This Little Love

Disclaimers: I don't own Twilight or any characters of Twilight. I own the specific plot I write and any characters I come up with. I don't make money off this story.

Summary: Bella comes to Fork pregnant with her ex's baby. Edward still finds her very attractive, like in the books, and he wants them to get together. Bella isn't a shy girl, and she's very confident in herself. Edward isn't the restraining guy he was in the books; he's more in tune with his vampire, confident, and enjoys fooling around with his pregnant girlfriend. Bella and Edward go through the pregnancy together, along with the Cullen family. AU!

Warnings: Some sexual content. Course language.

I looked around the silent room with two beating hearts pounding with the excitement of the owners.

''I can hear you.'' I sang out with a smile as I walked around the room I shared with my mate.

I could hear small little giggles that were so similar to each other.

I knew the two devils were in the closet again with each other hiding from me in our game of hide and seek.

''Now, do I have to get daddy?'' I questioned myself and in the hearing range of the two little human devils.

''Why do you need daddy, mommy?''

I turned around with a smile at the sight of my mate.


His topaz eyes shinned in mischief and I knew he could hear the hearts of the two devils that giggled from inside the closet again.

''I can't find the kids. I lost them.'' I sighed and pointed to the closet.

He turned those beautiful eyes to the closet and nodded. He already knew, but it was so us to act human with our little human devils that had turned four.

''Oh dear, Bella. Maybe we'll have to eat the ice cream Grandmamma bought ourselves.'' He grinned crookedly.


I and Edward turned our topaz eyes to the two four-year-old twin devils that came out of the closet with wide childish smiles. They were the two precious babies I had carried four years ago.

Blake and Rosie-Anne looked so similar even now. Their dark brown/blonde hair, the chocolate brown eyes, the softly tanned skin that was gained from their time outside all the time here in Alaska.

Blake Andrews Cullen was looking so much like me, and not the man that got me pregnant – aside from the blonde streaks in his dark brown hair. He had his short cut hair that Esme had done herself, and had those brown eyes shinning in happiness.

Rosie-Anne Mary Cullen was the same. Looking just like me and her twin brother. Her shoulder length dark brown hair with those blonde streaks had also been done by Esme. They were the spitting image of me.

''I found you!'' I sang out and went to my knees for them to run to.

Edward chuckled. ''Alright you two. Go downstairs and bug Granddaddy for that ice cream.'' He instructed the two, making them race together down the hall and to the stairs.

I rose from my knees to stare at my perfect mate with my improved eye sight.

''Carlisle changed you twice, daddy. He can change you again.'' I chided playfully.

Edward laughed as he walked over to me to wrap those arms I loved to lie in at night still. Like when I was human and pregnant.

''I know. He'll haunt me later. Right now; I have a job to do.'' He told me and gave me a kiss.

''What's that?'' I whispered my question. Something we had kept with us when I was human.

Edward grinned crookedly. ''To love you, mommy.'' He whispered back.

I smiled. ''You already do that wonderfully and without fail.'' I told him factually.

He chuckled again. ''I think I can do better.'' He prodded.

I knew his thought process. I waved my hand to the door, making it close and lock. Something my gift allowed me to do. The gift of telekinesis. A wonderfully useful gift. In the bedroom and out.

''I think you should practice what you preach, Edward Cullen.'' I told him and walked backwards with him following to the bed, just for us to fall on the soft bed that we had kept from my human time with him.

''With pleasure, Isabella Cullen.'' Edward said honestly before giving me that kiss that still made me feel that fire of passion between us. It seemed to have intensified since my human time with Edward. More burning. More pleasure when he touched me. More intensified love between the two of us. Even my orgasm changed since my human time. It was something else. Something out of this world. Something that never got old.

Four years had passed since I opened my eyes as a vampire. Edward had given me his immortality and he took my humanity. I didn't know how he did it. Maybe it was the mating bond between us that allowed him that sacrifice. He went through the change again for me. To be with me. He had woken before me and was able to greet me with those red eyes of a newborn that held that gentleness in them like I remembered from my human time.

I was able to care for my twins with Edward with ease. Carlisle assumed it was the parents in us that allowed us to stay in control around the two babies that were growing fast. I was grateful that I was able to be caring for the babies I birthed. Edward was a true father to them. He loved them like he loved me. He was a little different from before. After his second change, he gained more vampire tributes. He was still a mind reader. Still as fast. Still as strong.

Just more possessive. More Dominating. More in tune with that vampire inside of him. He listened closely to his vampire. Did as it said to. Trusted his vampire. He never attacked a human, or went after one. He was careful, aware, and a Cullen man.

I hadn't changed too much. My hair was longer and had some red streaks in it – down to the middle of my back. My body was in shape again like before I was pregnant. I had a more pinched in waist, and more defined body, breasts, and hips that Edward just loved to hold to his own perfect hips. I grew an inch or two. Not much change, yest I entranced Edward more and more everyday.

He was my mate that sacrificed his immortality for my own life. Without even knowing if he was able to be changed again. He took that chance for me. For a chance that the babies would have one parent.

Emmett and Alice had stayed the godparents. They still had their names on those birth certificates under godparents.

Emmett and Rosalie were like second parents to the twins. Rosalie had cared for them while I and Edward were in our change for us. She had changed so much after I was changed. The experience must have changed her mind set on me. She had seen her brother turn human, and go into a second change for his mate without hesitation. She did have a lot to make up for, and she knew it. I didn't hold too much against her, but she knew she had been in the wrong.

Emmett had just been happy to see me alive in a sense. While he was still the childish bear Cullen that I remembered, he was more mature in a sense. He cared for the twins when I and Edward wanted alone time for each other. He was the second father really.

The others hadn't changed too much. They were still the same from what I remembered. Alice seemed to spend more money than I remembered, but I still loved the pixie Cullen.

Jasper was the same quiet Cullen. He had that side of him that loved to peak out with the twins where he would play with them, and take revenge on Emmett from when he did something.

Esme was a true Grandmamma to the twins. She spoiled them rotten when Edward and I didn't see her. Esme and I had gotten closer and closer together. Like a real daughter and mother would. I loved the woman to death.

Carlisle was really no better than his mate was with the twins. He just did it more slyly and carefully. Edward always caught him though. Carlisle and Edward's bond seemed to grow from the bond it was before. Carlisle had seen Edward's green eyes that belonged to his pleaded mother who wanted the doctor to save her son any way he could. He had changed him again to have him as family, and to be with me. I also had a bond with Carlisle. He was really my father in all senses of the word.

We were one big dysfunctional family here in Alaska. I loved it though. While I missed my old family; they knew of their grandchildren, and had my and Edward' wedding pictures. The twins knew their human family, and loved their vampire family the same as the human one. Angela had even gotten pictures from me on the twins and my wedding. La Push was relatively quiet, and Angela was able to get pregnant with Jacob's child a year ago. They had a boy. Charlie had remarried to Sue Clearwater after Harry Clearwater had passed away. Sue was due for a baby as well some time soon. I was happy for my father. Renee was doing great with Phil. Phil had a son now, and was doing wonderful.

Things just seemed to be pulling together wonderfully.

Things were okay. They were just fine.

Final chapter. Sad but I'm happy it's complete :)

Stick around for the REVISED TLL.