You don't know how sorry I am for the awful delay. I had troubles with my Office Word and I wasn't able to open it. I am truly, truly sorry. But here you go, In this chapter stuff is explained more. I hope you like it.

Thank you so much for being patient, for your reviews and your support.

Chapter 10 - Remember

Both of them stayed silent, their brains processing everything that was said. Nico was more than shocked. Even if she thought that something like that happened to her dad, she never, in her wildest dreams imagined that her dad could be in those kind of jobs. Maybe catching bad guys, maybe persecutions, but, an agent?

-M-Mother what are you saying…There is no way we could have met before, I think I would remember..- Then an image passed through her mind. Those dreams that she had been having lately, where she was playing with a little girl, and her father was discussing with someone.. they must had been…

- I do remember now – Nico's voice awakened Maki from her thoughts – I remember being in your house before, I think… So that is why my dad was like fighting with a man all the time? I always heard him on the phone yelling. – She was now talking to Maki's mom, with a serious semblance.

- I will tell you everything you want to know in the car, you have to return to the house, you are in danger here. – Being said that, Maki's mom stood up and walked to the door, without even asking them if they wanted to come. – Hurry up, please. – They heard her voice from afar.

Maki sighed and rolled her eyes – Guess we don't have a choice then, let's go. –

Several minutes passed in complete silent, with a thick tense atmosphere. Maki just observed how Nico had an intense frown, while squeezing hard Maki's hand. Then she talked.

- So, are you gonna tell me everything or what? – She sounded mad.

- Nico – chan! – Maki whispered scolding her.

- It's okay Maki – The older woman said hearing her – She has several reasons to be mad. I will tell you but promise me you will keep silent until I finish okay? I will later answer your questions – She said while looking at Nico through the rear mirror. Nico just nodded.

The woman took a deep breath – As I said before, your father was designated to an operation with the goal of locking one of the bosses of the Mafia, Yoshida Isokichi, the one who rules through this part of the city. He's well known for controlling weapons deals, and for collecting obligated money from several small and big enterprises. Our businesses were a small part of town that, that man couldn't control. Until Igarashi appeared. When we met him, my husband and I were contented with him, he seemed loyal and a great business partner. And he was indeed, for the first year. Until he took my husband to a "job meeting" where he introduced him to that man. That's when it all started. Of course he couldn't say no to him, or else he or us could've been killed, he had no other options, but to follow him blindly. I didn't know about that until a few months later. Then Yazawa-san, almost like a miracle, appeared in the scene. He was acting as a new assassin and as protection, part of the crew of Yoshida, so he was obviously in all of the meetings. He realized my husband didn't agree with the deals they were doing. So one day he came to our house with the excuse that Yoshida told him to keep an eye on us, which was true, and told us everything, that he was an undercover agent trying to catch Yoshida and his crew. Of course at first we didn't believe him, until he introduced you to us, as a toddler. You and Maki instantly got along, even if you were older… You were 5 years if I remember well. – Maki's mom kept silent for a minute, as if she was remembering everything in her own world.

- What went wrong then? What made them kill my dad? –

- Oh, well… Your father wanted to catch Yoshida, but he decided he wanted to lock away Igarashi too. You know, some of the "superb equipment" that our hospitals have, are in most part, robbed by Igarashi and his crew, with the help of Yoshida of course. And no, we are definitely not proud of that, but we didn't know when we first met him. –

-What!? He what!? – Maki started to shout, but immediately Nico hit her lightly on her ribs, indicating her to shut up.

-As I was saying, - The older women continued – We spent almost 2 years trying to catch them in action, but it wasn't easy. My husband always tried to gain Yoshida trust, and he did, but not as much as we wanted to. Every time we were close of getting enough proofs, they suddenly changed all their plans. We didn't even meet with your father that much because of the fear of them getting suspicious. Your father then, told us it was time for us to keep away from him and to stop trying to gather proofs. That it was way too dangerous for us. And I don't know if you remember that he sent you and your mom away from the city for a while. That way you were safe. –

-Yeah I remember. She was pretty mad when he did that. –

- Well, a year later he went with you right? That is because it was too dangerous for him in here,, things were starting to get suspicious. But he didn't give up. Years later he managed to get enough proofs and locked Yoshida away. For a life time. We thought that with that, they would lock up Igarashi too. But as you can guess they didn't. He, with some help of Yoshida from inside jail, managed to bribe the jury, and kill the ones whom were going to testify against him. Luckily enough for us, he trusted us, and thought we didn't have nothing to do with the fact that he was discovered. He still thinks that, and he still trusts us. –

- You still don't tell me what happened with my father – Nico was getting impatient.

Maki's mom just let out a soft chuckle – Someone, we still don't know how or who, discovered your father was an agent and that he had to do with the locking up of Yoshida, and the trial against Igarashi. –

-Yazawa-san is an agent? A-Are you sure about that? – Nishikino – san said, trying to hide her nervousness.

-Yes I am more than sure! That bastard! He fucking tricked us! I can't and I won't let that son of a bitch get away with this. – Igarashi was infuriated, going from one side to another in a quick pace, trying to calm down.

-What are you going to do Igarashi? If you do something stupid you can go to jail! You just managed to get out safely of a trial! – Nishikino-san tried to sound concerned. This was getting heated.

- I know that, but of course I'm not going to do something stupid. I know exactly what to do. – He just smiled. An evil smile.

- We managed to warn your father, but even if he took care, Igarashi was smart. He did a big plan, where he and some of his people were going to rob a bank. The same bank where your father had his accounts and where he went every week. They followed him, and made it appear as a simple and common rob. They knew your father, as the police he was, was going to try to stop them, so obviously Igarashi took that as a wonderful excuse to shot at him. It is seen in the cam records that he shot him, we saw them. And as you know, your father didn't die instantly, he was taken to the hospital, where after an intense operation, he unfortunately, died. And of course no one suspected of Igarashi. –

Nico's eyes were again full of tears. It seemed that lately, it was all she could do, cry. Maki tried to comfort her, but she didn't know how, not after all that her mother had said. It was just too much.

-But then why are we in danger now? Did they discover Nico-chan is his daughter? That is why they were following her? –

-Not exactly. As far as we know, they still don't know it, there are plenty of Yazawas in this country. – Maki's mom sighed – We are having some troubles right now with them, all because of Igarashi's stupidity and part of your father's stupidity too. I assume that when they saw Nico, they just thought he was close to you and decided to take it on her as some kind of warning towards us. And I assume they were right – She looked through the rear mirror again, noticing the girls hands intertwined. They instantly let go, both of them looking away, extremely red. The older woman laughed.

-It's okay. I'm happy that my daughter is in good and responsible hands. You were family since years ago anyway – She said looking at the red-eyed and winking at her, making Nico's face all shades of red, almost purple.

- We are already here, let's go inside okay? –

Maki couldn't sleep. She was extremely concerned about Nico. Hours ago, when they arrived, her mother told them her father wanted to talk to them too, but that he would arrive tomorrow. She was tired of listening. She just wanted to know how they were going to resolve this stupid situation, mostly for the sake of Nico. She had already problems before, and now it seemed that since she met her, Maki just ruined her life more. She tried to talk with Nico earlier, but she just said that she needed some time alone, and Maki understood. But she couldn't help to feel a little bit hurt. After all, even if she just had met Nico almost a month ago, in that small amount of time, the red-eyed managed get deeply into her. And Maki just wanted to see Nico happy. That is why maybe, the idea of letting her go and getting away from her didn't sound so bad. It was the best for her. Even if Maki's heart could end broken. This was really getting like a clichéd story. And she hated it.

Nico stared at the beautiful keys of the piano, illuminated only by the moonlight that passed through the nearest window. How could she sleep? She craved for the truth for such a long time, and now that she had it, what was she supposed to do? She just knew she wanted that asshole through steel bars. She was so lucky to have Maki. Without her she surely would never had known about her father history. Without her she surely couldn't get through this. Even if now she was being threatened by bad, stupid guys, she didn't care. She finally found someone who cared about her, someone who now Nico loved deeply. But of course she wouldn't say that to Maki, it was too embarrassing and trouble some to admit that. While immersed in her thoughts he didn't heard the door creaking.

- N-Nico-chan, what are you doing here? –

-Oh Maki-chan! Uhm, I just couldn't sleep. I guess you neither right? –

-Yes..- Maki sat next to Nico in the little piano stool. They stayed in silent for a minute until Nico broke it.

-Hey, Maki-chan.. can you play something? Maybe that song you played when I first saw you playing in here, remember? –

- Y-yeah I remember…- She placed her fingers on the keys, lightly, barely touching them, but a beautiful sound was coming out of them. Nico closed her eyes, entering in a trance, letting the notes flow through her. And the sound ended as quickly as it started. Nico opened her eyes, searching for the eyes she fell in love with. She stared at them, deeply, trying to convey her feelings through her orbs.

Maki stared equally at her. Trying to hide her sadness, for what she was about to do.

-L-Listen Nico-chan.. I-I have to talk to you, I…- The older girl shut her up effectively, covering her lips with her own. Nico's hand ran through Maki's neck to the back of her head, bringing Maki closer to her into a passionate kiss. Even though Maki could feel the intensity of the kiss, she could still feel the gentleness and the love the black haired girl wanted to transmit. The tender movements of Nico's lips against her, and the slow and gentle way Nico's slid her tongue past Maki's lips made the red-head felt dizzy and crazy. Crazy and in love. And as if Nico knew what the red head was going to say, with that kiss she made Maki forget all of her doubts.

That night they went to bed embraced, close to each other, with the certain thought that they were going to get through everything, together.

Chapter 11 is almost finished, I don't want to make you wait more, so as soon as I finish it I'll upload it

Again thank you so much for your reviews.