Chapter 9

I am so happy that a lot of people like my story so far and that my fans supportive. To those that leave negative reviews saying my story is bad or generic or something then say why it is. To those that are curious about Shirosaki if he has Shinigami/Hollow powers then yes he does but he will use his hollow powers for the most part. The winners of the poll were Harribel in first place, Anko in second, and Mei in third. The reason why I had the last chapter end the way I did was to have a scene with Shirosaki and Anko who was high enough in the poll that I wrote a scene with her and Shirosaki that way.

This chapter will have fighting in it so don't worry about it being all talking like last chapter.

I will have an explanation for why I took so long to post this chapter at the end of this chapter along with important notes for certain things in this chapter.

Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto or Bleach

Unknown Location in Kiri...

After Shirosaki and Anko had caught up on what happened with each other after his death, Anko told him when they would for the rebel base and to be prepared for anything. This why Shirosaki and company were currently walking through forest area with very thick mist and numerous small streams all around the place along with numerous geysers and what appeared to be small pools of acid. This meant that it would be hard for trackers to find the rebel base with the area's natural defenses as acting as a barrier which is why they were in this area with Anko leading them to the rebel base.

"Okay people we are approaching the camp and when we get there you are to follow these three simple rules. Rule #1 is that when we get there let me do all the talking and only talk if spoken to. Rule #2 is that there are distrustful of newcomers so don't do anything rash when we get there. Rule #3 is probably the most important rule of all, when you are around the rebel leader never say anything remotely related to age, dating or marriage because if you and she does not like it then she will probably try and kill you." Said Anko and was chuckling a little at seeing their confused reactions to her third rule.

"Why would she hate those things?" Questioned Ulquiorra.

"Well she doesn't hate marriage or dating per say but she thinks she is too old at 30 to find a husband." Said Anko.

"How is that too old to get married or even date? Most of us are hundreds of years old." Said Starrk which caused Anko to nearly fall off the branch she was about to land on.

"Are you serious most of you don't look a day over 25 max." Exclaimed Anko finding it really hard to believe that they were all that old.

"I am over 900 years old." said Starrk not really caring about his age.

"I am roughly 850 years old." Stated Ulquiorra.

"I believe I am somewhere around 780 years old." Said Harribel shocking the others with her age and that she was so willing to tell her age especially Shirosaki who had an idea for who she might be.

This caused Anko to temporarily stop moving for a moment as the information sunk in before she muttered "Lucky bastards the lot of you." low enough that no one could hear what she said. However now she stopped for a moment she could smell smoke and lots of it which was a problem because the smell was coming from the direction of the rebel camp which could only mean bad news. Doubling her pace before she ran towards the camp at high speeds until she saw what happened to the rebel base.

What was once a proud and magnificent camp was now reduced to a fraction of what it once was. Dead bodies were everywhere along with most of the tents either heavily damaged or were broken into multiple pieces. It looked like most of the fires had just been put and now the only remaining fires were small enough not to cause any more damage. Seeing a nearby rebel soldier who looked to be mostly unharmed Anko ran up to him and began questioning him about what happened.

"Tell me what happened here and who had the gall to do such a thing." Asked Anko in the interrogation voice she uses on her victims.

"It was Azula. She betrayed us and activated explosive tags she had hidden all around the camp before she ran away in the ensuing chaos." Said the rebel soldier before Anko dropped him and then ran away to help some of the rebels with repairs and damage control.

"Dammit how could Azula do this to us. She was with the rebels since the beginning." Mumbled Anko to herself wondering what happened to Azula to have her betray them for the loyalists. However before she could think further on this subject, Anko noticed that Ao was running towards her and her companions with a small group of rebel Shinobi.

"Anko who are these people and are they here to help us." Demanded Ao with an urgent tone.

"Yes sir, they are the people sent from Suna to aid us. I have been assured that they will be of great assistance to the rebellion." Said Anko without hesitating at all in her answer.

Ao then proceeded to look at the group behind Anko and started to get a closer look at them. He noticed that every member of the group carried a sword or blade of some form and that they all had very unique outfits and what appeared to pieces of bone attached to their bodies. Secretly using his Byakugan, he noticed that they had no chakra and that something else was in its place instead. The energy was not chakra but something much thicker and inhuman while also giving off a unique feeling for each person.

"What is the name of your group and can you fight?" Questioned Ao not caring about learning their names at the moment given that there were pressing matters to take care of.

"You know we hadn't thought of a name yet but the Betrayed will work because we were loyal to our previous village until we were of no more use to them and they tried to kill us. We are very capable fighters and even killed two members of the Akatsuki." Said Shirosaki with the others agreeing with the name because it fit them rather well.

"Do you have proof of killing these so called Akatsuki members?" Questioned Ao who was doubtful about that last claim since the Akatsuki were very powerful with the group being made of S-class missing nin. Before Shirosaki could reply, Harribel walked in front of Ao and showed a bundle of white cloth wrapped around something. Harribel then proceeded to unwrap the bundle which showed the severed head of Deidara the mad bomber and known member of the Akatsuki. Ao used his Byakugan to verify that this was Deidara's real head and discovered that it was. "Well that answers that question." Said Ao while Harribel rewrapped the head and stored wherever it was being stored. "Now then we need your help to slow down a loyalist attack that is coming this way and buy enough time for the rest of the rebels to get to safety and we also have received word that the 7 Homunculus or better known as the 7 sins are with the loyalist army approaching the camp." Said Ao who noticed the look of slight terror on Anko's face at the mention of the 7 sins.

(AN: I will for the most part call the Homunculus the 7 sins because it will be faster and easier for me to write while also being a more scary name)

"Ao are you certain that 7 sins are with the loyalists?" Questioned Anko because the 7 sins never left any survivors when they entered a battle and those that did manage to escape were usually driven insane by what they saw them do. Anko's fears were confirmed when Ao nodded in confirmation of this information.

"Who are the 7 sins and what makes them so dangerous?" Questioned Gin with the rest of them wondering what the big deal was as well.

Before Anko could answer Gin's question, she was interrupted by Ao "We can tell you on the way because we have already wasted enough time standing around when the loyalists come closer to this camp and killing everyone here. So with that said we are leaving now and try not get to lost, this area is riddled with traps." Said Ao before using Shunshin in the direction of the what the others assumed to be the loyalist army.

"Before you even ask, yes Ao is almost always like that and takes things very seriously." Said Anko before anyone else could ask. With that said Anko and the others quickly left in the same direction of Ao, not knowing that someone had seen the whole conversation and was interested in seeing how the now named Betrayed would react to this new information.

Roughly 5 minutes before the rebels and the Betrayed start fighting the loyalists...

"So basically the 7 sins are failed experiments of Orochimaru who ran away before he could kill them and tried to join the rebels only for them to be turned down due to circumstances that not even you know about. After they were turned down by the rebels, they were approached by the loyalists and joined them instead. Also you do not know there exact abilities but you do know some of their abilities just not who uses them." Said Shirosaki making sure he understood what Anko just told him.

"That is pretty much. We know one of them has a blade of some kind that increase its length and cut through nearly anything though we do not know yet how far this blade can extend, another one that can possibly shape shift, and finally one of them can form some kind of armor that is near indestructible while possibly altering their appearance as well." Further explained Anko which caused the rest of Shirosaki's interest to be piqued because they knew some people with very similar abilities.

However before Shirosaki or anyone else could respond to what Anko said they were interrupted by Ao who had stopped moving and was facing the rest of them.

"Okay the loyalist army is about 5 minutes out and we need to slow them down at all costs. Take down as many of these bastards as you can because you know what they will do to the rest of the rebels should they get past us. Now get in position and wait for my signal to attack." Ordered Ao to the group of ninja he brought with him and Shirosaki's group the Betrayed. After he said that everyone used their respective techniques to move into position.

With Starrk and Lilynette...

"Starrk do remember what the signal was because I sure don't." Said Lilynette causing Starrk to remember that Ao never did say what the signal was.

"Well this sucks because I don't remember either and that means this going to be troublesome and to think when I woke up today I wanted to do was take a nap." Said Starrk before he sighed in slight frustration.

At the Nara compound in Konoha...

Almost of the Nara clan sneezed in unison and said troublesome as well in unison. This caused many to wonder what caused this unnatural phenomenon... for about 5 seconds before they returned to either their naps or watching the clouds.

Back with Starrk and Lilynette...

"I guess we will find out what the signal is when it happens." Said Starrk before he and Lilynette went back to looking at the approaching army and waiting for whatever the signal was.

With Ao...

'I just need them to get a little closer and then I can activate the traps' Thought Ao while carefully examining where the loyalist army was and their proximity to an area that only Ao knew about. 'Shit, I just realized that in my haste to get here that I forgot to tell the Betrayed what the signal is and that could throw off the whole attack, I just hope none of them attack to early and jeopardize the attack.' Thought Ao with a grimace.'

With Grimmjow...

Grimmjow suddenly felt the urge to sneeze when he thought about attacking the army first and was being held back from doing so by Gin who had tied him up with some rope and around his mouth, though he was told by Gin that he would remove the ropes when the attack began.

Back with Ao...

'Just a little more, almost there...Now' Thought Ao before he formed a handsign causing a line of hidden exploding tags to go off underneath the bigger part of the loyalist army killing quite a few and injuring many more from the intense heat and shrapnel caused by the explosions. This caused the loyalist army to be thrown into disarray and thus opening them up for attack. Grabbing his katana Ao yelled out "Attack." before using Water Release Gunshot on a group of nearby loyalists taking them by surprise and making them easy targets for Ao to kill. Ao briefly noticed the others attacking the loyalists before he lost track of them in the chaos of battle.

With Grimmjow...

True to his word Gin did let Grimmjow go when the attack began and right now Grimmjow could say he was having the time of his life fighting so many opponents though his only complaint was easy some of them were to kill. He was using his Zanpakuto to cut through the enemy soldiers and also liberally using Bala and some hand to hand combat to quickly kill his opponents.

This changed however when he was about to attack an injured mist shinobi before some weird shadow like construct with teeth and eyes blocked his attack. Jumping back to avoid a potential counterattack Grimmjow noticed that the shadows seemed connected to something he glanced in the direction the shadow thing connected to a small boy with more of those shadow things surrounding him. What made this kid interesting was that he was not covered in any blood or even some mild burn marks from the explosions from earlier.

"Who are you and what are those things?" Questioned Grimmjow while keeping his guard up in case of an attack.

"Who do you think you are asking me who I am since I am your better in every way." Replied the child with an arrogant tone in his voice.

This of course pissed off Grimmjow who responded by launching a Cero at the kid only for the shadow constructs to block his Cero and leaving the kid unharmed by his attack.

"I suppose you can call me Pride because it will be the last name you will ever hear." Said the now named Pride before his sending his shadows at Grimmjow who forced to go on the defensive until he figured what the shadows could do.

(AN: Pride appears the same he does in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

With Gin...

Gin was disappointed so far with the battle because it appeared that many of the loyalists did not have much combat experience because he was killing them without even trying. Many of his opponents seemed surprised by his Zanpakuto until they saw him kill 5 loyalists with ease in the span of 2 seconds using only his Zanpakuto.

"I was hoping to get a decent fight here but it appears that this will be a piece of cake to beat you guys because you loyalists are so weak." Taunted Gin which caused some nearby loyalists to become enraged at him only for Gin to kill them in midstrike.

However all this changed when Gin heard something whistling towards him at high speeds and he managed to block the attack in time. To his surprise what attacked him were what appeared to be fingers that were razor sharp and extended rather far judging by how far the fingers were extended. Tracking the fingers after they retracted Gin was surprised to see them moving towards a woman with a rather revealing dress with a short but rather large man standing next to her with a hungry look on his face.

(AN: The woman is Lust and the man is Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

"Well this is a surprise only 3 other people have ever blocked one of my attacks like that." Said the woman in a seductive tone with a slight smirk on her face.

"He looks tasty Lust, can I eat him yet?" Questioned the short man causing Gin to think what was wrong with the guy while the woman looked annoyed at him.

"No Gluttony you cannot eat him and besides I wanted to play with him for a while since he looks like he could give me a challenge." Replied the now named Lust with her voice having a slightly excited tone at the end of her reply to Gluttony.

"You two are weird." Said Gin while staring at Lust and Gluttony.

"Like you have any right to say that given your appearance." Said Lust causing Gin to raise an eyebrow in minor confusion to her statement. "I mean look at your eyes are squinting at something really hard or can you not see. Also your hair is like an old man's hair color and style." Said Lust who was surprised at how Gin reacted to what she said. Gin was drawing random lines on the ground with a storm cloud over his head while mumbling about how his hair and how Lust compared it to an old man's hair.

Curious as to what Gin was doing Gluttony walked over to him and glanced over his shoulder to see what Gin was drawing the ground. Unknown to Gluttony this was exactly what wanted. Gin quickly turned around and before Gluttony could escape Gin said "Bakudo #63 Sajo Sabaku." This attack caused Gluttony's body to be tightly wrapped in yellow rope with unable to move after Gin sent 2 parts of the rope into the ground pinning Gluttony to the ground with unable to move at all. While Lust was wondering what Gin just did, she almost missed him saying "Shoot to kill Shinso." causing his blade to extend at speeds almost unseen to Lust who barely managed to dodge in time causing her to only get a thin cut on her cheek.

"That actually hurt. Now the kiddy gloves come off." Said Lust with her fingers extending to be a little over a foot long before charging at Gin.

With Starrk and Lilynette...

Lilynette was not expecting this battle to be this easy especially considering how strong these Shinobi were supposed to be. Though maybe the these so called Shinobi were losing so much was because they were not expecting a little girl to be this strong and that assumption is probably what caused her to kill or injure so many in such a short period of time.

"Lily could you possible speed this? I really want this battle to end so I can go take a nap." Said Starrk while shoot weakened Cero's at the Shinobi while using Sonido to easily evade all their attacks.

"Starrk how can you possibly think of napping at a time like this?" Yelled a frustrated Lilynette. However before Starrk could reply he was distracted by the sight of a large rock flying through the air at them. Lilynette and Starrk both used Sonido to escape the giant rock but most of the mist Shinobi that were fighting them were not so lucky and were squashed under the rock.

"Damn I missed." Said a large man as he appeared on top of the rock.

"Who are you and why did you kill your own comrades?" Questioned Starrk while eyeing the newcomer to his battle.

"Since it would be too troublesome to not tell you my name, you may call me Sloth and I am a member of the 7 sins." Said Sloth while sounding like he was holding back a yawn.

(AN: His appearance is the same as in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

"Wait does that mean you are lazy?" Asked Starrk hoping it was a yes.

"Yeah and what does that have to do with anything?" Questioned Sloth too lazy to even consider why he was asked that.

"Well how about instead of us fighting we can just take a nap instead." Suggested Starrk. After Starrk proposed the nap suggestion Sloth stood there and stood there some more before a fly flew into his ear and could be seem flying inside his eyes before coming out his other ear.

"Starrk do you think that was weird at all?" Questioned Lilynette while having a look of slight confusion on her face. Her answer was the sound of someone snoring and that person was Starrk who currently taking a nap while standing straight up. However before Lilynette could wake up Starrk up for sleeping in the middle of battle, she heard someone else snoring and noticed that Sloth was sleeping as well. This caused Lilynette to pull at her hair in frustration with the two.

Wanting something to happen, Lilynette's prayer was heard and a decent sized group of loyalists was moving to attack her and Starrk. Her look of frustration quickly changed into a look of crazed happiness as she charged at the loyalists with her decimating them.

With Ulquiorra...

Ulquiorra was sure not what to feel as he kept eliminating the trash or as some would call them the loyalists. Ulquiorra deemed the trash not even worth using his Zanpakuto to kill them with meaning he was just using his hand to hand combat skills to kill them. Ulquiorra was shattering bones and breaking enemies weapons before they could hit him. This caused Ulquiorra to become quickly feared by the loyalists with them thinking that he was a demon in human form because of his inhuman appearance and skill.

"Hey you pale green eyed emo, do you have any idea how much it costs to get a good suit in Kiri and that your friends ruined it." Yelled an unknown person from behind Ulquiorra in what sounded like a very irritated voice.

Turning around Ulquiorra was greeted by the sight of a man with most of his clothes removed with the pants one of the only remaining parts left though they were heavily burned and looked like they could fall apart at any second. The weird thing was that he himself was uninjured and did not even have any scorch marks on him.

"Why is your ruined clothing any concern of mine trash?" Questioned Ulquiorra of the man in front of him with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"The nerve of you." Growled the man before he grabbed a random mist Shinobi and took their katana before throwing said Shinobi out of the way. "You can call me Greed as that will be the last name you will ever hear and I think I will be taking your cloak from your dead body." Said the now named Greed as he charged at Ulquiorra.

(AN: He is Ling/Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

Ulquiorra brought his blade up to block one of Greed's sword thrusts and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had to make some effort to block the blade. Ulquiorra jumped to gain some distance from Greed to observe his stance and any weaknesses his stance might have. Seeing that Greed's stance was surprisingly good and that he had very few openings in his stance.

"You might actually might not be pure trash but that remains to be seen." Said Ulquiorra before he used Sonido to get behind Greed and kick him a fair distance away.

"That hurt you bastard." Said Greed as he came out of the ground with what appeared to be black armor covering parts of his body. Ulquiorra was interested in this particular ability given how it was not there a second ago when he kicked Greed and that the armor seemed to be coming out of his skin and then bonding with it on some level.

"I will see just how powerful that armor of yours is Greed." Stated Ulquiorra before using Sonido to attack Greed.

With Harribel's 3 Fraccion...

The loyalist shinobi fighting the 3 heavily bickering women that were Harribel's Fraccion were confused as to whether or not they should be fighting them when so busy arguing with each other that they occasionally ignored the Shinobi they were fighting and instead started to almost fight each other. It was for this that the Loyalist shinobi were wondering if they should leave these rebels scum alone because it appeared that they were more likely to attack each other than attack the loyalists.

"Ladies how about instead of fighting each other right now, we fight the loyalist shinobi and then resume this fight afterwards. Sound good?" Suggested Sung-Sun with Mila Rose and Apacci look confused for a moment before they realized they were in the middle of a battle and that what Sung-Sun suggested held some merit.

"Let's resume this after the fight battle Apacci." Said Mila Rose with her getting an agreeing nod from Apacci before the three of them charged at the loyalist Shinobi with them quickly decimating them.

The loyalists that still lived wondered how they were so powerful and that they were so brutal in combat. It was for this reason that they did not notice approaching their battle until it was too late.

One of the loyalist shinobi found himself being pulled up and then thrown into the ground with brutal strength with dust flying into the area around him. When the dust cleared it showed the loyalist Shinobi with his head being crushed a persons with the sound of bones creaking as though his head was being crushed.

"I turn my back for 2 seconds and you weaklings are being destroyed by these nobodies." said the person with obvious anger and rage aimed at the shinobi this person was currently crushing with their foot.

"Who are you?" Questioned Sung-Sun with slightly narrowed eyes for the new person in the fight.

"Forger that Sung-Sun. I want to know if this person is a guy or a girl." Said Apacci with Sung-Sun mentally sighing at how Apacci was acting.

"I am a woman you idiot and my name is Envy." Shouted the now named Envy with a large tick mark on her head.

(AN: Envy looks the same as in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and I just called her a female to make it easier for me to write her)

"Are you sure you are a woman? I am rather tall and muscular but I am also quite curvy unlike you." Said Mila Rose while striking a seductive pose to show off her body which was better than Envy's.

"Oh please if anything if have a more feminine body than either of yours plus I am not so freakishly tall like the 2 of you." Said Apacci with an arrogant tone causing Mila Rose and Envy to send a death glare at her.

"Everyone knows I have the best body out of all of us with me having the most womanly body and personality." Said Sung-Sun causing the already high temperatures of the others to skyrocket to further levels.

"AGH, that is enough out of you 3 idiots!" Yelled Envy with a fiery aura around her body with her eyes on fire with the flames of feminine fury. "You are going to die even if it is the last thing I do." Said Envy before she charged the 3 Fraccion with surprising speed and was going to hit them with one of her fists until it was caught by Mila Rose surprising Envy that someone could stop one of her punches so easily without getting hurt.

"That punch was just pathetic, I barely felt any force behind it." Said Mila Rose with a surprisingly cold voice before grabbing Envy with her other hand and throwing her into the ground creating a large crater as a result.

"You are going to have to try harder than that to hurt us." Said Mila Rose with Apacci and Sung-Sun both looking down at Envy with cold looks on their faces that could freeze fire itself. This however did nothing to Envy who stood with her hair shadowing her face.

"You bitches think you can beat me huh. Well then I guess I will just have to knock you down a notch." Said Envy before she charged at them with speeds she was not showing before and sent them all flying with one hit to each of them. "Is that strong enough for you bitches." Said Envy with what sounded like an insane voice after the 3 Fraccion landed from her attacks.

"Damn she is stronger than she appears and judging by her current actions is somewhat insane. We will need to be careful here so we do not reveal our secrets to the enemy." Said Sung-Sun after she used Sonido to appear next to Mila Rose with Apacci doing the same.

"Agreed and for now let's just see what she can do." Said Mila Rose with the others agreeing with her before they all charged at Envy.

With Shirosaki...

Shirosaki was pleased that everyone besides himself and Harribel were fighting strong opponents who were giving them a decent challenge. As for Harribel she was fighting with Ao so he would live and hopefully tell Mei what they could do and how helpful they could be to the rebellion. Shirosaki however was just mowing through the loyalists like a hot knife through butter with many of the loyalists too scared to even look him in the eyes lest they get caught in the madness they projected into your soul.

Though it probably helped that Shirosaki had just ripped a man in half with pure strength and that he was slowly being bathed in the man's blood before he threw both halves at two shinobi with enough force that they were thrown into the ground. Seeing that most of the loyalists were looking at him with pure terror in their eyes, Shirosaki decided to increase that fear by using Sonido and punching the heads of 20 loyalists with enough force that they went flying into the air with Shirosaki using Sonido to appear above the heads at their maximum height with him kicking each head with enough force at loyalist shinobi that a crater was created with each head while killing or heavily injuring whatever they hit. This all happened in 3 seconds with Shirosaki returning to the same spot he started in.

"Just what are you?" Questioned a loyalist who was barely clinging to life after having most of leg taken clean off by one of Shirosaki's 'cannonballs' when they landed.

Calmly walking towards the man with a look of indifference on his face while ignoring the ongoing battle around him calmly said "I am something you could never begin to comprehend." Before crushing the man's skull with his foot.

"You know such brutality is not needed to kill these men." Spoke a man with an eerily calm voice from behind Shirosaki.

Turning around Shirosaki saw a man with what appeared to be a once pristine military uniform that was now lightly covered in blood, ash, and dirt. The man was wearing an eye patch over his left eye with a sword attached to waist that was currently in its sheath.

"Who are you old man?" Asked Shirosaki with look of an indifference on his face and voice.

"I swear more and more young people are forgetting their manners more and more these days." Said the old man with a nostalgic voice while he continued to walk towards Shirosaki not caring that his clothes and hair were stained crimson with the blood of his victims.

"This a battle and I think you can forgive me for forgetting my manners." Said Shirosaki who had his guard up because this man seemed to know what he was doing.

"I suppose that is a good excuse for forgetting one's manners but I will tell you my name if you tell me yours." Said the man with a small smile on his face that seemed kind.

"My name is Shirosaki, now what is your name?" Said Shirosaki.

"My name is Wrath and you appear to be my opponent today since my fellow homunculi are fighting your friends as we speak. If I were you, I would go help them before they die." Said the now named Wrath who was quite surprised at what happened next.

(AN: Wrath is wearing the military uniform he wears in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

"BHAHAHA! You think that my friends need help? If anything your friends are the ones that need help." Said Shirosaki in between laughs surprising Wrath that he thought his comrades were powerful than the Homunculi. "Besides if we really wanted to we could destroy this entire country one day without us really even trying." Said Shirosaki with such conviction that even Wrath believed him for a second.

"You have no chance of beating me when because you lack the ability to do so." Said Wrath with an calm look on his face.

"Is that so? Well to make things interesting why not make a bet about it, interested?" Asked Shirosaki with his signature grin.

"Tell me about and I will see if I will do it." Stated Wrath with a look of slight intrigue on his face.

"The bet is that if I manage to beat you in a minute using only our swords to fight then you and the rest of the loyalists retreat. If I lose then me and the rest of my group will surrender." Stated Shirosaki with a smug grin still on his face.

"I will accept those terms, now when will we begin?" Said Wrath while drawing his sword. He barely got it up in time before he had to block an attack from Shirosaki that was strong enough to push him back 10 feet. 'So strong and I did not even see him move' Thought Wrath as he analyzed Shirosaki for a moment before attacking him. To his further surprise Shirosaki either dodged or blocked each attack with ease to Wrath's frustration.

"Why won't you stay still or at least attack me." Said Wrath with him missing the almost predatory look that appeared on Shirosaki's face when he said to attack him.

What followed was blur to most and a beautiful of professional swordsmen with each of them attacking each other with such savagery that it shocked those that could see the battle. Each time one of them moved to attack the other one blocked or dodged the attack. However in the last ten seconds before the minute was done, Shirosaki vastly increased the speed and ferocity of his attacks until Wrath fell to his knees with a large cut on his chest that was spilling blood at a rapid rate.

"The cut is not that deep and if you see a good doctor in the next 10 minutes you will live. Now will you honor our bet?" Asked Shirosaki with his back to Wrath who grit his teeth before saying "I am a man of my word so we will retreat and I ask that you let us take our wounded with us." Said Wrath.

"That is do able now order the retreat." Said Shirosaki.

Using his chakra to amplify his voice Wrath shouted "RETREAT!" with the loyalists quickly running away once the order was given. "We will return shortly for our wounded so make sure they are not killed by the rebels." Said Wrath who left with a loyalist supporting him.

Roughly half an hour later...

It took a bit of convincing on his part but Shirosaki had managed to convince the others to leave the loyalist wounded alone and let them be taken back by the other loyalists. The selling point in Shirosaki's argument was that it would damage enemy morale that they lost so easily and were given mercy by the rebels when the loyalists would never do something like that. Shirosaki then pointed out that some of the loyalists would start to question what they were doing and even join or aid the rebellion when it mattered.

After seeing the loyalists arrive and retrieve their wounded the rebels and the Betrayed quickly left for where Ao said the new rebel base was and that he would show them to Mei himself which of course made Shirosaki happy.

It was on this day the civil war in Kiri was drastically changed and in the rebellions favor.

Chapter end...

What Kushina did to Sarutobi part four of six...

Sarutobi was deeply hoping for a break after his last torture session and was hoping that the worst had passed. Oh wrong he was.

Hearing the sound of the door opening with the sound of Kushina's shoes walking on the floor, Sarutobi tried to hide but that was impossible to do when he was chained to a chair in the middle of a room with nowhere for him to hide from her.

"I have a very special torture session in mind for you today." Said Kushina was carrying a box of what appeared to be books. Looking more closely Hiruzen noticed that the books were not just any regular books but his private Icha Icha collection.

"No don't burn them, please if you have any mercy for me left do not destroy those books." Pleaded Sarutobi with just a pathetic that even a kid could do better than.

"I have something much worse in mind." Said Kushina before she snapped her fingers and 2 portal appeared with 2 people dropping out of them.

These two people were none other than Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus who was wearing the same outfit she wore at the VMA's a few years ago where the twerk thing started. A stage also rose out of the ground behind the 2 teens with Bieber getting on the stage who started to sing as Miley twerked Hiruzen.

(AN: Just have Justin Bieber sing whatever song you hate the most)

As Hiruzen was listening to this horrible song and trying not to suffer any more mental trauma from what he was seeing in front of him, he began that shredded paper was falling down to the floor and looked up to see Kushina slowly entering his Icha Icha books into a powerful shredder.

Seeing this many horrors in such a short amount of time caused Hiruzen to scream like a little girl before fainting.

Seeing this Kushina just dropped the box into the shredder and was mildly surprised to see the shredder destroy the box and books with ease. Getting an idea, Kushina quickly opened the door to the room with her pushing Miley out into the hallway.

Turning around Kushina grabbed Bieber with her chains and dragged him up the stairs to where the shredder was. Seeing that Justin was trying to talk Kushina decided to talk for him.

"I am going to do the world a favor and kill you because you have become a cocky little shit that has had their head grow way too big and that is why I am going to cut your ego down the hard way." Said Kushina before she lowered Justin into the shredder with his head going first. The result was a bloody shredder and what was left of Justin Bieber covering an unconscious Hiruzen.

"Hmm what to do next? I am really running out of ideas." Whispered Kushina before a light bulb appeared above her head as she thought of what to do next. Leaving the room to make some calls, Kushina forgot to close the door in her hurry to make the calls.

Omake end...

Okay I know that some of you are mad that it took me so long to update but I was very busy my second semester and was often drained after school. Some nights I was getting 3 hours of sleep if that because of how much homework I had to do. Most days I struggled to stay up and often did not have the time or energy to write my stories.

On to more important matters. Most of you are probably wondering why Mei was not in this chapter and I have a good reason for that. Due to the betrayal of Azula and the damage she caused during her defection, the rebels had to abandon their camp and Mei was leading the evacuation effort with Ao leading a small team to slow down the approaching loyalist army to give them enough time to escape with what they could. Ao saw Anko with Shirosaki and the rest of the betrayed and dragged them along to help fight the loyalists not knowing how strong they were. Ao pretty much grabbed them before they had a chance to even meet Mei which will happen next chapter.

I know the fights were short but that was to introduce some of the loyalists like the Homunculi whose full origin I will explain after the Civil War. Rest assured that the fights will continue next chapter when the Civil War ends.

I also wrote a new story called Axis of Change with it being a Marvel x DC crossover with a unique team of Avengers changing things for the better in the world of DC. This story is pretty good and pravus666 is the co-author of the story and feel free to check out his stories because they are pretty good as well.