It was a rowdy night at Molly's in downtown Chicago. Most of the Intelligence Unit from the CPD had shown up to celebrate a successful bust and to blow off some steam. Adding to the raucous was a large group of firefighters from Firehouse 51 coming in for their weekly drink.

Erin Lindsay sat at a table with her colleagues, everyone in high spirits and full of more than their share of alcohol. Erin had lost count of how many drinks she'd had and was beginning to realize that slowing down after her fifth shot might've been a good idea. Her lips had gone numb and her laughter was free, two sure signs that she was, indeed, drunk.

Jay Halstead, her partner, sat close by and shot her a look. Erin smirked at him sheepishly. It seemed she couldn't hide anything from him, including her drunkenness. He raised an eyebrow at her, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he shook his head in amusement.

"I didn't even see him coming, dude. Whatever he was on had him at another level. The guy was like a freakin' animal!" Adam Ruzek laughed, taking a hearty gulp of his beer.

The usual group; Lindsay, Halstead, Burgess, Ruzek and Atwater sat around a booth exchanging stories about this past week's bust.

"You should've seen your face, Ruzek. I swear you almost pissed yourself when he jumped on you." Jay said, as the table erupted in laughter. Burgess leaned into Ruzek, clutching his arm and nuzzling him.

"Don't listen to Halstead, babe. You fought like a champ." Ruzek smiled down at Burgess and planted a small kiss on her lips, an action that garnered groans around the table.

Ignoring his colleagues, Ruzek held his glass and pointed a finger at Jay. "Yeah, Halstead. I may have been surprised but I gave him a good beat down afterwards." He defended jokingly.

It was still strange to see Ruzek and Burgess so openly together. Sure, their flirty banter and obvious sexual tension had always been there, but to see it played out so freely was another thing completely. For a moment, Erin couldn't help but feel jealous. Burgess wasn't technically part of Intelligence, therefore, a relationship between she and Ruzek was permitted.

Erin glanced at Jay, her heart hammering a bit as she caught him staring at her. He held her gaze for a second, his blue eyes seeming to read the thoughts in her head before he looked down into his glass. Did he know how she felt? What she'd been hiding for the past few months that they'd been partners? And most importantly, did he know how much she regretted telling him 'Maybe someday'?

Her drunk thoughts were getting away with her head. Of course they couldn't be together. They were partners. Anything more than that and they risked their emotions causing problems in the field. Not to mention Voight's no tolerance policy towards workplace romances. He'd have both of their heads if he ever suspected something more between them.

Erin downed the rest of her drink and settled on pushing away her feelings towards Jay. She was good at that, pushing things down and avoiding uncomfortable emotions. Erin Lindsay was a tough girl and tough girls didn't let things get to them. Least of all, boys. She sat back against the booth and realized that tonight, she was content to just enjoy the company of her friends.

As the hours dragged into the early morning, the crowd inside of Molly's began to wind down. The low lights in the bar and soft music had Erin yawning, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Alright, you lush. Let's get you home." Jay said, standing and grabbing his coat from the seat. He offered out a hand to Erin and she graciously took it, not sure if she was able enough to stand on her own.

"Thank you all for a great night. I'm looking forward to kicking some ass on Monday… Right after I sleep for the next two days straight." Jay said with a smile and the group chuckled in agreement. Erin leaned softly against his side, unstable without his solid form to hold her up. "In the meantime, I'm going to get my drunk partner home. See you guys."

"Don't have too much fun tonight, Halstead!" Burgess called as Jay helped a stumbling Erin out of the bar. He nodded his head sarcastically, rolling his eyes for good measure and flipping his colleagues the bird as they passed through the door.

Once on the street, Jay slipped an arm around Erin for support, making sure she didn't slip on the icy sidewalk. Erin gripped the front of his coat and snuggled in under his arm, a move that surprised him. Damn, she is drunk. Jay thought, though he didn't mind the warmth of her body against him.

"You're such a good guy, you know that, Halstead? Most of them are garbage, but you're one of the good ones. Even if I do give you shit." Erin stated matter-of-factly.

Jay chuckled, maneuvering them around a slick patch of ice, perhaps using it as an excuse to pull Erin in a bit closer. "Thanks, Lindsay."

Once inside the warmth of the car, Erin rested her head against the window and closed her eyes. Jay couldn't help but stare a moment at how peaceful she was. Gone was the tough girl guise, always ready for a fight with her emotional wall up for defense. This was how Jay liked her, calm and unguarded with her hair a mess and her expression soft.

"You know this doesn't mean you get to drive, right?" Erin slurred, peeking over at him through small slits.

"You just keep telling yourself that, Lindsay. This house-husband is breaking free of his chains." He laughed, shifting the car into drive and putting a bit of extra pressure on the gas.

"Whatever, Halstead. You know you love being my house-husband." Erin muttered before shutting her eyes and drifting off.

Jay gave a small smirk. She was right. He loved being her house-husband… even if it did mean he rode permanently in shotgun.

The pair arrived at Erin's apartment twenty minutes later. Jay decided against struggling with her drunken limbs and opted to carry Erin. She was surprisingly light, her head lolling against his shoulder as he made his way up to her floor.

The apartment was nice, a lot nicer than his and with a great view of the Chicago skyline. All wood floors, sleek lines, and stainless steel, it looked more like a bachelor pad than the apartment of a thirty-year old woman.

Jay settled Erin onto her bed, stepping back and taking the opportunity to look around the room. It was true that a person's home spoke to their personality. Erin was neat and tidy and it showed in the cleanliness of her home. Books lined the shelves against the walls of her bedroom and simple white comforter lay on the bed. A few pictures were set here and there; a frame with Voight and his son Justin, one with Jules, their colleague who had been murdered by El Pulpo a few short months back, some with friends of hers he'd never met. And lastly, a photo that surprised him. Tucked into the corner of her mirror was a shot of her and Jay, laughing at something he couldn't quite remember. It had been taken at this past year's CPD Christmas party and the two were dressed in matching red sweaters. Erin leaned into Jay, looking as though she'd just told him secret.

Jay ran his hand along the edge of the picture and smiled. Erin Lindsay was one mystery that this detective could not figure out.

He placed the picture back into the corner and walked to the kitchen. The clock on the stove read 3:45 and he knew there was no way he was driving home tonight. He glanced at the oversized couch and the blanket thrown over the back of it. Better than the floor. Jay thought to himself, taking off his boots and folding his jacket over a chair.

He'd settled into the couch and turned the tv on to a low murmur when he heard Erin call for him. Jay got up quickly, wondering if she needed help to the toilet after the amount of whiskey she'd taken back tonight. Damn, the girl could drink.

Erin stood in front of her mirror, struggling with the buttons travelling down the back of her shirt. "Will you help unbutton these? I'm too drunk to get it off and it's scratchy." She mumbled, turning around and offering him her back.

"Yeah, no problem." He said, quietly.

She lifted her hair and Jay slowly began undoing each button. The soft skin of her back began to show as he worked farther down, revealing the black lacy bra clasped in the back. Jay swallowed, telling himself not to stare. As he undid the last button, Erin turned back around towards Jay and lifted her arms up expectantly. Jay hesitated.

"Help, Jay." She said, pouting out her bottom lip.

He'd never seen her act like this. He wasn't sure if she was merely teasing him or if it was the alcohol. Jay calmly lifted Erin's shirt over her head, making sure to keep his eyes firmly on her face. He handed her the shirt and she let it fall to the ground, stepping in a bit closer. Her eyes bore into his, both an invitation and a challenge. His insides were screaming at him to step towards her, to touch the soft skin of her hip just above her waistband, to run his fingers down her bare back. But the image of Voight in his face, spitting with anger and threatening to throw him out of Intelligence kept his instincts in check.

Erin placed a palm on Jay's stomach, stepping in so that her chest was pressed against his. He struggled to maintain control of his breathing, his heart pumping harder with each second that Erin moved closer. She stood up on her tip toes, tipping her head up and slowly, yet deliberately, kissing the base of his neck. Jay closed his eyes, breathing in and fighting to keep his fists at his sides. Erin's hands travelled up his chest, moving around the back of his neck and tangling themselves in his hair.

"Kiss me, Jay. We both know you want to." Erin whispered, planting teasing kisses at the base of his neck and along the stubble of his jawline.

God, he wanted her. More than anything he'd ever wanted in his life aside from a spot on the Intelligence squad.

His hands seemed to move with their own free will, gripping at the soft flesh of her hips as he maneuvered her against the wall. They were both breathing heavily now, their chests rising and falling with each other as Jay pressed his body against Erin's. He leaned his head down, looking into Erin's now wide and almost pleading eyes. Her lips parted in anticipation as he touched his nose to hers. She gripped desperately at his t-shirt, begging him to do it. To kiss her.

Abruptly, Jay released Erin and took a step back. He shook his head and ran a hand down his face, his breathing coming out raggedly.

"We can't do this, Erin. As much as I want to, I can't risk losing my spot in Intelligence." Jay said through gritted teeth. He'd used her first name instead of her last, making it clear that this wasn't a joke.

He continued clenching and unclenching his fists as Erin stood against the wall. Even in her intoxicated state, she suddenly felt too exposed. She glanced around and found an old t-shirt folded on a chair, grabbing it and slipping it on.

"Ok, yeah, I get it." Erin said, swallowing and crossing her arms protectively over her chest.

The silence in the room was deafening. They'd never had an awkward silence. They'd had plenty of silences, sure, but they'd always been comfortable. No need to fill every empty space with words. This time was different, though. Erin felt overwhelmed and dizzy. Her stomach rolled, her vision beginning to spin, and she knew she had to find a toilet.

"I'll just be a minute!" She said, running for the bathroom and making sure she shut the door behind her. Dropping to her knees, Erin hurled the contents of her stomach into the empty toilet bowl, vowing to herself that she was never drinking again. The door opened and Jay crouched over her, gathering her hair in his hands and away from her face.

"No, go away Jay. This is humiliating." Erin muttered into the toilet bowl, feeling the snot run down her nose. This was officially the lowest of the low.

"It's fine, Erin. Get it out now and you'll feel better." He told her, softly rubbing circles on her back.

Erin squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the next wave about to wrack through her. This night had just gone from bad to worse in the span of five minutes. She didn't even want to think about what the morning offered.

The sunlight peaked between the slits of Erin's blinds, sending a bright stream of light onto her face. She groaned, feeling a pounding in her temples and ache throughout her whole body.

What the hell happened last night? Erin thought, sitting up in bed and taking in her surroundings. She glanced across the room into the mirror and frowned. She'd had better mornings.

The sound of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen caused Erin's stomach to drop. Oh God, he's still here. She thought. She covered her face with both palms, wishing with everything she had that she could just disappear. Slipping her feet softly out of bed, Erin tiptoed across the floor to her bathroom, careful not to tip off Jay that she was awake. Erin clicked the door shut and hurried to hop in the shower; it was bad enough that she'd humiliated herself last night. She wasn't going to make it worse by looking like last week's garbage when she greeted him next.

After a rushed twenty minutes of showering, teeth brushing, and blow drying, Erin emerged from her bedroom and into the living room.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Jay called from the kitchen, a pan of scrambled eggs in his hand and his annoying smirk playing across his lips.

Erin leaned against the frame of her bedroom door with her arms crossed. Hesitant to engage in what would probably be the most embarrassing conversation of her life.

"Or should we just call you Pukey Princess from now on?" He asked, breaking out into a full grin and laughing at his own joke. Erin could feel the tension breaking and a smile of her own began to form.

"Oh, shut up, Halstead. Need I mention Antonio's birthday party where you covered not only half of your clothing in vomit, but my brand new shoes as well?" She shot back, raising her eyebrows and crossing the distance to the kitchen counter.

Of course he has to look good in the morning. Erin thought, irritated. Even with a healthy bit of stubble growing along his jawline and his eyes still small from sleep, Jay Halstead completely rocked the morning-after look.

"Alright, alright! You have me there." Jay admitted, lifting up his hands in surrender and shooting her a grin.

"So what'd you make me?" Erin peaked over the counter, her stomach growling at the sight of two hearty plates filled with pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Only the best hangover cure known to man." Jay said, setting a plate down in front of her and maneuvering himself onto the seat next to her.

The two ate in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the excuse not to talk, or even think, about what had happened last night.

With a clearing of his throat, Jay set his fork down and turned to face Erin.

"So about last night…"

"Look," Erin interrupted, "I was clearly very drunk and very horny last night. You were the unfortunate straight male that happened to cross my path, and that's it. Beginning and end of story." She told him, picking back up her fork and shoving in a mouthful of pancake.

"Erin…" Jay trailed.

She chewed, gulping down the oversized bite and shaking her head. "No, Jay. It was a mistake and I'm sorry for putting you in that situation. It's just better if we don't talk about it anymore. We can just let it go and pretend it never happened." Erin declared with a wave of her fork. She was having trouble making eye contact with him, his blue eyes breaking down her will each time she glanced into them.

He was silent for a moment as he pushed his food around on his plate. "Fair enough, Lindsay. If that's what you want to do."

"It is." She responded haughtily.

Jay leaned his head to the side, attempting to have Lindsay look at him. "Just know that I'm always here to talk, ok? Even if we can't be…. Even if we're forced to just be partners, I'm always here."

Erin glanced at him and the genuine smile he was wearing, feeling herself soften as a result of his boyish charm.

"Yeah, whatever." She said, rolling her eyes but returning his grin. She was thankful to have a partner like Jay in her life, even if she'd almost screwed that up last night. Through it all, she knew he'd always have her back.