It's that time of the day. It's date time. My most faithful lover and I are intertwined in our most sacred ritual.

It's a ritual I know all too well. It's a ceremony that I start off every single day with, it's something that's just as vital to my well-being as eating and showering is. It's something I could never live without. It's the blood coursing through my veins.

My lover and I are combined now in our throes of passion. It's an intimacy that goes beyond description, a connection so deep that most people could never even dream of it. My lover and I know each other better than most couples who have been together for decades. My lover knows every inch of my body, and knows where to hit the vital spots. My lover has memorized the surface of my body like a map, and can locate all the most important curves without even a second thought.

Oh lord, my lover is inspecting my most sensual places, probing wildly at them. Whenever it does this, I can't control myself any further. There's no use trying to hide or relinquish my ecstasy from my lover, it can see everything. I don't care enough to try to conceal. The best moments are when I'm too weak to repress this orgasmic rush that screams through my body. The best moments are when I just go limp and let my body do whatever it wants to do. I can't lie to my lover. My lover knows everything. It sees all. It can be subdued, but never fully tamed. It is relentless.

The sensation that was slowly forming through my body is now exploding. It's erupting like fire crackers in the night sky. I can hardly even breathe anymore, my lungs are reaching for air, but to no avail. I'm a whimpering mess. My whimpers turn to pants and before long, the pants escalate into fully realized moans, and I can feel my body about to betray me in this most desperate moment. I can feel that humbling force of expulsion slip between my legs and the next thing you know, I have cum. Oh my sweet lordy Christ, I have cum. Whew. Just on time, actually. If that damn orgasm hadn't hurried itself up, I would have been late for school.

My attention is promptly interrupted. "Anna," someone calls out to me, their presence obscured by a door. I know that voice extremely well. It's the same voice I hear every day, and it's also the same voice that nags at me about this time every day. "Anna," the voice repeats. "If you don't hurry up getting ready, dear, you're going to be late for school."

"I'm almost ready mom," I lie. You know, it would be really nice if I could have an orgasm around here without being nagged at right after. Talk about a mood killer. Oh, and if you haven't figured it out quite yet, Anna is me. I'll be your narrator for the proceedings. More on me later, though. For now my involvement is unimportant, I am merely a vessel for all the weird-ass things that are about to unfold. But more on that in a bit, because obviously we can't go straight into the juicy bits without setting everything up.

I slide my underwear back up my legs, and then I pull my pants back up to where they should be. You know, like, around my waist. Just a moment ago, they were suspended around my ankles. All things considered, I probably look like a sweaty mess, but I really can't help myself. Before heading off to school, I needed to feel something, even if it was regret. I just needed to feel alive again, just for a brief period. I fix my clothing properly, making sure everything is in the right order. Underwear on the inside, pants on the outside. Yup. Everything is situated perfectly.

I return my lover to its regular position. Now safely hidden inside my underwear drawer, my beloved will rest until I seek its assistance once more. My vibrator has done its job for now, and I am thankful, but I just can't hang out with it all day long, as much as I may want. There are many important things to do, like for example, being bored all day in school. My mom will luckily never find it in there, so at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about. She'd probably kill me if she did.

The flicker of the computer screen is the only light illuminating my room, and my shitty headphones are the only thing concealing the noises made from the video I was watching. Sometimes I wish I had some privacy in this house, because sometimes it would be nice to masturbate with the setting on my vibrator above low, to avoid the buzzing noise from escaping my room. No wonder it takes so damn long, I would have better luck achieving orgasms using the vibration setting on my phone. Sometimes I wish I had more privacy so I could actually be free to moan, out loud, and not have to gag myself every morning during my daily routine. On occasions, I ponder what pornography sounds like without being drowned out by the padding from my shitty headphones.

It's been so long since the last time I actually had sex, I think my hymen might have grown back. Have you ever gone such a long time between having sex you forgot what it even felt like? Sometimes I think sex with another person is some kind of hoax. I mean, people are doing it, the birth of every human being who has ever lived is a testament to that fact, so surely, people must be having sex, it's not some kind of mythical conspiracy made up by the druids. Just not me. What the hell is wrong with me, though? Are redheads really that unpopular?

Can you return to being a virgin if you forsake sex for long enough? I was about to find out, it seems. It's been so damn long I was beginning to wonder if I inadvertently retired from it, and no one had the decency to inform me. At least when they fire you from a job, you have some warning.

I don't have an abundance of time to think about my sex life though, or lack there of. I have things to do, even if I don't want to do them. For one last time I inspect myself in my bedroom mirror, before heading out the door. Looking back at me is a perky, expressive redhead who can face anything. There isn't a thing on Earth that I'm not prepared for. Even if I have to spend the rest of my day crushingly disinterested in school, I'm ready for it. I smile at myself in the mirror, watching the sides of my lips raise in this shy little smile. Maybe if I smile long enough, I might project the illusion that I am actually happy. Other people don't know any better, they see a girl smile, and they assume she's happy. If only they really knew. But I hide it all very well. All the anguish I have gone through has given me the poker face of a world championship player.

Regardless, I head out my door. My mom is seated on the couch of the living room watching some television soap opera. Nothing dramatic in life ever happens, other than in soap operas, seemingly. How boring must life be, if watching other people live, is more entertaining? My mom, still mostly absorbed in her show, greets me. "Have a nice day at school, honey." I wish I could just sit around watching television all day alongside her, but unfortunately my busy schedule didn't allow for any actual enjoyment.

"Don't worry mom, I won't," I deadpan. Usually I would try to avoid answering her sincerely, but today I was just too weary to hide the truth from her. For some reason, I was in a worse mood than usual. Maybe it was because today marked the four month anniversary since I've last been on a date, but then again, that type of thing stopped bothering me ages ago.

"Always helps to have an optimistic attitude, dear."

"Bye mom," I call out, although at this point, my mom's attention went right back into the television screen. It was better spent there than on her lost cause of a daughter, so I can't blame her. I'm the black sheep of this family and there's only two people left in it.

She doesn't even drive me to school anymore. I mean, we live right near the school, it's like a 10 minute walk, but still, it's the thought that used to mean something to me. It's been so long since someone actually acknowledged my existence in any kind of meaningful way. It's been so long since something actually exciting has happened in Arendelle. Excitement, much like sex, was a sensation I was starting to think was behind me. I was never going to experience either ever again. Even my daily fit of masturbation was starting to get droll and tiresome. When even your orgasms start to become mundane, you're pretty damn screwed.

Today is a bit peculiar, though. As I walk to school I can't help but notice that it's actually quite a bit colder today than usual. The sky is foreboding, with storm clouds teasing over the city. Considering that yesterday was a perfectly mild day, this all seems rather odd. Just my luck, though. Something unexpected finally happens in this God-forsaken city, and it's just more lousy weather. It doesn't slow my walk to school down though. The cold has never been something I couldn't deal with. The cold, now, that I could take, it's everything else that really sucked.

Speaking of lousy things happening, on my way, I come across that house again. The really creepy one. The old, run-down house. I don't think anyone even lives in that thing anymore, and if they do, they don't get out very often. It's actually a pretty lovely place, if only the owner actually cared about its well-being. That front lawn looks like it hasn't been seen to in years. Every day when I walk pass that house, I get these chills down my spine. That house just oozes this sinister feeling, like the person who lives there, assuming anyone does, is some kind of recluse, or weirdo. Little did I know it at the time, but weirdo didn't even begin to describe who that house belonged to.

The tedious walk to school turns into a tedious day of school, and before long, it's finally last period. I would describe every last notable event of my day leading up to that point if I could, except nothing actually remarkable happened all day long. It was that damn uneventful. Finally, I get to the last period of the day, English class. It's not such a bad class, actually, and afterwards I can finally get back to doing... absolutely nothing at home. I didn't really have a lot of options, to tell you the truth. The only benefit of school was that at least I got to be around other people.

Sitting next to me during English is my best, and really, only friend. Kristoff. "Hey, Anna," he quips, greeting me. I mumble something back to him while taking my seat right next to him. I really liked English class, because I could just sleep myself through the whole thing and Kristoff would take notes. He was kinda awesome like that. I didn't even have to say much to him, he just instinctively knew that I was feeling lousy and that he should just leave me the hell alone. I was so grateful to have such an uncaring friend like that, someone who just let me be myself. This blonde doofus and I have been through a lot together.

A small group enters the classroom. "Haha, and that's when we went back to my place," calls out an insipid voice that is like daggers in my ears. You know the sound of nails on a chalkboard? Well, I would rather hear a sped-up loop of that for hours, rather than hear even one single word spill out the disgusting mouth of the stupid asshole who just uttered those words. That asshole was Hans. Hans is my ex. But, we're not going to get into that right now. Trust me, we're going to learn all about that bastard Hans. I didn't know it yet, but he was going to be one of the key figures in this entire shitstorm.

Hans pauses with whatever stupid story he was telling, and greets me as well. "Hey Anna," he smiles at me. I roll my eyes back at him, as does Kristoff, snubbing him completely. If that sounds like a pretty rude thing to do on my part, well, it wouldn't be so rude if you knew what Hans did to me to deserve it. Merely ignoring him was an act of sainthood on my part, after what he did to me. But, like many other things, I'll divulge more about that later, when it's more important.

Unperturbed by my chilly response, Hans continues walking, speaking to the duo of people assembled at both of his sides. Even though Hans and I have been split apart for weeks, he still greets me each and every class we have together, which is one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Every time he does, I ignore him. He's persistent, as you'll grow to learn. This is merely the first act of annoyance by a guy full of irritating traits.

Hans and his moron friends finally stop talking and take a seat, and the class quiets down and begins. As I stare down at my desk, more disinterested in the world than I could even imagine, looking at my notebooks like somehow they're going to start dancing if I stare intensely enough. This is going to be a long goddamn semester, that I'm sure of. I bury my face into my palms, no longer capable of supporting my own head with all my exhaustion. "I can't take this shit anymore," I complain to no one in particular.

"You don't look too swell," Kristoff reminds me, overhearing my whining. Leaning back in my chair, defeated by the day, I can only agree with him. Maybe I would have a sunnier disposition if I could actually get some sleep for once. But hey, my mother can make me get up in the morning, she can make me get dressed, and she can also make me go to school, but she sure as shit can't make me enjoy any of it, nor did I have the expectation that I would. It's perfectly within my right to brood my way through the day peacefully. You can fuck me, but you can't make me like it.

"I've been pretty fucking depressed," I admit. Truth be told, distraught can not even begin to describe how my heart has been these past few weeks. Every day somehow finds an innovative new way to be more boring and unpleasant than the last.

Kristoff doesn't take my words very seriously, but he's still clearly concerned for me. "You know, hun, maybe something exciting will finally happen today, and it will drag you out of your little slump." Fat chance of that happening. I'd love to be proven wrong, but somehow I had this feeling that I was right as rain. Some lingering thought resting at the back of my head tried to tell me otherwise, but my optimism had been pretty dampened lately. "Look, let's look on the bright side. At least it's not the end of the world," he tries to reassure me. I didn't personally find that prospect any less distressing. Let the world end, as far as I care.

Just when my despair started to get the better of me, that's when she walked in and proved me wrong. She had to ruin my little pity party and change everything. And I do mean everything. Nothing was ever the same after I first looked at her.