Here's a new chapter! I've been feeling particularly inspired, so I'm excited for you guys to read this chapter and the next ones I have in store! As always, feel free to leave your feedback! :) Hope you guys enjoy.

On her way to Halstead's, Erin stopped by the store to get a six-pack and a movie, one that she knew the two of them had been dying to see. Though Halstead would never admit to it, he actually enjoyed the cheesy romance movies that Erin forced him to watch. In the pit of her stomach, Erin could feel the butterflies beginning to form. With Severide out of the picture, would their relationship finally cross the line of friendship? Was that what she wanted? Erin shook her head and reminded herself to get a grip. Nothing would happen unless she wanted it to. Besides, Halstead had already made it clear that the two of them had to stay friends if they were to remain on Intelligence. But things had changed since he'd said those things, hadn't they? Erin's abduction and Halstead's subsequent actions to take care of her seemed to prove that. Her cheeks began to flame as she remembered back to the nights that Halstead had stayed over, one night in particular, standing out from the rest.

Three Months Ago

Erin lay in bed, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of Halstead's oversized t-shirts, the same one he'd thrown on her after the shower incident a few nights before. She'd turned in a few hours earlier, telling Halstead that he didn't have to stay another night if he didn't want to. He'd nodded his head, but from the look in his eyes, Erin knew he wasn't going anywhere. She'd had to push back the tears that resulted from the overwhelming feelings of relief and gratitude that she felt towards her partner.

As she lay awake in bed, she could hear the TV in the other room, switched to a sports channel and broadcasting the results of a recent baseball game. Hard as she tried, Erin couldn't seem to force herself to sleep. The terror that she felt, anticipating the nightmares that always seemed to accompany sleep, was enough to deter her from closing her eyes. She took a few deep breaths, telling herself to relax. You're safe, Erin. Halstead is right outside. She felt ridiculous; she was a cop, she was supposed to be able to handle situations like this. Erin Lindsay never lost control and yet she could feel it slipping through her fingers, leading her to situations like a few nights before. She cursed herself for allowing Halstead to see her like that, a broken and vulnerable shell of herself that no one but Voight had ever seen. But to her surprise, she hadn't pushed Halstead away. Not yet, at least.

Erin's heart began to ache, tears filling her eyes as she thought about the possibility of scaring Halstead off. What if he couldn't handle her baggage? What if he got bored of dealing with her broken pieces?

The TV switched off and Erin tried brushing the tears off of her face, closing her eyes and feigning sleep. The door to the bedroom opened and Halstead stepped in, careful not to disturb Erin as he came in to check on her. The mattress shifted as Halstead sat down on the edge. He watched her for a few seconds, the rising and falling of her body indicating that she wasn't actually asleep. Erin shifted, rolling over and looking at Halstead. He could tell she'd been crying, her eyes puffy and slightly glassy.

"You ok?" He asked, reaching out a hand and stroking the side of her face. Erin closed her eyes and Halstead could see the inner battle that she seemed to be fighting inside.

"You're not going to leave me, right?" She questioned, pleadingly. Her face tinged in desperation as she reached out and held onto Halstead's arm.

"No, I'm right here. I'm yours as long as you want me, Erin. I'm not going anywhere." He assured her, his brows knit.

Erin nodded, swallowing against the lump in her throat. "It feels better with you here. Like I can actually breathe." She whispered, letting out a sigh to prove her point and sitting up a bit.

Halstead shifted, getting closer to Erin as he sat fully on the bed. He grabbed her hand and began to rub soft circles on the outside. "Have you slept at all tonight?" He looked up at her, trying to catch her eye.

She stared down at their hands, overwhelmed by the feeling of comfort that she felt from such a small gesture. "No, not really." Erin shook her head. "Every time I try, it just feels like I'm back in that warehouse. And I can't do it, Jay." Her voice shaking and the tears brimming once again.

"Hey, hey, you're safe." Halstead assured, squeezing her hand while resisting the urge to wrap her in his arms. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, got it? Neither is Voight. Neither is the rest of the team. We've all got your back."

"I know." Erin said, giving Halstead a small smile. She reached up, placing a palm on his cheek and feeling the rough stubble that had been growing over the past few days. "Thank you. For being my knight in shining armor."

Halstead stared into her eyes, her heart beating a bit with the sheer intensity. "I'd do anything for you, Erin."

The silence between the two was palpable, both of their breathing getting heavier with each passing moment. Erin knew she shouldn't, she would have consequences to face if she took this any farther. But the calming effect that Halstead seemed to provide made her disregard the voice telling her not to. Erin leaned in closer, signaling to Halstead her intentions. He looked unsure for a moment, glancing back and forth between her eyes and her lips. In one small movement, Halstead's lips found Erin's. The kiss was soft at first, cautious of this boundary that they had just crossed. He was gentle with her, not wanting to push her farther than she wanted to go. Erin's hands moved behind Halstead's neck, tangling in his hair as she deepened the kiss. Her lips parted as Halstead's tongue collided with hers, cupping her face with one hand as the other gripped at her hip. Erin moved closer to Halstead, her body pressing against his in any way that she could. She couldn't believe this was happening.

The two partners pulled apart, catching their breath and trying to conceal the smiles that were forming on their faces.

"Well..." Halstead trailed, self-consciously. The two laughed nervously, unsure of what had just occurred.

"I guess I should probably sleep on the couch tonight, then." Halstead said, beginning to rise from the bed.

"No." Erin insisted, grabbing Halstead's hand and preventing him from moving any farther away from her. "Stay. I can actually sleep when you're in here."

Halstead rubbed his neck, torn on what he should do. "Ok." He conceded, pulling back the covers and sliding in beside Erin. The two partners fit together, hands and legs intertwined as if they had slept like this every night.

"Erin... What does this mean...?" Halstead questioned, softly, after they'd been laying there for some time.

Erin sighed, waiting a moment to respond. "I don't know, Jay... But let's just not think about it too much right now. Can we do that? Just be like this?" She asked, needing one thing in her life right now that she didn't have to overanalyze.

"Yeah, sure." Halstead answered, squeezing Erin in tighter and resting his head against her shoulder.

In a matter of minutes, Erin's breathing had slowed and Halstead knew she'd finally given into sleep.

Present Day

Pulling up to Halstead's apartment brought Erin out of her reverie and into reality. She stared at the beers in the passenger seat, wanting to drink one before she went up but knowing that she shouldn't. Things had gone back to normal after that night. The kiss wasn't mentioned again, though Halstead still continued to sleep in her bed for a week and a half. As she'd spent more and more time with Severide, Halstead had seemed to back off and the partners returned to their old ways. That wasn't to say that the sexual tension between the two had lessened. Not in the least. But with an unspoken understanding, Erin and Halstead knew that they'd cut things off before too much damage had been done. Was risking their spots on Intelligence worth the chemistry between them? Erin still wasn't sure.

Opening up her car door, Erin grabbed the beers and the movie and headed up to Halstead's apartment. She didn't know where the night would lead, but then again, with Halstead she never did.