
I bolted up and scared a still driving Jax. We almost swerved off the road, but Jax fixed us. He would have just pulled over but my house was coming into view. My breathing was still pretty fast when we pulled into my driveway. Before Jax could question me, I jumped out and bolted to my front door. I unlocked it and walked in. Jax wasn't to far behind me. I knew he was going to question me on what had happened.

Emma's Pov

I greeted my father who was in the kitchen.

"Emma! Is something wrong you're here half an hour early?" Dad asked worriedly.

"No, everythings fine. I just need to pack a whole new suitcase." I said as I made my way into my room. I could hear Jax talking with my dad outside. They were laughing like they were best buddies. I packed my essentials in a bag. I got the new clothes I bought from the mall out of the bag I brought from Jax's. I refolded them and placed them in a suitcase. Three dresses, two jeans, five shorts, seven sets of underwear, six bathsuits, and seven shirts. Not all of it was from the mall but most were. In a smaller bag, I packed some scrapbooking supplies, hex, and some other books I want to read. Once I finished I took my stuff out into the living room. I was kinda struggling carrying it all.

"Here let me help you, Em" Jax said as he took the suitcase from me.

"Thanks." I said breathlessly. Jax was oddly quiet. We walked outside and saw Daniel, Andi, Diego, and Gigi were here already.

"So where do we put our stuff at?" Gigi asked. Jax nodded his head over to the van before leading them over. He opened the trunk and started grabbing the bags and placing them in the trunk. We waited in silence for the rest to show up.

Not too long after, Maddie, Philip, Katie and Sophie arrived. we quickly loaded their luggage and not loaded into the van. It was Jax and I up front. The row right behind us was Andi, Philip, and Gigi. Behind them was Daniel, Mia, and Katie. In the last row was Maddie, Diego, and Sophie. We were all loaded up and on our way. I was really excited but some people like Jax, Daniel, and Katie seemed a little grumpy.

I knew why Jax was upset. He didn't get the chance to question me about what happened earlier. I'll just tell him tonight. What I don't understand was why was Daniel and Katie were upset.

"Hey, Katie?" I asked, "What kind of guys are you into?"

"What?" she asked surprised.

"What kind of guys do you like?" I repeated slightly different.

"Well I like my guys to be tall, dark, handsome, with curly hair and a great personality. Why?" she answered.

"Because tomorrow I set you up on a date with this amazing guy I met at the mall that matches just that description!" I said excitedly.

"Yes! I mean cool, I got a date." Katie tried to play if off. This made us all chuckle. The rest of the ride was uneventful. once we got to the house we passed around all the luggage and escorted everyone to their room. I took the girls while Jax took the boys.

I showed the girls who had rooms on the bottom floor their rooms first. Everyone was excited to see who they were or weren't sharing with, if they were evening sharing, what the room looked like,and what the rest of the house looked like.

The first one I showed was Maddie. Her room was on the left. She was in her own room. It was pink with a queen size bed with matching sheets, a smaller dresser next to it, a decent sized wardrobe, and connecting bathroom. All the rooms on the left had a view of the ocean. She squealed when she saw. Afterwards, she kicked us out to enjoy her new room.

Next I show Katie and Sophie their room. They have the last bedroom on the left. It's painted light blue and purple. Since Maddie and I got our own rooms Katie and Sophie had to share. Their room had two twin beds separated by two nightstands and a dresser between those. One bed has purple sheets while the other has light blue sheets. The nightstands match the bed next to them. The room also included a huge wardrobe for them to share and a connecting bathroom. Of course this also included the ocean view window. Katie took the purple bed while Sophie pretended to be flying on the light blue bed.

Then I took Andi and Gigi upstairs to their. It was the on next to mine also the last room on the left. It was set up the same way as Katie and Sophie's except the color scheme was light green and orange. Andi took orange because it reminded her of the orange color people wear while their hunting. Once they were settled in, I went to my room and got ready for my date with Jax.

Jax's Pov

I showed the guys their rooms. Emma and I planned each room to the best of our abilities. We knew that Daniel couldn't be sleeping near either of us so we had him in the room down stairs. We also knew that Maddie would freak if Diego was upstairs while she was downstairs so we had them share a room. Everyone who was sharing a room had their rooms designed the same way but just with different color, Daniel and Diego's colors were black and navy blue. Philip was in the room upstairs. His room color was red.

Once the guys were in their rooms I got ready for my date with Emma. I was still worried about what had happened early. Emma really scared me when she jolted awake and let go of my hand like that. I'm hoping Emma will tell me tonight what it was about. There was a knock at my door as I put Emma's gift in my pocket.

"Come in" I said assuming it was Emma or Andi. I sure was wrong.

"You know your fooling yourself, right?" Daniel asked me smugly, "She doesn't love you. She loves me and she always will." Before I could get a comment in somebody else did.

"Not if you keep acting like this. Nobody likes this side of you Danny." Emma said as she walked past him and straight to me. She was dressed beautifully in a causal but formal blue dress that had laced blue fabric criss crossing her back and down till just above the end of her back. The skirt puffed out Cinderella style except it ended just above her knee. She looked beautiful.

"I hope this is ok. You didn't say where we were going" she told me completely ignoring Daniel. Who by the way was now fuming. his hands were balled into fist by his side and his face was bright red. If this were a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears.

"It's perfect. Where going out to dinner then I was thinking about going to the carnival down the road." I told her as we made our way downstairs. Jax grabbed a different set of car keys before yelling,

"We're going out! We'll be back later! Don't wait up!"

"Ok!" chorused back to us.

We hopped into a black car that I didn't know the name of. I don't know a lot about cars. Jax drove us to a restaurant called 'Miami Heat'. We found the closest parking and got out. The line wasn't to bad maybe two three people but more and more people were arriving so we had to rush in line. Luckily only one person got in front of us so there was four people. We soon seated and it seemed like the date was starting off good.


Third Person Pov

Back at the house, Maddie, Diego, Katie and Sophie, were in the home theatre watching 'Pretty in Pink'. Katie had gotten up to get something to drink in the kitchen when she saw a note.

'Katie this is the number for the guy on your blind date. If your interested, text him. His name is Alex. Sincerely, Emma'

Katie feeling unsure about the whole thing just put the note in her pocket. She grabbed a water from the fridge and went back the movie.

Upstairs Andi and Philip were playing a Zombie game in the game room. They were playing so thoud that they drowned out the sound of Daniel and his guitar. Daniel was in the backyard playing his guitar. He strummed a few more chords before giving up. He took off his shirt and hopped into the pool to try and cool off. He did a few laps back and forth. The whole time he was thinking,

'What does she see in him? We're both swimmers. I'm nicer, safer, better looking. I won't be putting her in danger. I didn't lie and betray her. That was all him! I bet they're having a terrible date right now."

Little did he know, they were having an amazing time. While they were all he was able to think about, he was far from their minds.