Previously in the story, Klaus received a letter from Mikael, shocking him of his decision not to be a father to him, as Hayley's comfort was all he wanted. Rebekah and Marcel were thinking about an impossible future together, as Kol was showing his last jealousy at the moments between Davina and Kaleb. With Klaus' support, Hayley decided to accept the syringe and the shot against death in order to survive, as the Capitol Empire was defeated. Kaleb's death, resulted in the salvation of his comrades, as Mikael shared with Esther how he had saved them all from hunger and despair.

In this final chapter of the story, Hayley reunites with Kieran, Effie and Rona, as they share thoughts on the end of President Snow's reign. Parting ways, Klaus and his siblings return home, as they finally learn the truth about their half-brother. With the Mikaelson siblings now living with Esther, Rebekah reveals her love for Marcel to her mother. Elijah and Camille plan a future together, as he is determined to move on from the pain Katherine caused him in his life. Kol and Davina have secret meetings, as the new government decides some changes to be made for all districts. Hayley finally returns home to her mother and her siblings, discovering something incredible with Annabelle's help. With Mikael's advice, Klaus makes a decision that will change his life forever.

District 12: Hayley Marshall

The End of Tragedy

The moment the helicopter landed, I could finally take a lungful of fresh air. I didn't know what came over me. It was as if all this time, I had been keeping this inside of me. I wanted it out. I wanted to feel different now that I knew that I had kept my promise to Lucy and Jake. I was out of that dreadful arena and I was not going back there. The tributes were supposed to part ways, as the Gamemakers instructed. Each had to go to his mentor. Klaus pulled me in his embrace as I hissed, "Klaus, not here." "The Empire of President Snow has been defeated. I don't really care anymore." He kissed me softly, as the other people from our group peeked at us from time to time. I realized why he was being this impossible. He didn't want to let me go. He didn't want to think about this possibility. He wanted me to be near him, so we would comfort each other, so we would be together and have no one separate us. But like I told him in the games, we led different lives. I cupped his cheeks and gave him one last passionate kiss. "I must go." "I love you." He said almost at once, shocking me.

He, the almighty Niklaus Mikaelson, son of Mikael Mikaelson, in one of the biggest and most powerful families in all of Panem, was telling me that he loves me.I was looking at him, surprised, our foreheads still connected as he breathed in deeply, not realizing the weight of the words which had just tumbled from his mouth. "You know how much I love you." I responded and he grabbed my waist, pulling me to his warm chest. "Then stay with me. Do not go." "I have to get back home. My family needs me, and you must go back too. Your family…you have more problems to deal with and you know it." He looked at me for a moment and then whispered, "The Capitol has been defeated. The rules do not apply. I will come for you, little wolf. You're mine." I had never heard him say such possessive things to me before. He really wanted me to be with him, as if he never had shared something special like this with anyone else in his life. I knew that well…neither have I. "Don't do anything you might regret, Klaus. Go home. If it's meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other." I told him.

Stung by my words of wanting him to let go, he took my hands in his and brought them to his lips. "You will be my wife when the time comes. We will live a wonderful life together, with no wars and no idiotic games. Just us…and the family we will create. A family of our own." His words were so very soothing and my eyes brimmed with tears. For the first time ever, I couldn't believe that I wanted to get back in that arena and relive the moment with him. I wanted to relive the moment he told me his secret about Mikael and the moment he made love to me. I wanted everything back.It was the moment I was realizing that I wanted this life with him. I wanted to be his wife, carry his children, make him happy and let him make me happy. I turned and I could finally see some familiar faces. Kieran, Effie and Rona were all waiting for me with smiles on their faces. I kissed Klaus' cheek and lingered my lips there, whispering, "Don't lose hope. I know I won't." In turn, he kissed my forehead and finally let me go. There was coldness which washed over me, no longer feeling his touch.

The moment we were back in the penthouse where I have lived at the Capitol for so long, Kieran pulled me in a tight hug. "I can't believe you're here. You made it." He whispered in my ear, making me cry of happiness. I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I did and I have never been happier." I shared hugs and kisses with Effie and Rona too. My stylist turned to me with a wicked smile on her lips. "Hayley Marshall, you really are one of a kind warrior. You deserved to be Victor this year, no doubt." I shook my head with a smile on my face. "The only thing I can be proud of is that I came out of that whole charade alive, Rona. There will be no Victors after this. The Hunger Games have ended, and it's exactly what I wanted." Kieran nodded. "I believe your plan to get the tributes to work together really paid off, Hayley." As we continued discussing the Capitol, Effie told me that I would rest here tonight and the next morning, I shall be going back home to my family.

Later through the night, I was out on the balcony, watching the Capitol, which looked pretty empty for the first time since it has been created. Footsteps were heard behind me and I turned around with a smile to see Kieran there. "I thought I told you that you should get some sleep. It's been a long day for you." I sighed and whispered, "I know. I am just nervous." "About seeing your family after so long?" "I have never been this much apart from Lucy and Jake in my life. I promised them that I would come back and I didn't break my promise. They are going to be so happy to see me." I told him. "And your mother?" I pursed my lips, hoping that we wouldn't get to that subject. "There is nothing about my mother that moves me." "Hayley, come on…" "No. I told you that for some reason she had come back into Lucy and Jake's lives. Maybe she had some ulterior motive, maybe she did not but one thing is for certain. She couldn't wait to come back home, after she found out I had joined the games. Maybe she wanted me gone. Maybe she wanted to raise just Lucy and Jake. I don't know and I don't care." Anger flashed through my eyes as Kieran joined me near the balustrade.

"Just think about it for a moment. Both of you have suffered a great deal when your father died." "I was left alone with my siblings because she couldn't handle it." "She couldn't handle another loss after your father. Knowing that you could participate in these games, must have pushed her over the edge. I really doubt that she doesn't love you, Hayley. Just give her a chance when you get back. If you want to be a part of Lucy and Jake's lives now, you must learn how to deal with her." Kieran's advice was supposed to be worth giving but I knew that I didn't want this. I didn't want anything that had to do with my mother. I wanted to live my life as I had done so before, without her help and only to have my siblings with me. With these thoughts of mine, came regrets. Regrets because I knew that there was something I was leaving behind, and I couldn't just leave that thought behind me. He took my hands in his and brought them to his lips. "You will be my wife when the time comes. We will live a wonderful life together, with no wars and no idiotic games. Just us…and the family we will create. A family of our own." This was Klaus' wish. He wanted me, and I wanted him. I couldn't block out the look on his face when I told him that we were supposed to part ways, in order to get back to our families. He didn't want to part ways and I wished we didn't have to either. We were supposed to be connected, forever.

"Thinking about someone special?" Kieran suddenly asked me and caught me off guard. I tried to look away but I couldn't. I was already captivated by his image. Kieran was looking at me with a smile on his face, and I wasn't sure why he was smiling when he was the one who told me all along to say away from Klaus. "He has really gotten to you, hasn't he?" "Who?" I mumbled and Kieran chuckled. "Come on, Hayley, you know who I mean. The gentleman I saw you kissing not too long ago." "That was a goodbye kiss." "It didn't seem like it." I took a deep breath before responding. "He believes that there is still a chance for us, that we can find our way back to each other, get married and start a life together. Have a family. That is what he wants." "I see. Is that what you want?" "Yes. But I also can't abandon my family. I love Klaus, I do. I have never felt like loving someone before him. We have so much in common, he understands me, I understand him…and there is so much more." "I understand. I won't force it out of you. This is between you and him." I didn't answer and just continued to look beyond. "What is going to happen now?" I finally asked him.

"Nothing. You are going to return home to your family." He told me and I turned towards you. "But…what about you, Rona and Effie?" He smiled. "You will miss us?" "Most definitely." "You weren't this pleased to see me the day you were chosen as a tribute. You gave me death glares as if you were prepared to chop my head off. The games have actually softened you up, Hayley." I rolled my eyes. "I was not pissed at you. I was pissed at the situation. I knew that you were placed as my mentor to help me through this hell and you did. I only wished…Josh would have made it." I could feel him stiffen beside me. "It was his own doing. I was very disappointed when I realized what was happening between the two of you. And he had gotten himself killed." "Who is going to govern Panem now that President Snow is no more?" "They are still debating on it. The most important thing we are to celebrate is that The Hunger Games are no more. No more children will be force to subdue to these games. No family will ever suffer the loss of their children ever again." "That is a good thought. I can't imagine what I would have done if Lucy and Jake were forced in these games with me."

He put his hand on my shoulder and hugged me tightly. "You are the best student I have ever had, Hayley. Take care of yourself and don't forget what I told you about your relationship with your mother. Families stick together, always and forever. As for you and Klaus…you never know what might happen in the near future. You can find each other again. I am sure of it." I giggled. "You are actually encouraging my relationship with Klaus? You?" "Why shouldn't I?" "Because you hate him and his family. You warned me all this time to stay away from him and I didn't listen." "That was because I believed that he was playing with your feelings and I didn't want you to get hurt. Men are known for charming women before the games so they have the upper hand. I was under the impression Klaus was doing the same thing to you. But after seeing the two of you today and from what you told me, I am certain he loves you just as much as you love him."

"I wish I had met him in another life. I don't know, but I was hoping that we wouldn't meet like this, in the games where we would have to fight till death. I hate the place I come from. I have fallen in love with this man and my duty as a Panem citizen is to stay away from people who belong to other districts. Only the connections between District 1 and 2 allow them to connect with one another. He is rich and he is famous where he comes from. I am nothing, really. My family is poor. Actually, I can't call what I have a true family, and I…" He stopped me from talking and said, "Now that President Snow is in charge, things will get better. I am sure they will. You just have to trust the new system." Finally, I nodded and embraced him. "You have been like a father to me." "And you like a daughter. This is not goodbye, Hayley. Trust me. Effie, Rona and I cannot wait to come see you." Smiling, I pulled back just as I felt something sharp in my stomach and Kieran frowned. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I thought I just felt…" I stopped talking for a moment, gulping at the possible thought. Shaking my head, I returned to bed, leaving Kieran with questions.

District 2: Niklaus Mikaelson

The End of Tragedy

We have returned to the hotel room, in which Gora applauded Rebekah, Camille and me for our bravery. Truth was, none of this glory mattered to me anymore. It was not like I was expecting this whole thing to end in such misery. I was supposed to stay focused for my family, to win, to protect Rebekah. I have done none of that. I have lost my father; I have lost the regained connection between me and Elijah. I have failed in protecting Rebekah from herself, as she was now putting her life in danger, demanding to be with Marcel when the time came. Cami tried talking to me about these issues, and I lashed out, demanding that she left me alone. I was sitting in my room, lifting up weights the way I always did whenever something was bothering me and Rebekah knew that. The door opened and she gently entered, closing the door behind her and sitting next to me.

"You really miss her, don't you, Nik?" When I didn't say anything, she scoffed. "Come on, I am your sister. You know that you can tell me anything you wish." "There is absolutely nothing to tell, sister. I have lost her. From her kiss…I could tell that it would be the last one for us." "You asked her to marry you. That was a shock for me, Nik. You were thinking so far ahead. You are a few months from becoming of age, while Hayley has at least a year left." "I asked her to marry me because I know that she is the woman I see as my wife, no one else. None of the women I had enjoyed the company of in the past could ever be compared to her." "I know she trusted you with her secrets…and you trusted her with yours." She was looking at me skeptically and I groaned, realizing that it was a question. "Why can't I know something you do, Nik? I have always looked out for you as you have for me. What can be so bad? I can tell that it has been eating you up. Just tell me." I was afraid of losing Rebekah as a sister, but against my better judgement, I spilled everything to her. She gasped.

"Nik…I don't…I can't believe this." She whispered in awe. "I knew I shouldn't have told you." I growled. "No. I am angry that you kept this to yourself and didn't tell me up till now. I should have known…" "Rebekah, we were being filmed. I don't want the world to ever know that I am not Mikael's son. Not ever. I am sure he doesn't want his reputation ruined and I am who I am because people think I have Mikaelson blood in my veins when I don't." "No one will know about this, Nik except your family." "Hayley knows." "How could you trust her over your own siblings?" "We connected in a way you cannot possibly understand, Rebekah. She is my other half. I am not one to believe in such cheesy lines, but I do feel she is my soulmate." Rebekah nodded and hugged me tightly whispering, "What are you going to tell Father when we get home tomorrow?" "I shall confront him. Because of this discovery, he is sending both of us to live with Mother. I understand why he would want me away but he is taking on his rage on you also. I will not have it and I will demand that you return home where you have lived all this time." "Nik, you don't have to do this with me. I am actually more excited to be spending time with Mother, Elijah and Kol. Elijah has suffered a lot. I need to be able to console him and help him move on with his life." "I believe our darling Camille has that section covered." "Yes, she does." Rebekah said with a sad smile.

I sighed and whispered, "I am guessing this has something to do with the loss of Marcel." "I feel for him what you feel for Hayley." "Do not start with me. He is from 11." "And Hayley is from 12. What's the difference? Besides, Marcel and I have history together as kids. We may not have seen much of each other but I always felt attracted to him. We don't know what can happen. Maybe rules will change after we find out who the new president is. I hope he will be a kind and merciful man who will let us all citizens of Panem live in peace and harmony. No more districts. No more factions of distinctions between rich and poor. No more. I am sick of this." "You are only saying this because of your love for Marcel." "No, that is not true. I have already informed Mother of what I want, and I want to be with Marcel, as you want Hayley to be with you." "We have lost of them, Rebekah. There is no turning back." "We'll see." She told me before leaving.

We left the next morning after saying good bye to our mentor. Taking the train with Rebekah the two of us have successfully returned home to the riches of District 1. Camille had taken a different train to her own home in District 2, and my former home now. Elijah and Kol were in a different compartment than us, after the discovery that I was not Mikael's son. I was worried they would not accept me for who I was. I was still their brother, regardless of my mother's sin. As the train left us in the station, I looked up and I could see my mother in tears, as she opened up her arms and I hugged her, whispering, "It's going to be alright, Mother." "No, it is not. You didn't see the hurt on his face, Niklaus. And he even confessed to still loving me as I continue to love him every day for the rest of my life." Her words shocked me but I nodded as I let her embrace Rebekah, whom she hadn't heard of in a long while. "Look how beautiful you are!" she gasped, happily. "Mother, you have received my letter, have you not? About Marcel?" Mother put her finger to her lips and whispered, "Let us go home."

Mother's home was small but comfortable, as she was now forced to make room for Rebekah and me. Kol came up from behind me and patted my back. "It's alright, bro." "What is that supposed to mean?" "It means that it's cool. You've been through enough already. It is still surprising to me that we are only half related but…no one has to find out the truth now, do they?" he asked me with a smirk and I smirked back, embracing him. "Where is Elijah?" I asked him. "I really wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now. He prefers to be left alone. I hear Camille is going to reunite with her family and then come over here. What's going on now? Are they a thing? Elijah does know how to move on quickly." "She is helping him heal, Kol, and I prefer her to be here. She is a good friend." "What about Father? What are you going to do about him now?" "I shall ask my mother for permission to be sent there." I grabbed my jacket as Kol asked me, "Hey are you sure you're doing the right thing? As I know, Father can be very temperamental." "With the way I am feeling right now…he should be more afraid of me."

"Niklaus, where are you going? We are having dinner as a family." Mother came forward and caressed my face. I kissed her hand and whispered, "I have some things I need to settle with Mikael." "Niklaus, please do not go. You are putting yourself at risk." "I understand that he feels betrayed but he has no right to treat Rebekah this way, sending her away from her own home because he wishes to be rid of our family."

I banged on the door the minute I arrived to the house I once called home, before this bastard had me and my sister kicked out. The door opened and Mikael's shocked face was revealed when he saw me standing there. "Surprised?" I asked him with a frown. "I thought I had told you in that letter that you and Rebekah are to stay with your mother from now on." I shook my head innocently and smirked, "Sorry. I must have skipped that part." And I allowed myself inside the house, as I could see the anger on his own face. He closed the door after I have entered and crossed his hands over his chest. "What do you want, Niklaus? Have you come here to mock me, about being betrayed by your mother like that?" "I have come here because I cannot understand how you would cut Rebekah from your life because of Mother's discovery that I am not your biological son." "I told your mother to keep you with her as at the moment, I am not capable of raising two children."

"Children? Were you planning on letting me continue living with you after what you have heard?" I asked him with surprise in my voice. "I was considering your mother's words. She told me that I have always favored you out of all of my children because I felt you were special. That is the reason I have pushed you hard to work and win the games. You have not won…but you have survived. You have gotten your family out of that arena safely. That is what I would have been proud of…had you really been my son." My parted for a moment before whispering, "So that is the one thing keeping you from being proud of what the boy you have raised has accomplished? Blood, your family blood. I have always been you son, Mikael. And I have always looked up to you as I saw you as a great warrior who fought for his family. And now…even after knowing that you are not my biological father…I stand before you. Why do you think that is?" He stood there for a moment and for the first time, I was seeing his eyes soften. "It is the first time you address to me Mikael…instead of Father. It is new and unexpected."

"Unexpected? How so? You did claim that you are no longer my father. You kicked both me and Rebekah out of our home because of it, because of your ego, your pride…" "Niklaus that is enough!" Mikael hissed at me and moved to the bar to pour himself a glass of scotch. Before he could grab it, I took it from him and whispered, "Thanks." With a smirk on my face as I drank it instead. He simply rolled his eyes and poured himself another glass. "Things cannot be as they have been before." He told me and I nodded. "Why is that?" "Because I cannot let go of the betrayal I see in you because of your mother. You are the symbol of her infidelity, the boy I have raised so well…" My eyes averted from him and I saw a letter from the Capitol, ripped open and read, sitting on his desk. I picked it up and looked over it at once. "What is this?" I asked in a whisper. I read through it before Mikael could come over and take it away from me. "They have decided to offer me the new position as President after Snow was asked to step down." I looked at him in shock. "Have you accepted it?" "Not yet. But I will." "And what shall you do with your new power?" I asked him. My first thought was directed to Hayley.

"I shall provide a better home for all the people in Panem, as Rebekah would want." He drank his scotch and I whispered, "Mother told me she still loves you and that you admitted you still love her. Forget about what she did to you. She is asking for your forgiveness and you have three children with her. Don't let them down because of what I represent to you." I told him firmly. Mikael looked at me for a moment before shaking his head and putting down his scotch. He put his hands on my shoulders and replied, "You are the son I have always wanted, and I shall forever be grateful for having given the opportunity to raise you. But I was taught not to ignore my blood. Seeing as you are not my blood…" "Then I ask a favor from you." I told him, with my eyes holding back the tears he could clearly see. "What is this about?" "I want you to change course when you do become the leader of our society. I no longer wish for there to be districts, poor people and rich people. Offer the same kind of lifestyle and respect to all people of Panem." Mikael smiled after a moment and whispered, "This is about that girl from 12. You want to be with her, don't you, Niklaus?"

There was a moment of silence before I told him firmly, "I have fallen in love with her the way I have never fallen for anyone else. I want to marry her when we become of age. I want to make her my wife." "Is that all you wish for?" he asked me and I nodded. "If you want you can bring her here where she can be well provided for." "I cannot. She wants to be with her family, her own people. I know of the tragedy in District 12, Mikael. People are hungry. I want them to be provided for, just as much as I want Hayley to be provided for." He looked like he was lost in thought and finally told me, "Very well. I will take care of this problem." "Meaning?" I asked with hope rising inside of my chest. "Meaning…I will find a way to make your relationship possible." "And Rebekah…" "I know about Rebekah and her lover…that will be taken care of too." "Why do you accept to do this? What's the catch?" Mikael smiled and told me. "Just one small thing." I rolled my eyes, knowing that I would have to pay a price for having Hayley in my life.

"What?" "Are you willing to do anything for this girl?" "Yes." I said without hesitation and he looked surprised. "The condition is to invite me to your wedding." There was a small smirk on his face as my face relaxed as well, matching his smirk. "I thought you said you wouldn't be my father any longer." "All with time, Niklaus…all with time." Without being able to help myself, I stepped over to him and pulled him into a hug, a hug I could reserve only for my father and no matter what he said, he would be my father, always, as I had no other. He embraced me back and said, "Tell your mother that I love her…but I need time. And perhaps in a couple of months, a couple of years, when we reunite at your wedding…we can restart our relationship and bring the family together as one. Esther has hurt me, but I cannot deny you as my son, Niklaus. Your mother was right. I have raised you…not Ansel. You are who you are because you are my son. Family…always and forever." I was never happier to hear him say that. "Thank you, Father." "Ah, there's the word I love to hear."

District 1: Elijah Mikaelson

The End of Tragedy

Katerina's death still haunted me. I had given her a proper burial here in her home, after I have offered the corpse to her parents and her sisters. The thought that the baby was never mine to begin with, also pulled a part of my heart out of my chest. This was not the Katerina that I remembered years ago. She kind and she was caring for my feelings. She would never have broken my heart. And then came the day when she decided to ruin our relationship. The moment I found of her pregnancy, I thought this was the answer to why she had ended things. I had done my best to refrain from something serious to develop between Camille and me for this exact reason. I wanted to give us another chance…and to raise this baby together. People believed that Katherine Pierce had just died, but the truth is…she had died a long time ago.

Looking behind the house, after I have returned from Katherine's burial, I could not believe to see Kol and Davina standing there, talking, laughing and occasionally kissing. I sped over to them right away. They didn't seem at all frightened by my anger. "What do you think that you are doing here, Davina? Go back to your own district. I demand you…" "Elijah, you cannot tell me what to do. If I want to be here, I am going to be here." "No, you cannot be here. Please listen to me this moment. The Capitol does not forgive any…" "The Capitol is done for, Elijah. President Snow is no more, and your father is going to take over. He has promised us a better home. No more districts. Panem will be united." Davina told me and my mouth parted in shock at hearing such things. Kol smirked towards me and said, "I bet you didn't see that one coming did you, brother?" "No, of course not. I had not expected our father to take such a high position in his career. Ever since he has sent Rebekah and Niklaus here…" "He is doing this as a favor to Nik." Kol told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him and before he could answer, I heard footsteps behind me, and Camille approached me, cupping my cheek. I sighed at her touch, feeling the comfort I need but shook my head. "You should be getting back to your home." "This is my home now, Elijah. As Kol said, things are changing for the better. There will be no more districts and we have Klaus to thank for that. He asked Mikael to do this as a favor to him, if he is no longer going to be a part of his life." She told me. Kol and Davina turned around and walked freely around the streets as I was frustrated and turned to Camille. "What did you mean when you said that this is your home? Your home is with your parents." "My parents agree with me being here. Eventually, I have to leave the nest, don't I? I accept the challenge and I want to be here with you." "Camille…" She shook her head and whispered, "I know how much you have lost and believe me, I am not here so I can try to make you forget about her because I know you never will. Katherine will always have a special place in your heart, despite betraying you."

"You have no way of knowing that." "Well, I do know and what I also know is that you are going to be the brother to Klaus he wants. You will not let him down, even if you do not share the same father and he has no Mikaelson blood in his veins. He is your brother and he is a fighter just as you are." "I am bombarded with shocking surprises which never cease to end. Katerina has died, and Niklaus…my own brother is not whom I thought he would be. The thought of such changes frightens me." "Then let me be here to help you make it easier. Elijah, you know as well as I do that change is a great importance in life. It develops you as a person. You evolve. So don't hold back and eventually, you will have to move on. But that doesn't mean for you to forget all about Katherine." Her words pierced through me and I realized that she was absolutely right about everything she was saying. I took her hands in mine and brought them to my lips, kissing them softly. "Then how about we go through this process of evolution together? Have dinner with me? I can take you someplace nice for a change." She smiled. "I would really love that."

District 12: Hayley Marshall

The End of Tragedy

"HAYLEY!" I could hear Lucy's yell as she ran over towards me and hugged me. Tears were flowing off my cheeks as I held this fragile girl in my arms, never thinking that I would get this chance again. Jake, looked at handsome as his father had once been. As Lucy pulled back, I kissed her forehead and pulled Jake into a hug too. "You came back just as you promised." He whispered in my ear and I nodded with happiness. "Of course I did. You didn't think that I would leave you like this, did you?" There was a woman standing in front of me and in front of our house. My eyes rose to meet hers and my breathing hitches as I realized that I was looking at my own mother, whom I haven't seen since I was Jake's age. Annabelle smiled sadly at me as she whispered, "You have no idea how proud I am of you. You survived, and that really makes you your father's daughter."

I pulled away from Jake and Lucy and stepped over to her, looking at her in the eyes at what she was telling me. Of course, deep down, I couldn't be happier to see her, but when I thought about how she had left us…I felt trapped like I had no way out. I could feel her disappointment as she averted her eyes from me. Stepping forward, I decided to bring only smiles on Jake and Lucy's faces. I hugged my mother tightly and she accepted my embrace. "Please, forgive me, Hayley." Annabelle wept into my neck and I pulled her even closer. "I have forgiven you." The moment would have gone like this for an extended period of time, if this one thing had not took us both by surprise. I felt something moving inside of me, the same way I felt a while before with Kieran on the balcony. The way my mother stared at me, I could tell that she was thinking the same thing I was. "Hayley…what have you been up to, my darling?" I bit my lip and whispered, "Mother, is this possible?" She smiled and whispered, "It is that young fella from the games, isn't it? The man you spent almost all your time with, Klaus Mikaelson?" I nodded as she slowly led me inside.

The news that my mother gave me, saddened me in more ways than one. She pulled me in a tight hug. "It's going to be alright, my darling, you will see." "How can it be? He is not here with me." "Things are changing and he promised he wouldn't let you go. He loves you. He will find you." I shook my head and whispered, "I am sure that he has already found another blonde bimbo to occupy his time with. Why would he want to be with me, a poor girl from a rival district?" "Hayley, I cannot believe that you're asking yourself that after everything you have been through together. You have both come a long way since those terrible times in the games." I smiled and wiped away my tears as Jake and Lucy sat down with me. "We are here for you, forever. You know that, right?" Jake asked me with a smile and I nodded, understanding just how much my family meant to me. But this gift…I touched my stomach and was about to cry when I loud bang could be heard on the door. My mother and I looked at each other, confused.

She opened the door and covered her mouth with her hand, stepping aside and telling me with a smile. "It's him." I frowned. "Who, Mother?" The moment he entered, I felt whole again. I saw that charming smile on his face as he strode over to my side and kissed me passionately. I could tell that my mom had left with Jake and Lucy, as to leave us alone for a couple of moments. "Klaus." I moaned out his name as he hit my weak spot on my neck. "I can't believe that you're here." I told him with tears flowing off my cheeks. "I told you that I would come back for you, little wolf. I met Mikael." "You did? What…what happened?" "It turned out well and there is still hope for our family to be reunited in the future. We simply need to believe. Mikael still loves my mother and she loves him back. And you also be pleased to know that my father shall be taking over Panem, and his first act as President…is to dismiss all districts so you can come with me." "What?" "We can go away, little wolf. And start our own life, with our own home, wherever we want to." I couldn't believe that I was hearing all of this. He was looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Hayley Marshall, I was serious regarding the marriage."

I covered my mouth and he pressed his forehead on my name as I whispered, "I know. I just…I found out something. You must know…" "Know?" I pressed my hand to my stomach and whispered, "Klaus, I'm pregnant. I am having our baby." He was in complete shock and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the look on his face. It was priceless. "I can see that you are way ahead of me, love. Already adding the first touches to a family: children." He joked and kissed me once again with pure joy. "And I want more…so much more." I told him firmly. "Of course. Always and forever. I promise you." He told me and we shared our special moment in that house. Things would change for the better, for all the citizens of Panem and for the first time since my father died, I felt complete.

A/N: Hope you liked the end of this story. I have been meaning to finish it for a while and found the perfect and simple ending. I hope you have all been pleased with the eight characters I saved from the games. I shall be starting a new story as soon as I finish Blissful Desires.

Thank you fore reading this and please leave me many reviews!