Chapter 1: A New Life

Author's Note: I intend to use ** for actions and () for thoughts and [] for descriptions, narrations or transitions.

[Issei felt himself floating on a white space unable to move, after suffering from Samael's curse and passing out he didn't have any idea if he was in the dimensional gap or another place entirely]

Issei: Where am I? *he tries to look around unable to find anything, but something felt weird to him he couldn't put it into words but he felt lighter than before not because he was floating but something about him made him feel uncomfortable*

[Suddenly a voice most likely female spoke to him but the voice felt like it was coming from all the place at once]

Voice: Finally awake I see. To think a soul was able to bypass me, a tremendous feat indeed.

Issei: Huh? Who are you? Where am I? I remember fighting in the dimensional gap, getting Samael's curse from that bastard Shalba but then… I can't remember.

Voice: Shush my dear, don't waste your breath. I'm Sophia the goddess of rebirth and you're on my realm, which means that your dead swimming on the current of souls until you fell off and after a while I caught you.

Issei: [Surprised] Dead?! But that can't be! I made a promise to Rias to forever be by her side! *but then he paused and started to understand the situation* Samael's curse! It killed me! Umm… Sophia-sama… can you send me back? There are things I still need to do, I can't die here!

Sophia: I'm afraid I can't. Once a soul is sent to the current of the dead it cannot return. But now I must perform my duties as a goddess and sent you to the stream of rebirth so you can be born again, but before I do it I need to erase all your memories from this current life so you can begin anew.

Issei: I don't want a new life! I want my current one! People still need me!

Sophia: I'm a galaxy goddess, I do not care about the problems of mortals. Now let us begin the process. *Green lights starts to float around Issei*

Issei: W-wait! Listen to me! Ddraig! Boost! *nothing happened* what?! Ddraig! What's wrong!? Balance Break! *nothing happened* why isn't working!?

Sophia: You cannot use your powers here because you have no body, there is no way to resist this natural process, now please calm down.

Issei: How do you expect me to calm down when my live is going to be re-written?! Damn it! Move! *the lights around Issei suddenly turn blue* huh?

Sophia: What?!

[The lights surrounds Issei as it begins to circle around him, suddenly a dark could consumes Issei and he disappears]

Sophia: He is gone… I see… So fate has plans for you, then I won't interfere. Go on then, be reincarnated while keeping your current memories, I'll watch the changes you will bring to the universe.

[Somewhere on the universe in a planet where Angels, Devils, Monsters and the Abnormal exist a pair of individuals, a humanoid Dragon queen and king looks over their new born child who strangely for them he had strains of brown hair instead of black]

King: So what are we going to name our child?

Queen: I had a premonition that this child is going to bring great changes to the world… A name came to me, one that cause me to be full of joy and hope so his name is going to be… Issei.

[840 Years later]

[Issei paced all over his room, he looked at the mirror besides him what stared back at him was a man who looked like he was only 22 years old, his brown hair reaching his shoulders, with a body that reached 6.5 feet tall with a muscular build and dark green eyes]

Issei: It's hard to believe that after all those years I still look young, guess that means I'm no longer "human"… [He remembers bits of his "old" life, at first it came to him as dreams: fights he didn't understood what was happening, places he never been before and people he never seen before. All this started when his body reached a 10 year maturity, but as the years went by everything became clearer: who he really was, why he was here and what he had to do] I feel like I've lived two lives at once, it's so weird *he sits on his bed* but why?!

[No matter how much time passed there was still a part of his live that remained blur, sometimes in his dreams he could still feel it like it was real: A red haired woman who gives him a lap pillow, a black haired woman who for some strange reason sucked his finger, a blonde haired girl who slept together with him, a white haired girl who sat on his lap, a gold haired girl who from time to time bring him tons of paper to read and finally a duo of blue haired girl and chestnut haired girl who would argue with each other]

Issei: No matter how much I try I can't make out their faces or names… it frustrates me to no end… *he stands up and walks over to his window* I wonder… if I go back to that place… will everything finally become clear? *he closes his eyes and starts to think* (no matter how many kingdoms I saved, how many planets I saved, I still can't shake the feeling that I don't belong here, why I refused all those marriage arrangements? All those princesses wanting to marry me, but… something inside me tells me that I'm already taken… Is it those girls? The ones I can't remember?) I won't get an answer that easily huh… No matter how many planets I visit, I can't find the slightest clue of who they are.

[There is some knocking on his door]

Issei: Hm? *he turns around* come in.

[The door opens and a girl comes in, she has long black hair, dark green eyes, her body has the look of an 18 year old girl 5.8 feet tall. She is Issei's younger sister: Mihoki, the humanoid dragon princess. Issei chuckles at her entrance, despite being a princess she never wore those long dresses except for dance balls, instead she wore casual clothing from different planets]

Mihoki: What's so funny?! *pouting*

Issei: Nothing. So… why did you come here for?

Mihoki: Well your sister gets worried when her brother stays on his room all day! You have been here for 2 straight days! Go outside and get some sun!

Issei: Really? I haven't noticed. *Stops and looks at her D-cup breasts* (Weird, if I remember correctly I was a pervert to no end, so why I'm not exited? Is it because she's my "family" or something else?)

[Suddenly Issei receives a punch to the face]

Issei: Ow! What was that for?!

Mihoki: You pervert! Looking at your own sister like that! … Don't tell me?! You have an incest fetish?!

Issei: Idiot! It's not like that! Where you did even learned that word?! Did you started reading strange books again?!

Mihoki: *Blushing* I-idiot! I'm not like you! I read healthy books! A-anyway, let's go outside the galaxy festival is soon and we need to be ready if you're going or not.

Issei: The galaxy festival huh… sure I'll go, I could use the distraction.

Mihoki: Great! I'll tell Mom about it! *she runs off downstairs*

Issei: Who knows… Maybe I'll find there the answers I seek…

[End Of Chapter 1]