Max is a tall and stunning bartender from Brisbane, Australia. But one night her life is suddenly turned around when she meets Fang Nikolias. In time, Max begins to develop feelings for the mysterious man but she doesn't know he's hiding a terrible secret from her; one that could possibly end her life.

It was almost twelve. I watched myself in the mirror as my hair was curled around my head. The soft layers swept across my highlighted cheeks; the blonde streaks in them brightening my chestnut brown eyes. I blinked, watching the young woman in the mirror do the same. Tonight was a night out at the club; to relax, to have fun. It was a much better idea to go to a different club instead of the one I bartended and sung at; so that no one would recognize me. I try to keep a low profile so I don't get recognized by many people, so it's always nice to go out and have an incognito night.

Tonight was my nineteenth birthday. Yes, the big one-nine. Nudge, my mocha colored supermodel best friend, insisted that we leave the apartment and go celebrate at the club. Nudge and I worked together at the Ivy Nightclub, and tonight we were heading to MOON which is open from nine to five so all the late night clubbers can go there. I coughed as Nudge spritzed hairspray over her masterpiece. She grabbed a mirror and showed me the back of my head where the long curls trailed delicately down my back.

"Nudge, that looks amazing," I exclaimed, reaching out the touch the curls.

She slapped my hand away, "Max, no touching." I grinned at her and moved my hands away before getting out of the chair we had placed in the bathroom. I double checked my makeup, making sure that my smoky eyes weren't smudged and my lipstick was correct. I could never pull off this look without the help of Nudges' expertise. I checked over Nudge, taking in her brown flared eyes shadow and her long dark lashes.

"Nudge, you look great."

She grinned and tossed her hair around, "I know I look great Max. I'm a master of makeup, remember?" I agreed and headed to my bedroom, grabbing a pair of black stilettos and slipping them on. I tugged on the hem of the dress in another failed attempt to cover my legs.

"Nudge, I whined, "Why do you make me wear ridiculous dresses." She walked into my room and tugged the dress up so it was above mid-thigh level.

"Because these dresses look good on you, be thankful I'm not making you wear another bodycon dress." I shivered as I remembered the other week night when Nudge showed up with a horrifically tight dress in hand. From then on I'd told her she'd have to consult with me if she wanted me to wear tight dresses. "Anyway, are you ready to go? We're going to miss out on all the fun." I nodded and we both headed out with our clutches in hand.

"How are we getting there?" I asked her; the street in our neighbourhood was quiet. As I asked that a taxi appeared around the corner, pulling up beside us, "Oh," was all I could mutter stupidly. The drive there was quiet –apart from the Nudge channel raving on next to me- and we were there in a matter of minutes.

We could hear the music pumping from the inside and we took in the long line of people waiting at the door. Nudge quickly turned to me and pulled up the hem of my dress further up my thigh, making me yelp in surprise. The bouncer at the door turned around to the sound and raised an eyebrow at both of us. I smiled at him apologetically; a smile that quickly turned into a victory grin when he waved us both through. We walked into the crowded club, gently pushing past the jumping people. Friday Nights were always busy. Nudge and I quickly found ourselves seats and ordered two shots each, downing them quickly before ordering something lighter.

"Ready to dance?" Nudge asked a half hour later, our stomachs heavy and heads light with liquor. I nodded and we both got up and headed towards the crowd of sweaty bodies. A familiar song strummed through the speakers and I slowly swung my hips to the slow beat. Nudge was already lost in the mass; so once more I was left on my own. I closed my eyes and let the music take control of my body until I, myself, was lost in the rhythm.

A burning hot touch shook me out of my dance and my eyes flared open to focus on a familiar face. "Dylan!" I grinned and threw my arms around my friend who returned the hug tightly. "Fancy seeing you here." I had to yell over the loud music."

"Nudge gave me a heads up!" His eyes gave me a once over, lingering at the hem of my dress, "You look great by the way!"

I slapped him softly on his chest, "Eyes up here buddy," I pointed towards my face. A blush stained his face and he grinned at me cheekily.

"I'm sorry, but Nudge dresses you in the most scandalous outfits!"

"Do you think it's too scandalous?" I pulled down the hem self-consciously.

Dylan laughed and grabbed my hands to prevent them from pulling the dress down any further. "You look amazing Max, you really do." He placed my hands on his shoulders and moved his own to fit comfortably on my back, not too high and not too low. "Dance with me?" I giggled and nodded, letting the music take me away once more.

What felt like hours later I finally drifted from my musical rhythm, seeing that Dylan was still dancing with me, a sheen of sweat now covering his forehead. "Dylan, I'll be right back!" He gave me a confused look. "Nature calls!" He laughed and gently pushed me towards where the bathrooms were. It felt even more crowded while I made my way through the throng of people; feeling their bodies pressing against me. I hurriedly made it out and bolted towards the bathroom. I glanced at myself in the mirror, sighing in relief that my makeup was still perfect. I touched up my lip quickly and left the bathroom.

Before I could lose myself in the crowd once more I was suddenly dragged away to a quieter part of the club; the ground still alive with the pulsating music. Before I could even make a sound, a cool metal was pressed against my throat. "Do what I say or else I'll kill you." My body froze with fear and it took all my strength for me to say one word.


"Good." The man's breath was hot on my cheek and reeking of alcohol. "Now you're going to leave the club with me and we're going to go on an adventure." He took the blade away from my throat as I nodded, wincing as he took my arm in a vice grip. I shakily started walking towards the exit, trying to meet someone's eyes to let them know I was in trouble. Where was Nudge? Dylan? A hooded figured captured my attention for a split second. The flashing lights cast shadows on his face, lighting up his features for a second at a time. He was watching me; I knew that much. I mouthed 'help me' to him; but he turned away.

The armed guy hurried me out of the door and started pushing me down the street. No less than a minute later he shoved me into an alleyway. Seriously, what was it with cities and scary alleys? Before I could screamed he muffled me with his free hand and shoved the knife against my throat again. I closed my eyes; this was not how I expected to go down.

Suddenly, the man was ripped away from me and I sucked in a breath. I opened my eyes to find the man on the ground, with the hooded guy kicking the crap out of him. "Don't you ever touch her again." I winced as I heard something crack. The hooded guy turned around and gently gripped my shoulders. "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head. "Do you know him?" I shook my head again. He slipped his hand into mine and pulled me away from the alley into the open street. "Do you live nearby?" I shook my head again, wanting to pull my hands away from the electric feeling I felt while holding his hand.

"Thank you," I managed to get out.

"Don't mention it," He flashed me a bright grin that caught me off-guard. "It's not every day I get to save a damsel in distress." I glowered at the damsel comment but brushed it off, I couldn't get angry after someone who had just saved my life. He glanced back at me as we walked, hood falling off in the process. My jaw almost went slack as I took in the sight of him. He had deep brown eyes, so dark they were almost black. They stood out from his tanned olive skin, sporting high cheekbones and proud nose. "So what's your name, Princess?"

"Max," I mumbled.

"Well Max, nice to meet you, my name is Fang. How about we rustle you up something to eat?" I looked at him for a moment, wondering if he was going to take me back to his place. "I mean McDonalds, you'll be safer there at least." It was like he read my mind.

"Yeah, McDonalds is okay." A queasy feeling lay deep in my stomach. I matched my pace to his and squeezed his hand tightly, stepping closer towards him. It was a cold night out and I didn't have anything to keep me warm. As if knowing, Fang let go of my hand and pulled off his jacket before handing it to me. I shrugged it on whilst mumbling a thank you.

Fang took my hand once more and I began to relax against the warmth of his jacket, the queasy feeling beginning to fade. It was a quick walk to the fast food restaurant. There weren't many people in there when we entered and I checked my phone to see it was already three o'clock in the morning. I quickly sent Nudge a text telling her I went home early and that I'd see her when she gets back. Fang and I walked up to the register and placed our orders, but before I could get my wallet out to pay, Fang had already handed over a twenty dollar bill.

"You didn't have to pay for me, Fang." His name easily rolled off my tongue.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." He smiled at me again, once again shocking me at how handsome he was. "Something really nerve-wracking has just happened to you so I want you to relax. Do you want to go home after we eat?"

"Yeah, home sounds good." The buzz I had gotten from the alcohol had already cleared from my head by the time we sat down with our food. "So what were you doing hanging around the club dressed so dark?" I motioned towards his dark clothing as I took a bite out of my cheeseburger.

"I don't like a lot of attention, I guess." His eyes locked with mine before he glanced away, absently picking at his fries. "Did you go in with friends?"

"Yeah, my roommate Nudge and I met up with another there, but that other guy caught me as I was leaving the bathroom." I shuddered at the recent memory. Fang reached across and grabbed my hand, sending another jolt of electricity up my arm. At that moment tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "I'm sorry," I wiped underneath them so I wouldn't smudge my makeup. "I was just so scared."

He squeezed my hand, empathy flashing through his eyes. "At least you're safe now."

"Honestly, I don't know how I could ever thank you." I took another bite from my burger and chewed slowly.

"Well, I'd like to see you again after tonight." I met his soft gaze and shuddered inwardly; what a strangely intense guy. He didn't seem like a creepy though, so I guess I owe him one for saving my life.

"I'm working a night-shift tomorrow night but I'm free on Sunday?" I offered. He handed me his phone, letting me type in my number before taking it back. "Give me a call and we can organize something."

"Awesome," He smiled again and we quickly finished up our meals. "My car is just around the block so I can give you a lift home. If you want to of course?" I nodded and let him grab my hand again as we left the McDonalds, leading the way to his car.

The drive home was silent, not uncomfortable, but one that was relaxing; like being in the company of a friend. He had punched the directions to the apartment so I didn't have to give directions. When we got there he parked the car in the driveway and got out of the car, walking to the other side and opening my door for me. Without a word he walked with me to the front door. We stood there for what felt like a long time, trying to imprint each other's features in our minds.

"I'll give you a call some time tomorrow then."

"I'll be waiting," I went on my toes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "Thank you, again. I don't know where I'd be without you."

"The honour is all mine." He nodded his head before making his way back to the car and drove away.

Hazily, I dragged myself to my room, landing on my bed and falling into a deep slumber.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'm going to update this story much more now. RnR!