Karma's POV:

To be honest, I was on the verge of going insane. Everyday I stayed in the hospital, I would be left to think about my life. I didn't like the choices I made nor did I like the mistakes I never tried to fix. Honestly I felt like I had messed up everything and everyone around me, with one simple touch. I guess you can say being close to death really changed me. The real question is for how long.

It was my last day in the hospital. I have been in this tomb for almost a week and now it was finally time for me to leave. I was prepared to take on the world. I knew there was going to be a lot of changes once I stepped back into the world. The first change? Going to AA. Yes I am a alcoholic. Like Abraham Lincoln, I cannot tell a lie. It took me forever to admit just that to myself. Another thing is that I need to express to Amy how I truly feel. All this time I have been drinking to ignore that fact that deep down inside I love her just as much as she loves me, but I was afraid. Amy has never been like me. That is where we are different. She is not afraid to be different, to stand out or to not follow the crowd. She is the true definition of a leader while I am just some follower who just wants attention. No more I say. This is real. I can't deny that I love Amy. Nothing can compare to having someone who you connect with love you the way Amy loves me. Maybe it was love at first sight or maybe it was meant to be. I don't know but all I know is that whatever it is, it has officially made me head over heels for her.

I packed my things slowly and carefully. I didn't know how to handle things. Everything was hitting my body and mind at once. I don't know if I could take the possible heartbreak that might happen if I don't hurry up and talk to Amy. I sighed and sat on the bed again. I was becoming weak. I haven't fully recovered but I was trying. It has taken more of a mental and emotional toll than physical. I had requested to be alone for the past couple of days. Worst decision I could had made. It has literally driven me insane. It's dangerous to be left with your thoughts, especially if you are the type of person who is as emotional as I am. I remember the time when I didn't really care about my emotions. I use to never let it affect me. Now I am stuck in this new world. I have never had strong feelings for anyone. I use to just push feelings into the back of my head or bottle it up so that I could deal with it later. Now here I am, letting my feelings affect me more than it use to. Maybe pushing my emotions away and acting like I have everything under control when I don't was a bad mistake. Maybe this was my only time to truly change who I am as a human being. It only seems fair that I should, considering that now I have to consider my feelings and Amy's. Everything has changed now.

I resumed packing my things. My mind was a jumbled mess. I didn't want to really acknowledge anything even though I knew I had to. I placed the last thing into my bag. I took one last look in the room before leaving. As I walked down the hall, I kept thinking to myself, this is it. I could easily leave the old me behind right now in this hospital and pretended like it died. I can walk out of here a completely different person. The question is do I want to change? Do I want to be a different person for not only myself but for everyone around me? The questions were corrupting my mind as I got closer to the door. Maybe I should change. Become a different person than I was before. I mind as well. I have nothing to lose but so much to gain. I came to the front door. I stared outside at the beautiful sky. I stood there for a few moments. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It is time for me to change. It is time for me to be a better person, but will I be a different person for long?

Carter's POV:

I feel as though I am slightly losing my mind. I keep thinking about Amy. It's becoming an issue now. She haunts and taunts my dreams at night and my thoughts during the day. I just want to be with her. That's all I want. I am driving my own self crazy by thinking about her. She is most likely not even thinking about me. She is probably with Karma, finding a new reason to fall in love with her since she was being released from the hospital today.

I walked from my last class to the front of the school. Everyone was in a hurry to get home since it was officially the weekend. I particularly didn't care. I took my sweet time making my way to the front of the school. I had my headphones in, expecting to make this painful walk home since Taylor had the car. I didn't really mind too much about walking. I needed time to myself to think things out. As I approached the front, I wasn't really expecting to see anyone I knew. Bird was away on some trip that her parents forced her to go on and well, I didn't even know where everyone else was. I have been distancing myself lately. As I started to leave the campus I stopped in my path. I recognized the person who was across from me. That stance, those familiar brown eyes, that flowing dark brown hair. It seemed like I was in a dream. I went straight over to the person. My stride got quicker as I approached.

"You know, you have some nerve coming here of all places to try and see me." I looked my mom in the eyes. She gave me a weak smile before speaking.

"I just wanted to apologize to you and say goodbye before I leave again. This is probably going to be the last time you see me…" My mom, I mean Lori, said.

"Good. Nice knowing you. Thanks for raising me. Elizabeth, aka my REAL mom, can take it from here." I started to walk off but Lori grabbed me by my wrist. Her grip was tight and firm.

"Don't EVER forget that I raised you. I am the reason why you are who you are. I saved you. I made your life so much better than it would had been. I did everything I was suppose to do and I do not regret it one bit. Neither should you."

"Are you forgetting that you KIDNAPPED me away from my family for sixteen years?! We don't know if you made me the way that I am because my own family never got a chance at raising me until now. You expect me to have sympathy for that fact that you took care of me for all these years? You kidnapped me and kept me all to yourself for 16 years! If I would had never gotten detained back where we lived, I would had never been reunited with my real family. When were you planning on telling me that you kidnapped me? When you were almost dead?! I can't believe you. On top of that you almost killed someone's daughter just so you can escape? You're scared of getting caught instead of being a real woman and owning up to your actions. You don't want to take the consequences for what you have done but you are willing to do it? Where is the justice in that? Get out of my face and I hope I never see you again. You didn't save me, you ruined me…" and with that I walked away. Lori didn't bother to stop me. She didn't even say anything. I walked away and I swear I never felt so good in my life. I never felt so content with my decision in the past sixteen years of my life.

Amy's POV:

I side eyed Karma. She was busy writing her next big hit of a song. I ate another grape. It was a week after Karma got out of the hospital and she was back at school, sitting on the lawn at lunch with me like we use to always do. Karma has really been different this past week. It's not like it was before. She is more reserved, quiet, but most importantly she doesn't respond much to the things I say or do. I really don't know how to deal with this Karma…

"Did you hear anything I just said?" I snapped out of my thought bubble and gave her an endearing look.

"Sorry hun. I wasn't paying attention." I mumbled out of my mouth. She sat up so she could face me. I cringed a little under her eyes. She stared at me for a few moments then her face soften.

"Why were you spacing out, love?" I felt sensations run through my body. Karma hasn't called me "love" in over a month. It felt good to be called this again.

"I was just looking at you working hard on this new song. What is it about?" She gave me one of her signature smiles. I felt my heart melt slowly. I am still in love with this girl.

"It's a secret. You will know in due time. I promise. It's only for a selective few to hear." I shrugged my shoulders and let out a small chuckle.

"In better words, it's for me and your cat to hear." Karma punched me in the arm. I pretended to be hurt and was overdramatic about the whole thing. Karma started laughing. This was the first time I've heard her laugh since me and Carter became a thing. She looked clean. I could tell she hadn't been drinking lately, which was good. I was proud of her for that. Things were slowly going back to normal, but they weren't quite there yet.

"So glad to see you two are getting along again." Shane said as he appeared out of the crowd of students around us, sitting next to me. We both looked at each other with longing stares before looking at our dear friend.

"We are best friends. We were going to make up eventually." Karma spoke first. I nodded my head to show that I agreed with her. Shane chuckled.

"I can feel some lesbian energy in the air. Is it lust? Is it friendship? Or is it something more? The world may never know." I lightly punched Shane in the shoulder. Karma gave him a motherly scold before breaking out in light laughter. At that moment lunch was over as the bell boomed on the campus. We all gathered our things and started to go. Before I could take two steps, Karma gripped my wrist, pulling me back. I gave her a confused look.

"Umm...Can I come over today? I need help with some school work. I need to catch up and who better to help me then my...best friend right?" I sighed. I nodded my head yes and Karma beamed with joy.

"Okay! I'll be over at 7." I watched her walk away from me. She must had sense I was watching her because she only took a few steps forward before turning around quickly to blow me a kiss over her shoulder. My eyes grew wide with curiosity. Karma has never done that before…

Seven o'clock rolled around. Karma came right on time as she said. She actually had her books and notebook with her. I made some sandwiches and we started working on her homework. It didn't really take us too long. We laughed a little, joked a little, and were serious for a long while.

"I need a mental break. I feel like my brain is about ready to explode." Karma plopped herself on my bed. I remained at my desk, staring at her. She turned over onto her back to face me. I noticed something instantly about her. Her eyes changed. They had this look of...hunger in her eyes. The real question is, what was she hungry for? Karma's soft voice broke me from my train of thought.

"Amy? Come here…" Karma pointed her index finger at me and beckoned me to come lay next to her. I proceeded to do so. We stared at the stars on my ceiling.

"Hey do you remember when we put those up?" Karma asked, knowing that I would obviously say yes.

"Yes of course. It was because I have anxiety towards the dark."

"More like scared of the dark." Karma chuckled. I frowned.

"Well I was but now I'm not."

"Yeah you are, love." Karma chuckled again. I sat up.

"No I'm not."

"Really now?" Karma asked. She sat up too. She gave me a mischievous grin before clapping her hands once. Suddenly, the room went dark. The only light in the room was the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. My eyes were trying so hard to adjust to the dark but it didn't take long for me to realize what Karma had in mind. When my eyes finally did adjust to the room, I could see Karma inches away from my face. Her breath was steady and sharp. I felt her body heat.

"Karma…" My voice was cut short by the taste of Karma's lips on top of mine. It has been a long time since I've kissed Karma. The last few times I kissed her, her lips were soaking wet with alcohol, which use to put a bad taste in my mouth. The kiss started out slow. Gradually picking up pace as every ounce of passion deepened within us. I didn't quite understand what was purpose of us kissing but I didn't really care. All I cared about was being able to kiss the girl who will always have my heart. Always.

*Clap Clap*

The light in my room instantly came on. I pulled away from Karma, looking bewildered. She too pulled away, licking her swollen lips as she did. My eyes searched around the room to see what was the source of the claps. It didn't take me long to find out who.

"Well well, if it isn't the happy couple having a tender moment. Too bad it won't last long." I didn't recognize this tone of voice that came out of Carter. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. The bags under her eyes showed her youth being drained out of her by god knows what.

"C-Carter? What are you doing here?" Karma stayed silent. I felt a sharp pain coming from my hand. I looked down to see Karma gripping my hand with dear life. Her eyes were big and her face had lost every single inch of color it once had. I leaned into her and whispered in her ear.

"Karma! You are hurting me. What's wrong?" She turned her head towards me without taking her eyes off Carter.

"Look…" I followed her eyes and instantly knew what she was freaking out about.

Carter had a gun.