Last chapter! After this, Andrew will soon be added to Khalon's blog, and who ever is on Tumblr can ask them both questions! I hope everyone enjoyed this story and more will come with my others.

He smiled. He still felt sore, but he wasn't in much pain like before. He took a small sip from his can of oil so he wouldn't put too much pressure on his soon finished his can of oil as Ryan began to pack up his things in boxes.

"Need any help gettin' all this to yer shop?" Khalon asked. "I can hold a few things.

"Me too." Andrew said.

"Sure, I was gonna rent a truck but that'll be easier." Ryan said.

"How much for the truck?" Khalon asked.

"About $50."

Khalon chuckled but then his face turned serious.

"My ridin' fee is a thousand."

Ryan stared at him until he burst out laughing.

"I'm just jokin'! It's free." Khalon said, smiling.

"Oh! You, kinda scared me for a second there." Ryan laughed.

He opened a medium0like door on the side of his tail. "I use that for extra load of fuel but the fuel might be bad now. Been sittin' in there for God knows how long." Khalon said.

"Thank you." Ryan put as many boxes as he could into the space. Andrew opened his space too and Ryan put the rest of the supplies there.

"It shouldn't be too far from here. It's next to a small airport." Ryan making sure he didn't miss anything.

"Alrighty." Khalon said, starting up his engine. Andrew did the same. They taxied out of the shop heading for the grass runway.

"We'll meet ya there!" Khalon yelled over his engine and began to take off, Andrew a second in behind.

Once at the shop, Ryan unloaded the two and they helped him set up. By the time the shop looked presentable, it was already getting dark. They said their goodbyes and started off. Andrew lead Khalon to the bar and brought him in the right door, not the door Andrew had first come into. He saw Drake at a table and eagerly rolled over to him. Khalon followed without a word.

"Hey Drake!" Andrew smiled, stopping at his table.

"Hey Andrew! Who's-" He looked at Khalon and could only stare.

"I, thought you said-"

"I know, but the Navy brought him back!" Andrew smiled.

"Incredible!" Drake exclaimed, studying Khalon. "You remember me at all? You were the first one I came out to."

Khalon stared at him. "Uh.." He didn't remember.

"Ya know, I stayed a bit during recess to tell ya! you gave me advice and that's the day I never really cared what others thought of me, and look at me now! I come here every single night." He motioned his wing to the whole bar.

Khalon's eyes suddenly widened. He did remember now. It was a year after retiring but he pushed those thoughts away.

"I-I remember now." Khalon stuttered, surprised by how far Drake had come.

"Hey guys! He remembers me! Say hi to this Warbird! He's a hero to all of us!" Drake called out to the entire club. Many planes cheered and a few surrounded Khalon thanking him for being a hero and serving the country. Khalon backed up a bit, confused and unsure of how to react to all this atention.

"I'm not a hero!" Repeated through his mind until he lost it. He shook his nose violently, shut his eyes, and raced out of the bar and out the exit. The planes were dumbfounded and shocked by the sudden reaction.

"Khalon.." Andrew said silently and followed him, making sure no one else did and that they were alone. He saw Khalon outside in the softly falling snow taking deep breaths, like he was trying to calm himself from an anxiety attack.

"Whoa, Khalon, calm down." Andrew said soothingly and gently rolled up to him.

"I ain't a hero..." He mumbled, beginning to pace. "I ain't a hero!"

"Khalon!" Andrew stopped him with his nose. Khalon froze, not wanting to hit Andrew's once pained nose.

"If, if they knew what I went through, if, they knew I never saved a damn plane, they wouldn't call me that." He muttered, sighing.

"Being a hero doesn't mean you have to save someone." Andrew said gently. "Being a hero means you could do a deed for someone, be there for them, and be their idol they look up to. You're my hero in that way. You've saved my life, but that's not the biggest reason I think that. You're always there for me. Yeah, you have your moments, but everyone has those at some point. I look up to you so much you hve no idea. Drake does the same. Everyone should."

Khalon stared at him, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I-I don't.." He stuttered. He was completely shocked by Andrew's words.

Andrew smiled. "You're my forever hero. Just, don't leave me ever again, okay?" He hugged Khalon lovingly. Khalon managed a smile and hugged back.

"Thanks son."

Andrew let go and motioned his nose back towards the bar. "Ya wanna come back?"

Khalon wasn't even sure. He was sure he embarrassed himself greatly, but nodded slowly.

"I can explain what's going on." Andrew offered as he rolled back into the bar with him. The planes there before looked at him with worry on their faces.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" One asked.

Khalon didn't answer. He looked to Andrew slightly.

"He had a rough past, give him time. He retired because of a crash disabling him to fly and, he's lucky to still be alive." Andrew explained to everyone.

Drake nodded, rolling up to the silent Khalon. "Hey, it's alright, buddy. We understand. We were worried we offended ya."

"He doesn't think he's a hero because he didn't save anyone in the war. But he's more than a hero." Andrew said.

"A friend." Drake said, making Khalon look up at him. "You're a friend to all of us."

Khalon managed to smile slightly.

"Come and have a drink. On me." Drake said. "The least I could do."

Khalon agreed and the planes soon went back to what they were doing. Khalon and Andrew joined Drake at the table he was at and enjoyed the rest of the night.

Khalon and Andrew flew back to the island through the cool air. Andrew agreed to help Khalon fix up his hangar in the morning and spent the night outside in the frigid air. Andrew didn't care. He had Khalon there next to him. He cuddled up against Khalon's side and closed his eyes tiredly. Khalon smiled and leaned back, keeping him warm. before Andrew fell asleep, he looked up at the scattered, clear sky. At the stars. He smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. His dream had come true.


There's not much to say other than that one single-propped plane changed my life forever. some things to add though, his guns weren't real. They shot out small little pellets that were plastic, and really didn't hurt at all. Ryan says he didn't have a license to hold a gun and that's why. I got 'im a pair of Browning machine guns like mine and he loves 'em. Says their bit heavy but he's got it. He also never did recover from his elevator problem. Ryan says he can't fix it at all, just how he was made. I dunno. But that isn't botherin' Andrew too much. He absolutely loves life now with me and I gotta admit, I do too. He's done more for me than you could guess, and it's changed me for the best. I only expect the best from 'im now. Especially when I'm gone. I know he can do it. And he does too. But in the meantime, he's stuck with me, and I'm stuck with him. Not like we're complainin' or anythin'.

That's it! That's the end! I don't know if I'll have a sequel other than maybe small one shots of random things I think up. Leave a review and I hope you enjoyed the story!