Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

Crystal: this chapter is for you! don't ever be sorry! I love you! Thank you for your review!

Sam blinked slowly, everything seemed so loud, so painfully annoyingly loud. His vision swam in and out of focus but all his mind could think of was the pain in his neck. For once, he didn't mean Gabriel, the ultimate pain in his neck. Well not exactly. It was Gabriel, sitting back, blood dripping from his lips as his tongue darted out to catch it. His fangs seemed surreally white against Sam's bright red blood. His vision blurred as the throbbing pain became nearly unbearable. His neck burned, shooting faulty signals to his limbs and causing them to jerk uncontrollably. Gabriel's hand brought Sam's attention back as it lay gently on Sam's shoulder. "Now you need my blood." Gabriel said gently as he held out his wrist Sam felt pain in his mouth, overwhelming the pain in his neck that was seeping blood onto the silken sheets. His vision blurred as he took hold of Gabriel's wrist. He slowly, carefully bit into it, not registering the hiss of pain Gabriel made. All Sam knew was thirst, hunger, only quenched by the cool blood of his vampire lover. It was not hot and sticky like Sam's blood, but cool and smooth. After drinking his fill he let Gabriel's arm slip from his hand and fell back onto the bed. "We're not done yet." Gabriel was trying to sound gentle and sweet but the fangs that had just been in Sam's neck proved Gabriel could be anything but.

"There's more?" Sam moaned, the noise sounding too loud for his ears. His vision was brought into an almost painful focus as the most delicious scent reached his nose. Sam sniffed a few times experimentally before inhaling deep breaths of the perfume. Gabriel's smile was missed as Sam's only attention was to following the smell, finding its source. Seizing the girl, Sam inhaled deeper before looking at Gabriel, questioning.

"Yes. Drink her blood." Gabe urged trying to sound reassuring. Sam was hesitant at first, she was human, like him. But then her scent became too powerful and his teeth sank deeply into her neck. She was silent and for that he was thankful but as her warmth slowly drained with the blood he was taking from her, his own temperature dropped. When he finally let go, allowing her to slip to the floor, he felt what it was like to be a true vampire for the first time. Colors seemed more defined, outlines, sharper, smells, stronger, sounds, louder. The pain in his mouth and neck slowly receded and he ran his fingers over the puncture wounds in his neck to find that they were only scars now: a memory. He looked at Gabriel who had swelled with pride. "Now my young vampire, what shall we do first?" Gabriel asked. What should they do first? Sam racked his brain for something they could do to commemorate their new life, his new life.

"Make me." He whispered, earning a grin from his King, and lover, and sire.