Kuroko Tetsuya: Our Yakuza Onii-chan

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket or the characters besides OCs.

Author's Note: Hello! I'm back again! I hope you are all doing well! My summer break is almost so I'll probably be having worse update times, I'm really sorry ;-; I'll try to make them regularly but no promises. Wow I can't believe it's been a whole year since I've begun writing this story! I didn't get as far in the plot as I thought I would lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Also thank you very much for your reviews, follows and favorites! I appreciate them very much! Well, I'm off to write that essay I've been putting off before I fail my class.

Picture credit: Mine

Not beta-ed, I apologize for grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.

Chapter 10:

Kuroko froze, he hadn't expected anyone to be awake after the sleeping drug he slipped into the dinner, but low and behold, Akashi was standing on the deck outside of his room. The emperor slowly walked towards the boy shrouded in shadows. Once Akashi was in front of Kuroko, he reached up at caress his cheek.

One the outside, Kuroko remained stoic and calm but internally his mind was in a rage of panic. "How had the drug not affect Akashi?" "What am I going to say to him!"

Akashi's red eyes bore into Kuroko's own sky blue ones. Akashi tilts up Kuroko's head and snaps the shorter boy back from his swirl of thoughts.

"Tetsuya, answer my question," although his actions were affectionate, his voice was filled with suspicion and a calculating coldness.

Kuroko tried to seem nonchalant by sighing and saying "I was just taking a walk in the garden" he tried to push pass Akashi to end the conversation but he was forcefully pulled into a back hug.

Akashi leaned into the crook of Kuroko's neck and whispered "Don't lie to me Tetsuya, you do not smell of the garden. The scent of dust and the city linger on your clothing." Kuroko kept silent, knowing he was caught.

"Hm, perhaps your silence is because you are still wondering how I am not affected by that drug you slipped into the food." Akashi said, the smirk evident in his voice.

"Hmph, have you forgotten who I am Tetsuya? I am Akashi Seijuuro, heir to the Akashi group. Since childhood I have been taught things to protect myself from kidnappers, assassins, street thugs, and the like. What do you think that means?" Akashi whispered the last sentence with arrogance that boasted of his background. He let go of Kuroko and stood facing the garden; his back facing the silent escapee.

Kuroko had underestimated Akashi. He never would have thought that the emperor could've recognized the sleeping drug's faint bitter taste.

"It seems I underestimated the heir to the most powerful group in Japan. Of course you would've been able to avoid eating the dishes with the most of it. I assumed the fresh taste of the sashimi and the richer dishes would've masked it, even from you." Kuroko said in defeat. He turned to look at Akashi.

"Well, it seems you've finally realized what your mistake was. Never underestimate me again Tetsuya. Even if it's you, I won't forgive it. Now, more importantly, what are you hiding from me?" Akashi faced the other boy, his eyes flashed in the moonlight sending a challenge.

"It's not something you should get involved in Akashi-kun. This is my personal business, please stay out of it for your own sake." Kuroko half pleaded. He had tried so hard to keep his friends and those around him from finding out for so long, he can't let this mistake endanger them all.

"Even if you don't tell me yourself right now, I have the capability to find out on my own Tetsuya. I'd rather you keep it simple and tell me now. If left to my own devices, there no guarantee that the others won't find out." The words hung in the air between them.

Kuroko knew that Akashi was right. Weighing the consequences and risks, Kuroko knew that telling him now would be the safest choice.

"Alright, but this is not a good place for a discussion. I also have a condition for speaking of this. You must never get involved in anyway no matter what you hear. Do I have your word Akashi-kun?" Kuroko looked at Akashi and tried to will him to agree.

"Now you've made me curious, what could this secret of yours possibly be for you to make that kind of condition? Follow me, I have prepared a room for our nice little chat." Akashi ignored the glare that Kuroko gave him as he walked pass.

"I've failed. There's nothing I can do now. Even if I choose not to tell him, he will find out and may even tell the others." Kuroko was defeated, there was nothing he could do. The yakuza followed dejectedly.

A bit farther down the hall, behind the door where the other Gom members slept, Murasakibara sat near the door. He heard the entire conversation. He had been waiting ever since he heard Akashi get up and leave the room. "Wow, Aka-chin is really impressive. No wonder Aka-chin didn't eat much during dinner. Well, I guess it wasn't strong enough to make me fall asleep although I'm more tired than normal. Hmmmmmm I wonder what Kuro-chin's secret is. Aka-chin might tell me if I ask him in secret later. Well, time to sleep." Murasakibara yawned and fell asleep, finally able to sate him curiosity after his previous captain had snuck out earlier in the night. The rest of the room's inhabitants were snoring

The room Akashi had prepared in advance was in a different area of the ryokan. It was completely surrounded by screen walls. Akashi sat down on a cushion at a low table near the center of the room and beckoned Kuroko over to him. The only source of light was a faintly scented candle set on the table.

Kuroko sat down in front of Akashi. He took a deep breath and switched to his alter ego, The Shadow.

The blue eyes that bore into Akashi's own ruby ones were cold. The chilled the very air around the two. The Tetsuya that sat in front of him wasn't the same one he had just spoken to a few minutes ago, this one had the look of a silent and cruel corpse. The blank expression that he found endearing was now one that wretched his heart out. Akashi thought subconsciously "Is he even human anymore?" On the outside Akashi maintained his demeanor, he stilled exuded confidence and power but Kuroko saw him falter for a second when he made eye contact the first time.

"I'll say it again Akashi, my business is something you should stay out of. You are from an upstanding corporate ruling family in society. The underworld isn't a place a pristine young master should tread into." The arrogance and mockery of the seemingly polite words hit Akashi like a truck. He was so taken aback by the fact that Kuroko was mocking AND threatening him that it took a minute longer for him to realize the weight of the words.

The smirk and emperor-like aura around Akashi dropped, his eyes narrowed in disbelief, he could only manage to whisper "You…..you're a yakuza?" Kuroko stared back at him, confirming that it wasn't a cruel joke.

Akashi closed his eyes while Kuroko sat there in silence watching him compose himself.

Akashi managed to contain his surprise and regained his composure. "This is quite unbelievable Tetsuya. I never would have guess that this was your secret. You background was mysterious ever since our Teiko days but I didn't think you'd have joined a yakuza gang. What drove you to it? If you needed money, you could've just borrowed it from me."

"No, you're wrong Akashi. I did not join the underworld, I was born into it." Kuroko corrected him. His tone remained neutral but Akashi felt a hint or remorse, it was faint so he couldn't be sure.

"What?" was all the ruby-eyed teen could voice. He felt his heart aching at the statement. How harsh his childhood must've been, to grow up in the midst of that environment.

"That is all I can say. Now that you know, heed my warning and stay out of my business. It will only bring you harm. Do NOT try to get involved Akashi. I don't need your help and I'm not asking for it either, you will only be a liability." Kuroko finished threateningly and dropped his yakuza personality. He stood to leave but suddenly he was hit with dizziness. Kuroko's eyes felt heavy; he couldn't keep them open. Akashi caught him before he fell into a heap next to the table.

"It seems the aroma worked. For a ruthless yakuza, I can't believe he didn't realize the candle was laced with sleeping incense." Akashi smirked and scooped the sleeping boy up. His smirked dropped when he thought about Kuroko's background again.

"I swear I'll protect you. It took me by surprise but I won't let you experience the pain of the darkness anymore." Akashi pressed a soft kiss on Kuroko's cheek.

"I'm not afraid" He whispered, his eyes burned at the challenge he faced. Akashi entered the room next door where he had prepared a futon and laid Kuroko into it.

The following morning, Kuroko woke to feet thundering on the wooden floors. Suddenly he heard a screen door being yanked open and a screaming tiger faced boy shouting at him.

"What are you doing to Kuroko! You perverted thief!" Kagami shouted and screamed at the two in front of him.

Kuroko tried to raise his arms to his face but found them pressed against something. He opened his eyes more and saw that it was another body. He was pressed into Akashi's chest and the ex-captain's arms were holding him there. Shock and surprise caused Kuroko to shout.

Kagami ran into the room and tore the blanket off of the two and pried Akashi's arms off. Kuroko rolled free. Akashi woke up with a death glared directed at Kagami who was still holding onto his arms.

"What are you doing Taiga?" The menace dripped like venom from his voice. Kagami let him go and backed up to hide behind Kuroko.

"Th-That's what I'm asking you! Why were you and Kuroko sharing a futon and cuddling in a different room?! I can't believe you made a night attack on Kuroko!" Kagami yelled in bewildered and jealous rage. As he finished his sentence, the rest of the group crashed into the room. The children rushed to Kuroko while the teens were bickering about Kagami's loud voice.

While the children gave Kuroko warm and cheerful good mornings, the teens begain sorting out the mess.

"Oi! What's the big idea! Why're you yelling so early in the morning Bakagami! I was trying to sleep!" Aomine was yawned irritatedly. He finally noticed the scene in front of him. "Huh? What's going on?"

"Akashi-kun, please explain why Tetsu-kun wasn't in his room this morning when I went to wake him up with a morning kiss? Momoi asked sweetly but her annoyance was evident on her face.

"What were you trying to do Momoicchi?! That was my plan! But Aominecchi tripped me and we started fighting!" Kise exclaimed.

"Akashi, please explain this scene? I assume Kagami here found you to sharing a futon? How and why? I don't really care and I'm definitely not jealous! Just answer the question'' Midorima said in his tsundere way.

"Ehhh? Kuro-chin and Aka-chin slept together? I'm so jealous. I wanna cuddle with Kuro-chin too. It must've felt nice having Kuro-chin all to yourself Aka-chin." Murasakibara once again bluntly stated all of their hidden feelings.

The chibis playing with Kuroko froze when they heard this, all 8 pairs of eyes tured to the group of teens talking.

"I wanna cuddle with nii-chan too!" Rima grabbed Kuroko's neck and hugged him, she giggled because his wild hair tickled her cheek. Kagami had been pushed aside by the small children.

"Me too! Me too! We didn't get to sleep next to nii-chan because he was sick for a long time remember! Sion plopped himself into Kuroko's lap and leaned into his chest. The young boy let out a content sigh.

Aoi took to climbing Kuroko's back and hugging him from behind, laughing at his hair too.

Taiga shoved Sion over to make room for himself on his nii-chan's lap too. Kamiko lovingly hugged Kuroko's upper arm while Tsukimo took his hand and nuzzled her cheek into it. Kyo claimed Kuroko's other arm and the entire group had fun cuddling with their older brother after so long. Momoi had been taking pictures of the entire scene the whole time. She was squealing to herself in the corner.

"Move over brats, it's my turn" Aomine smirked and picked Kuroko up. The navy haired boy hugged his captive closer and began to try and escape the room h=but before he could even step out of the room he was shoved aside by a loud and energetic blond.

"Kurokocchi! Accept my love!" Kise spun around the room in happiness but his joy was cut short when Midorima stole Kuroko from him and tripped the boy into crashing into Aomine.

"I was just saving you from Kise! I didn't want to particular hug you or anything!" The poor megane couldn't hide his blush although his words were harsh.

Murasakibara stepped in to take Kuroko into his arms when Midorima's brain short-circuited from his emotions.

"Good morning Kuro-chin, you look cute today too." Murasakibara bolded gave Kuroko a peck on the cheek that halted all action. Akashi stood to take Kuroko but Kagami was faster. Annoying the emperor who sent a glare his way.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING TO MY PARTNER!" Kagami sprang into action and saved his best friend from the predators. He escaped the room and ran back down the hall to the other side where the bathroom was. Once they were safely inside, Kagami let out a sigh of relief.

"Good morning Kagami-kun." Kuroko said.

"Wah! Oh, uh, good morning Kuroko!" Kagami said, a bit flustered after the events.

"Can you put me down now? You're kind of crushing me." Kuroko said in slight amusement but his face remained blank.

"Yeah! Of-of course!" Kagami set the boy down. He scratched his head in embarrassment.

"So, uh, how did you two get into that situation?" Kagami asked finally.

"We were talking and it seems I fell asleep. I'm not sure how we ended up in the same futon but that's what happened." Kuroko replied cooly before moving on to brush his teeth and tame his hair. "It seems Akashi was using a sleeping incense. This will be the last time he catches me off guard." Kuroko thought.

"Huh? What were the two of you talking about so late at night?" The taller teen asked in curiosity.

"Nothing important, just casual chatting." Kuroko left the bathroom, leaving Kagami to ponder his answer.

"Really? But why did were they in a different area of the ryokan? I don't think I can ask right now but it seems a bit fishy?" Kagami followed Kuroko out after collecting his thoughts.

"Come here everyone, let's go wash up before breakfast." Kuroko rounded up his siblings and they marched into the bathroom. Kuroko lovingly wiped all their faces and tamed the signature Kuroko wild hair.

"Heh heh! I'm so happy nii-chan is all better now! You can play with us!" Aoi grinned widely and kissed Kuroko on the cheek after he brushed the boy's hair. Kuroko straightened up and sighed contently. "If only it were like this every day. How nice it must be to be normal."

The rowdy group enjoyed a western styled breakfast that morning.

"Say aaahhh~ Kurokocchi!" Kise was trying to give him so pancake but Kuroko ignored him for the fluffy scrambled eggs.

"Muou~" Kise ate it himself amidt his crocodile tears.

"Here, you should eat more vegetables for your health." Midorima placed a large serving of salad onto Kuroko's plate while not making eye contact.

"Eat more meat too Kuroko, you need to build muscle" Kagami placed another sausage into his plate.

Soon enough his plate was piled high with food he couldn't possibly eat.

"You put too much Mura-kun! Tetsu-kin can't eat all those eggs!" Momoi began moving the eggs to make room for her bagel slices topped with cream cheese.

"No, you are giving him too many bagels Satsuki, Tetsu should eat bacon. Bacon is obviously the best." Aomine piled on more and more bacon, he even took some from Kagami's plate.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that! Give it back!" Kagami stole back his bacon and replaced it with more sausages.

"No, he should be eatung vegetables and fruits! Those are the healthiest!" Midorima gave the entire bowl of salad and the fruit bowl to Kuroko.

Suddenly, the doors to the dining room opened and the chefs walked in carrying a huge playe of French toast piled high with fruits, syrup, and whipped cream.

"This is obviously what Tetsuya needs the most, and its far more delicious than those basic breakfast items." Akashi sneered. He had won this round.

Kuroko took in the sight of the food being forced onto him and fainted comically.

"Here nii-chan! I'll eat it for you!" Kyo took a huge serving of bacon and the other kids dug into the trove of delicious food. Amazingly, the food disappeared in seconds. The teens just stared in amazement.

"Well, I suppose breakfast is concluded. We have another whole day to enjoy before we head back to Tokyo tomorrow morning. I have some business to attend to so you all are on your own." With that, Akashi stood up and exited the room.

"Phew that was delicious! Kurokocchi are you awake? Should I give you a kiss as your prince?" Kise rolled from his cushion to where Kuroko was laying and poked his cheek. He was about to lean down to kiss Kuroko when a small hand slapped his mouth and shoved him away.

"No! I'm kuro-nii's Prince!" Kyo tried to kiss Kuroko in place of Kise but he was picked up from behind.

"Waaaaah! That hurt Kyo-chan! I'll punish you for hitting this nii-chan's model face!" Kise stood up with the boy in his hands and started to spin around playfully with him.

"He's lucky Kyo stopped him or a slap in the face would've been a blessing in place of what I would've given him" The menacing thought from the jealous gom, momoi, and kagami remained oblivious to the blond.

"Hey hey nii-chan! Wake up!" Ami sat on Kuroko's stomach and started to pat both of his cheeks.

"Heh nii-chan is cute." Taiga scooted over to Kuroko and pinched his cheek.

Cute flowers bloomed and Momoi was squealing about moe in her corner as the other hid grins.

"Onee-san can you braid my hair for me?" Rima tugged on Momoi's skirt.

"Sure sweetie! Let's go pick some flowers to put in yourhair too! Wouldn't that be pretty?" Momoi said

"Yeah!" Rima agreed happily and the two walked into the garden.

"Wanna go find more bugs to catch?" Aoi called to the other kids and they all grabbed their little nets and cages and ran into the garden.

Midorima decided to relax on the deck with a book. He enjoyed the breeze and was also secretly watching out for the kids in the garden.

Kise and Aomine decided to go at each other in a ping pong match down in the entertainment area. Kagami wanted to try out the massages ad woke Kuroko up to go with him.

"Go enjoy yourself Tetsu-kun! Mido-kun and I make sure the cuties don't wander off!" Momoi assured Kuroko when he said he couldn't leave his siblings. Kagami tugged him away.

"Hmm, was that a good idea Momoi-chin? Kaga-chin might do things to Kuro-chin since they are alone." Murasakibara called from in front of the television.

"Oh! You're right! Hm but I think I can trust Kaga-min to not attack Tetsu-kun when he's still recovering." Momoi said cheerfully.

"Hn, okay, if you say so. But if he does attack Kuro-chin, I'll crush him." Murasakibara went back to watching the anime in the television.

"That shorty said the massages here were supposed to refresh your muscles! They will probably help with speeding up your recovery!" Kagami said as he and Kuroko walked toward the front desk.

"Excuse me miss, we would like to have the rejuvenating massage please." Kuroko calmly said to the desk employees.

"Of course dear guest, we will have a room prepared for you immediately." The woman replied with a smile.

As the two were led back, the lady stopped them in one of the other rooms so they could change out of their clothes and came out in robes and basketball shorts since Kagami insisted he wouldn't go commando and he feels awkward doing it alone so Kuroko was forced to join him in his apparel.

"Please remove the robes and lay down on your stomach on the massage beds prepared." The female massage therapists giggled quietly when she saw the shorts but composed herself to continue.

"Our regiment consists of light massages before the more intense set and also a hot rock treatment and the famous hot cups if you would like that as well. Some of our guests are a bit scared of those so we keep it as an option."

"Hey Kuroko, what are the hot cups?" Kagami turned and asked the boy in the next bed.

"It is a type of massage where they heat round cups with fire before sticking it on your back. It is supposed to relax all of your tension." Kuroko said.

"Cool! We should try those too!" Kagami said.

"Alright dear guests, we will also prepare the hot cup treatment!" the therapist said.

While the others were leisurely enjoying the ryokan's services, Akashi had separated from them, claiming to have business to attend to. The others assumed it was relating to the Akashi group, after all, Akashi was working as Vice President and this was one of their partner resorts.

Akashi went to one of the Akashi group's corporate buildings in Kyoto and occupied a private office reserved for V. . A servant greeted him as he walked into the building.

"Greetings young master, would you like me to notify your father that you have arrived?" he said

"No, assure that no record of my arrival is noted. Do you understand?" Akashi said.

"Yes sir, I will bring refreshments in a short while, would you like the usual tea set?"

"No, I will send for refreshments if I require them. Do not disturb me." He walked off to the elevator.

The teen took off his coat and hung it on the coatrack near the door before settling in the grand desk near the windows. Akashi flexed his fingers and smirked.

"I can't let my dear Tetsuya brave the underworld alone, and I will not stand to be labeled as a liability. No matter what he says, all will fear the power of the Akashi. Now, what is the true nature behind that blank mask you always wear Tetsuya." Akashi said to himself. The heir to Japan's biggest and most powerful corporate family began his descent into the secrets underlying the world-renown yakuza underworld.

Ending note: Thank you so much for reading! I hope this chapter made sense and I hope you enjoyed it. please leave a review if you want to, I enjoy reading them a lot! Also, since I cringe too much and get distracted way too easily to read my own writing, would someone mind pming me the summary of what you understand so far from the chapters? I have a kind of detailed vague idea of what I've mentioned so far concerning the plot but im not completely sure of it and I would love to have a reader's perspective on it! Thank you again for reading and supporting this story of mine ^-^