Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi. If I did, this fic would not even be necessary because none of this shit would have happened.

This is a threeshot of what I think might happen next season with Clare's pregnancy storyline (except you know, way more in depth because the show can't devote even two minutes to two people actually talking to work out their problems). I'm rating it M for content reasons, but there's no sex in this, so if that annoys you, I'm telling you up front.

Also, while I am an Eclare fan (some of you are laughing that I actually need to state that 50 fanfiction stories later) and I am NOT a Drew fan, I don't intend to throw Drew under the bus here. However, if you are a Drew fan, you might get the impression I am being unfair to him. I'd just like to ask you to reserve your judgment on that until you've read all three chapters.

Thanks a million to my dear AlbatrossTam14 for helping me with this!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!


I sat on the examining table at the local health clinic, wringing my hands with nerves. I already knew how the test on the cup of urine I had just provided was going to turn out, but I couldn't help but think there was a chance that the busy New York City hospital had mislabeled my blood and that it would turn out that I wasn't pregnant.

As soon as I had gotten the call, I had made an excuse to Alli that I had to go and called the clinic for an appointment. They couldn't get me in until Monday and I had spent the weekend holed up in my room, pretending that the nausea I was feeling was psychosomatic and not symptomatic. I knew that if I had told Alli the truth she would have come with me in support, just as I had done with her last year. But the more people who knew meant this was more real so I had kept the secret until now.

I heard the doctor remove my chart from the holder on the door and held my breath as she entered. "Clare Edwards?" she asked, and I nodded. "I'm Dr. Martinez. I have the results of your test and I can confirm that you're pregnant."

I winced and she patted my knee in sympathy. "I know at your age this is usually unexpected and we'll go over your options in a few minutes. First I just need to get some information on your medical history."

She walked over to her desk and flipped through my chart. "You were last here in February of last year, correct? And you were put on birth control pills?"

"Yes, but…" I looked down. "I had to stop taking them a few months later."

She nodded. "Are there any other changes in your medical history?"

I sighed. "I had cancer. Rhabdomyosarcoma. I was treated this summer and was lucky to go into remission after two months of chemo."

Dr. Martinez looked astonished. "That is quite lucky. And your scans have all been negative since then?"

I nodded. "I had blood work done last week for an unrelated issue and the only thing that came up was the pregnancy."

She rolled her chair a little closer to me. "You know, Clare, we usually recommend that people wait at least a year post-chemo before getting pregnant, if not longer. Your body has been through a lot this year and pregnancy can stress the healing process. It's possible you might give birth to a perfectly healthy baby but there are risks. If your cancer were to recur, it wouldn't be possible to give you the best treatment unless you terminated the fetus."

"That's what I'm going to do," I said softly. "I just found out I'm almost definitely getting into Columbia and I'm not ready to be a parent and I just…I don't think I can do this."

"Alright," she said gently. "I just need a little more information and then we can talk about this in more detail."

I let out a sigh of relief. I had always been an over-explainer, needing to justify all of my actions, but I felt like I could go on for hours about why this was the best choice – the only choice for me. I knew my ultra-religious mother would never believe that I could make that choice and I bet that fourteen year old Clare wouldn't have either. But I knew more now about life and I knew that I had to choose my health and my future over a baby that wasn't currently viable.

"Are you having any symptoms?"

I shrugged. "I'm tired all the time and a little nauseous. I just thought it was because of school though. Things have been more stressful ever since the cancer." Between my student council duties, my heavy courseload and the last few weeks of coping with the fallout of my relationship with Eli and what had happed with Drew, I'd just accepted the awful feeling of exhaustion without question.

"Do you know the date of your last menstrual period?"

I bit my lip thinking back. My periods hadn't gone back to normal after chemotherapy – hence why I hadn't noticed I'd missed one – but I distinctly remembered having it when Alli and I were working on the polymer lab for AP Chemistry. "I don't know the exact date but it was around two months ago."

"Okay," she said. "Then you're probably around eight weeks pregnant. We start calculating from the date of your last period, though conception usually happens around two weeks later."

"Oh!" I couldn't help but cry. I had been so worried about it being Drew's baby that I hadn't even considered it could be Eli's. But when he had surprised me by coming home late for bungee jumping, we'd had sex twice that weekend. We'd used a condom both times but they weren't 100% effective and obviously something must have gone wrong. Being pregnant with Eli's baby wasn't ideal by any stretch of the imagination but it was easier to admit that I'd accidentally gotten pregnant while sleeping with someone I'd loved, no matter how complicated our relationship had become afterward.

Dr. Martinez thankfully ignored my outburst and pulled out a small circular chart that I couldn't read from where I was sitting. "And you have a 28 day cycle?"

I cringed. "Not exactly. Since the chemo I'm not really getting regular periods. That was only the second one I've had in over six months."

Dr. Martinez set the chart down and took off her glasses. "In that case, it's possible that you are less than eight weeks pregnant. If your cycles are that unpredictable, you could have ovulated at any time."

I felt my heart quicken. I couldn't believe that not only was I pregnant, but I was in a position where I didn't know who the father was. Having it be Eli's was bad enough; he and I had already been through hell and back together and what was yet another challenge for us to overcome. I didn't even want to tell Drew I was pregnant, let alone tell him he might be the father. We spent one night together – one foolish night – and now it was possible that night – and the stupid condom Drew had been carrying around in his wallet for God knew who long -might ruin everything.

"Is there any way to tell?" I asked. I didn't want to admit that there was more than one potential father, though I was sure Dr. Martinez had heard a lot worse.

"We could do a dating ultrasound," she said. "And usually we would. But given your health issues, the fact that you might already be eight weeks along, and the fact that you're pretty resolved in your decision, I'm not sure I'd recommend it."

I didn't respond. I knew I didn't want to go through an ultrasound, to see the fetus on a screen. I couldn't think of it like a real thing or I wouldn't be able to go through with this and I had to.

"Let's talk about the procedure and your other options," Dr. Martinez said. "And if you decide to have the abortion we can schedule it right away. We don't perform the procedure at this clinic, but we can set it up with the hospital."

I nodded gloomily. This was the easy part. Telling Eli and Drew…that would be impossible.

"I think I'm gonna head out," Drew said, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder. "I've got a math test tomorrow and if I get less than a C+ I'm going to end up on academic probation again."

"Wait!" I said sharply. I had managed to get him to hang around the student council office with me all afternoon, but I hadn't worked up the nerve to tell him about the pregnancy. Eli was supposed to arrive over an hour ago and I kept going back and forth over whether it would be easier or worse to tell them both at the same time. "I can help you study," I offered, knowing that any knowledge I imparted would probably be lost the second I told him the truth.

"Would you?" he asked in surprise. I had been keeping him at such a distance since everything had gone so wrong between us that this was the first time we'd actually been in the same room for more than an hour. "I don't understand matrixes at all. It's like, Neo wouldn't even understand this shit."

"Matrices," I corrected. "And sure, I don't have anything better to do."

He pulled out his notebook and textbook and took a seat next to me. It was the closest we'd been since we'd melted down at Wild West Night and I took a deep breath. It wasn't that I still had feelings for Drew – spending time with Eli and seeing Drew kissing Becky had clarified that for me right away. Though my crush had been genuine, it had more to do with the fact that Drew had been here, close to me, and that despite his many foibles, deep down inside he was a good guy. But he wasn't the guy for me, and even besides the predicament it might have put us in, the night we slept together had proven that. It was awkward and strange and though I was sure things might have improved over time if we had actually dated, the only reason I had wanted that to happen was so that I could believe sleeping with him hadn't been such a huge mistake. I wasn't a one night stand kind of girl and if it turned into a relationship, then it wouldn't have been so bad.

But instead it might have turned into a pregnancy.

We had only made it through one problem twenty minutes later; Drew was right – he really didn't understand matrices. In fairness, I had struggled through them myself during Algebra II and had gone to Mr. Armstrong for extra tutoring before they finally clicked.

"I'm never going to get this," Drew said, banging his head against the table. "Fucking Wilfrid Laurier and their four years of math requirement."

I raised an eyebrow. For all the time I'd spent with Drew this year, he'd never mentioned that his aspirations for university involved the school that Bianca had gone to. He'd barely mentioned Bianca at all. "You can get this," I said, patting his back reassuringly. "Armstrong's not going to let you fail. If you go in for tutoring and do extra credit, he'll let you make stuff up. I even retook the text on matrices last year."

"You did?" Drew grinned. "That makes me feel a lot better."

"What's he doing here?"

I practically jumped out of my seat as Eli appeared in the door.

"I'm the student council president," Drew said, clearly annoyed. "You're the one who's not supposed to be here. Why aren't you in New York, hooking up with hot film students?"

"I invited him," I clarified. I realized that Drew hadn't exactly gotten the memo that Eli and I were on amicable terms. "I need to talk to both of you."

"Both of us?" Eli asked, sounding hurt. "That's not exactly what I was expecting."

I hadn't known exactly what to say to Eli to get him to come here but I knew this wasn't a conversation I could have over the phone or Skype, especially considering how awful I still felt about the voicemail breakup. So to convince him to make a ten hour bus ride on a school day – a last minute flight was not even close to his price range – I had kind of alluded to the fact that I wanted to talk about us getting back together. I hadn't lied – my wording was "our future together" which obviously my pregnancy did involve. But I knew Eli had shown up expecting a happy reunion and I was about to give him the worst news of my life.

"Could you just sit?" I asked him, gesturing to a chair across the table from Drew as I shot to my feet, pacing the room in front of them.

"Can you tell me what the hell is going on?" Drew asked nervously, glancing back and forth between me and Eli.

I took a deep breath and stood in front of them, looking down at my hands. "I'm pregnant."

Both boys sat in stunned silence for a moment. "You're pregnant?" Eli repeated finally, his hands tightening in front of him.

"I'm going to be a dad," Drew said, a few moments later. He seemed totally dumbfounded.

Eli's head turned toward Drew. "You're going to be a dad? Clare, you had sex with him?!"

I closed my eyes, unable to face the look of loathing Eli was giving me. "It was one time," I said feebly.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Eli said, so angrily. "You told me you weren't with him."

"I told you I wasn't dating him…and I wasn't," I clarified. "You made the assumption it was just a kiss."

Eli looked horrified. "In the fucking props closet? I practically walked in on it." The look of disgust on his face brought tears to my eyes, "Who even are you?"

"I was upset," I said. "And I thought he and I had something. And I know it was a stupid mistake but it happened and I can't take it back."

I started wailing for real now, hurling myself into the seat at the head of the table where Drew usually led the student council meetings. It took a few seconds but I heard one of the chairs scraping against the floor and to my surprise, it was Eli who put his arms around me.

"I'm sorry I made you cry," he said, clearly holding back tears of his own. "You don't deserve that, especially right now."

"You can't be mad at me about this," I said, my voice cracking with tears. "We were broken up. I didn't cheat on you."

"We can talk about this later," Eli said, letting me go and taking a step back. "For now, I need to know – is it really Drew's baby?"

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"You don't know?" Drew asked. "How is that even possible? Isn't there some sort of paternity test we can take?"

I hadn't wanted to ask the doctor about it but I had done some research after the appointment with Dr. Martinez. "The only way I could find out is to have a dating ultrasound because there was enough time between you that we should be able to tell. They have paternity tests but it requires amniocentesis or this other invasive test and they can't be done until much later in the pregnancy."

"Alright, so let's do this ultrasound," Drew said, sounding more like a sports coach than a teenager who just found out he might be a father.

"I'm not going to have the ultrasound because I've decided I'm not going to have the baby. I thought you both had a right to know, but I'm not going to tell anyone else. Not Jake, not my parents, and I need you both to promise you'll do the same."

I couldn't read the expression on Eli's face; he seemed pretty neutral, if surprised.

But Drew, on the other hand, was livid.

"You can't do this," he said angrily. "You can't just tell me that I might the father of your baby but that you're just going to get rid of it. I deserve a say in what happens. You need to find out if it's mine, Clare."

Eli looked like he was about to interrupt, but Drew grabbed his head and continued yelling, "Goddammit, Clare, how can you wear that necklace every single day and even consider this?"

"Because it's the right thing to do," I whispered, but Drew didn't even stop to listen.

"You can't do this," he said, banging a fist into the table. "You're not going to kill my baby. I won't let you."

He pointed at me, and then pointed at Eli and then walked out of the room in an angry rage, leaving all of his homework behind.

"I should go talk to him," I said to Eli. "I need to explain…"

He was staring after Drew who was slamming into every locker he walked past. "Let me calm him down first. You don't need to see this."

I grabbed Eli's arm before he walked through the door. "Don't fight him," I warned. "He's got forty pounds of muscle on you and he used to do mixed martial arts."

Eli laughed. "Don't worry. With Drew, I know where my strengths lie." He put his other hand on top of mine and turned serious for a moment. "Clare, it's going to be okay. We'll get through this."

"Thank you," I said tearfully and he kissed the top of my head before following Drew down the hall.