Chapter 1: Monday's Madness

Dear Mother and Father

It's been six months since I took on the world for the sake of one girls smile. At the time I didn't think about what was going to happen the day after, let alone half a year after.

But after those abnormal three days, I found myself back in normality, a world that's was a lot like my old one, but not quiet, with the freeloading ever hungry nun constant being joined by a certain fairy sized witch riding a cat, and the third person speaking clones sometimes ending there sentences with enter and return instead.

Touma looked over the start of his letter. He wasn't quiet sure how to describe his new situation to his parents, so maybe it would be best if explained to them how he got into it...

However just when I thought I was getting use to my changed world, everything changed again, I got hit by seven days of seven dates, which changed my life and how I see some of my friends/enemies (frienmies?) forever!

Lets start with the madness that was Monday...

Touma was walking to school with his two close friends, Aogami Pierce and Tsuchimikado Motoharu, and having one of there normal conversations.

"So here's the question Kamijou!" Aogami said loudly while looking at him. "If you had to chose between the mellow younger sister, or the more aggressive older sister, which one would you go for?"

"Well I don't know.." Touma replied." I suppose it depends on the two sisters in question. I mean mellow and aggresive are just two sides of one aspect, what if the mellow sister is mellow, but also the sort of girl who plots murder behind your back?"

"Oh don't worry, I would never do that, says Misaka from behind Touma as she make's her previously hidden presence known."

"AHH!" Touma shouted in alarm as he spun round to face the third person speaking clone (and pet cat). "How long you been there Imouto?!"

"15 minutes and 32 seconds, Misaka explains as she softly and proudly pats a young cat who's learning the art of convert movement with graceful ease."

Said cat was of course Dog, the pet of Misaka 10032, and he mewed happily at his mistress's patting. Aogami looked at her with a wide eyes.

"You never told me you had a cute little sister who was also a super electric robot girl and a secret ninja too!"

There was ominous silence for a while, as 10032 stared at Aogami, who had the sort of expression one would normally expect to see on the face of man who just had a bunny girl jump out of his birthday cake.

"I don't think I understood the logic of that last sentence, but would I be correct in assuming this friend of yours is somewhat similar to Onee-sama's friend Shirai Kuroko in character?"

Touma gave her a little nod in reply. She swiftly side stepped to ensure Touma was between her and Aogami, popping just her head out to the right of Touma.

"I don't want a repeat of that first encounter, it was very confusing and unsettling Misaka explains before adding, through once some ground rules were added to our interactions, I found her company rather pleasant.. once the ground rules were added, she says once more for empathises and from behind the protective aegis of the Imagine Breaker."

"I think what Imouto is trying to say Aogami." Touma said sternly. "Is that their is a strict no poking, patting, touching, angling or rubbing policy in effect."

10032 nodded to Touma words.

"You mean.. you mean.." Aogami stuttered "Your a siscon like Tsuchimikado and want to keep her all for yourself!"

"Wait wait!" Touma shouted out quickly as he realized his friend was starting to get some very wrong idea's in his head." I'm not a siscon and I'm just protecting my friend's dignity and pride from your fetish obsession's getting out of hand!"

"Through I don't mind if he keep me all to himself, says Misaka playfully."

At this point Touma felt himself go crimson, and turned to look at the ever poker faced girl.

"What are you trying to say to me Imouto?" Touma asked, clearly the innocent little thing had got her wires crossed somewhere...

"Your kind, strong and brave, Misaka points out, and with Onee-sama unlikely to get violent with you over it now, I feel this a great opportunity to ask you to meet me at the District 7's South Park latter, Misaka adds, as she positions herself to look at you directly in the eyes."

Touma gulped, he was pretty sure being asked out a date.

"After school?" He asked nervously. She nodded before asking.

"Would 5pm give you enough time to see to your responsibilities, Misaka inquires?"

She was being considerate...

She was being bold...

She was looking at him with those doe like eyes...

"Sure Imouto." Touma replied softly.

Of course since Aogami and Tsuchimikado had both been there, it was hardly kept a secret at school, and Touma had to deal with the reactions of his classmates...

"They grow up so quickly!" Komoe-sensei said as she sobbed in homeroom.

"My chance will come." Himegami just said quietly at first break as she passed him by in the corridor.

"You really have no idea what your getting into with those girls, do you?" Kumokawa Seria warned cryptically as she sat opposite him at dinner.

"Oh so you only like taking advantage of young middleshool girls do you Kamijou?!" Fukiyose shouted as she chased him all the way to his home at the end of the day.

After what seemed like the longest day at school ever, Touma went home, fed the nun, former magic god and cat, snuck out while they were watching a magical girl show called 'Go Go Goddess's of Justice' and made his way to the park in good time.

Now he could finally to meet up with his date and have a happy afternoon away from misfortune...

"Hello Touma, says Misaka, as Misaka drops on the unsuspecting boy from above!" was the voice of Last Order from above and behind Touma, shortly before a small pair of arms landed on his shoulders.

"Last Order?!" Touma shouted out in surprise at the young clone's appearance.

"Indeed it is I, says Misaka as Misaka get comfortable on the boys shoulders before continuing, and I have come to the pre arranged date as previously agreed."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Touma shouted out defensively. "I asked 10032 out on a date, not you!"

Her small head popped into his line of vision from above, she was wearing a green Gekota hoody (which might help explain how he didn't notice her in the trees) that seemed a bit too big for her.

"Ahh Touma is being silly, Misaka notes as Misaka listens to the senseless sentence. To think that Touma would not realise that a agreement with a unit within the MISAKA Network would be completed be the unit best suited to carry it out, Misaka states as Misaka hug's the silly boy neck."

"Your telling me, that you think your the best suited of the Sisters to go dating?" Touma asked the young upside down clone in disbelief.

"Of course, Misaka replies to the silly boy as Misaka states the obvious! Kazari told me all about dating and how the boy buys you nice things like ice cream and take you to see pop idols singing after you had a hard day upholding justice, Misaka explains as Misaka tells the silly boy what Kazari told her.

"And how this relate to you specifically over your larger sisters?" Touma asked as he pulled Last Order off his back and placed her genteelly on the ground.

"Because I work the hardest to bring justice, and therefore need the ice cream the most, Misaka explains as Misaka waves her finger at you in a superior fashion!"

"So basically, you want things like ice cream and music?" Touma asked, as Last Order's motives became crystal clear...she had clearly hijacked his date with 10032 for the deserts and fun.

"Indeed, Misaka replies, as Misaka looks up at her date!"

"Through I like to be clear." Touma stated as he brought his face to her eye level. "Your way too young and immature for a date. But I will spend some time with you today if you explain how you work hard to bring justice."

She first grinned in replied, before saying quiet loudly.

"To the ducks, Misaka shouts as Misaka grabs the boys hand and drags him along!"

She had a surprisingly strong pull for such a small person.

Last Order was surprisingly quiet when feeding the ducks, through she had a smile a mile wide on her face as she did so. The bread funds had admittedly been coxed out of Touma's ever lean wallet (and it was good bread too!), but Touma decided he could put up with that fact, if it meant a smile like that was the result.

Of course, like all silence, it was eventually broken, but only after what seemed like a good twenties minutes of Last Order's happily feeding the ducks.

"I like ducks, Misaka admits before Misaka explains further. They really don't care about the fact I'm a electric based esper, they just like the fact that high quality bread is falling from the sky, Misaka states happily as Misaka make's more high quality bread fall from the sky!"

Touma grinned, however Last Order's expression turned serous.

"It's not nice not being able to touch things without causing them suffering, Misaka explains seriously as Misaka looks up at the boy. But I know that there is someone who has it far worse than me, Misaka states seriously as Misaka looks to the boy knowingly."

Touma stopped grinning. He knew exactly who she was talking about.

"We still really appreciate everything you did with Accelerator, how you saved him from that terrible despair and loneliness that his power had inflicted on him and how you reached through that barrier of pain to pull the broken and lost boy free, Misaka states as Misaka explains her deeply held feelings to the heroic boy."

"Someone had to stop him." Touma explained honestly.

"And that you feel that person has to be you, is what make you so beautiful, that what makes you so just Misaka explains as Misaka starts to hammer her point!"

Touma felt himself blush beetroot red. He knew the Sisters were big fans of him, but having their reasoning explained was still dam embarrassing.

"You save everyone, good or bad, Misaka states as Misaka continues to explain. You don't give into vengeance, you don't give into fear. You do what needs to be done so the suffering ends and you say what people need to hear, so they can heal and become happy again, Misaka states really loudly as Misaka jumps up and down!"

She was starting to get a little bit on the hysterical side.

"Hey come on Last Order." Touma said softly as he knelled down. "Much as hearing you sing my praises is nice to hear, your getting a little overexcited..."

"I am not finished, Misaka states defiantly as Misaka puff's out her chest! For anyone else that be one of the biggest event of there life, but for you it was Friday! Misaka shouts loudly as Misaka finishes hammering the point!"

There was a awkward silence. Last Order seemed to use it to calm herself down a bit.

"The thing is, Misaka says quietly as Misaka gathers her thoughts. You don't tend to stay around in peoples life's much, you tend to be always rushing towards the next lost soul, the next person who's life in crises Misaka states as Misaka explains her understanding of the boys life."

It was a honest understanding, Touma's web of friends was vast, but he rarely spent much extended time with any of them bar Index and Othinus, even his classmates wouldn't see him for weeks at a time sometimes.

"The MISAKA Network understands this, the MISAKA Network accepts this, but I have to lead Accelerator through the minefield of earning a happy and peaceful life, Misaka states to explain Misaka's pretext for asking for ice-cream in the near future."

Last Order smiled genteelly at him. Touma smiled back.

"I left him with Kazari for a while, while I have a morning off, Misaka notes as Misaka smiles at the boy.

"You still know 10032 going to be furious with you for stealing this encounter from her, even if you feel like you earned it." Touma explained to the young clone.

"It's all being recorded and saved on the Network, so I don't see the problem anyway, Misaka notes as Misaka shrugs."

"And the fact you don't see the problem, is why your not ready for dating yet." Touma replied as he pated her on the head. "But lets get you a ice-cream and call it a day ok?"

She slowly nodded with a slightly distracted look on her face. Touma suspected there might be some kind of MISAKA Network styled 'inner' monologue going off. After a while she looked down at the ducks.

"They have finished the delicious and high quality bread, Misaka notes as Misaka blows the last few crumbs off her hands. So that would be a acceptable course of action, Misaka adds, as Misaka jumps back on the boys shoulders!"

They wandered for a while "(Last Order was easily distracted by the local wildlife and park events) before finally reaching the little ice-cream store... if Touma had been paying more attention he might have noticed a familiar pair of tea hued pigtails in front of him before Last Order decided to greet the two girls in front of him.

"Hello Onee-sama and Kuroko. I'm on a date with Touma, even if he refuses to call it that, Misaka states as Misaka greets the Original and her friend!"

Misaka Mikoto's head turned around sharply with a aggressive expression, while Shira Kuroko's head turned more gently with a far more neutral and relaxed expression.

"Kamijou" Mikoto said in a cold and dangerous tone. "Why are you on a date with Last Order for, don't you know she's a little too small for that sort of thing?"

"It's not a date, she just kind of hijacked me!" Touma partly explained before Kuroko teleported behind him, grabbed Last Order and teleported quiet some distance away before saying in quiet a superior tone...

"I have a feeling Onee-sama will have little time for your excuses', through I hope she keeps collateral damage to a minimum while dealing with a pervert like yourself."

Touma was going to give her a witty reply about her habits with pillows, however the second rich middle schoolgirl in the general area interrupted him.

"If you think you can try to corrupt my little sister and get away with it unmarked, then you think wrong you perverted idiot!" was what Mikoto shouted as she flung high voltage sparks of electricity in a (highly) Touma specific direction.

Now a few months ago, this scenario would have included every major electrical appliance in the area being damaged, but in more recent times that sort of thing had become less and less frequent. Now it seemed the only thing that was having damage directed at it was Touma.

"Can we just talk this over like mature adults!?" Touma screamed as he blocked the incoming electricity with his Imagine Breaker.

"No." Mikoto replied bluntly as she changed from direct and straightforward blasts of lightning to sending strafing tendrils of the stuff. They were rather awkward to block with Imagine Breaker, since they kept changing direction and attack timing.

"You put a lot of time and effort into developing counter measures against me, haven't you?!" Touma shouted as he ran towards the parks exit while barely avoiding the tendrils of lightning that seemed to have a knack at evading his attempts to destroy them with his right hand.

"A true esper is constantly learning how to push there powers further!" Mikoto shouted as she chased after him. "And figuring out how to fight a twisted pervert like you is a excellent source of goal setting!"

Touma ran for his life.

Sadly my memories of the next few hours are rather hazy, but somehow I managed to survive Misaka Mikoto's fury (through the number of burn's and scratches I picked up was considerable) and the madness that was Monday came to a end with me being dropped into Index's arms by a friend who's identity was unknown at the time...

Little did I know that the madness of Monday was only the start of a insane week, little did I know that the terrors of Tuesday were soon to be upon me!