Just randomly got this idea when looking at clovers ok .-. Also I know it's an AU and it would probably be best to use their human names, but I prefer using their country names, so sorry:/ Also yeah, major ooc-ness. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!

The journey was taking far too long, and I was scared that if we didn't hurry, the world will soon perish in the hands of America. I wanted to push on and never rest, but Su-San seemed more worried about my health than the world and gave us long rests. I admit that since me and Sve started this quest I haven't eaten or slept properly, but neither has Sve. I guess we have to be in good health to save the world though.

The road we took was horribly long and only continued straight, adding to how horribly boring it was. The road was so dry that it had wide cracks covering it and you could see down them. We hadn't had rain for weeks. My feet were burning each time they touched the ground with each step I took and I'm sure I've also developed heat blisters even though I am wearing shoes.

I look over to Su-San ever once in a while and wonder what's going through his mind. Is he just thinking about how to stop America, or does he have little random thought like me? I don't know. Sve is a very hard man to read. He rarely shows expressions or emotion and simply stares forward and the never-ending road.

I wish to talk to him and find out more about jim, but I don't know what to say. He still scares me a little, even though I know his heart is good and he could do anything to protect me- he's proven that many times. I've almost lost him a few times because of it.

As I am about to speak and probably say something silly and embarrass myself, Sweden suddenly comes to a stop, so I decide to say nothing.

"It is late. We shall rest here." He says simply, setting down our bags that he insisted on carrying. I nod with a smile and set down the lone bag I'm carrying.

It is then that I notice how late it is. It's very dark and I count only three lone stars in the sky. We never normally travel 'till it's this dark. I don't like to admit it, but I feel frightened.

I guess Sve realizes this because he stares at me for a while looking all apologetic, so I just smile at him and lay down, covering myself with my thin blanket. I like the fact that Sweden shows at least some emotion with me. He never used to. It makes me feel... I don't know. Something. I smile again as I think about it. It's strange how it's near the possible end of the world but my thoughts are filled of Sweden.


I shot up. He spoke. In all the weeks we've been travelling, he has only ever spoken to say we'll be resting or to ask me if I need something. Never more than one sentence, too, and never out of turn. He doesn't speak randomly. If I talk to him, he never says anything back.

"Su-San?" I ask back, looking over to him. He looks so worn down. He's carrying all this stress by himself and it's killing him.

"T... Thank you..." He mumbles quietly and I smile, realizing isn't carrying it himself. He has me, and I will never leave him.

"Of course, Su-San!" I chirp and lay back down. I was almost shocked when he spoke again.


I look behind my shoulder to where he is laying besides me and I realize what he wants now. I move closer to him and close my eyes as he puts an arm around me. It's his comfort, I think, so he knows I'm here with him. That he's not alone. I don't mind.

I drift off to sleep not long after I hear Sve soundly snoring. I drift off into a sleep I know will only lead to nightmares that plague my dreams. Who knew the world would come to this? It's a world I don't really want to live in.