A/N: So here is the next chapter. Been meaning to put it up but Christmas and holiday crap…you know how it goes. And also, to the anon who asked me on Tumblr about updating, I will try to be a bit more consistent. Sorry about all that. Anyways, here ya go and enjoy.


Chapter Thirty Three

It was hard trying to not cry every second of the day. It was hard to not respond to the feeling of wanting to die in the hell hole. But, it was harder to even think about the memories that decided to haunt my mind. It was always a mixture between Ariel's, Elita's, and my own. I would remember battles that hurt and then lazy days in a warehouse. I would remember things that made me question who was who as they seemed to be the same.

A buzzing grabbed my attention, making me look up at the bot who joined me. Simmons managed to reach Lennox, telling them, in a secret way of course, how to get Optimus to the Dagger's Tip. The only problem was finding the Matrix of Leadership before they arrived in the next few days.

"Hey, Bee," I murmured, turning to look back at the sky. We were hiding in a construction building by the looks of it, trying to rest for the night. But I couldn't sleep, just found myself staring at the stars above us.

An arm snaked its way across my shoulders, my body immediately leaning in against him. I smiled faintly as my optics stared up into Bee's eyes, seeing him giving me a huge smile.

"Ice Queen," I heard him say, making my brows furrow on my face.

"Bee, your voice-"

"It's spotty. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't," he explained, but not without a bit of a crack in the tone. I nodded in understanding, but remained against him as I tried to curl further into his embrace.

We sat that way for some time, Bee offering some sort of comfort while I tried to gain control of my turmoil. It was hard, so damn hard to really take control. I felt like a whine baby too, always complaining about my pain. We all were suffering in some way, Sam missing his parents, Mikaela not being with her father, and Simmons missing out on his shop. Though, honestly, I think Simmons would rather be doing this than anything else. Leo, hell, I don't care about that freaking pansy.

"Your energy levels are rising, Zynith. You need to calm down," Bee broke into my mind, forcing me to sit up. My muscles were twitching, fingers digging down in the ceiling where I was sitting. Bee began to rub my back in hopes that it would work to calm me down, but it didn't as I felt a sudden short happen in my systems. Maybe sparks were flying from somewhere, I don't know…

Optimus wouldn't want you to suffer like this, sister. He wants you to smile always, he wants you to be happy. Have faith. He'll come back.

A sob escaped my lips but I held in the scream. I looked at Bee, unsure if he was honestly telling the truth, but the purity in his eyes told me he was. And he was right of course, Optimus wouldn't want me to struggle with my emotions, to dwell on the fact that he was gone. Instead, he would want me to focus on the joys that we shared when he was still alive…

I love her Bumblebee…

My optics widened as the voice bounced around in my head. My spark shattered in my chest as he shared the memory, letting me hear one of the final conversations he had with Prime.

I love her. She may not see it in herself, but she is strong. She has faced the world head on no matter what was told of her past. She has been far more accepting that either of us and I find that to be my strength. She is a light in this darkness, a light that I did not know I needed.

Prime, you are strong. You're our leader. Zynith is a good person and sweet but she is still new to all of this. I don't want her to be thrust into something she isn't ready for. She's my friend.

I know, my old friend. I don't want her to suffer but I fear it may already be too late. My spark calls for her, even as we speak. She may not trust me completely, may not fully understand the bond between sparkmates, but I pray to Primus that she will one day.

I covered my ears, curling into my self even more. I…why didn't I see that? Why didn't I know that he knew about my lack in trust in others? How could he have seen into that part of my soul? I trusted him, yes, but not with my spark. Not with my love. Why did this take me so long to realize this?

"Prime loved you, Zynith. He wanted you to be happy. He wanted you to be safe," Bee touched my shoulders, glancing up at the sky before looking at me.

"He wanted you to have everything in the world, even all the stars in the sky, and –"

"Wait," I froze, hearing Bee do the same. I felt my own processor run at a million miles an hour before standing up to my feet, staring up at the sky.

"The stars….the stars," I whispered, looking out over the horizon as the sun began to climb into the sky. "The stars…the….oh my Primus. OH MY PRIMUS BEE, YOU'RE A GENIUS!"

"Um, thanks," Bee watched as I bolted to the stairs heading back into the building, not missing the tone of Sam as he called for Simmons and Leo to wake up. I kept in my comment when I ran past them, noticing that the two had curled up together in a chair and were fast asleep.

Outside of the building, I saw Sam pointing at the sky, my own hand joining his. He glanced over at me, a smile on his lips.

"Get the same thing I did?"

"Of course, Witty," I teased. He chuckled before looking at the others

"Okay, you see those three stars?" he started, "You see how the last one touches the horizon?"

Mikaela nodded, Simmons seemed lost in thought and Leo looked confused as all hell. But it didn't matter as I took the reigns from Sam, both of us on the same wave length.

"That's Orion's belt," I breathed, looking back up at the sky, "but it's also called the Three Kings."

Realization dawned on everyone's face as we continued our explanation. I felt a flood of information hit my processor in those seconds and I couldn't help but picture web browser windows popping up in my mind, as if I was filtering through thousands of little data pages.

"And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars," Sam and I said together.

"So it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face," I whispered quietly, Sam giving a nod in my direction as his eyes matched mine.

"Yeah, exactly."

Simmons joined us in that moment, his hand following the path set by the stars.

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra."

"That's it," I murmured. Sam and Simmons looked at me then as I took a few steps forward, optics staring far ahead. It was as if I could easily see the mountains and a giant doorway from here…


"Petra. It's Petra!" I turned, rushing toward Bee. "It has to be Petra. I…I don't know why but I think I remember something from my past. Petra was created to hide something, I know it was. Ancient texts, hints at something forbidden…"


"We got to get to the mountains before anyone else! Let's move!"


"It's gotta be around here somewhere," I hissed, climbing up the steep rocks of the mountain. I felt it in my gut that this was the right thing. That we had to be heading in the right direction. After all, if you wanted to hide something, the desert was the best place to hide it in. What machine would want to be around all this sand?

"You see the size of this?" I heard Simmons call as I got to the top of the rock, staring at the structure before us. It was huge and freaking magnificent. The doorway was bigger than anything I have ever seen, beautifully carved into the face of the mountain. I felt my spark slam at the beauty, admiring the work put into it.

"You see this? Spectacular."

We all went to the doorway, crawling to look inside. The inside was amazing, the murals designed to match the history and on some, the color of the paint remained. How anyone could honestly make such beauty?

"It's here somewhere, guys," Sam looked around the place, making me follow his own actions before stopping in my tracks. This place…it was only one room. It was only one large room and nothing more…

"Yeah, why? 'Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird who doesn't even know what planet he's on?" Leo's snide remark had me whipping around, practically ready to beat his ass. Mikaela, however, gripped my arm, stopping me in my tracks. I wouldn't hurt her but Leo was a different story.

In his defense," Simmons started, standing in the doorway. "This is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my entire life."

"Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right?" Leo spun in a circle before saying, "Nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before?"

"Archeologists don't dig in these places Leo," I hissed, gaining the curly headed moron's attention. "They don't want to damage the things left behind. For all we know, it could be buried."

"What? Are you mad woman? There's nothing here."

"Real life is heartbreak, despair, kid," Simmons approached Leo, "Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!"

"I'm listening to you? You live with your mother!"

"Oh that does it!" I screamed, trying to lunge toward Leo. Mikaela placed her hands on my shoulders, keeping me back.

"Zyn, Zyn, stop! He's not worth it!"

"Nobody asked you to come along, Leo. No one asked for your cue tip ass to even come along with us. Why the fuck are you here if you don't believe us?!" I tried to push past Mikaela, noticing only for a few seconds that my body was trying not to hurt her. Subconscious systems…nice.

"Believe you? Believe you?! You're a freaking human dating a damn giant ass robot! Tell me, how the fuck do you sleep with a bot whose dong is probably over 12 feet long?!"

"At least his dick is bigger than yours, sweetheart!"

"Oh, so you admit to having a loose vag?!"

"I'm not fucking human you dipshit! I am like them! I am a fucking Autobot that was created to look fucking human to blend in with this planet filled with whiney ass bottom bitches like you!"

Leo paused, before adding, "I'm not a bottom bitch."

"Oh really?" I questioned. "Well, you could have fooled me with you always crying and whining how you can't go to jail or you can't do this or that. Tell me, does your mom still wipe your ass when you go to the bathroom? Can you take a shower or does mommy need to scrub your dick to get it clean?"
"Zynith, that's enough. Stop," Sam joined in, grabbing my arms as I turned to face away from them. I shook off the arms, looking up at the twins when they started to argue. Bee went to step in, ready to knock them both over the head. But I was so pissed. I just needed to get out this anger, this build-up…

I screamed. That was all I could do was scream before throwing my hand behind me, a sudden surge of energy going through my arms. I didn't know what happened until I noticed that everyone stopped arguing, staring at either me or the place behind me.

"What?" I turned, noticing the hole that was behind me in the mural. I swallowed thickly as it dawned on me that I had accidently done that. Wait?

"I did that?"

"Yeah, yeah you did," Leo took a few steps back, choosing to stand at the door. I looked at my palms before giving a quick snap, noticing sparks jumping from my fingers. Out of curiousity, I flattened my hand and concentrated, noticing a red ball grow suddenly before extinguishing at my shock.

"Girl can shoot energy. Talk about a dangerous weapon."

"Shut up, Simmons. At least you won't have to explain this hole that I….I….." my voice died at I leaned closer to the hole, noticing that air was being sucked into it. It was then that I noticed something mechanical.


"Oh. My. God. The symbols," Sam was beside me, his fingers reaching out to move along the symbols. It was a mechanical hand, or clawed hand. It was something like that, symbols etched into the sides. It was…

This was it."

"Bee! Shoot it!" Sam exclaimed, making me back away. Bee, instead, moved me to stand behind him as he blasted the hole big enough for us to move through it. I didn't wait for the dust to clear as I rushed into it, moving past all the mechanical pieces around us.

"Zynith, look. It's the bodies…the bodies of the Primes," Sam made me stop, looking around me. I saw the faces, noticed the optics that no longer shown with light. But I still had the eary sense of being watched, even if they were no longer functioning. These Primes were still alive…

"Yo! Yo! Look!"

My thoughts broke as I looked toward flashing lights, my optics shining to help. But I felt a sudden surge of excitement, my spark pulsing faster in my chest as we all leaned over a hand. In the center was something that looked so amazing, so odd but I could feel an immensely strong energy source from it. Like it was…alive as well.

"The Matrix."

"It's real," I breathed, a smile breaking on my face. Sam and I shared a look before we both reached for it, lifting it up from the sides only. It had to be fragile. I mean, it was thousands of years old…

Death. It was death as something neither of us expected happened before our eyes. The matrix, the thing we searched for, began to fall away, turning to sand before our very eyes. I choked on a sob as my hands started to try and collect the dust, my energon tears mixing with it.

"No! Nononononononono!" I coughed, leaning over the hand. I wrapped my arms around my clenching gut, my spark dying just a bit inside me chest. He was gone. He could never come back. This…no, this wasn't happening.

"Thousands of years, turned to dust," Simmons reached across, placing his hand on my shoulder before crawling out of here. I just couldn't breathe then, my soul effectively seeping out of my body. This place would be my grave. I will die with the Primes. They will be my last comfort in the hell hole.

"This isn't how it's supposed to end," Sam's voice gartered my attention, making me look up. He pulled me back before removing a shoe, pulling off his sock. I wiped at the tears on my face, watching as he started to grab fistfuls of matrix sand to shove into it, regardless of the energon floating in it.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I asked, hiccupping only once. "You can't bring him back, brother. We tried and failed so bad."

"There's nothing left," Mikaela agreed with me, her hand finding mine.

"Look! Look around you," Sam stopped, staring intently at Mikaela before me. "We didn't just go through everything we went through for no reason at all, to just have it end like this."

"But Sam-"

"There is a reason that we are here. The voices and the symbols in our heads led us here for a purpose. Everyone's after us because of what we know, and what I know is that this is going to work."

"How? How do you know it's gonna work?" I sobbed heavily, the feelings all swamping me. If he was trying to torture me, he sure was doing a bang up job on it.

"Because I believe it," Sam answered before grabbing my chin. I knew he could get hurt from my tears but he didn't seem to care as he stared into my optics, determination set on his face.

"And so should you, Zynith. Don't give up on this, on him. Don't you dare turn your back and die on me. Do you understand? I need you to believe. You know this will work. You know it."

I stared back, searching his eyes. He did. He believed it. And…and I do too. He was right. There had to be more to this journey, to all of this hell that we endured. There was more to all of this…we just didn't see it yet.

"Do you believe now?"

I smiled, smacking his cheek before looking at Mikaela. She had her doubts but she would follow. It's how she always was.

"Always have, bro, now," I gripped his shoulder, a hiccup escaping through my upturned lips, "Let's go save Optimus and kick the Fallen's ass."

Sam nodded before leading us out of the tomb, quickly walking out into the sun and the desert. Simmons was standing on a rock, binoculars in hand as several large cargo planes came into view. Several soldiers were parachuting down in the distance, as we began to walk briskly in their direction.

"Dropping the big boy. Sam!"

"Here, Sims," Sam walked past with me behind him.

"You think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?"

"Are you questioning the pixie dust, Agent?" I looked at him, arching a brow. Simmons was smiling at me, giving me a thumbs up before following. Sam paused only for a second when Simmons asked again, waiting on his answer. Sam was determined, his face in full on belief. He grabbed my hand, holding it in his before answering.

Absolutely. Now let's go."