A/N: I know I am a bit late, but here is a Fairy Tail Fanfic with the World Cup in mind. More information after the chapter…enjoy.


The radio buzzed her awake, greeting her with enthusiastic commentary of event highlights, along with the morning sun peering into the very sheer curtains. Her floor bed was soft beneath her, afraid to lift her face from her pillow to smell the morning coffee mixed with the terrible stench of stale tobacco. A man sat at the rickety wooden table, reading the paper in front of him, and a dark brown pipe in his mouth. His pale blue hair glistened in its natural oils against the mid-morning sun, chapped lips pressed tightly around the black mouth piece of the pipe, then lips opened to exhale a puff of smoke, and letting out a series of words to add to the voices coming from the box. As if the news casters were in the room with them.

"Damn right they are!" The man's raspy voice roared, siding with the buzzing voice. He set the paper on the table and smoothed it down with his nimble hands. Levy rose from the futon, rubbing her eyes, and clearing her dry and scratchy throat, making the man turn his head towards the little girl.

"Morning, Chestnut!" He held the pipe in his hand, and showed a yellow teeth grin. She didn't say anything. "The first game of the first round is tonight! Eagles versus Oaks! I put all our money on the Eagles! I have a good feeling, Levy!" Levy said nothing, only to reach over the small leather bound book beside her pillow. His dark eyes soften and he didn't say another word, placing the pipe back between his teeth, and turning back to the radio.

Seventeen years later...

"—Magnolia Eagles are the a steamy threat in this years Fiore Cup!" The announcer's voice came loud and cheerful over the lacrima screen from the small cafe. It was a slow spring afternoon in Magnolia and the cafe had one customer comfortably reading the newspaper and drinking his tepid coffee. The owner of the cafe stood behind the counter with his chin in his hand, yawning as he blankly stared into the unusual light bustle of the crowd passing by. "—With Varric Cosland, Petyr Samas, and Jaime Hawke are the Magnolia's Triple Threats. And with their reigning performance last season as the rookies of the Eagles, we could see them at the top, possibly defeating the Fiore Champs, Crocus Suns."

"Oi, Shrimp!" Levy pulled herself from her daze and looked over to her team. Droy had an arm full of snacks from the food vendor, Jet was scolding him for not sharing, and Gajeel was standing there staring at her with his arms crossed. Panther Lily had a cup in his hand, possibly drinking his favorite kiwi juice or smoothie. "What are you doing? We need to report back to the guild." Gajeel told her. Levy tried to catch other news from the broadcasters but couldn't make it out.

"Yeah," Levy smiled and joined them on the cobblestone streets. She took one last look at the lacrima screen and followed in step with Gajeel. "It's that time of year again."

"What is?" Gajeel caught her muttering, causing Levy's shoulders to stiffen.

"Oh nothing!" Levy smiled. "The town seems livelier since we left." He grunted in response, and they both said nothing as Droy and Jet continue to bicker about the fried turkey legs.

"The Fiore Cup happens once every two years! Don't miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime! Will Crocus Suns reign once again, or would the Eagles or the Magnificents take the crown? Tune in tonight for the Semi-finals: Mangolia Eagles versus Magnificents of Oak! And see which team will go on to the final against the Crocus Suns!"

Bend it Like Levy

Fanfiction Written By: Lexi aka MasterChick

Based on Fairy Tail by: Mashima Hiro

All rights belong to Mashima Hiro and to their respective companies

Chapter One: Field Fairy

"Fiore Cup?" Carla questioned the latest hype all across the country and in the old Fairy Tail guild. Carla, Romeo and Wendy just returned from a job and in that span, several games occurred and the whole country was in soccer fever. She eyed varies of matching blue jersey, though some are sporting different numbers and names on the back of their respective jerseys. Lucy had number 72 Hawke, the number 7 Cosland for Natsu, and Gray's jersey was on his head now, but was sporting the number 8 for Samas. Happy had one too, though the jersey had double zero on its back without a name associated with the smaller design. The little blue Exceed was holding out an identical jersey to Carla.

"I got you the same jersey, Carla!" Happy's eyes were wide and smiling when he handed the jersey to the white Exceed. Her big brown eyes looked to the table next to her, where even Wendy was wearing the number 12 Skylar jersey that Erza happened to have for her.

"Since you got it for me, I might as well." Carla held out her paws and Happy handed it to her, jumping up and down with excitement that Carla accepted his gift.

"So, it's like the Grand Magic Games, but with soccer?" Wendy verified her curiosity, fiddling with the hem of her navy blue jersey.

"Well, you can say that, though the Grand Magic Games happens every year," Lucy said to Wendy and Carla. "Fiore Cup happens every two years and the winner gets an ugly gold trophy, Special Edition Player and Model Sorcerer spread with the winner's town's corresponding guild, 25,000,000 Jewels for the team, and bragging rights for the next two years."

"It must be a big event if everyone is acting like this." Carla added, pointing out the ocean of blue in the guild.

"It wasn't popular seven years ago, not in Magnolia anyway." Gray's jersey was on the table now and the not so surprising half naked mage was clueless as ever. "Our team sucked."

"Now, we have new young players that won the regular season tournament last year." Lucy beamed. "They have a chance to win the glorious Fiore Cup!" She cheered with her fist held up in the sky.

"I never thought you as a die hard soccer fan." Erza complimented her enthusiasm.

"I-I am not a huge fan!" Lucy said modestly. "I just know enough. And it's fun to watch!" She smiled.

"Oh I am fired up now!" Natsu roared, his fists aflame from all the raging hype. "Let's go watch the game!"

"Calm down, you idiot!" Gray had no pants on. "The game doesn't start until later tonight."

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Natsu was in his face, but before the ice mage could make a snide remark, a black and white ball came hurling towards the two mages and smacks both of them in the face, causing them to fall to the floor. As they were comprehending what just happened, Gajeel, Lily and the rest of Team Shadow Gear arrived at the guild. Gajeel and his Exceed looked surprised at the usual guild hype camouflage in navy blue. Levy, on the other hand, blinked twice at what she was seeing. They were gone for one week and now the guild had turned into a soccer club. Her pivoting eyes landed on the rolling black and white ball slowly coming towards her. Levy lifted her foot to stop it, but Jet ended up scooping it up before she could grab it with the ball of her foot.

"Levy and the others are back!" Lucy beamed with a welcoming smile. She force a smile, watching Jet lightly kicked the ball back to Erza.

"Welcome back!" Wendy smiled.

"We're just about to play soccer." Erza announced to them. "Wanna join us?" She kneed the ball towards Jet.

"When did you guys start playing soccer?" Jet kicked the ball at Erza.

"Today," Erza beamed. "We have a few hours before the actual game starts."

While they conversed, Levy's hazel eyes watched the guild hall crowded with an ocean of blue and red Eagle jerseys. Banners of the Magnolia Eagles were up, and lacrima screens hovered over their heads and along the pillars, showing highlights from the previous matches. The smell of ale and seared meat was in the air, bringing back an old memory that she had forgotten all these years. Levy never saw the guild celebrate soccer; only Fantasia, the conclusion of the S-Class Wizard exam and the Grand Magic Games. Never soccer.

"Levy!" Jet shook her from her gawking and looked up at her friend. "You want to play?" Her eyes shifted to the others that were talking amongst themselves.

"I ain't playin." Gajeel yawned. "I just want to eat and sleep."

"It might be fun." Lily added, but the dragon slayer shook his head.

"It's been a long trip." Droy told them. "The job took longer than planned."

"And this is what we need." Jet kept pressing them. "You get to go against Natsu and the others." Trying so hard to convinced Gajeel to join them. Levy looked at Gajeel, who was already looking at her, waiting for her answer before he would make his. In all honesty, she really didn't want to play, but her feet told her something entirely different as they ached to kick the ball as hard as she could.

"One game wouldn't hurt." Levy smiled at him, shrugging her small shoulders. "Just one game!" She turned to Jet. "I'm tired too."

"I guess if we are all playing…" Gajeel sighed in defeat.

"Great!" Jet cheered and left to tell the others.

"I'm going home to change," Levy told Gajeel, and he silently nodded. "Meet you at the usual spot?" He nodded again and yawned.

With a quick trip to Fairy Hills to freshen up and change, Levy sprinted where Gajeel and Lily were meeting her a few blocks from the guild. When she arrived, Gajeel was handing money to the vendor and received the gray bag from the old man. He walked over to the side of the large red stand and began pulling off his charcoal gray shirt. Levy stopped and moved herself behind a lamp post, feeling her face heat up at the short glimpse. She peeked around the metal post and watched as the half naked Gajeel was talking to Lily while examining the blue jersey held out in front of him. Levy pulled back and leaned on the post, composing herself with a single deep breath. It wasn't the first time seeing him shirtless, and although it wasn't the first time seeing a half naked man (Gray for that matter), Gajeel without a doubt was the hottest man she ever laid eyes on. When she finally decided to make her trek, Gajeel was cloaked in a number 4 Bo jersey. His long black hair was tied back in a low pony tail and his fringe were held back by a navy blue headband. He saw her and she responded with a small wave.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting!" Levy greeted them.

"We just got here." Lily reassured her and handed her the plastic bag. "Gajeel got you a jersey." She peeked into the bag and saw the same number 4 Bo jersey, and she pulled it out of the bag.

"Thank you!" Levy smiled and held the shirt up.

"Yeah, don't mention it." Gajeel replied. "Let's get going."

"Hold on." Levy set her bag down on the cobblestones and slipped the jersey over her black tank top.

"I don't remember Magnolia being like this." Gajeel said, looking at the restaurants and cafés cloaked in banners and flags, filled with jersey clad people with face paint in white, red, and blue, and lacrima screens illuminating the crowded rooms.

"Magnolia Eagles were not so popular seven years ago." Levy straighten her bag around her shoulder. "They were in last place."

"That bad, huh?

"Really bad!" Levy grinned. "Back then, some people in Magnolia never knew we had a soccer team."

"And now they start to take notice." Lily pointed at a rowdy crowd outside a bar.

"The Eagles were reigning champions for a very long time." Levy added. "Twenty-five years ago."

"How do you know this?" Lily asked.

"I read it somewhere." Levy lied, but they believed her when it came to facts.

They continued walking silently together for a few more blocks until they could hear the familiar voices of the guild down at the soccer field. The field was located at the edge of town, near the forest leading to the mountains. It was a block away from the small stadium where Magnolia Eagles competed. Erza and Jet were explaining the rules of the game to Wendy and Carla, while Natsu and the others were messing around with the ball.

"I think I understand." Wendy said timidly.

"It'll make sense when we start playing." Jet assured her. He bounced the ball on his head and let it fall in front of him where the top of his foot kick it over to the group. "Let's get into teams. I call Captain!"

"Who died and called you captain?" Natsu yelled at Jet, seven years older than him and taller, didn't flinch at him yelling.

"While you were busy playing with Gray, I actually played soccer when we were little," Jet boasted. "Besides, Erza said it was okay."

"And I will be the opposing captain." Erza grinned devilishly. Levy looked around to see who else was there. Evergreen didn't want to play, sitting on the bench with Carla and Happy. Lily decided to be the main referees with the other Exceed. Elfman and his sisters were standing around Evergreen, talking to her, though they are now listening to the Captains. Juvia was with Gray as he was about to get into another fight with Natsu, while Lucy and Wendy tried to calm them down before Erza took notice. Droy stood behind Jet with a loaded hot dog in his hands. Max was with the celestial spirit, Leo, who was and forever will be the Fairy Tail wizard, Loki—though today he was there as a player and a friend and not a spirit. Of course, Gajeel and she was there; making the teams eight versus eight. Other than Wendy, Levy was the smallest player there.

"That's fine by me." Jet smirked back, having his own ideas. "I get first pick." Levy sighed, looking at the other people again. She knew she was going to be picked last. "Levy!" The bluenette looked over to the captains and saw Jet grinning wide with his hands on his hips. "You're on my team!" He winked at her, though that would notion would be taken out of context, knowing how much Jet had a crush on her.

"The first pick, huh?" Levy scratched her chin and let out a cute giggle as she made her way towards Jet's side.

"He just wants to be close to Levy-chan!" Lucy whispered over to Juvia, who nodded in turn. Gajeel clicked his tongue, looking away as he heard the celestial mage's comment.

"Gray!" Erza took her pick.

"Yes!" Gray shouted.

"What?" Natsu's jaw dropped. "Why did you pick him first?" Gray stuck out his tongue and pulled down the skin under his eye.

"Natsu!" Jet immediately took his pick.

"What?" Both Gajeel and Natsu shouted. Levy couldn't help, but laugh at the two Dragon Slayers.

"Erza is trying to steal Gray-sama from Juvia!" Juvia sputtered out.

"This won't end well if they end up on different teams." Lucy commented.

"Elfman!" Erza pointed at the oversized muscle man.

"Gajeel!" Jet finally answered to the Iron Dragon's ferocious glare.

"Next time you pick Salamander over me—" He got up in Jet's face. "—I am going to tell everyone what happened to you and Droy when we went to that bar and that chick—"

"Gajeel will be my striker!" Jet roared, patting Gajeel on the back and pulled him beside him.

"What happened—" Levy whispered to Gajeel.

"I'll tell you later—" Gajeel laughed.

The final teams are as they stand: Team Erza with Gray, Lucy, Elfman, Mira Jane, Wendy, Max and the last pick Droy. Team Jet with Gajeel, Levy, Lisanna, Natsu, Juvia, Romeo, Loki, and Romeo for a last minute trade as they thought it wasn't fair for Team Shadow Gear to be in one team, plus three dragon slayers too. They separated the celestial spirit away from his owner for Wendy. Levy was liking there odds, although she did question Jet's coaching abilities. He had Loki as the goalie, Juvia and Lisanna as the defenders, Levy and Romeo as mid-fielders, and finally Natsu, Gajeel and Jet as the forwards. At least with Erza's team, they had the big guy as the goalie, and it wasn't Elfman.

"I don't think I should be goalie." Droy commented between the pipes, holding a drumstick in his hands.

"Don't worry about guarding the goal." Erza smiled. "We'll make sure it doesn't get to you."

"I don't see why we have to have positions." Romeo said to Levy. "Why can't we just play?"

"Juvia wants to be with Gray-sama." She pouted, noticing that Gray was a defender too.

"For Wendy," Levy ignored Juvia, answered Romeo. "She doesn't know how to play, so we're doing it by the book."

"I guess that makes sense." Romeo nodded. "It's been thirty minutes of just planning. By the time we play, the first game will be on."

"We get the ball first!" Jet cheered when they won the coin toss. Levy and Romeo trotted behind the three forwards, waiting for their turn with the ball. Levy was pretty much tripping over herself, itching and anxious to get a hold of the ball. She watched as Jet crossed into the other's team's domain and passed the ball to Natsu, who stopped the ball with the side of his foot and then reared it back as far as he could before he hurled the ball across the field.

"What are you doing?" Jet shouted.

"OH MY GOD!" Droy got out of the way before the flaming ball blazed through the goal, breaking the net with its power. "Are you trying to kill me, Natsu?!" He shouted across the field. Elfman and Lucy were lying on the grass, having to dodge the scary kick from Natsu.

"Goal!" Natsu roared.

"Is that legal?" Wendy asked and Gray shrugged his bare shoulders. Happy came back with the soot covered ball and gave it to Mira Jane.

"It shouldn't be." Levy sighed. "That should be an offside kick…not really…but it should be." She watched as Mira passed the ball to Erza, only to have her kick it with all her might, copying Natsu.

"You got to be kidding me?" Loki cringed at the speed of the ball, though he stood his ground. He dove towards the ball and it decided to take the celestial spirit with it. Loki's body stopped it from going through the net and now the white threads entangled him with the ball. When Loki was able to breathe again, the goal post fell over, almost crushing Loki.

"This game is going no where." Lisanna shook her head. Jet was scratching his head in frustration. It really didn't surprise Levy as it was expected from a handful of Fairy Tail wizards.

"I'm bored." Gajeel yawned only to have Jet yell at him. "Jeez, you have to be so loud?" She laughed, eying Gajeel sneak in another yawn. Levy knew Gajeel well enough that he wasn't so easily bored with countless afternoons sitting in silence as she read to herself. At least with that Gajeel could take nap.

"Bored, huh?" Gajeel turned around and Levy placed a hand on his forearm. "The game hasn't started yet." She beamed at the iron dragon.

"What are you talking about, Shrimp?" Gajeel watched as Levy took off her brand new jersey and tank top, revealing an orange sports bra and then she moved on to tightening her sun colored headband pushing her wild blue hair back.

"We'll make it interesting." Levy grinned. "Just follow my lead." She pointed at the quarreling players in front of them. And from what it looked like they were fighting about who touched the ball last before it ran out of bounds. "We'll make them fight for the ball. Take that side of the field and wait for my pass." Levy trotted to the bench and toss her jersey on her stuff, and joined Gajeel's side. She pointed at the left side of the field where Mira Jane and Max were standing and then Elfman near the goal with Droy.

"Pass?" Gajeel raised a questionable brow. Levy didn't say a word and she patted Gajeel's back before she ran over to the right side of the field. "Oi, Shrimp! What the hell—"

"Jet," Levy called to the captain. "To me, okay?" She winked, having Jet smile and swoon, knowing all too well to get the ball for her. Her hazel eyes went over to Gajeel and winked at him too, and she could have sworn she saw a shocked looked on his face, though that wasn't really important. She could feel the anxious adrenaline pumping through veins, and her feet too anxious to grab hold of the ball.

"Okay…" Wendy stood a few paces from the ball and out of bounds. "I kick it to someone on my team?"

"Yes, Wendy!" Carla shouted. "Do your best!" She cheered and the Sky Dragon Slayer exhaled before she took two big strides towards the ball.

"Ack!" Wendy screeched before she fell on the grass. She tripped over her own footing and now the ball remained still in front of her. "I did it again…" She muttered. Gajeel groaned at the lack of doing anything, and Levy could only laugh at him. "Sorry, guys!" Wendy brushed herself off and tried again. Instead of the run and kick, she stood by the ball and kicked it towards Gray. Like Erza and Natsu, Gray reared back his leg, ready to shoot the ball into the goal from the center of the field, however, Jet came out of no where and stole the ball from under him.

"Jet!" Gray shouted, and the snickering Jet dribbled the ball with his fast feet before Erza was charging towards him.

"Levy!" Jet called to her and passed it to his right, where she appeared and with nimble feet, Levy moved the ball gracefully through the field. Levy looked over to her left to see Gajeel, confused, was running at the left side. She nudged her head further ahead and hopefully Gajeel understood her, because Gray was coming towards her with great speed, but Levy pivoted, kicking the ball away from her, spun around as her back hit Gray, causing him to step back, and she sprinted towards the ball to continue her trek.

"How the hell does she do that?" Gray charged after her.

Her possession didn't last long when Lucy and Mira Jane were on either side of her, and she passed the ball to Jet. Lucy was trying to slow her down, then she failed when Levy pulled away, making Lucy fall backwards.

"Sorry, Lu-chan!" Levy chuckled before she continued her sprint.

"When did Levy…" Lucy said while she was rubbing her butt. "Mira Jane! Get Levy!" Levy smiled when she saw the demon snuck up behind her and tried to make Jet not pass to her.

"Gajeel!" Jet shouted and kicked the ball to his left where Gajeel unskillfully tried to dribble the ball swiftly between his feet, looking like a giant toddler learning how to walk.

"Man!" Elfman took his stance, ready for defensive measures against Gajeel.

"Bring it on, Big Guy!" Gajeel laughed when Elfman was blocking his way. "Gihii!" He tripped Elfman, though the muscle beast grabbed Gajeel's foot and he fell down as well. Droy was close enough to get to the ball, then Max told him to stay by the goal. Max took possession and wanted to punt the ball towards Jet's side, then Romeo came out of no where and passed the ball to Jet, who had Erza on his tail.

"Levy!" Jet shouted one more time and the tiny field fairy moved between Jet and Erza, making Mira Jane crash into Titania. They started to curse against each other and with a last smirk towards Droy, Levy kicked the ball into the left corner of the goal. Droy laid on the grass gawking at the cheering little blue fairy.

"Wow, Levy is really good!" Wendy beamed.

"That is how you play soccer." Romeo cheered and gave a wide smile towards Wendy. "Great job, Levy-Nee!"

A/N: Hello, World! This is my first NEW fanfic in the last FOUR YEARS! And this time I am taking a crack out of the Fairy Tail fandom, since it is the only anime/manga I am actively watching/reading.

I got the idea of this story from watching the World Cup 2014. I use to play soccer when I was younger, and had to stop in high school when it was either soccer or softball, and of course I chose softball. Anyways, I also got the idea from Blanania on Tumblr. She drew (the cover image too) some of the Fairy Tail characters in Team Japan jerseys. Go check out her stuff! Her art is very pretty, awesome…and pretty…just check her out okay?

This story was supposed to be a one shot, but after re-reading it and extending the scenes, I felt like it should be a multi-chapter story. Most of the story is already written and I am currently writing the final two chapters, though I will post each chapter weekly (Monday or Tuesday). The first chapter is a little broad, but I guarantee you that there will be lots of Gajeel and Levy moments coming your way! Again, this is my first fanfiction that isn't Soul Eater, so getting characterization will take time. Practice makes perfect!

Fact: I thought I should write a little bit of what Levy's past could have been…so, sorry for the slight filler. I wanted to stick with Mashima's theme on daddy issues. With Levy, I wanted to write something in the lines of her moving on and forgetting her father (unlike Cana, she was trying to figure out how to tell Gildarts and he was oblivious of the fact). However, the Fiore Cup and Soccer fever going around the guild it was hard to forget, especially if she use to love it.

Please, oh please, review and share! I would like constructive criticism, especially with characterization. I hate OCness and I don't want my story to be one of them…