A/N: A guest reviewer for my other story, 'Me And My Big Mouth', requested that I write another Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon story making Obi-Wan younger. So here it is, completely for my guest reviewer, Sheryl! I hope that you enjoy it! Also I have no idea if this actually follows the Star Wars time line or universe, since I have only ever watched the movies. Some of this story is based of a Star Wars wiki and my own thoughts. So if something isn't right, I'll quote Han Solo: 'It's not my fault!'.

Warning: This story contains spanking of a child by a father figure. If you don't enjoy stories like this then please read one that is more suited to you. There are plenty of stories out there folks just waiting to be read, if you don't care for mine.

Artwork: The cover image belongs to SparkleWolf7000 on DeviantArt. I don't own the image and I do have her permission to use it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars or it's characters; I am simply borrowing them and will return them when I'm finished.

Lost And Found

The Flight

"Where has that boy gone too now?"

Qui-Gon had been waiting for his Padawan to arrive for his training lesson for nearly a hour before he decided to take it upon himself to go and find boy. Qui-Gon huffed irritated, Obi-Wan hadn't long been his apprentice and he was quite sure how to handle the child yet. When it came to training Obi-wan was almost more trouble than Xanatos, almost. Thoughts of his former apprentice ran through Qui-Gon's mind as he walked through the Temple. Xanatos had gone through a stage when he was nearing fifteen, of refusing to train. But that had been due Xanatos's pride and arrogance, Obi-Wan was only seven and still had a child's waywardness in his heart. He had most likely forgotten that he even had a training lesson. He sighed and tried to think of all the places a seven year old would like to spend his time playing. He remembered something about Obi-wan liking the speeders that were in the hanger bay. Deciding that was a good a place to start, Qui-Gon turned down the corridor in search of his lost padawan.

Obi-wan had been humming to himself happily as he tightened to bolts on the green speeder that he had only recently discovered to be Qui-Gon's. It was going to make sure that it was always in perfect condition as a way to say thank you to the only Jedi that had even considered making him their padawan. Obi-wan smiled and wondered how his master would react when he found out what his padawan had done for him.


The child jumped at the stern tone and dropped the wrench he had been using. Obi-wan looked up to see an angry looking Qui-Gon looming over him.

"What are you doing?" Qui-Gon demanded, then without waiting for an answer he continued, "You have been neglecting your training. Come."

"I-I was o-only trying to- I m-m-mean, as a way to-" Obi-wan began haltingly before Qui-Gon cut across him.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Now come! You are late for your training."

"Yes Master..." whispered Obi-wan.

Training had not gone well for master nor padawan. Obi-wan could not focus on the tasks that Qui-Gon had ordered him to complete, and he had not helped the boy with his sharp reprimands. By the end of the session Qui-Gon had snapped angrily at Obi-wan before walking away and Obi-Wan had ran from the training hall in tears.

Obi-wan didn't even look to see where he was going or who he was running into. He was vaguely aware that someone had stopped him and asked if he was alright but he only shrugged them off and kept running until he tripped and fell down with a small cry. Looking around at his surroundings, he saw that he was in a part of the Temple that he had never been before. The corridor that he was in appeared to be deserted so Obi-wan leaned against the wall and sniffled into his tunic. Why was his master being so mean? He had really tried his best, but Qui-Gon's angry words and scowls had been distracting and Obi-Wan had trouble focusing on Force lifting the metal balls as he had been instructed. He hugged his knees to his chest. He had been happy that Qui-Gon had consented to be his master. He had been the first Jedi to take an interest in him and had come to a training session of his once or twice. He had seemed like such a kind man, just like how Owen had been.

Obi-Wan could remember little of his life before coming to Coruscant, but his brother had one of them. He smiled at a memory of Owen and himself playing on a grassy hillside while his brother cast him an indulgent smile. His brother had always been a kind and caring man with a warm easy smile that he bestowed on all, a man that loved others with all his heart. That was something that Obi-Wan sorely missed. Love. It was nonexistent amongst the Jedi or if they did feel it they didn't show it. Obi-Wan sniffled again. No, they was clearing no Jedi that felt love. He may be young but he wasn't stupid. He knew of the other Jedi apprentices disdain for his emotional outbursts, and most of the masters shunned him for this reason also. The only two masters that seemed willing to overlook his frequent uses of his emotions were Master Yoda and Master Qui-Gon. Fresh tears slipped down Obi-Wan's face as his thoughts landed on his Master. He pushed those thoughts of Qui-Gon, a man he so desperately wanted to love and feel loved by, to the back of his mind and returned to thoughts of Owen and the family he had once had and would never see again.

Obi-Wan blinked. Or wouldn't he? He knew how to fly and he knew his destination. Stewjon. He was unwanted here anyway, he would just leave and make his way back to the family that loved him. Standing quickly, decision made, the seven year old backtracked and made his way to his and Qui-Gon's quarters. He was halfway there when he heard the heavy booted feet of a Jedi walking quickly down the corridors. Hiding quickly behind a marble statue, he waited until the said Jedi passed, before slipping away in the opposite direction, never noticing that the Jedi in question was Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon sighed. He was already berating himself for the way he had treated Obi-Wan. He should have helped Obi-Wan when it became apparent that the child was having trouble focusing on his assignment, not snapped at him degradingly. Obi-Wan was remarkably skilled and he had not been acknowledging the boy's achievements as of late and had even gone so far as to expend some of his frustration out on the child. Qui-Gon could not seem to get the image of little Obi-Wan standing with tears in his eyes as Qui-Gon had turned from him. He had been to harsh on him, and Qui-Gon could not even say that he had a reason for being so. He sighed again as he began to search the corridors once again for his little lost padawan.

He had already searched their quarters in the off chance that Obi-Wan might be there. But as Qui-Gon suspected, the child was no where to be found in the rooms. Abandoning his rooms he decided to try the hanger bay again. Obi-Wan might have gone there to finish his project or to vent to the pilots, as he had found out the boy liked to do. Entering the hanger, Qui-Gon fully expected to see the blonde head of his padawan working on a speeder off in the back somewhere. It was something of a shock when there was no sign of the seven year old at all. Qui-Gon felt a sudden pang of uneasiness hit him. His force bond with Obi-wan was not yet strong enough to sense where the boy might be or if he was hurt. A chilling thought as Qui-Gon quickly discovered. Giving out orders to one of the pilots, that if his padawan should return here that they would inform him and keep the boy with them until he could retrieve him, Qui-Gon left to resume his hunt.

Obi-Wan had been cautious as he walked down the halls, making his way to his quarters, making certain that no one saw him. He didn't want anyone to tell Qui-Gon that they had seen him. Reaching their quarters, he opened the door and peeked inside, half expecting to see Qui-Gon sitting in his chair waiting for him. The welcome sight of a deserted room met Obi-Wan's line of vision. Perfect. He dashed over to his bed and halfway crawled up under it in order to retrieve the small box that contained his few meager possessions: His backpack, in which he had brought all of his belongs when he left Stewjon, his storybooks that his mother had read to him as a child, his recorder and projector, a little model of the galaxy, which lit up and glowed in the dark, and the little wooden carved figurine of his old home that Owen had carved for him.

The memory of the day when his brother carved it for him caught Obi-Wan unawares. It had been the day Obi-Wan left for Coruscant. A man in green robes had seen what Owen was doing and had sneered and said that it as a waste of time as there were machines that could do it far better. Owen had just smiled his smile and continued with what he had been doing. Owen had handed it to Obi-Wan as the boy was about to leave, saying with that same easy warm smile of his,

"I carved this for you little brother so that you might remember your home when you are far away."

Obi-Wan hadn't even remembered the memory until he held the little carving in his hand. Tears formed up in his eyes again and he brushed them away quickly before they could fall. He had no reason to cry now. He would be seeing Owen and his parents very soon. Grabbing his spare clothing the child packed everything carefully so that they wouldn't break, before hauling the knapsack onto his shoulders and left the room. Knowing that he would need to get to the hanger bay as quickly as he could, he broke out into a run and thankfully made it to the hanger without much notice.

Gasping for breath just outside the door, the seven year old looked around and pushed the button on the door that allowed him entrance. His presence was immediately noticed by one of the pilots with whom he was friendly with.

"Ah! There you are Obi-Wan!"

"Not now, Jix!" the child squeaked, as he made his way to the ships, not seeing or hearing one of the pilots talking on the intercom.

"Hang on a moment!" called Jix "Did you know that Master Qui-Gon is looking for you? He asked me to keep you here until he could get you. Would you like to work on one of the speeders until he gets here?"

Jix's last question was lost to the waves of panic that hit Obi-Wan. How did Qui-Gon find out? What was Qui-Gon going to do to him? Obi-Wan had heard tales from the other padawans, tales he would rather not think about. He trembled. He was only seven! There was no way he would survive that! No, escape was now truely his only option.

"Obi? You alright? You look ill. Obi-"

Jix's words were suddenly cut short as the young padawan force lifted him in the air and threw him up against the wall. Jix crumpled to the ground his eyes glassy and unfocused, but still conscious, if only barely. The other pilots turned and looked at Obi-Wan bewildered, before trying to get to the panicking child, only to be held back by a wall created by the force to shield the boy. It was taking nearly all of Obi-Wan's strength to hold the shield up and make his way to the ships. He needed to try a different tactic. He dropped the shield so suddenly that the pilots who had been pushing against it fell forward on their faces. The padawan waited until the pilots had regained their feet before waving his hand across the air and said,

"You will not hinder me."

"We will not hinder him."

"You will let me take a ship and leave." said Obi-Wan, waving his hand again.

"We'll let him take a ship and leave.

"Open the hanger doors."

"Open the hanger doors."

"Carry on."

"Carry on."

Obi-Wan breathed a sigh of relief and backed away to the nearest spaceship and began to crawl into the cockpit. A voice halted him.

"What in the name of the Galactic Republic do you think you're doing Obi?" Jix demanded as he sluggishly tried to reach Obi-Wan's ship.

"I'm going home. I'm sorry...Goodbye Jix."

The cockpit flap slammed shut and the force of the spaceship taking off, knocked Jix to the ground. His head pounded and spun trying to process what had just happened, until he slipped under the roaring waves of unconsciousness.

After nearly an hour of searching and not finding Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon was beginning to feel like he was playing an eternal game of hide and seek, except that there were no rules, no boundaries, and he had no idea what the home-safe was that Obi-Wan was trying to reach before he did. He was about to return to his quarters hoping that the child would be there, when a voice called out from over the intercom.

"Master Qui-Gon to the hanger bay, please. Master Qui-Gon to the hanger bay."

Qui-Gon let out a relieved breath and turned back, doubling around to the hanger. Oh, that boy had better have a good reason for worrying him. Qui-Gon pinched the bridge of his nose. No, he needed to keep his temper this time. He was the reason that Obi-Wan had been hiding for hours in the first place. It would not do to have the child afraid of him. He seen the effects that had between padawan and master relationships before. The end result was not desirable. But he still had no idea what to do with Obi-Wan. The child had skill and had done exceedingly well all things considered, but the boy would not focus. Despite Qui-Gon's past behavior he was very fond of the boy and he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him. He began pondering ways to help his very young padawan when he heard an urgent voice over the intercom.

"Medical staff required at the hanger bay. Repeat, medical staff required at the hanger bay."

Qui-Gon froze. Medical staff? Had Obi-Wan hurt himself? Had a ship fallen on him? Qui-Gon damned his horribly weak force bond with his apprentice and took off at a run, praying to whatever higher being there was that ruled the force, that Obi-Wan was not severely hurt. It didn't take Qui-Gon long to return to the hanger bay but the sight that met his eyes was not the one he expected. He had not expected to see containers strewn about the hanger as if they had been run over by an airship, he didn't expect to see one of the ships missing, but he did expect to see the group of pilots clustered around a body that was lying on the floor. Pushing his way through the pilots Qui-Gon received another shock. It wasn't Obi-Wan lying on the floor. It was Jix, the technician that saw to the repairs on his speeder. Kneeling he saw that Jix's eyes were open and alert, even though they were a little unfocused. Jix grabbed ahold of Qui-Gon's arm said quietly.

"I'm sorry, Qui-Gon. I couldn't get to him in time."

"Easy Jix. Where is Obi-Wan?" asked Qui-Gon calmly, fighting the roaring panic that was trying claw it's way through his stoic demeanor.

"He left. Said he was going home. Took a ship and left..." answered Jix, before he clutched his head and groaned.

Qui-Gon clapped the man on the shoulder gently before moving out of the way for the swarm of medics that had arrived. Turing to one of the pilots, he demanded to know the whole story, which the pilot gladly related. Now that the account had been told to him, Qui-Gon quickly thanked the pilot and asked him to fit a ship for flight, walking off to where his speeder was parked.

A surge of anger hit Qui-Gon so forcefully that he actually longed to punch something. How could the boy be so foolish? Surely Obi-Wan knew that he would be followed by Qui-Gon and brought back. What was he thinking? Did he actually think he could reach his home planet without running into trouble? Why would he even do such a thing? Obi-Wan's actions didn't make sense to Qui-Gon.

"Felt a disturbance in the force, I did. Upset you are."

Qui-Gon spun on his heel and saw Master Yoda standing behind him.

"Yes Master, Obi-Wan has run off! To Stewjon no less. I can't even imagine what he is thinking." said Qui-Gon, some of his frustration coming out in his voice.

"Guarded that child's mind is. See him I cannot."

"It doesn't matter if you can see him or not Master. I know where he is going and I will find him."

A/N: I had not intended to make this a multi-chapter story but I found that it was too long to post as a oneshot.