Ok, so I've come to the decision that I'm not going to finish this fic. Here's why:

When I started writing this, I thought the storyline was a really good idea and I had so many plans for what I wanted to happen. However, along the way I know I've made some stupid decisions and, looking back, I have fulfilled very little of the plans I made. I'm not going to blame anyone other than myself, or sugar coat the truth: I ruined this fic.

I know I use this excuse a lot, though I feel it remains relevant; I'm a 15-year-old school girl who is still trying to find her feet when it comes to writing. On the bright side, I feel like I've learnt from my mistakes with this fic and it has been a huge learning curve.

If a lot of you are unhappy with my decision then I might change my mind and continue with it after all. We'll see.

I have a different finchel fic that I'm writing called Dreaming of Love which I'm definitely going to finish if you want to check that out. I'm hoping that I won't ruin that one. I'm also about to start a multi-chap fic for a different fandom and ship.

Sorry to anyone that I've disappointed. If anyone feels like they can take the storyline and do a better job with writing the fic, then please feel free. However, I would appreciate it if you told me before doing so.

Thank you all for reading,
