A/N Sorry this is so late everyone! I know it's been ages since I updated, but it's finally finished.

As Ginny, Ron and George readied their wands, Petunia and Vernon sat stiffly in front of the television, blissfully unaware of the plan which was rolling into action around them. Had they glanced out of the window, they may have noticed a strange haziness, blurring their view of Privet Drive. However, as it was, they were unable to feel the magic that was working its way into the very bones of the house, twisting and feeding its way into the structure. Slowly, it moulded a path, dancing into a world that repelled magic's very existence.

"12… 11… 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…" murmured George, pulling his wand back and whispering, "Falsum promuntiarium."

A red point of light burst from his wand, curving through the air to meet the gold and white beams. He sighed with relief. They had timed it to perfection, and the tell tale blurring behind him showed that Ginny's disillusionment charms had held. So, as the three points connected, George reached into his pocket and threw Peruvian Instant Darkness powder through the window.

Ron and Ginny looked up as George came around the corner, grinning.

"Did it work?" asked Ron urgently, running a hand through his hair.

"Of course, dear brother. Any minute now, and we should have them."

"Good," replied Ginny uneasily. "I want to get out of here."

The whole place repulsed her. It was too… neat, somehow. Everything was ordered, leaving no room for argument. She was surprised that any magic could survive here, and another wave of pity overwhelmed her. No wonder Harry loved the Burrow so much.

"How long until the spell reverses?" asked George, glancing up at Ginny.

"Oh, just enough time to teach them a lesson," She grinned, an evil glint in her eye. George and Ron exchanged looks.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," muttered Ron under his breath.

"Vernon? Vernon?" wailed Petunia, "What's happening."

"Must be a power cut," he muttered. She heard an ominous smashing noise.

"Was that my mother's vase?" asked Petunia, horrified.

"Sorry dear," grunted Vernon, "I can't find that bloody torch…"

She sighed in irritation "We moved it last week, when the Thompson's came for supper. You'll have to go upstairs and find it."

"Fine," he grumbled, attempting to stand up. "Argh!"

He sank down again, clutching his head.

"What's wrong now?"

"I hit my head on this damned ceiling!"

"You can't have done. It must have been… Vernon."

Petunia's voice rose shrilly. "Vernon, it's daytime. It can't be this dark."

His heavy breathing increased for a moment.

"You don't think…" His voice faltered.

Petunia gasped. "No. No, they wouldn't. That Diggle man said that we wouldn't have anything to do with- that lot."

"It could be a solar thingy- you know, what we saw with Marge that time, in Cornwall."

There was obvious hope in Vernon's voice.

"Yes," said Petunia, with relief. "We must have missed hearing about it."

Then, the darkness faded, and Petunia felt herself drop to the ground.

"We're- we can't be- gar," garbled Vernon "It's a cupboard, Petunia! We're in a cupboard!"

He tried the door, but it refused to move. It looked oddly familiar.

"It must be them," she gasped, wide eyed. "They've done this- what- what's this, Vernon?"

A letter had appeared, seemingly of its own accord, onto her lap.

Mr and Mrs Dursley,

We thought that you could do with a taste of your own medicine. We know what you did, and I promise that this will be the last that you hear from us. This won't last long- just an hour- but it should give you a chance to realise that you were wrong, all those years ago. Nobody deserves to be treated so cruelly, especially a child in your care. Harry doesn't know about this, but we care about him. So, here's our gift to him- and perhaps to you, if you learn from it.

PS- Here are some biscuits.

As they reached the end of the letter, mysteriously devoid of a signature, a plate of custard creams appeared on the sparse area of floor between them. Staring at each other in horror, they recoiled from the plate, and accustomed themselves to what would be a very long hour.

Meanwhile, 3 redheads grinned, then twisted into nothingness.

A/N I hope you enjoyed it! I did struggle with this final chapter, but I felt terrible for taking so long to finish up. I've been busy- a new school year, university applications, etc. As such, I may be off the radar for a while. Please review, and give your thoughts.