Another one of my ideas. Note: I'm going to get to The Last Of Us/HOTD, and Outlast/HOTD soon, but I'm capturing another idea I've just recently had. So I'm putting up the first chapter so I can write more later. Ok everyone, this will be a treat! Battlefield Bad Company/HOTD.

I think Bad Company is the best Battlefield game! JUST SAYING!

Ok, enjoy!

Deep within the US Army, exists an elite force. The 222nd army battalion, The B-Company. They call it Bad Company, where they get together all the mismatches and rejects for serving their country as cannon fodder instead of being hauled to prison.

September 2013

Location: Japan

Time: 1700 Hours

Bad Company is being deployed to Japan to assist the Special Defense Force for containing the outbreak. The story follows B-Company squad, Bravo-One Charlie. These are the men: Private Terrance Sweetwater, the brains. Private George Haggard, demolition expert. Sergeant Samuel Redford, the leader. And last but not least, Private Preston Marlowe, the…uh…new guy.

They were being flown above the streets of Japan, looking at the mayhem.

"So uh, let me get this straight. They want us to go in, and assist some fancy Japanese defense force just to contain something?" Haggard asked.

"That's right Haggard!" Redford said.

"Didn't they say anything about what was going on?" Sweetwater asked.

"They didn't give me much Intel, but there have been reports about people eating other people." Redford explained.

"Oh, so this is like the fanciest horror movie!" Haggard said.

"I don't know Haggard. Can I really believe that?" Marlowe asked.

The pilot then said that this was their stop. They looked down to see that they were hovering above a city street surrounded by buildings.

"Alright guys, you ready?" Redford asked.

"Hell yeah!" Sweetwater said.

Sweetwater cocked his M249 LMG. Haggard did the same with his 870MCS Shotgun, he also put his M136 Bazooka on his back. Marlowe cocked his M416 Assault Rifle.

"Good! Then Shut up!" Redford said.

He cocked his own weapon, which was an M416 Assault Rifle.


"SHUT UP!" Redford interjected Sweetwater.

They used ropes to get down to the streets.

"Alright, so now what?" Marlowe asked.

Someone contacted them on the com-radio.

"Bravo-One Charlie, this is Mike-One Juliet, over!"

"Oh hey, Miss July! How you doin'?" Sweetwater asked.

"Mike-One Juliet this is Bravo-One Charile over." Redford responded.

"Your first set of orders are to spread out and search for survivors. I'll get back to you with further orders out."

"So wait, that's why they dropped us off in the middle of Japan? To rescue some lousy civilians, who'll barely recognize what we're saying, and they'll probably try and cut us up to teenie tiny pieces with their katanas and what-not." Haggard stated.

"Well you heard the lady. Let's go." Redford ordered.

They wondered around the streets, but only found undead to shoot.

"Ya know, I kind of like this place. Looks like somewhere I can go for a vacation!" Haggard said.

"Sure, if you don't mind the zombies, or the smell of death." Redford said.

"Actually guys, you know this is mainly like some of those earlier pandemics. Like the 14th century black death, or…you don't really care do you?" Sweetwater said.

They were finished shooting down the undead.

"So Hags, what do you like about this place?" Sweetwater asked.

"Well, I kind of like the sight of cherry blossom being tossed around in the wind. Don't judge!" Haggard said.

"Don't worry Haggard! I like it too!" Marlowe said.

"Ok ok! Listen up! Let's just try and find anyone who's not dead and go back home in time for dinner." Redford said.

"So, where should we start? Building to building, or what?" Marlowe asked sarcastically.


Haggard pointed to a bridge down the street. All they could see were some police cars blocking the way.

"Ok fine! Maybe someone's holding up there, or somethin'." Redford said.

"So Sarge, are we gonna go?" Marlowe asked.

Redford gave out a long sigh while putting his hand on his face. Then he decided what to do.

"Alright, we're gonna see if anyone needs our help on that bridge over there, once and if we find anyone alive, we contact Miss July so she can bring an extraction chopper! Understood!"

Marlowe, Haggard, and Sweetwater gave a nod.

"Then let's go fools!" Redford said.

Redford started to run forward towards the bridge.

"You heard the Sarge." Marlowe said.

He started to run forward, following Redford.

"There better be some sexy cheerleader, or some hot blonde nurse for us to rescue!" Haggard said.

He started to run.

"Psh, as if we'll ever get that lucky!" Sweetwater said.

Sweetwater started to run, now he was right beside Haggard.

"Beside, we're Bad Company. Our luck is never supposed to be that high!" Sweetwater reminded.

"HEY SWEET!" Redford called back.

"WHAT?!" Sweetwater asked.

"Just shut up and move yo ass!" Redford said.