A/N: Warning, chapter contains smutt (finally am I right?)
Semi graphic sex scene. Very graphic sex talk (in French). Do not read/translate for the faint of heart. This chapter is a special thank you to everyone who stood by the whole journey and hoped these two would finally get there. Hope yall enjoy ;)

Chapter 35: The Rose's Bloom

The darkness was all around. Engulfing everything, swallowing the world around the mage. He tried to see, but all he could grasp was the over powering blackness. On he walked however, moving without thought or hesitation. Dorian wanted to stop, to turn back. But his body dragged forward, like a drone acting through another's intentions.

He marched, hearing the echoing of his own feet within the dark halls. Listening past the sounds of his own breathing and footsteps, he heard the humming of a distant army. As he pushed forward, the louder the snarls and chants grew. The humming rumbling through his very core. Beyond the darkness, was a reddened light. Like the fires of hell.

Was he dead? Had he passed quietly in his sleep, and now he was trapped in the darkness of the Fade? No, Dorian had always been one with the Fade, and this was not it. It was worse.

Finally the lights grew brighter, and the sound louder. And then he saw it, the darkspawn horde.

The snarling, the gnashing of bloodied teeth, the growling of rotted bellies. Dorian felt a similar growl rumble in his throat. He tried to control it. Suddenly, silence. The beasts all at once went eerie. Dorian stared onwards to the top of the chasm. He waited, feeling his heart race and body sweat, anticipation building in the cavern as all the creatures waited for something. Something Dorian dreaded.

And there it was, the Archdemon. The beast's wings echoed throughout the cavern, shaking the walls. It was bigger than last time, Dorian could swear. It flew overhead, hovering over the horde, feeding them with its powerful magic. The mage could feel it, like raw Lyrium injected straight into his veins. Flowing through his blood with each beat of his anxious heart. His pace was so quick he worried he would feint, like the first time he felt the Archdemon's influence that faithful night at Ostagar…

But then, the beast laded. Dorian starred up wide eyed, the others in the cavern still eerily still waiting with anticipation as their master had chosen its general. The beast looked down to Dorian, it was a big dragon, was all he could truly focus enough to think.

The Archdemon lowered its head, and was face to face with Dorian. Its large black eyes, starred into Dorian's soul. It snarled.

That was the last Dorian could recall of his nightmare as he sat up, sweat pouring from his forehead. His chest heaving with each exasperated breath. Heart pounding in his ears. He blinked back, trying to see in the darkness of his tent.

He wiped his face, feeling the clammy wetness cooling his burning skin. Dorian was more than over the gruesome visions that plagued his sleep, he only hoped he hasn't screamed out once more. Sighing heavily, he reached over to grab his night shirt and redressed. Maybe some air would do him some good, before settling in once more for the night.

Spirit who had been watching his masters restless sleep jumped up to ensure his master was safe. Dorian patted his large head, he was grateful for his trusted companion who was always close by his side.

Stepping from his tent, he noticed a small bowl was left for him in the doorway. Someone had been kind enough to leave his dinner out for him, clearly not wanting to wake Dorian from his deep slumber. Looking over, he noticed the embers of the fire had been extinguished and all the others had retired for the night. He sighed, he had over slept and surely missed his shift. He looked down to spirit who whimpered, Spirit probably felt as bad he hadn't gone to help the others keep watch as well.

Walking over to the clearing he spotted Alistair swinging his sword around, rather clumsily. Dorian observed him closer, Alistair was attempting to mimic the movements Dorian himself exhibited while fighting. Fluid movements, with both sword and staff, using agility and precision rather than strength. The stone Giant stood close by, watching both the clearing and the young man attempt to be light on his feet. Shale turned to the mage, shrugging.

"What are you doing?"

Alistair jumped, dropping his sword. Dorian chuckled, Alistair would have made a terrible rogue or even Templar. He sometimes wondered whether standing guard was scary for the gentle soul, and that was why he stayed close to Shale. Dorian was never afraid of the dark, but Alistair had mentioned many nights the darkness frightened him. Reminded him too much of the deep roads.

"Practicing," Alistair chuckled nervously grabbing his sword. "You scared me half to death."

"Sorry about that. What are you practicing for exactly, dance school? I never pegged you as someone with aspirations for being an assassin. I should have told Zevran to teach you."

"No, no, nothing so fanciful," the Warden chuckled, taking a seat by Shale. "I got bored, and Shale and I were talking about the trials at the Temple of Ashes."

"What about them?" Dorian leaned against a tree.

"Well, I got thinking about how the other versions of us knew how to fight. And for a while it looked hopeless-"

"I said to It that maybe if all squishies didn't act so predictable, then this fight wouldn't have taken everyone by surprise."

"I agreed," Alistair nodded. "So I thought, maybe we should spice up our fighting style. You know, adapt and advance. Especially with the Blight so close…"

Alistair shivered. Dorian nodded, both Warden's had been having rough nights as of late.

"It's close," the mage sighed looking ahead. "I dreamt once more of the Archdemon."

"I could tell… When Leliana went to give you your dinner, she mentioned you were speaking in your sleep once again. I told her not to disturb you, and I'd work your shift tonight."

"I'm happy to take over-"

"No, no," Alistair shook his head. "I'm more than happy. Sten won't be long now, and I was happy to get some fresh air… And, to tell you the truth… I had the same dream…"

For a moment the two Wardens stared out into the distance. Watching as the darkness of the forest took over everything. Hard to see beyond, much like the nightmare. Dorian shuddered, Alistair did the same.

"I got the feeling," he continued. "At the end, there, that it saw us… Was aware of us. Whatever you want to call it. It could have just been my imagination, I suppose… But, what do you think?"

"I think we need to be extra careful…" Dorian sighed. "We're close to Orzammar, the Deep Roads could be directly underneath us. Who is to say the blighted beast can't sense us?"

"Even miles under the surface? What a scary thought." Alistair shook his head. "I thought we were already being extra careful. Does that mean we have to be extra, extra careful now? Greaaaat. And here I was enjoying my naps."

"I'm used to unpleasant dreams… but I do agree, this is getting ridiculous." Dorian sighed.

"Guess one thing is certain, isn't it?" Alistair stood up, holding his sword tightly. "It's official. This is a Blight…"

Dorian nodded. He'd been saying for months now, and so had Alistair, that this was a Blight. They lectured and badgered hoping to build an army, spreading the word of warning they had been told from Duncan. But, they had only been messengers. Much like those that spread the lies of Loghain, they had little proof for themselves what they said was the truth.

But now, it was certain. They had looked into the eyes of the beast on many nights and felt its presence beneath the earth. The Wardens were more than aware of its existence, and now it was evident from his dreams the Archdemon was more than alert of them. It was more than he could handle, for one night anyway. Spirit whimpered.

"Well, I appreciate you letting me get a few hours rest." Dorian smiled. "I'll let you get back to practicing."

"Cheers, try and get some more sleep. You've been looking old lately."

"Gee, thanks." Dorian chuckled. "Oh, by the way, given how big you are I'd say a spear would be more effective than my type of swordplay."

"What… what do you mean?" Alistair scratched his chin. "As in twirl a spear instead of my sword?"

"Might be easier." Dorian shrugged. "You don't have my lean build, so you move to slowly. A spear gives you mobility as well as a way to keep people at a distance. So if you can't move quickly, stab!"

"Wow, you spend way too much time with Leliana." Alistair burst into laughter. "You and little Princess Stabbity Stab Stab, scare the crap out of me sometimes."

With that Dorian waved his friend goodbye and retired back to his tent. Spirit opted to remain by Alistair's side and stand guard. He grabbed his bowl of meat and pasta. Cold, he sighed. He wished he hadn't been so tired and could have eaten sooner. Not wanting to disturb the others slumber, Dorian gathered a few small sticks. Lighting them on fire with a wave of his hand, he placed his bowl onto the embers. It wasn't long before the air was filled with the smell of his dinner. He began eating, while taking notes in his journal. He noticed the thick pages were coming to an end. Dorian couldn't help but wonder if there were enough pages to last the journey.

"Can't sleep my love?"

Dorian turned his head, smiling up to the beautiful woman who stood in her nightgown. Her night cloak wrapped tightly around her body, but her legs were still bare. Dorian blushed, causing Leliana to grin slightly.

"Nah, I think my body had enough rest." He lied lazily. "I hope I didn't wake you with my fire?"

"No, more your restless sleep." Leliana looked away slightly. "I heard you weren't sleeping well, so I wanted to check on you."

"You're too kind, and I'm sorry I woke you." He sighed. "I did hope moving my tent away would limit the noise… evidently not…"

"It's nothing to apologise for."

Leliana came to sit beside Dorian at the small fire, but before she could the mage jumped up and ran into his tent. Leliana starred puzzled for a moment, but all at once Dorian reappeared with two blankets. The bard smiled as he placed one on the ground for her to sit on and wrapped the other around her arms for warmth. She kissed his cheek. He smiled, finishing off the last of his dinner and placing the empty bowl on the snow.

"Have I told you recently that I love you?"

"Yes," he leaned into her, wrapping his arm around and pulling Leliana close. "But it's always nice to be reminded. The feeling is mutual."

"I can tell," she giggled, nuzzling into her love. "You're so warm… the nights are so cold, Winter has certainly arrived in full force."

"It does seem to have a snap to the air, most nights." He nodded, starring into the embers. "Even I can feel it. The more we climb the Frostback Mountains the colder the air feels."

"If you can feel the cold, then you can only imagine what the rest of us endure." Leliana giggled burrowing her face deeper into Dorian's chest. "It feels so nice being so close to you."

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, then kissing the bare skin. Leliana visibly shivered.

"Are you still cold?"

"No, your fingers are very toasty." She giggled. "My face was feeling the harsh air, it was a pleasant contrast."

"Hmm, maybe this weather has its uses after all." He smirked.

Leliana sat up, starring cheekily into his eyes. The sparkle her eyes held gave Dorian butterflies, but he couldn't help but mirror the same look. The thoughts that teased the mages mind caused his cheeks to burn. It was nice though, being secluded in their own private camp. It felt as if even for just one moment, they were the last two people in all of Thedas.

"Leliana…" he breathed out. "You know I love you, more than words could even express."

"I do know this." She giggled, looking away coyly with a twinkle still in her eye.

"You're my everything," he gently lifted her chin up. "Before I met you, I never knew it was possible to be so happy. Even despite all we face in our travels, each night I feel rested knowing in the morning I can greet the day with you by my side."

"Dorian…" she held the hand on her face, squeezing slightly.

"Before I left Kinloch Hold, I didn't know what the world had in store for me. I was certain I would have died, long before this day. Who knows, I may still die yet before this Blight is over… But I'm not scared… You've shown me a strength I've only read about, and given me faith in something bigger than myself."

"I feel the same." She smiled.

"I remember when you told me, back at that Tavern so long ago… that you felt the Maker had sent you. I won't lie, I thought you were a bit batty." Leliana laughed. "I thought, maybe demons whispered in your ears. Tempting you in your sleep, like they do with me. But when you told me about the rose, seeing with your own eyes something beautiful come from something horrid… it struck a chord with me."

Dorian paused, turning to his side and grabbing his notebook. He shuffled through the pages, back at the start of the very large and full diary. Finally he found it, a page not far from the front cover. He held the page up to Leliana, her eyes grew wide. It was a drawing of a knotted and twisted bramble of a bush. But there, sure enough, growing in the center was a rose. Leliana looked up to Dorian, mouth agape slightly.

"I didn't say anything back then, because I didn't know what it all meant. I didn't believe in the Maker, not as someone who created beauty and love… But I remember, Alistair found the rose. He said to me 'such a beautiful thing, growing amongst such fear and chaos'. I wanted to pluck it, but I hadn't the heart to spoil what little beauty there was, so instead I drew it later when I had a moment… when the words you spoke of your vision danced in my mind…"

Leliana placed an unbelieving hand on the page. She smiled at the accurate drawing, clearly feeling as if she was back at the Cloister. A little younger, and a whole lot different to who she was on this very day. Much like Dorian himself.

"I don't know what the Maker has in store for me, or for us… But I do know by some chance I made it to Lothering, and through some amazing miracle I met my reason to keep surviving in this scary and confusing world."

Leliana blinked back tiny tears, leaping into her loves embrace and kissing him passionately. Dorian dropped his book, freeing his hands to pull Leliana as close as possible. She felt cool against his warm embrace. He wanted to pull her closer, closer than possible. Words were not enough, nothing could vocalise how close he wanted to be to his love in that moment. He felt his heart would burst if she was to leave him, to move away would make him feel lonelier than a lifetime locked in the Circle Tower. Eventually, they pulled apart slightly, both short of breath.

They looked to one and other and laughed, leaning their heads together.

"I always told you," Leliana chuckled. "The Maker, he works in mysterious ways."

"You know me, I'm stubborn. I have to come to my own conclusions."

"What made you recall such a memory, from so long ago?" Leliana raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"I was thinking back, back to when we first met." Dorian shrugged. "It seems too long ago now, but I still recall how nervous you made me feel even in that moment at the Tavern. You were a force to be reckoned with, and it captivated me."

"When I met you I thought you didn't like me." Leliana shook her head supressing laughter. "You used to look at me like I was an annoying gnat, buzzing around your ear."

"Er, did I?" Dorian rubbed his neck. "I was a rude man, I wasn't used to being around someone so talkative."

"I did gather that." Leliana bopped his nose. "My shy little mage, who was always so grumpy. Now you're just sometimes grumpy and only shy when I bat my eyelashes."

"Hey, I'm not grumpy." He huffed. "And I do not go shy, not anymore anyway."

"Oh no?" she purred. "Not even when I try my very hardest to make you blush? When I creep every so close, so close I almost touch…"

She leaned dangerously close to Dorian, hands on either side of his knees. He eyed her up, mouth feeling dry, blinking.

"Mmm, I thought so." She kissed his neck slightly.

"Wicked woman." He breathed out in a rasp. "Wicked, wicked woman."

"I try to be." Leliana winked, smiling. "But, I hope you know… you have changed my life as well. For the better.

Leliana hugged into herself, smiling over the fires. Dorian watched her, thinking she was honestly the most beautiful woman in the world. But he saw it, a glimmer in her eyes of fear. That sad look she sometimes had in moments of vulnerability. A look he remembered Alistair mentioned back when they barely knew her. It was a look Dorian knew all too well, one he'd guarded her from for so long. Leliana and Dorian had lived one side each of the same coin, both outcome lead to a sad life. Until, they found each other.

"It has been some time since I left Lothering… talking about it makes it feel like a lifetime ago." Leliana sighed watching the embers. "When I stepped out of the cloister, I had no idea where my path would lead. I walked where the Maker led me…. And, he has rewarded me for my faith."

"How so?" Dorian tilted his head.

"I found you," Leliana beamed looking to Dorian with stars in her eyes. "I met someone I never dreamed I would find in Lothering, of all places. The place I had lived so many years in blissful ignorance of what could be beyond that villages boarders."

"So… the Maker is some divine matchmaker it would seem?" Dorian chuckled. "But, you know I feel the same way about you."

"Something like that." Leliana smirked. "The Maker wants his children to be happy, would he have created in us the capacity for love if he did not intend for us to find it?"

"Love?" Dorian raised his eyebrow cheekily. "You think the Maker sent us to Lothering to find love?"

"Yes, to find love." Leliana beamed. "That gloriously rich and decadent emotion that one finds oneself hopelessly stuck in."

"So, like mud?" Dorian chuckled playfully.

"Yes, like mud." Leliana shoved him slightly. "Or rather, much like caramel pudding."

"Mmm pudding." Dorian licked his lips. "I do love pudding… but… have you found yourself stuck in caramel pudding before?"

"Well," Leliana leaned closer, rubbing her thumb along Dorian's freshly licked lips. "You know Orlesian's and their curious entertainments. It's much nicer than mud. Oh, I have tales of pudding that you would not believe."

"Um… I could only imagine." Dorian talked through pressed lips, feeling Leliana's touch as he did so. "I guess Orlesian's know how to have a fun time."

"Mmm, that we do. Perhaps we could retire to your tent, and I could regale you?"

Leliana leaned very close to Dorian, one hand still resting on his bottom lip slowly tracing down to his jawline. The other was placed on his knee, moving slightly upwards. Dorian was too distracted by both to notice the offer Leliana made. He couldn't imagine why Leliana wanted to continue a conversation in a tent, especially while they were comfortable where they were.

"W-well… I did still have to recount the day's events in my journal…"

"Oh?" Leliana sat slightly stunned. "I didn't realise you wrote in your note book so regularly. And here I thought it was a poetry and art book. You said you weren't worried about sharing your tales with the world, why so determined to recount the day?"

"It-it's still good to keep track." Dorian stuttered. "Even if it's for my own benefit."

"Well," Leliana sighed, smirk touching her lips. "Maybe you could bring it inside with you, and I could watch you write. Or you could draw me? Maybe I could even help give you suggestions?"

"Suggestions?" Dorian raised his eyebrows as Leliana placed both arms around his shoulders, hands tracing the bare skin on the back of his neck.

"Dear journal," she began with dramatic flair. "Leliana has shown much affection for me, even asked me to come to bed with her." Her hands ran under Dorian's shirt. "But alas, subtlety is lost on me."

"Wait…what…" Dorian's mouth hung open.

"Now that's a flattering look." Leliana chuckled removing her hands and leaning away from the stunned mage. Slowly she removed the blanket from around her, then her cloak. Dorian starred at her bare shoulders for a moment.

"You-you want me to go to bed with you?" Dorian stuttered. "And… not to sleep?"

"Oh now he gets it," Leliana threw her arms up dramatically. "No my love, sleeping is not what I had in mind."

Dorian sat for a moment, thinking it over. It's something they've both been wanting, for quite some time. Every time they tried before this moment, things hadn't worked out quite so well. But, since Dorian had started thinking about the future and not being so wrapped up in the maybes and endless possibilities, his life has been a lot better. Maybe this time things would be different. He had been working on precautions to prepare himself for the moment they did go all the way.

Why is that a nerve wracking thought?

"I-I don't think I could turn down such a proposition…" he eventually smiled, crooked and nervous as he was.

Leliana paused, studying the mage. Clearly his reaction had given her reason to second guess. The obvious change from confident to scared hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Dorian, are you sure?" she spoke understandingly. "If you aren't certain, I don't want to force anything. Only if you are comfortable-"

"No, no I am sure!" Dorian jumped up slightly, leaning close to the now startled woman. "I-I won't lie I am nervous… and slightly terrified, but it's not a bad thing! I'm just… inexperienced..."

"It's understandable to be nervous my love." Leliana softened, taking his hands. "It's something new and it can be scary. But you know I love you with my all, and I will be there all the way."

"Well, one would assume." He joked awkwardly. Leliana rolled her eyes laughing slightly. "I just… I worry I won't…"

"Don't worry about any of that." She kissed his nose. "So long as you are comfortable, and you are certain."

"I am." He nodded, smiling to her. "It's something I've been wanting for so long, and I shouldn't have wasted so much time."

"I knew you'd come round eventually," Leliana giggled. "But, good things come to those who wait, no? And I was always more than happy to wait until you were ready."

"That's what they say." Dorian breathed out a nervous laugh.

"I'm sure our wait will be worthwhile." She gently pulled his face to hers.

She kissed him, very gently. Their lips barely touched, it pulled Dorian back to that night so long ago by the fireplace. His first kiss. Leliana had been so tentative, even though he could tell she wanted to kiss him hard. She let him take as much time as he needed, allowing him to go at the pace he was most comfortable and ready with. His heart fluttered at the familiar touch, but his stomach knotted.

Part of him worried. Worried something could go wrong, but also worried he wouldn't be good enough for her. But the way Leliana touched him, kissed him, looked at him…

Dorian pulled her closer, lifting Leliana to sit on top of his lap. The blanket fell from him, and for a brief moment Leliana shivered in the breeze. He wrapped his arms around her, hands pulling her closer and deepening his kiss. Leliana sighed into his arms, hands resting on his beating chest. He shivered as her hands eventually snaked under his shirt to rest on bare skin.

Her tongue flicked playfully against Dorian's, resulting in the mages fingers to tighten against Leliana. He felt her grin against his lips. She knew how she effected the mage, and was enjoying it a little too much. Dorian's hands slowly tickled down Leliana's back, fingers dancing gracefully down her spine until they reached her behind. He squeezed it ever so slightly, resulting in another smirk from Leliana as her kissing slowed.

Dorian shivered as his hands felt the bare skin of Leliana's rear, covered only by her undergarments. Soft and silky to the touch. Leliana could tell Dorian's mind was elsewhere, taking this opportunity to move her hands lower and trace the outline of his stomach and abs. Her fingers followed the thin trail of hair down to the boarder of his pants, toying with the cloth playfully. Dorian could feel her fingers touch just below the fabric, and he for a moment he lost himself.

He hadn't realised they'd stopped kissing, his mind focussed solely on where those cool fingers were playing.

Dorian's eyes were closed, his lip biting the corner of his mouth slightly as his breathing was quite heavy. Leliana watched the man before her with curious eyes, biting her lip ever so slightly as well. Slowly fingers ran under the seam of his pants to follow where the trail of tiny raven hair led. Dorian gradually opened his eyes, and noticed Leliana watching him playfully. She smiled, he grinned through anticipation.

"You're toying with me." He finally breathed out, feeling Leliana's hands go above the pants once more.

"Trying to anyway." She giggled. "No reason to go so fast is there?"

Dorian squeezed Leliana's rump once more, resulting in the woman to gasp with enjoyment and lean up to kiss the mage again. Dorian sighed into her mouth, feeling her hands finally trail down to find their mark.

"Do you want me to touch you?" she purred against his mouth.

Dorian nodded, their lips met once more.

He felt himself turn to stone the moment her hands touched him. He froze, not with fear but with a feeling he'd never felt before. Not since he was a young boy discovering his body for the first time, anyway. But no, this was different. A thousand times better. He felt Leliana hold him in her hands, gently squeezing and moving ever so slightly. He swallowed hard, feeling Leliana slow down their kiss, analysing his reactions cautiously. Dorian squeezed her ass once more, resulting in a squeeze from Leliana.

He felt his hands burn slightly, snapping himself back to reality without a second thought he planted his palms firmly in the snow beside them. Leliana giggled as she continued to kiss her flustered mage. Dorian tried to cool himself down, but Leliana was not helping matters. Her gentle grip had hardened causing Dorian to harden as well. He growled slightly against the corner of Leliana's lips.

"What's wrong, my love?" she purred in his ear.

"You're very distracting." He breathed, feeling her hands quicken slightly, resulting in a gasp. "I am trying to keep my cool, you know."

"Shh, I'd rather you just sit back and enjoy yourself."

Dorian moaned a response as Leliana's cool fingers worked their own magic. But a thought came to him.

"Um…" he breathed. "What about you?"

"What about me?" she raised an eyebrow.

Dorian looked to her shyly, he bit the corner of his lip unsure how to ask. Even with Leliana's hands in the mages pants, it hadn't given him the confidence to do the same to Leliana. He worried he could overstep some invisible line. Leliana studied his face.

With her free hand, she pulled his from the now melted snow up to her body. Her skin prickled at the cool touch, she placed both on her bare chest above her breasts. Dorian's eyes followed where his hands now were. He chewed his lip looking just below them, to the perfectly pink skin of Leliana's breast. He felt himself harden under her touch once more. Leliana smirked.

"Do you want to touch me?" Leliana asked, watching her love with anticipation.

"Do-do you want me to?" he stuttered, feeling his heart race.

Leliana nodded, biting the corner of her lip playfully. Dorian hesitantly ran a thumb under the strap over her nightgown. The smooth of her skin prickly under his cold touch. She shivered, moving closer to her beloved's warm body, but far enough so Dorian could see what he was doing. He tried to remain focused, but was very easily distracted by the hand currently in his pants. Almost sensing his struggle, Leliana slowed her pace to a near standstill.

Dorian ran his fingers carefully down Leliana's dress, finally meeting with the skin of her breast. He cupped it cautiously, afraid it would break under his touch. Leliana's hand entwined over his, guiding the restrained man and ensuring he didn't need to be so fragile. He kneaded and squeezed Leliana's exposed breast ever so slightly, her hands squeezing on both his hand and his member. Both Dorian and Leliana moaned slightly at the shared exchange. He felt her nipple stiffen under his palm, he moved to pinch it slightly. Leliana hissed with pleasure at the cold sensation, Dorian watched her cautiously but she pulled him in for a kiss.

She allowed him a few moments to enjoy her breasts, squeezing and rubbing them as she did the same gestures on Dorian. Eventually he gained enough confidence to remove his hands from her dress and trail down over her stomach. How he wished to remove the clothes that distanced his hands, but he didn't want Leliana to freeze. Once again, Leliana's free hand came up to guide the unsure mage on his journey.

She pulled his hand under her nightgown, placing the tips of his fingers over her frilly undergarment. The silk felt cool to the touch, and both mage and bard shivered as they toyed with the lining just as Leliana had done so previously on the mages pants. Dorian cautiously ran his fingers along the inside of Leliana's thighs, feeling beyond pleasured at the smooth sensation. Leliana shivered against his lips, reassuring him to keep going.

He paused, one finger snaked under the lining of the panties beside her thigh. Leliana seemed to whimper as he hesitated. Finally he moved his hand under to gently place on Leliana's middle.

She gasped, as a finger began to explore very carefully under her garments. The hand in Dorian's pants paused, as the one in her own carefully tickled around the sensitive skin. Dorian watched as Leliana leaned back slightly, eyes closed, allowing her mage to take his time. He was beyond fascinated with everything he felt, feeling Leliana's pleasure mirror his own.

He noticed Leliana's hand tentatively lift out of his own pants to guide the hand in hers. Her free hand tugging at Dorian's hair slightly. He grinned as Leliana placed one of his fingers inside of her so gently, and his thumb just above. He pressed down a little with his thumb unintentionally, resulting in a gasp.

"S-Sorry," his eyes went wide. "Did I hurt you?"

"Hmm?" she opened her eyes, still chewing her lip. "No, no, nothing like that. Trust me, you're doing fine."

Dorian studied Leliana, feeling reassured he hadn't hurt her. He rubbed his thumb gently along the spot she'd placed it on. The one finger still inside, frozen unsurely. He moved his thumb in different directions, taking extra notice which movements Leliana seemed to enjoy the most. He mirrored Leliana's previous attentiveness to his own pleasure, ensuring she felt just as good as he had.

Eventually, he found a circular motion to be the most effective. Leliana breathed out heavily as he rubbed her sensitive middle over and over. Dorian felt his mouth water, watching Leliana moan very quietly at the touch. With the finger still inside, he curled it upwards faintly. Leliana gasped loudly with pleasure, pulling at her mage, almost pulling him on top of her.

Woah… that was… that was hot…

A rather curious and naughty thought crept into his mind.

Leliana blinked back at her now beyond grinning lover. Dorian looked down at her, eyes glistening. She blushed. Once again she felt his finger curl inside her. She moaned, biting her lip in an attempt to keep the sound somewhat civil.

Maker, it's been a while. That feels incredible.

Dorian's thumb continued to circle and circle, like a bird of prey scoping out its victim. Leliana felt herself crumble beneath his hungry touch. He wasn't the most experienced lover, but his touch was tender and loving. She could tell he was enjoying himself as much as Leliana was. As much as Leliana had enjoyed pleasuring her own love and watching the desire in his eyes. She wanted to feel him once more, especially while he was inside her.

Pulling her hand from his busy one, she grabbed at the seam of his pants. Attempting to creep underneath. But as she did so, Dorian's long middle finger slipped inside. She gasped, yanking his pants in suppressed enjoyment. He grinned.

She tried once more to move under his pants, he curled his longer finger. Resulting in another cascade of pleasured moans. She whimpered, trying once more to touch her beloved. Dorian removed his extra hand from her thigh to come up and lay her down gently on the blanket. She felt the cool of the snow underneath tickle her slightly. She looked up to her love, wondering what she did to get so lucky. His eyes mirrored her own, they sparkled in the flickering fire. He grinned down at her, eyes wide with wonder and excitement. He looked so innocent, and yet so sensual. Surrounded by the starry night, he looked like an angel basked in the Maker's glow.

She snapped back to the feeling in her pants, his fingers wiggled slightly as the thumb on her middle continued to move. She felt herself get excited, wetting her rather nice undergarments as well as his palm. She chewed her lip, they had been bought for this occasion but not that it really mattered since his eyes were firmly on Leliana's. She looked away embarrassed, blushing as she tried once more to grab under his pants.

"Everything okay?" he questioned.

Maker I adore this man.

"Perfect," she breathed out dreamily. "Except you're making my job rather tricky."

Dorian leaned down, pressing his body against hers slightly. Putting more pressure on the hand cupping her now wet and excited self. The palm of his hand pressed down on her sensitive button, the thumb still circling with a bit more force. She felt her legs shake. She found herself tighten around his fingers. He kissed her hard, passionately. She moaned into his mouth. Maker, she'd waited so many sleepless nights for this. She tried to grab him again, he held her hand gently.

He pulled away slightly, watching her struggle frustratingly under his hold. She looked to him, pouting her lips. He smiled that same crooked grin that melted her heart so long ago.

"I've always loved kissing you. Ever since our first time." He smiled. "That night was the best night of my life. And I feel this is coming a close second."

"Only second?" she huffed, his finger curled in her once more. "I'd say this is winning."

"Well," he purred. "That night I kissed you. Maybe I could kiss you someone else this night? That might make it better."

What is he talking about…

Leliana's eyes closed for a brief moment as Dorian's fingers tickled her insides. He removed his fingers, and replaced his thumb with their now wet tips. Leliana bit her lip, feeling the wetness make it all the more enjoyable. Dorian, was a very quick learner.

"Would… would you be okay," he stuttered. "If I kissed you?"

"I've always been okay with your kissing." Leliana moaned.

"Noooo, I meant." His fingers twirled. "Down there."

Leliana's eyes shot open, lip still firmly being bitten. Dorian looked unsure, but still very eager. She studied the man, was he as naive and innocent as he lead on? Dorian seemed to realise her question and curiosity, he chuckled.

"Remember that book I stole from Irving?"

Leliana slapped a hand to her mouth to suppress the laughter. Dorian chuckled slightly as well. Of course, he would have read it from a bloody book. That was so perfectly Dorian.

"I'm guessing that… particular act stood out to you?" she eventually answered.

"Yes," he chewed his lip. "Most definitely. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought of it once or twice."

"Oh?" Leliana raised an eyebrow. "Did anyone come to mind when you had this thought?"

Dorian blushed and averted his eyes. Leliana giggled, even with a hand currently resting on her now wet privates he still found the time to be easily embarrassed. She pulled his face into a kiss. Her tongue dancing in his mouth, she bit his lip slightly.

"I'd love for you to fulfil your fantasy," she moaned in his ear. "Embrasse-moi là."

"Oui madame." Dorian growled seductively.

He kissed her ear, tracing along down to her jawline. All the while Leliana felt his fingers continue to work their magic on her. She breathed excitedly, feeling his warm lips follow along down to her collarbone.

Dorian stopped momentarily, nibbling along and sucking on the bottom of her neck. She pulled at his back. Finally his kissing continued, pulling Leliana's nightgown down to kiss, nibble and caress her erect nipples. She felt herself tremble below at the pleasurable sensation.

"Merde." She groaned.

He continued onwards, playfully tugging on Leliana's nightgown with his teeth.

Why the fade are we still clothed? Oh right outside, maybe I should suggest-

And finally he found his destination. Leliana gasped out in pleasure. She looked down, but only saw her nightgown over Dorian's head. He continued to kiss around his fingers, other hand pulling off her increasingly annoying and no doubt ruined garments. She moaned out in pleasure as she felt a warm tongue glide along her silky parts.

Toes curled as she felt the already wet fingers once more enter inside. She bit her lip, hard, harder than was necessary. Her hands clawed into Dorian's shirt, possibly ripping it. She didn't care. Maker, that felt like heaven.

His learning tongue explored for a bit, large licks unsure what was the best method to try. Leliana was enjoying Dorian's learning experience, not once did she want to interrupt. His fingers curled inside slightly, as his tongue flicked her sensitive spot. He mimicked the same gesture she knew drove Dorian mad while they kissed.

"Oh mon faiseur…" she breathed out in a whimper.

His tongue flicked again. And once again.

"Doux Andraste!" she near shouted.

Over and over his tongue flicked and fingers curled in and out. Leliana felt herself tighten around his fingers. She felt her toes curl once more and legs tense. Her stomach tensed as well, she felt herself loose grip over the situation. Her hands grabbed at Dorian's ears, pulled at his hair. This seemed to encourage him, but he wouldn't move as fast as she wanted. Needed. Maker, she needed him to hurry the fuck up.

"Dorian s'il vous plaît, plus vite, me lécher plus vite!"

She pulled harder, Dorian got all the encouragement he needed. His tongue flicked round and round her sensitive middle, up and down. Occasionally he sucked, causing Leliana to pull him tighter. She felt herself beyond tight now. Like a coiled spring it was only a matter of time before…

"Oui baise!" Leliana cried out. "Dorian!"

She felt herself rise up, gasping. A white light gathered before her, and she thought for a moment she heard angels sing. It had been so long since Leliana had been touched, and Maker that was a lot of years of repressed urges. She felt herself coming down, after her sweet delightful release. She eventually let her body lower down onto the now ruffled blanket.

Leliana heavily breathed out a pleasured sigh, she turned to look at the fires dying embers. She felt a wet kiss on her chest, followed by a tickling feeling of hair resting on her beating heart. She looked down. Dorian watched the fire with her, looking up he met her lazy gaze. She grinned, he did the same, with a slightly wet chin. Leliana blushed.

"Was… was that okay?" he asked unsurely. "I didn't… I didn't hurt you did I?"

"What?" she almost coughed. "No, you didn't hurt me."

"I thought I bit you." He chewed his lip. "You screamed so I pulled away, but you kinda… shoved me back…"

"Maker," Leliana averted her eyes, blushing. "That's because I was enjoying myself a little too much."

"I could tell, secretly." He giggled. "Such profanity from such a fine ladies mouth. My, my, the blush on my cheeks from all that cursing. We're just lucky I'm the only one at camp who speaks Orlesian as well."

Leliana chewed her lip, she had gotten a little loud there. Screw it, deal with the judging and jokes come morning. Right now, she had other delicious thoughts in mind.

Dorian looked up to Leliana, unsure what thought had just crossed the bard's mind. He raised an eyebrow. She leaned up to rest on her elbows, Dorian was now crouching on all fours. Leliana grinned at the sight.

"It's come to my attention we are both wearing way too much clothes." She grabbed at his shirt, pulling it over his head. "I wish to rectify this."

Dorian chuckled as his lover practically clawed at his clothes. Once the shirt was gone, she tossed it aside carelessly, pulling Dorian on top of her for another deep kiss. He smiled into her lips, she rubbed a thumb along the bottom wiping away the sweet wetness from his earlier escapades.

He felt himself twitch at the thought of that wonderful experience, pants feeling uncomfortable with each passing moment.

"I can taste myself on you," Leliana moaned in his ear. "Did I taste nice?"

"Holy Maker woman…" Dorian huffed a grunt. "Better than caramel pudding."

She giggled, hands clawing down his back. Dorian hissed, feeling the cool against his hot skin. He wanted to taste more, to feel more. His insides burned with a lustful desire.

"If we're removing clothes," Dorian nibbled on Leliana's neck. "I say we start with yours."

He pressed against the annoying fabric acting as a barricade between them. Leliana nodded approvingly, but as Dorian began to pull at the dress her hand stopped him.

"I think we've given the stars enough of a show." Leliana breathed out. "Perhaps the tent will be more appropriate."

Dorian stopped, blushing. He'd forgotten they were out in the open, he looked around hoping to Maker no one saw what they were getting up to. Leliana smirked, if she felt a similar nervousness she didn't show it well. Dorian jumped up, grabbing the extra blanket to wrap around Leliana to keep her warm. She smiled walking ahead of the shirtless mage.

"Now, come with me before I lose my patience." She winked.

Dorian watched after her as she entered his tent. The door was agape, he spied Leliana drop the blanket, followed by her dress. She casted a look over her shoulder, and Dorian felt himself swallow hard. She shimmied out of her undergarments and tossed them on the tents floor. He could barely see in the darkness of the tent, but what little light reflecting off the dying fire was enough to see utter perfection.

That beautiful skin, just as lovely as the night he first saw her standing there. Naked, fire dancing on her pink flesh. He had intruded, and the sight was not for him. But this time, it was all for him.

He quickly yanked his boots off and rushed into the tent, closing the tents door behind him. For a moment they both stood there in the darkness. Dorian's bare chest pressed barely against Leliana's naked form. She moved slightly, hips swaying, rubbing her naked behind against the uncomfortable bulge in Dorian's pants. He breathed out a huff, feeling his body shiver. Her back touching his bare chest, he felt so warm and she felt so soft.

He clicked his fingers a few times. Leliana froze.

"What are you doing?"

Eventually a small yellow light emerged from Dorian's fingertips, lighting the tent in a gentle hue of orange. The light hovered for a moment, and Dorian blew it to the other side. Leliana remained frozen.

"I want to see you." He breathed, placing a hand on the smooth of her shoulder. "I've dreamt so many nights for this, and I want to see my dreams come true."

His hand trailed along her naked form, Leliana softened at the touch. He leaned down to place a loving kiss on her shoulder. Leliana turned slowly, taking a moment to appreciate Dorian's bare chest in the gentle light. Dorian did the same, he felt his heart skip a beat as he looked down into her piercing icy blue eyes, then he took in the form before her.

Leliana stood, her chest heaving gently with each hesitant breath. Dorian's hands on her shoulders traced down her collarbone, past the necklace he'd given her so long ago. They came to stroke her soft and full breasts, even in this light they looked so soft and silky smooth to the touch. Her skin prickled under his fingers. His hands traced down to her belly, feeling the small scars that covered her middle. She flinched at the intimate closeness.

Watching her cautiously, Dorian knelt before Leliana. Like a devout man praying before his saviour. Leliana looked down to him hesitantly. He kissed her belly, gently planting a loving kiss on each of the scars. Leliana eased under his touch.

"I could kiss every inch of you," he breathed into her skin. "And it still wouldn't be enough. I would hunger for more. You are perfect Leliana, every inch of you."

She pulled him up, holding his face in her hands she kissed him. Pulling him into her naked form, Dorian wrapped his hands around her lower back, ensuring there was no space between them. She paused for a moment and Dorian froze, but it was to simply admire her own view.

Leliana placed a hand on the seam of Dorian's pants, and he felt his stomach knot with excitement. His hands tingled, squeezing Leliana's hips. He felt the pants press against him uncomfortably once more. He wanted those pants gone. That much was certain.

Leliana tugged at the tiny string for a moment, playfully. Dorian couldn't help but let out a slight growl in frustration. Leliana giggled.

Finally, they fell. All at once, Dorian stood there as naked as Leliana was. He felt slightly vulnerable at the thought. Never had he been in this situation, never had he allowed someone so close. He blushed, remembering the Temple of Sacred Ashes and being so vulnerable.

"I didn't think it was possible to be more stunning." Leliana soothed, running hands along Dorian's abdomen. "You're certainly a very beautiful man, Dorian."

He looked away embarrassed, wondering if she only said those things to boost his ego. A thought also crossed his mind if Leliana had spied his naked form at the Temple. Suddenly, he was brought back to reality.

A cool hand held him, gripping him tightly. He breathed out a gasp of pleasure. Eyes meeting with Leliana's. She pulled him in for a kiss, he shivered under her touch. His own hand came to mirror hers, finding that sweet spot once more. Leliana sighed, he kissed her. Dorian didn't think this could feel any better.

Leliana let go of him, and all at once he felt lonely for the touch. Looking at him with those gorgeous blue diamond eyes, she stepped back. Dorian's eyes fell onto the fur bedroll beside Leliana. He couldn't help but think what a charming sight her naked form laid out on white fur would be.

Better than a work of art.

Dorian stood in front of her, looking at her beautiful form and appreciating the angel before him. Leliana sat on the bedroll, he followed very eagerly. He still felt hesitant, but the look in Leliana's eyes reassured him everything would be okay.

She began to lay back, Dorian stayed in close contact. With a guiding hand, Leliana eagerly pulled him atop of her. Their eyes never looking away. Dorian looked down to Leliana, once more amazed by the sight before him.

"You're so beautiful."

"Fais moi l'amour…" Leliana breathed out.

Dorian felt a gentle hand take him once more, he sighed at the touch. Leliana was guiding him, one last time. Slowly, he felt himself slip inside of Leliana. Just like his fingers did. Only, much better.

He looked to her wide eyed. She smiled, mouth open slightly and matching Dorian's overly slow breathing. He slipped further into Leliana, feeling the wetness over himself. Dorian felt himself go harder than he thought possible at the sensation. His hands fizzled.

No, no, not again.

He closed his eyes and thought of the cold, focusing on the cold temperature of the snow outside. His heartbeat steadied, and he felt himself cool down. Leliana grinned, seeming to notice the new found control Dorian had over his magic. Her hands rested on Dorian's hips, pulling him closer. The mage gasped as he was fully inside Leliana. He looked into his lovers eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked. He nodded.

Slowly, she motioned his hips to rock back and forward. Dorian bit his lip, feeling the amazing sensation rush through his body. It was all too much to focus on, so many feelings and sensations. He felt lost in Leliana's body and in her eyes. He continued to rock back and forward slowly, feeling the wetness slip over him.

Maker, did that feel nice.

He moaned, pulling himself closer to Leliana. He didn't want to put all his weight on her, but Leliana seemed to pull him down further. His hips motioned back and forward, Leliana's hands gripping firmly as she matched Dorian's breathing. They both moaned as Dorian rotated his hips in a circular motion, Leliana bit her lip. Faster and faster, the mage couldn't help but find himself moving. His breathing in a shallow huff, almost a low growl. He clenched his mouth shut, almost grinding his teeth. Eyes closed, feeling sweat grow on his beaded brow with each second of his faster pace. Leliana's hands tightened, her eyes too were closed, but her mouth was open.

Dorian almost whimpered as he lowered himself onto the Leliana's chest, wanting to feel the skin to skin contact. Leliana's hands pulled the mage closer, gripping the taunt muscles on his back. Dorian's hands were above her head, almost leveraging the mage to pull up further, as if that was even possible. He felt Leliana tighten, and that was a bit too much. He rocked faster and faster, and both lovers' moans synchronised. Leliana pulled at him.

"Dorian…" she breathed in his ear.

And that was it. He felt himself quicken, but all at once stop. He gasped, blinking as he felt the finality of all those movements leave his aching body. His mouth hung open as each wave sprung from him, still buried deep within Leliana. He saw a white light, and felt a blue haze, all at once. He kept blinking, feeling the aftershock of his orgasm. He felt himself flinch inside of Leliana, blinking back the light from his eyes he looked down at his lover.

She looked up beaming, hair an absolute mess and sweat gathered on her forehead. She grinned, open mouth and breathing almost as heavily as Dorian himself. He collapsed onto her, she giggled.

"How was that?" she purred.

"Incredible…. Amazing… Can't breathe…" he chuckled into her hair.

Leliana giggled, her body vibrating underneath the mage. He was still aware of the fact he was inside Leliana. He had no intentions of correcting that fact, either. Dorian was more than content basking in the afterglow of their love.

They laid there, Leliana holding onto Dorian and stroking his hair humming contently. Dorian nuzzled into Leliana, gently kissing her cheek. Her fingers tickled his skin, and for a moment he dozed off all the while still in that position.

"I love you Dorian." Leliana whispered for his ears only.

"I love you Leliana." Dorian opened his eyes.

He knelt up, looking down at his beautiful lover. She kissed him, pulling at his hair slightly. Dorian felt a familiar hunger burn inside him, he felt himself harden once more.

"Maker," Leliana almost gasped. "Those stories about Grey Wardens…"

She bit her lip, a naughty look glimmering in her eyes. Dorian grinned, she'd had the same thought as the cheeky mage. He moved slightly, rocking his hip ever so gently. Leliana moaned. Dorian nibbled on Leliana's jawline, all the while very attentively moving inside her.

"I could get used to this." Dorian smirked as Leliana's own hips met with his motions.

"Oh, is that so?" she gasped.

Dorian hummed a reply, enjoying the extra wetness between Leliana's thighs. He bit his lip in pleasure.

"There is still so much to experience, my love." Leliana purred in the mages ears.

Dorian leaned up and eyed her suspiciously. Then all at once, Leliana pulled at her lover, they rolled. Dorian starred up in surprise, they had yet to separate. Before he could question how someone so small could be so strong, Leliana kissed him deeply. He moaned into her mouth.

She rocked her hips, Dorian tightened. Leliana sighed into his mouth. She swayed back and forward, Dorian moaned hard. Finally their mouths broke apart and Leliana sat atop the mage. He looked up, and had to wipe his mouth from practically drooling.

"Maker Leliana…" he breathed.

She swayed her hips, as Dorian's hands came up to fondle her voluptuous breasts. Each movement vibrating through his core. He watched in amazement as Leliana's hips rocked, swayed and swivelled on him. She looked almost like she was dancing. She lifted herself, then lowered. Dorian chewed his bottom lip, hands coming to hold Leliana's hips. He pulled at her, feeling his own pleasure as he watched his lover dance atop him. He felt so hard inside of her.

Leliana took no notice, her eyes firmly shut in pleasure. She moaned into the air, rocking back and forward, up and down. Her body tensed atop the mage, her hands resting on Dorian's rising chest.

"Oui." She breathed out through gasps.

Dorian groaned feeling a familiar rush inside of him. Not yet, was all he could think, please not yet.

"Oui." Leliana moaned, fingers clawing into Dorian's heaving chest. "Oui, S'il vous plait Dorian!"

Each sweet plea in Leliana's native tongue made the mage struggle to concentrate. She rocked faster, clawing into Dorian, pulling on him. She was beyond lost in the moment. He met her movements, thrusting up into her. Wanting to feel close, hoping to hit that spot Leliana clearly wanted. She sucked her lip, one hand coming up to cup her own breast. She squeezed and Dorian's eyes widened.

"Oui, oui, oui!" She cried out, pace hard to keep steady. "Baise-moi, Dorian!"

He felt it, Leliana tighten around him. And then all at once, her eyes squeezed shut and she cried out. Dorian did so as well, feeling his own pleasure come undone in the same moment. He held onto Leliana as her harsh rocking slowed. He felt himself finish just in the same moment, blinking back his pleasure.

Heavily breathing and struggling to see clearly, he looked up to his lover. Leliana's mouth hung open, eyes heavy, chest rising and falling. Her hair was fuzzy and wild, and yet slightly sticky with sweat. A very pleasant sight to the mage. He grinned through his afterglow, Leliana did the same.

She lowered her hands to grab his, entwining fingers and resting them on his rising stomach. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily, Dorian continued to smile. Eventually, she pulled herself from atop Dorian. Slowly, the mage felt himself soften with the absence of his beautiful Leliana's body. And in that moment, he felt himself yawn. Leliana did the same.

She curled up beside her naked lover, head rested on his beating chest. A finger carelessly playing with what little chest hair Dorian had. Dorian sighed at the soft touch. His free arm fished around for the discarded blanket. Eventually finding it, and lazily pulling it over the naked pair.

Leliana snuggled into Dorian further as he wrapped his arm around her. And without another word, the pair drifted into a blissful and exhausted slumber.