ned braced himself for the coming discussion.