I'm really sorry it took me so long to update. I have my reasons, but I'll talk about that at the end. Enjoy this chapter first.

When Aoba woke up again it was already morning. He turned of the alarm and turned around in bed for a while. The spot next to him felt warm. Noiz? Or was it his own heat? If it was Noiz's then he hadn't heard him coming home. He sat up and looked at the time. 6 am. Wait that early? He couldn't remember setting the alarm and this was way too early for him. But just when he decided to go back to sleep, he saw Noiz, only wearing a towel, enter the room.

"Noiz, good morning." Aoba said to him.

"Good morning." Noiz walked up to him and give him a quick kiss.

"I didn't know you had come home. You could've woken me."

"I was back late and you looked like you were doing great sleeping." Noiz answered smiling.

"Still," Aoba continued his talk, "it's way too early. Did you set the alarm so early?"

"Early? 6am is normal. It's not like you get to sleep long if you have a leading role in a huge company. Or did you forget we'd go there today?"

Aoba could feel his head turn red. Noiz had said that yesterday didn't he?

"It's not like I care. Just take a shower and come downstairs for breakfast. I'll get you some clothes in the meantime."

Noiz walked around the room gathering clothes from all over the place. Aoba stood up and went to the bathroom (which was probably the only room on the floor he could find without problem). He decided to not use the bath again and tried to shower as quickly as possible.

Breakfast was no eggs today. Instead Aoba found bread, cheese, ham and jam laying on the table. Noiz, who sat at his usual place at the table, seemed to have already finished eating.

"Are you going to eat or not? I planned to be at the company around 8 so we'll take the train of 7.20. You'd better be all done before that." Noiz said.

"The train? You're not going to drive in that fancy car of yours?" Aoba said as he made himself a sandwich.

"Yeah, it's really busy in the city around this time and if we take the train we won't get into any traffic jam. Also I don't like to drive. It's just because my parents told to get a driver's license that I can drive. It's not like I wanted to, so I only take the car when I have no other choice."

"Really? I think it's great to be able to drive anywhere you'd want to. "

"Maybe. To me it just feels as something from my parents so I don't like it. Anyways just eat and get ready. You have 20 minutes before we must go to the station."

"Yes mom." Aoba said as he turned back to his sandwich.

The train was everything but what Aoba had expected. Again, he had never used one. Trains would've been worthless on Midorijima anyways. Here they were anything but that. They were a little bit too useful for the people actually. It surprised Aoba how many people from the little town they lived in, would hop on the train. It was nice that so many people could reach their destination so easy and fast, but for Aoba there were too many people. The whole trip he'd hold on to Noiz's jacket, scared he'd lose him if he didn't. And he nearly lost him when they got out of the train. Engulfed by the tons of people walking to the exit of the station, Aoba had trouble keeping Noiz in sight. Noiz knew this and held Aoba's hand to lead him to the exit safely. When they got out of the station Noiz immediately pointed at one of the screen hanging around.

"See that? That's the reason we don't take the car."

Aoba looked at the screen. Even though the text underneath the images was in German, he knew Noiz meant the traffic jam that was shown. They walked across the streets. As Noiz lead the way Aoba had all the time to look around. There was a large variety of shops, restaurants and supermarkets. Even the people were all different. There were actually more Asians than Germans in Aoba's eyes. At last they stopped in front of a skyscraper. Above the entrance some German words formed the name of the company. The metal letters shined in the sunlight.

"Here it is." Noiz said. Aoba felt his heart skip a beat. This was it. This was the company Noiz's family was running. He had to take this step and so they walked inside together.

Herzlich willkommen. Hier machen wir die Zukunft. Wie kann ich Ihnen hilfen?"

A hologram jumped out of the ground the moment they set a foot inside the building. Aoba took a step back, shocked by the sudden appearance of the hologram woman. Noiz just sighed.

"Wir brauchen sie nicht." He said. The hologram nodded and disappeared again. He let out a sigh again and turned to Aoba.

"Are you coming?"

Aoba nodded. "What was with that hologram. It totally scared me."

"Yeah, I dislike it too. I thought I'd told Gerard to remove it."


"Yeah. He's a guy with a huge love for holograms and stuff like that. He thought it'd be cool to install one that could lead you the way and answer your questions. But to me it looks like some really stupid thing."

"And he won't take it away? I thought people would listen to you. Your pretty much on top of the business right?"

"You'd think. But I guess my parents and brother see no problem and Gerard listens to them, not to me. I don't blame him. They're the real leaders, aren't they?"

They arrived at the elevator. Noiz pressed the button for the 23st floor and the elevator started moving. Aoba felt the pressure on his body return.

Noiz's office was located at the end of long hallway. Which meant they had to walk across the many other hallways on the floor first. Many looks were pointed at Aoba. He understood he was a strange person to them, but this was really making him feel uncomfortable. Couldn't they just focus on their jobs, instead of him. The two weren't even allowed to go straight to the office. Before Aoba knew it, a whole group of people had circled around them, though it seemed he wasn't the one they were after. He heard the name of who he thought was probably Noiz, being called over and over again. The younger kid just sighed and grabbed Aoba's arm. "Listen," he said, "these guys have some questions for me. Can you go to the office alone? I know you're not really good in dealing with all this foreign stuff." Aoba nodded. "Great. My office is at the end of this hallway. I think you'll recognize it immediately." And so they'd parted ways.

Though Noiz's office had an amazing view on the city, it didn't matter to Aoba. He felt too lonely inside this room. Had it really been such a good idea to come here? Sure, it was all strange now, being in a foreign country and all. But this, the busy life Noiz had, it wouldn't change. If anything, it'd only get busier. Was he ready for this? Hadn't he already thought about this? He had made up his mind and now he had to stick to it. He would have to stay, for Noiz.

He walked around in circles for the next couple of minutes. How long it really was, he didn't know. After a while he stopped walking and just stared outside. The people walked in swarms across the crowded roads. The buildings rose up from the ground, sometimes blocking his view. For kilometers the view was filled with houses and then the hills, the green grass, the villages like the one they lived in. His peaceful moment got sort of disturbed by the door of the office opening. Noiz walked inside, looking already exhausted and the day had only just started. He went to stand next to Aoba and put his hand against the glass.

"It looks beautiful, doesn't it? Things like this can make me forget all of those idiots outside this office."

Aoba looked up. "You don't really like your colleagues, do you?"

"It's not like I really dislike them. Sometimes I'd just love to get some rest, but then again.. this is a huge company. I can't expect them to do everything on their own."

"Still they shouldn't put everything on you." Aoba answered.

Noiz laughed. "Really this wasn't much. My parents have a way more busy life and I don't care about it. It's my life now and I'll get used to it. You better do that too."

Aoba nodded. That was what he'd already thought.

The rest of the day, Aoba spend inside the office. Noiz did the same most of the time. He had wanted to show Aoba around a little, but with all the work coming in it just didn't happen. Back in the train home, all Aoba could think of was that if he got a driver's license, they'd never had to be in one of those trains again.

German translations:

Herzlich willkommen. Hier machen wir die Zukunft. Wie kann ich Ihnen hilfen?" = Welcome. Here we make the future. How can I help you?

"Wir brauchen sie nicht." = We don't need you.

Alright as I said before, I really took my time writing this chapter. It's just... I have no inspiration at all. I started this fic with all kinds of ideas, but then Noiz's drama cd got announced. And you know what that means, this fic is becoming more or less useless. And that's jus how it feels to me now. Useless. The drama cd is out now (I'm going to listen too it soon) and it blocks me. It stops me from getting new ideas. I mean, I don't want to write something, which is totally not like the original thing. So maybe I get inspiration again and I can write a chapter again. But until then, I think you can consider this thing dead. I want to focus more on my dmmd x magi crossover, since I won't run into something like a drama cd there. I'm really sorry and I'm really glad you guys wanted to follow this story. It truely made me happy.