Hello! Again I hope everyone enjoyed the little edits! It is still a short story! I added just a little more at the end! So enjoy!

I do not own Ghost Hunt!

Mai was able to get a cab and it gave her time to think to herself while Gene put in his own comments, 'I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Naru's baby…I'm going to have a kid with the man I love', 'It's every girls' dream!' Gene said cheerily. Mai growled and the cab driver looked back at her and she gave him a 'sorry' smile.

Five minutes later the cab stopped in front of Naru's apartments, Mai paid the cab driver and thanked him as she got out and looked up at the intimidatingly tall building. She walked through the glass door entryway and she walked over to the elevators to only notice a keypad of numbers, 'Gene, what's the code?!' Mai asked panic while noticing the night watchman looking over at her.

'Um it's uh…5-8-5-9-3' Gene said remembering.

Mai quickly put in the code and then walked into the elevator as it opened up and let out a breath of air then thought about the code, 'Wait wasn't that my birthday? July 3rd? On a phone-pad, 5859 spells July and then the 3. I'm surprised' Mai asked Gene.

'Yeah, he changed it you know. Before it was my birthday' Gene told her.

Mai didn't know how to respond but the elevator door opened to Naru's giant loft she walked out towards his kitchen area. Mai set her things on the counter and called out, "Naru! Naru! Come out here!" she yelled.

Naru came out of a room not too far away, "Mai? What are you doing here?" Naru asked with his hair a bit damp from probably being in the shower from earlier.

"Y-you, you got me pregnant! All because of this tied spiritual bond and I'm only 18, just turned and I-I'm pregnant with your baby! What am I supposed to do?!" Mai just let it all spill out and still she felt frustrated.

"How can that be? We've never had sex! And what's this about being a spiritual bond?" Naru now looked at Mai incredulously.

"Gene! Gene make yourself present now! You explain this to Naru and me! Now! Right now!" Mai yelled in no particular direction and suddenly Gene appeared like a gush of air.

"How is this possible?" Naru asked glaring down Mai and Gene.

"It looks like my little nephew or niece gave mommy here some help to pull me from limbo" Gene said resting his hand over Mai's still flat stomach.

"This is ridiculous!" Naru yelled at Gene.

"It isn't little brother" Gene said in a sing-song tone.

"Only by a minute and a half! Now tell me what's going on here!" Naru demanded.

"You Noll are a soon to be father, this happened at your own fault. You two have a spiritual bond, it became much stronger because you both have your own powers in the mix. Whenever you fell asleep your powers would pull Mai to you and you would have wild sex. As a scientist, you know what it takes to create a baby. The reason it didn't happen when Mai slept on her own was because she already admitted her feelings to you, but you never admitted yours so it made the pull much stronger. Noll, you should be ecstatic that the woman you love is carrying your baby" Gene explained to Naru.

"The code" Mai murmured.

"What?" Naru asked now looking at Mai.

"Your code here, it's my birthday. The first four numbers spell July and the three is the day. Why is my birthday your code?" Mai asked with a bit of a longing look.

"It is not-, I-I don't know. What does it matter? You pulled Gene here, isn't he the one you want? Not me, I'm just a replacement" Naru told her dead on.

"Forgive me for this, but I don't want that overly nice Gene where he is kind to everybody. I want you because when you're kind to me, it's special because I am the only one you'll call by first name. I am the only one you'll give a second thought of action to, I'm the only one you'll argue with. That to me lets me know how special I am to you. That lets me know I matter to you. If you were to actually be nice and cordial to me I would go crazy wondering if I've done something wrong! I love you for who you are, I love knowing that I'm the one who can get some special moments from you. Naru, Noll, Oliver Davis, I love you!" Mai was red-face, lips parted, standing there with her legs parted in her usual stance when arguing but this time she was laying her feelings for Naru out.

"I-I need to think" Naru said.

"No thinking, just feel. Tell me what you feel right now!" Mai demanded.

"I…I love you damn it! Just as you mentioned I mess with you, I tease you, but seeing you angry, flustered and standing there like that looking ragged it gives me a thrill. You make me rethink, I hate you for it and yet…I love you for it" Naru now had a slight blush to his face.

"I think I'll take my leave" Gene said to no one particular and shimmered away.

"You get me mad on purpose?" Mai asked oddly.

"I know for a fact you enjoy it as much as I do, you said so yourself" Naru finished off with his playful smirk he would only let her see.

"The code, my birthday?" Mai asked wanting to know his real answer.

"I want to save that day to memory for when someone like you was created to annoy me and yet make me love you. I, Oliver Davis love someone other than myself and other than my annoying brother. I love you, Mai Taniyama" Naru moved closer with his face only an inch away from hers.

"If you kiss me now, will you promise me it's not just another one of your fantasies?" Mai asked breathing heavily.

"I promise" Naru answered as he kissed her with so much force, passion, and…love.

They spent that night probably having sex all over Naru's loft to end up in Naru's bed sometime around 2am with Naru holding Mai close to his pale bare chest both barely awake, "I also promise to make an amazing father" he said whispering into Mai's ear before kissing her on the cheek as she smiled and snuggled closer to him as they fell asleep.

Two incessant ringtones were blaring, waking up Mai and Naru, neither wanted to move to answer. Until Mai sat up, "Naru, what time is it?" she asked.

"What does it matter? Sleep or don't sleep. I think in the end I can't put you back to sleep again once I'm done with you" Naru said slowly sitting up to only lay Mai back down while kissing her shoulder to her neck to now slightly sucking on her skin.

"Naruuu" Mai moaned.

The ringing continued and Mai couldn't enjoy the moment completely so she got up completely naked to go to the living room to find her sweater jacket that had her phone in the pocket and answered it not knowing Naru was coming up behind her.

"Hello?" Mai answered wondering who could be calling.

"Mai-chan! Where are you? We went to your apartment looking for you" Monk yelled into the phone as Naru started up the same ministrations again with Mai trying to push him away barely.

"I'm sorry Monk, I'm just out" Mai answered vaguely as Naru moved to fondle Mai's breast and softly twisting her nipples.

"Out where? Why aren't you at the office? Also, Naru wasn't there either" Monk just kept pushing on.

Mai was trying to control herself from not moaning out loud into the phone, "W-well, I'll just tr-try to be there as soon as I-I can, ok?" Mai offered trying to appease Monk as Naru quickly bent her over the couch and pushed into her folds of warmth that emanated from her pussy.

Mai had to bite down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming out in pleasure, "Mai, are you still there?" Monk called through the phone.

"I-I'm here" Mai stammered out as Naru thrust in her deeply.

"So how soon will you be here? Will you need a ride from where you are?" Monk continued.

Naru whispered into her ear, "Answer him, Mai, just don't give anything away" with each word that came out from between Naru's lips he would thrust deeper.

"I-I do-don't need a-a ride. I-I'll be there s-soon" Mai answered as Naru now started thrusting faster into her, she was so close to climaxing.

"Are you sure? I mean are you ok? You sure are stammering a lot" Monk mentioned.

Before Mai could answer, Naru took his chance with Mai bent over to lick up along her spine and she let out a high-pitched squeak, "Mai?! Mai, are you ok?!" Monk now questioned with worry etched into his voice.

"I-I'm fine, I-I'll be there, bye" with that she hung up.

Before Mai could pull away to berate Naru for doing this while she was on the phone he started thrusting faster and deeper to where she tightened around him and they both climaxed.

Both panting heavily, "I-I hate y-you" Mai said.

Naru just turned her around and gave her one of his rare smiles and said "Yet you love me for who I am" and then passionately kissed her senseless before he sent her to shower while he gathered her clothes.

Twenty minutes later both were fully showered and dressed as they made their way downstairs to only walk all the way around the building to have the SPR building right in their sights.

"Only a workaholic like you would live so close" Mai told him.

"I think it's even more of a plus, now we can just come back to my place right away" he kisses her quickly on the neck where he noticed his handiwork.

"That's right I have a hickey thanks to you! Well at least I got my revenge on the kitchen countertop last night, so I'm not the only one marked!" Mai exclaimed.

"I don't think that's the only mark, were you trying to spell my name on my back?" Naru argued teasingly with her.

"I heard no complaints during your impromptu shower daydream" Mai said as she quickly crossed the street when cars weren't passing with Naru following at a steady pace.

They made their way to the office to notice all of SPR members outside the door. Mai quickly moved her hair to hide the hickey while Naru looked annoyed that he didn't have that option. Naru quickly unlocked the door while everyone just watched them. As soon as the door was open he said, "Mai, tea" while taking off like lightning to his office before anyone could notice the hickey.

"So Mai where were you? I had to deal with Yasu and the old hag here" Monk asked while looking annoyed with Ayako and Yasu.

"Look who is calling who old! I'll have you know I am nowhere near my thirties!" Ayako yelled as she made to whack Monk with her purse.

The usual bustle of the group continued as Mai went to go make tea for everyone, she served them first and took in Naru's tea last.

"Here's your tea Naru" Mai said placing the tea on his desk with a smile.

Mai stood there waiting for a 'thank you' or something but he said nothing. She sighed, "Naru how about a 'thank you'?" Mai asked.

"Why? I thought you said you liked the way I am" Naru responded not looking up from his book.

"Yes well, it wouldn't hurt to say 'thank you' once in a while. It doesn't have to be all the time, it could be like some kind of reward system" Mai tried explaining to him.

"Well isn't it customary to do something worth rewarding?" he responded again with a question.

"And what is it you think I should do to gain this reward?" Mai asked.

"That's for you to find out for yourself" Naru flipped a page and continued to read.

Mai was now annoyed and fed up she was ready to walk out when she got an idea. She locked the door and turned back around to quickly sit across him on his lap, "Mai…what are you doing?" Naru asked slightly annoyed.

"Well, what do you think I'm doing?" Mai asked.

"Mai, everyone is outside that door" Naru pointed out.

"Something tells me that doesn't bother you too much, I mean obviously you got enjoyment earlier from having sex with me while I was on the phone with Monk" Mai stated as she kissed his neck where she had made him a hickey.

"Mai this is totally inappropriate" Naru told her huskily.

"Aww but I want to earn my reward" with that she pushed his desk chair back against the bookcase and she got down on her knees to unzip and carefully take out his member from his boxers and soundly buried it deep in her mouth to the back of her throat.

Naru didn't know how to react at the sudden warmth of her mouth enveloping him, he quickly was aroused. Mai bobbed her head back and forth while her tongue played across the skin of it. Mai remembered reading books of stuff about this sort of thing and can only hope he was pleased. She went faster and started sucking on him tasting his pre-cum only turned her on more. She would suddenly stop and then went slow and work him up again, she did this two times and then when she felt the buildup she softly caress his balls and he unloaded into her mouth. She swallowed not wanting to make a mess on the floor and licked him up before zipping him back up as she noticed his eyes were glazed over.

Mai smiled at him, "My reward?" she commented.

His response was to grab her hand and standup only a little shaky, unlocked his door and dragged her out while everyone watched wondering what's going on.

"Naru, where are you taking Mai?" Monk stood up and asked worriedly.

"Back to my place" he answered without thinking which was unlike him.

"Why?" asked Masako standing up looking annoyed at the situation.

"Because I can, we're together!" snarled Naru in frustration when he only wanted to leave.

"Wait, what? How did this happen?" asked Ayako looking to Mai.

"It happened last night after I told Naru I was pregnant with his baby" Mai said now blushing red at all the attention.

"What?!" everyone in SPR yelled.

Naru was angry at these people for keeping him from having his way with Mai, "Lin lock up, Mai let's go" Naru threw the keys in no particular direction and left with Mai.

"You know they're going to ask a million and one questions tomorrow" Mai stated.

"I don't care, what I want is you under me in our bed now" Naru told her.

"Our bed?" Mai asked a bit surprised.

"Yes our bed, I'll be damned if I let you stay in that shack of yours. No mother of my child is going to live there" Naru said to her as they now made their way to the building entrance and over to the elevators where Naru put in the code.

"Naru, is this what I think it means?" Mai asked looking like a bolt of energy.

Naru pulled her in the elevator and kissed her passionately then pulled away, "Mai will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes!" she squealed and kissed him right back as the elevator doors open and they made their way in his loft where Naru pushed her up against the wall. Mai instinctively wrapped her legs around him and he went to hold her under her butt where he came to realize she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Mai, can you explain why you're not wearing underwear?" Naru asked pulling back.

"May I remind you that you dirtied them when I tried to leave back to my apartment last night, also the hole you put in them didn't help" Mai reminded him of their sexual adventures throughout the night.

"I heard no complaints at the time" Naru said smirking and before Mai could comment he started his sexual fantasies in on her by making them his reality.

~At the Office~

"Mai's pregnant? Mai's pregnant! Oh my god, Mai is pregnant!" Ayako went from being mad to happy in in seconds.

"I will host the baby shower!" Yasu announced.

"Jou-chan, when did she become a woman?" Monk asked to no one particular in a sullen voice.

"Well blessed be, at least now they probably won't fight anymore" John voiced.

"Knowing those two, they'll always be fighting" said Lin.

"It's not going to last, Naru is not going to want to stay with her. Besides, when did they even do 'it'. For all you know she could've lied to him just so she could force him to be with her" Masako said making everyone angry with her.

"Masako! Mai would never do that!" Ayako argued.

"Ayako is right, Jou-chan would not lie about something like this" Monk also stepped.

"Oh please, look at her, she is poor, orphaned, nowhere to go, Naru simply took pity on her and now she is playing him for a fool!" Masako yelled back at them.

"Excuse me Ms. Hara, but I would watch what you say. May I remind you that it was you who was holding a dagger over Noll's head that you would let out his secret that he was Oliver Davis unless he went out with you. Now you're just bitter because you no longer have nothing to hold over him. Now it is also with my great pleasure to let you know we're letting you go, Mai can most definitely take up your position just fine. You know with her abilities always growing" Lin told the young Medium.

"Fine! Fine! I wish all of you eternal damnation for your stupidity for falling for her little miss innocent act!" with that Masako walked out of the SPR building.

"Good riddance, that girl was such a brat" Ayako voiced while the others nodded in agreement.

"So about the baby shower…" Yasu went on talking with Ayako.

Monk, John, and Lin stood off to the side talking amongst themselves over a bet they place, well at least Monk and Lin.

"So who won the pool?" Monk asked.

That caught everybody's attention and Lin had to pull out a little black book, "Now isn't this something, John won but he placed no money. You sure you don't have any psychic abilities of your own John?" asked Lin.

"The Lord guides me, plus don't you still have the other pool?" John asked.

Lin looked to Monk and Ayako and then back to his notebook, "At this right, I think Mai might win" he said closing back his black book.

"Wait, there is another pool?" Monk asked surprised.

"I thought it was just Mai and Naru" commented Ayako.

"Well since Naru gave me the keys, everyone has the day off" Lin said herding everyone out of the office.

Hope you enjoyed the new ending! Review, please!