Chapter 10: Welcome to the Family

The rest of the week was a bit weird to Issei, all of the girls were suddenly becoming more active towards his life, at first it was minor things like gathering for lunch or looking for topics to discuss but then it turned to study meetings, awkward alone moments with each of the girls and then taking turns to bring him lunch boxes for them to eat together.

Issei felt like all the girls were expecting something from him, he knew that it must be something serious but decided not to pry on it as long as his memories were in the state they were now. Another problem he always got to was his sister, because every time he got home she could smell all the other girl's scent from him, being a dragon princess she was beginning to worry her brother turned into a delinquent or a pervert on this planet.

He spent almost all evening trying to calm his sister down, telling her he can't help it if there are girls on campus, but she wasn't buying it, she knew something was weird about her brother ever since he got admitted there. Finally the weekend arrived and as Issei got prepared to leave he got stopped by his sister.

"Where are you going now?" she said as she stood on the living room. "Just around town, I'm going to visit some places that I haven't got the time to look at." Issei said, he knew his sister was not the jealous type rather the competitive type, she was one of the reasons Issei never had a girlfriend on the previous planet, his sister will always barged in and compete with the girl to see if she was "worthy" of him, and thanks to that his interactions with females was low, not to mention the "dreams" that tormented him at night.

"Then take me with you" Mihoki said while looking at him. "Can't do that today, it's kind of important." Issei said, he needed to escape this situation quickly. "Suspicious" she said as she sat down, "Fine, but you better bring me a souvenir" Issei was surprised, his sister just gave up like that. "Sure, I'll pick something nice" He said as he left.

At the train station Issei found Akeno but he was shocked, he was expecting her to dress up as a mature woman but instead she wore clothes like a girl his age, as soon as he thought that his head started to hurt and some images flashed inside his head, "Wait… have I done this before?"

However his train of thought was interrupted by Akeno, "Issei? Are you alright?" She got closed to him as she was worried about the sudden face he put, "Yeah, I'm alright. Well then, let's go." He said as they got on the train.

As much as Akeno wanted to have fun with Issei, she wanted him to remember her for who she was, so she took him to the places they had visited before on their first date, she didn't want to make new moves on Issei unless he remember their current state of relationship.

While they were on their date just like last time they were followed in secret by the rest of the ORC members, however unknown to them, they were also being followed by Mihoki, who was in an inner-rage, seeing what she considered "weak" girls getting so obsessed with her brother.

"It's always the same, weak girls getting too familiar with my brother. Well I'm not going to let them ruin our family name!" Mihoki said to herself, but first she must create a plan to separate the two then challenge the girl next to his brother or should she get rid of the ones following them first? As Mihoki pondered what to do, Akeno grabbed Issei's hand and began to run to lose them. Mihoki was shocked at the sudden action but decided to jump on a rooftop and sense her brother from there.

Issei didn't understand what's going on, Akeno suddenly grabbed his hand and began to run across the buildings. After a while they stopped and she explained to him, "Sorry, is just that Rias and the others were following us and it was better to lose them if we want to continue in peace." Issei then said, "I see now, so they were the murderous auras that I was sensing earlier."

Akeno wanted to say something but she was interrupted by a sudden yell, "I found you! Now it's time to prove your worth!" Both of them turned around to see Mihoki that had caught up to them. Akeno was shocked, the girl who was interrupting them looked like a female version of Issei but with hints of something she couldn't describe and she said, "Issei? Who is this?"

Mihoki walked until she was in front of Akeno and said, "I'm his sister! And you? What is your relationship with Issei?" Akeno couldn't answer, she was shocked at the sudden revelation. Issei never mentioned having a sister and she knew Issei was a single child because she had met his human parents before. "Sorry Akeno, I forgot to talk about her." Issei apologize, "When what we talked about happened, I got "sent" to a new family, she is my sister from that family."

"So she is your new sister, but what about your human parents?" Akeno said, this was too much for her. Before Issei could say anything the ORC arrived and Rias said, "Akeno! You did it again! Even I hadn't had a chance to go out with him! It's not fair!" But before anyone could say something they were interrupted by Mihoki, "No! No one's going on a date with my brother! I won't let you ruin the family!"

Issei then said, "Mihoki! You're going too far! You always do this!" But before she could say anything a voice with a powerful presence behind them said, "Your sister is right you know. It hurts to see you mingle with weak garbage if they haven't proved themselves to be of value."

Everyone turned around, Issei was worried and a bit scared, and that cold and powerful voice could only belong to the person who arranged hundreds of marriages to him in the past, his mother: Kataren Melafar a Dragon Queen.

Then she said, "Alright my foolish child, time to explain everything to me and it better be a good reason for you to go through all that trouble of dimensional space travel. And next… to the dragon tests…"

(End of Chapter 10)

Again I want to thank the people whose Reviews and Messages helped me to release this chapter so fast:



Yami no Zero



And to all those "Guests" that gave really good advice.