I got a few suggestions for stories, and one that intrigued me was a harem for male or female Robin. This story isn't based off of that idea, but I will definitely be thinking up a plot line. Until I have a concrete plan for that, please enjoy this story. Also, to those who suggested it or anyone really, PM your ideas/characters you'd like to see used~ thanks guys!

Lon'qu had loved life as Basilio's prized swordsman. So long as he was strong enough to best any champion Flavia brought along, the West-Khan didn't care what he did with himself. Lon'qu had only one request: minimal interaction with any women. Basilio made endless fun of him, but Lon'qu silently endured as always. And in the end, Basilio made him as comfortable as possible.

Time passed slowly for him during those years he was undefeated. He spent much of his time training. He had confidence in his own strength, but it couldn't hurt to practice. And practice he did, so much that his sword felt more like an extension of his arm rather than a weapon.

Basilio gave him odd jobs around Ferox. During those years Lon'qu only really interacted with the few male friends he'd made and of course Basilio; but he had managed to tolerate the presence of one woman- mainly due to Basilio constantly assigning him to protect her.

Olivia was at least as timid as he; they rarely spoke to each other whenever he accompanied her to make sure she arrived safely to do her dances. He would stand at the back of the theater as she danced; making sure no one seemed suspicious. They did talk a few times over the years, and Lon'qu got at least slightly comfortable around her. But her dancer's uniform ensured he was never truly at ease.

Olivia's position at Ferox was different from his. Years ago some nobleman saw her dancing and fell under the spell of her gracefulness and narrow hips. He'd attempted to kidnap her and forcibly make her his bride, but Basilio had rescued her heroically. Olivia had agreed to come to Ferox where she could be constantly protected. She repaid Basilio's kindness by giving him a large part of the gold she made as a dancer. Basilio treated and protected her like a daughter.

Lon'qu was treated more like a pawn, something that he was fine with. He would give his strength to Basilio any time he needed it and then do whatever he wanted for the rest of the time.

Until that damned last tournament.

He'd met Marth when the man had come into Ferox with no invitation, demanding Basilio to bring out his strongest man for him to fight. Lon'qu, at Basilio's side, had turned to the Khan and tightened his grip on the handle of his sword, silently asking for permission to begin the match.

Because he'd certainly hadn't thought he would lose. Marth was much shorter than him and very tiny. Lon'qu had the physical advantage, but Marth's skill surpassed his own. Barely, but it was enough. Basilio had watched in shock as a healer came and helped him limp out of the room.

He was informed that Marth would replace him as the champion at this year's tournament. He avoided seeing Marth at all costs. Something about that man made him very, very uneasy…

He rested his wounds in humiliation. Olivia visited him a few times, her eyes full of pity.

He was almost happy when Marth lost Basilio the tournament a few days later. Basilio called Lon'qu back to his side, and the swordsman had assumed that everything would be as it was.

But Basilio gave him to the Shepherds. Lon'qu hid the betrayal he felt quite well. He'd had years of practice at keeping his bored, uninterested face on. Still, his natural tendency for anxiety made him want to beg his master to keep him- what would life be like serving under Chrom?

Turned out Chrom wasn't anything like he'd expected. The prince gave him simple rules to keep- ones that Lon'qu wouldn't have broken anyway. Basilio had told Chrom of his fear of women, but if Chrom cared he never mentioned it. He gave him his own tent and showed him around camp, and then turned him over to Robin for his tactician to "see his strength in battle."

Robin led him to the training area for the Shepherds. That was where the true torment began.

Robin was a tall, thin woman with a loud voice. She was touchy too, which was like a nightmare for Lon'qu. She'd followed him and Chrom around as Chrom had shown him the camp, already putting him on edge. Thankfully she'd kept quiet although she was obviously staring at Lon'qu.

As soon as Chrom had left, she'd stood on her tip-toes and leaned up toward him, shielding her eyes from the sun. "Wow," she'd said, "You sure are tall!"

He couldn't back away fast enough. His heart was going crazy. He bit on the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood. This woman would be the death of him, he could already tell.

She ignored his reaction and stepped toward him again; looking him up and down as if he were an animal she was considering buying. "Well, you look strong enough, but the only way for me to determine where to place you in battle is to test that myself," she said cheerfully, pulling out a sword from inside her cloak.

She began tying back her long white hair, oblivious to Lon'qu look of horror.

In all the time he'd been Basilio's champion, he'd never had to fight a woman. Already his hands were shaking at the thought, and he hadn't even drawn his sword yet. He felt his face turning red as she finished tying her hair and looked at him expectantly, golden eyes narrowed.

"What?" She finally demanded as it became apparent he wasn't going to draw his sword. "Cat got your tongue?"

He shook his head, trying to stop his hands from trembling. She took a step forward, her expression becoming cross. "Basilio told us about your fear of women, and I think that's ridiculous. No woman here would ever harm a comrade, I assure you. So draw your sword!"

Anger coursed through him. Who did this woman think she was? He inhaled deeply and drew his sword, noting that Robin held her own blade in her left hand.

The fight didn't last long.

Lon'qu disarmed her in a minute, wanting more to end the match than for her to "test his strength herself." She landed on the grass with a soft thud as he forced her down, her sword now lying ten feet away. He sheathed his weapon and stepped back away, crossing his arms smugly.

She stood slowly, rubbing her sore backside with one hand as she retrieved her sword and stuck it in the ground, leaning against it as she stared him down.

Lon'qu looked away, but he could feel her eyes on him. His sweat now had nothing to do with the spar he'd just had with her.

Finally she cleared her throat, waiting until he looked up at her for a millisecond and away again before she spoke. "Well, your strength is considerable. I think I have the perfect place for you…"

She'd assigned him to be the partner of a woman named Tharja in battle. He resented the tactician so much for that, an obvious attempt to make him as unhappy as possible.

Thankfully, Tharja didn't seem to care much for talking. She assisted him in battle well but never seemed to even want to know his name or notice when he flinched away when she came too close to him. Her magic was as strong as his swordsmanship. The only issue he had with her was her deep love for Robin; which was as deep as his dislike for the tactician.

Overall, the first few weeks as a Shepherd were hell. But he became slowly comfortable with the large amount of woman around camp, at least as comfortable as he would ever be.

He avoided Robin whenever he could, receiving orders from her before each battle and then leaving as quickly as possible. Life here was tolerable, but he missed Ferox desperately.

One day he might return. Until then he would make the most of the hand he'd be dealt.