"Okay, so you've met Carter, Cassandra, and Kat, let's see, who else is worthy of your time..?" Sander pondered, loud enough so that most of the people in the dining room could hear him.

"Just introduce me to everyone you get along with." Spencer shrugged, he didn't want to be friends with Sander and someone the younger man doesn't get along with. Things would get awkward in a hurry, and Spencer tried his best to avoid awkward situations.

Sander nodded before motioning the FBI agent to follow him. "You're going to meet some people at the wedding too, I'm not exactly a people person, so I don't know everyone here either."

"That's fine."

Sander grinned at him before leading the way to the courtyard. It was beautiful, to say the least. There were flower beds with rose bushes lining the yard with oak trees littering the grounds. There were people hanging the lights on the trees, obviously for the festivities going to happen at the wedding.

Sander led him to a slightly younger looking woman with a toddler on her hip while she spoke softly to a man with red hair and a scruffy chin.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sander questioned, making the two adults look up and smile at him.

"Not at all." The woman smiled, looking the man up and down. "You haven't changed much have you Sander?"

"I don't know, he looks like he finally got rid of that baby fat." The red haired man stated as he looked at Sander, making the man in question roll his eyes and scoff.

"Like you're one to talk Lucky."

"I told you never to call me that."

"And we all know how well I handle orders Chris."

"Alright boys, zip up and put your rulers away. Now who's this?" The woman asked looking at Spencer with a small grin on her face.

"Oh yeah, this is Spencer Reid, he's an old friend of Ethan's. Spencer, this is Stephanie and Chris Biers, and that little tyke's name is Tyler." Sander finished his sentence by getting in Tyler's face and crossing his eyes, making the little boy laugh and bat at Sander's nose.

"Nice to meet you." Spencer said gently, noticing how shy the boy had become when he noticed the agent.

"You as well, Sander didn't include this but I'm also Kat's little sister." Stephanie added as she handed Tyler over to Sander, who promptly started spinning in slow circles while holding the boy above his head. The toddler shrieked loudly and laughed.

Sander joined in the laughter while Chris watched them with a hawk-like eye and a small smile on his face. Stephanie elbowed her husband gently, snapping him out of his reverie before turning to Spencer.

"So you're a friend of Ethan's?" Chris asked while running a hand through his hair and grinning at the older by one year man.

"Yeah actually, we went to school together and grew up rivals." Spencer laughed awkwardly, not used to being put on the spot like this.

"Those are always the best friendships." Sander chimed, making the three adults turn toward him. The picture was hard to describe, but it looked as if Sander was waltzing with Tyler. Sander had and arm around Tyler's back, the boy's left hand in Sander's right while the boy's other arm was flapping around wildly.

The boy was clearly proud, beaming at his mother and father before saying cheerfully, "lookie I can dance, I can dance!"

"You sure can bud." Chris grinned at his son and chuckled when the boy's hand whacked Sander in the eye.

"Son of a-"

"Watch it!" Chris barked, interrupting the blond male who was currently rubbing at his eye and blinking tears out of his eye.

"Right, right... Sorry." Sander grinned, sheepishly glancing at the parents looking at him with piercing glares.

Spencer bit his lip to keep from laughing at the scene, Sander looked like a little kid with his hand caught in a cookie jar. He was still rubbing his eye and holding Tyler with the other arm while the boy played with Sander's hair, ruffling it even more and giving it the impression of never having been brushed in its life. Though Spencer had no reason to judge, his hair being much longer than Sander's and being purposefully messed up.

"Well, as you can see, Sander has a bit of a potty mouth." Stephanie chimed, taking Tyler from the man who had ducked his head in shame, but a dimple on his right cheek showed that all he was really doing was hiding his smile. Spencer shook his head at the younger male and rolled his eyes. He had only known the man for one day yet this behavior doesn't surprise him.

"A bit? You should've been in the waiting room when Steph was in labor, he was scaring the nurses with how agitated he was."

"You try having someone go into labor in your car during a fu-freaking hurricane!" Sander shouted defensively, his near slip up making him blush slightly.

"It wasn't a hurricane," Stephanie explained. "It was just a tropical storm Sandy, no need to get your panties in a twist."

Sander glared and drew in a deep breath before turning toward Spencer and forcing a grin onto his face."So Spencer, how about we get this show on the road?"

"Fine by me," Spencer said to Sander before looking at Stephanie and Chris. "It was nice meeting you."

"You too Spencer." Chris grinned at him and winked.

Stephanie hit him in the arm before saying, "have fun on your tour Spencer, and would you mind keeping Sander out of trouble?"

"I'll try my best." Spencer said, confused by the request.

"Nobody needs to keep me out of trouble Steph," the man in question stated before kissing her cheek and Tyler's and nodding at Chris.

"I'm sure," Stephanie said sarcastically, "anyway, you guys should get on with the tour if you want to be done by dinner time."

"Sure, sure, see you sometime." Sander waved at them before putting a hand on Spencer's shoulder and leading him out of the courtyard.

"Anyone else I should meet?"

"Not anyone that's imperative to your health... How about we go on a tour of the immediate area?" Sander suggested as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to tame it and giving up when it just went back to where it was.

"That sounds good." Spencer agreed, gesturing for Sander to lead the way out of the courtyard, having learned his lesson about navigating the hotel alone that morning.

I'm officially a terrible person. I've been away for all this time and I'm only giving you guys this short chapter? Unbelievable!

Krisdahwolf0: Thank you thank you... hope you're still reading so you can find out the ending...

TazzieLuv13: I'm actually doing pretty good now, hope you liked the chapter!

CANADIAN (Guest): It's alright, not everybody reviews each and every chapter.

Emma (Guest): I kinda failed on the whole, update soon thing, but I hope you liked it nonetheless.