1. Birth

Ryousuke's birth was simple, no complications, and he was a healthy baby. Haruichi's was later than anticipated, and while there was some concern about his health, he was delivered as healthy as his big brother.

2. Enthusiasm

Haruichi jumped up and down, the helmet sliding around on his head. Ryousuke shook his head with a smile, his brother's enthusiasm to lean was adorable. "Maybe when you're older," He chuckled, taking his helmet and ruffling the soft pink locks of the pouting child.

3. Love

They said he was too young to know what love was, but Ryousuke knew the moment he laid eyes on the small bundle in his mother's arm that he loved his new little brother more than anything else in the world.

4. Hate

Seeing Haruichi come home covered in scratches and bruises made Ryousuke's blood boil. Seeing him cry made everything turn red. Nobody was allowed to hurt Haruichi, and if there was one thing Ryousuke hated more than anything else, it was the bullies who did.

5. Triumph

Haruichi's proudest day was when he was finally able to stand up to his bullies. They'd gone a little far in their teasing, and his big brother had gotten hurt. He'd finally stood up to them and shocked them enough they just left. He'd finally triumphed over his bullies, and gotten his older brother's praise.

6. Feel

Ryousuke loved the feel of his little brother's hair. It was soft and silky, and he could spend all day running his fingers through it. Haruichi, on the other hand, loved the feel of his big brother's arms wrapped around him when he was scared. It made him feel safe and loved.

7. Wrecked

Learning that his big brother was leaving for a school far away crushed Haruichi. It was unexpected, and he locked himself away in his room for a few days. What was he supposed to do now that his big brother was leaving him?

8. Soft

The stuffed bunny Ryousuke got for his little brother's birthday was one of the softest things Haruichi had ever felt in his short five years of life. Even twelve years down the road, it was still the softest thing he'd ever felt.

9. Cold

Ryousuke felt numb as he stared down his little brother. He wasn't moving. Reaching out a hand, he gently let his fingers trail the soft cheek, wondering when his brother had gotten so cold.

10. Without

Flowers can't grow without sunlight. Humans can't live without air. Fish can't live without water. These things were essential to life. So why did Haruichi feel he couldn't live without his big brother?

11. Inspiration

Seeing Ryousuke play sent a spark through Haruichi. He'd never seen anything so amazing like the way his big brother played baseball. It made him itch to pick up a bat and glove and learn the game. His brother was and always would be his biggest inspiration.

12. You

Haruichi covered his ears, tears falling as he bit his lip to muffle the sobs. He knew it, he already knew everything they were saying, so why did they have to repeat it? He knew he wasn't good enough. He knew he would never compare, but did they have to keep reminding him? "Haruichi?" Ryousuke called softly, taking his hands. "Are you alright?" Staring at his brother, Haruichi asked, "W-Why do they keep comparing me t-to you?"

13. Confused

Ryousuke didn't understand. How could people do such horrible things? How could they disregard everyone else's lives and do something so stupid? Staring at the small coffin as it was slowly lowered into the ground, he felt tears on his cheeks. How come bad things happened to good people?

14. Affection

Having his hair ruffled, getting a hug, a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the back, even just a smile in his direction. He'd thought nothing of them when they were growing up. It was simply a show of affection. Swallowing, he stared at the picture of his big brother, wishing he'd treasured them more.

15. Joy

"On…Onii…Onii-tan!" Ryousuke's hears swelled when his baby brother finally said his first words. Tackling him to the ground with a hug, he gave him a wet kiss on the cheek, causing him to giggle and wave his arms happily.