I am pulling together my notes and plot-lines ready for the last of the mainline Institute Saga Stories.

Although it will take me some time to complete, I felt you should be aware that I am working on it and have sketched out a dozen scenes to be included (with modification as/when/if required).

I hope to start posting chapters sometime within the next couple of months, but in the meantime, you can have a


Trailer for The Institute Saga IV


"…not fair!" The Joker screamed as he found himself surrounded by not one but three Supermen. "No! No! NO!"

"You should give up now." Batman smirked as he appeared beside the black-and-silver-clad Superman. "You can't win."

"You know," Joker mused as he took a thoughtful pose, "If black-and-silver there can borrow alternates of himself to team up with, why can't I do the same?"

"The Joker in my universe met Mr Black and was paralysed from the waist down." The Superman on Joker's left stated. "I heard that he later tried to make a joy-buzzer and accidentally turned his wheelchair into an electric chair."

"He did." A second Batman confirmed as he stepped up, briefly glancing at his armoured counterpart.

"You don't exist where I come from." The third Superman stated and Joker sagged.

"I don't? Really? Oh, this is so depressing. Alright, batsies, send me back to jolly old Arkham."

"Actually, we borrowed a concept from Superman… the unaligned one." The first Batman added as Joker gave a meaningful glance at all three Supermen. "A week ago we took delivery of a number of stasis pods for use with dangerous criminals, holding them outside time until a way to remove the danger they present can be created."

"Stasis?" Joker repeated, then his eyes widened in horror. "No! You can't do that!"

"You'll be held in a pocket of null-time." The armoured Batman said with a grim smirk. "For you, no time at all will pass, no matter how long you are in there for. You won't lose a single second from your lifespan. But the world will continue without you."

Joker's already pale face somehow turned even whiter as the two blue-clad Supermen took his unresisting arms. The black-clad Superman vanished in a blur, then reappeared with an angled cylinder which opened in readiness.


Joker's howl was suddenly silenced as the transparent door slammed shut and the pod activated, freezing him motionless.

"Thank you." The armoured Batman stated.

"I only wish that I had access to this technology prior to contact." The other Batman agreed. "The favour has been repaid."

"It has." The first Batman nodded, then they both stepped back and seemed to fade into the night, leaving the three Kryptonians surrounding the pod.

"So, what do you say about storing this clown somewhere safe, then… a meal?"

"Your mother's meals are outstanding." The black-suited Superman agreed. "Deal. Let's get this done."

"And then we can continue discussing just how we are supposed to differentiate between ourselves without risking the secret identities of those of us who still have them." The third one agreed.

"Dome numbers?"

The other two Supermen paused, then the second one shook his head. "No, that would have me as zero or central."







The Joker who killed himself via electric joybuzzer/chair can be found in the Mr Black story Terminal Justice. Since it has vanished from FFN for reasons unknown, it can be found at the website fictionhunt dot com / read /7563137 / 1 (remember to remove the spaces).