A/N: Eeeeey lmao. Hi guys, Akiha here. So I've decided to write this here fic. I know, I know, I haven't finished my other chitsugi one, but I've decided to take a little break from that :3 I feel like this one is a little better written than my other one. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this new fanfiction, and I'll see you around soon. I'm also on tumblr, so if you wanna follow me or whatever please do and stuff xD blatant advertising (akihaotaku)

Edit: I would like to say that this story DOES have a plot. In case you were wondering.

PoV of: Sumireko

My consciousness had returned to me only an hour ago. Pain seemed to pierce every part of every place where the artificial limbs connected with what was left of my real ones. Men carrying large weapons had attacked my family's house not too long before, when I had to get these. They shot down a large glass chandelier that hung above me, and one of the butlers managed to knock me out of the way, before he was crushed by it. The glass that had shattered found their way to my arms and legs, and severely injured them.

My mother sat next to my hospital bed, holding my hand. It still didn't seem real to me. As I looked down at where our hands touched, I'm barely able to take in the reality of it.

"Mama..." I whispered hoarsely.

"Yes, Lovely?" My mother replied in a soft voice.

"I...I can't feel your hand." Tears welled up in my eyes. Will it be like this forever? Will I have to live without being able to feel the warmth of my mother's touch? I could tell that she held my hand tighter as she reached up her other to wipe away a tear that escaped my eye and trickled down my cheek.

"I know, Lovely. I know. Don't cry. I love you." As she said the words, she rubbed a thumb gently over my cheek. I could feel her hand now. The hand that carried so much warmth and care.

"How can you?" I replied.

"How can you? Look at me Mama, my body is hideous now. Why did this happen to me? Did I do something wrong to those men? How can you love your daughter when she looks like this? I want to be beautiful, like you."

She looked deeply into my eyes as the words spilled out of my mouth. My mother was indeed beautiful. She had the same peach colored hair as I did. It was long and silky, much longer than mine was. I always told myself that I would grow my hair as long as she did. Her eyes...her eyes were purple. They were a bright amethyst purple.

"No. You are beautiful, Lovely. Beauty comes from mind and soul. You, with that big brain yours," She moved her hand up to my head and ruffled my hair gently.

"and your kind, selfless soul," She poked a finger at my chest, to indicate my heart.

"and as a bonus, your stomach that you always fill with sweets when I'm not looking." She moved her hand down and playfully tickled my stomach, a spot where I'm particularly ticklish. I couldn't help but giggle as she did so.

"Stop it, Mama!" I protested with laughter. She smiled warmly and held my hand again.

"These make you beautiful. Remember Lovely, with beauty comes strength. These new limbs of yours," My mother lifted our arms so they rested on our elbows.

"they will make you even stronger. As you grow, your strength will grow with you, but you must also work to make it grow even more. When you're strong, those men won't be able to hurt you anymore, got it?" I slowly started to understand as she spoke to me those words. If I'm strong, no one can hurt me.


"Good, good. So promise me that you'll be strong, stronger than me, and more beautiful than me. Promise?" She let go of my hand and curved her pinky, indicating a pinky promise. I followed suit, curving my own pinky.

"Promise." We hooked our fingers together, completing the promise ritual, and smiled at each other.

"I love you, my Lovely."

That was the last time I would ever hear my mother call me "Lovely" and smile at me.

Two days later, my mother was murdered at gunpoint.

We had to wait until I could fully recover to hold the funeral, which was three weeks later.

Acquaintances, friends, and extended family attended. After it had ended I waited until everyone had left so I could speak to her privately. My father still stood beside me as I knelt in front of my mother's gravestone.

"I'll wait as long as you need, Sumireko." He gave my shoulder a squeeze and walked away.

"Mama..." I whispered to myself as hot tears started to flow to my eyes. They managed to stay back when people were around, but now that there was no one to see, they immediately rushed to display themselves. I looked down at my hands as the tears mixed with anger and sorrow dripped down from my face onto them. My hands may not be real, but my tears are. The agony is real. The shuddering sobs that I let out were real. The fact that my mother was dead is real. All of it.

"Mama...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry! I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be there to protect you...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." My heart seemed as if it were about to rip itself out of my chest. I held my head in my hands as the tears steadily streamed out. Now they were filled with more anger and hate by the second. I was angry at those men who killed her. I hated myself for not being there.

"I swear..." Words started to escape my mouth as if I lost control of my body.

"I'll be strong from now on. I'll be the strongest! Just wait, Mom, I'll show you how strong I can really be, and then you'll be proud of me. I'll be the strongest, okay? I swear to you!"

It felt almost like I couldn't breath when I woke up. My heart pounded against my rib cage as if I just went running. I sat up and rested my head against the wall to gaze out the window. The stars were particularly bright tonight.

"A dream..." I muttered softly. A dream that reminded me of my mission. Mere days ago I was trying to accomplish that mission by killing Ichinose Haru of the Kurogumi, a queen bee candidate. Unfortunately the attempt was unsuccessful. After the failed attempt, I thought to take it upon myself to pick up the art of cooking. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, considering that I've spent the many past years working to become the strongest.

"Heh, just a little break, Mama."

As I stared deeper into the stars, I finally accepted that I wouldn't be going back to sleep for a while.

"It might be nice to take a stroll outside. The stars are very beautiful tonight, after all."

It's not exactly a difficult task for a trained assassin to sneak out of a large mansion. I had put on some casual but elegant clothes on for the night stroll. The city itself at night was not very illuminated, other than the light of the moon and dim lamp posts evenly spaced on the side of sidewalks. I was grateful, though, because if it had been well lit, the stars may not have been so beautiful. A cool night breeze blew across the park, the location of this spontaneous walk. Cherry blossom trees were in bloom and were scattered all round the park. As I passed a small koi pond on the side of the park path, I immediately noticed something.

I'm following someone.

It must have been unconsciously. I stopped walking and considered my options. What should be done? Do I walk back? It wouldn't do if this person were to get the wrong idea. Perhaps I should speak with them. Deciding to go with my last option, I took another step forward to the person. This time however, it was them who stopped. The sudden cease in movement startled me, and halted my action. Going with the idea that this would be the time to catch up to them, I took another step forward. The next thing the mysterious figure does is bolt straight away from me. It all happened in a flash. The speed they were running at was incredible.

"Wai-!" I tried to call out before they ran out of sight, but a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind and spun me around before I could do so. It seemed that I was so focused on who I was following that I didn't notice that I too was being followed.