A/N: Enjoy and review please. Oh and it's MxM. Also some sex scenes, cross-dressing, FLUFF!

Chapter 3

Loki shifted under the soft comforter tugging it closer to his chest as if he were fighting to cling on the last remnants of sleep. The brightness in the bedroom along with Tony pulling the comforter off of him entirely the mechanic resembled a cocoon His eyelashes fluttered against his high cheekbones, his emerald eyes adjusted to the sunlight sneaking through the long maroon colored curtains. His half-lidded gaze shifted to the alarm clock on his bedside table as he suspected it was almost noon and had no motivation to move.

The corners of his lips lifted once he found the remains of his panties thrown haphazardly on top of the bedside lamp. The slender man rolled his head to the direction of his lover whose hand rested albeit passively on his hip. Soft snores escaped those lips that hours ago had whispered filthy things to him as he pounded into Loki with a quick and mercilessly rhythm hard into the mattress.

They had come with sharp gasps and screams of pure ecstasy, sweet words of love had lulled him to sleep, the soreness he felt in his backside dulled as the adrenaline left them sleeping in each other's arms.

His long slender fingers reached to stroke a love bite decorating his neck courtesy of the snoring man beside him. He smiled at the painful twinge with contact as fleeting moments from yesterday replayed. He felt the soft brushes of lips ghosting his collar bone down to his chest, the warm breath of Tony over his straining member. He could almost feel those calloused hands exploring every inch of naked skin, their bodies electrified with pleasure and lust as they moved together.

Ignoring the arousal stirring in his belly, the god stretched his arms above his head releasing a very ungodly like yawn. He lazily moved his head before giving the sprawled man beside him a lingering look. He looked so peaceful, the dark circles underneath his eyes slightly muted, those laughing lines he was so fond of softened, but nonetheless he looked beautiful and his hand reached to stroke his cheek when his stomach gave an embarrassing growl.

Normally they would go out for breakfast, but the sleeping lump that was Tony Stark along stomach growling something fierce made it clear that today they would have breakfast at home.

He gently leaned over to not disturb the slumbering man before crawling off the massive bed. His feet stumbled over the amount of shopping bags strewn across the floor, smiling delightfully at his new undergarments. The raven haired god dug through the mess on the floor finding a pair of Tony's sweatpants. Its larger size made them hang precariously upon his naked hips as he shrugged on the shirt he'd worn the night before.

He mused as he left the bedroom that perhaps a breakfast would wake the snoring bear he lovingly called Anthony. Loki shuffled downstairs, barefoot rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His emerald eye glinted like jewels as he entered the sunlight filled living room of the extravagant tower before entering the kitchen area.

The tall figure opened the fridge pausing with a hip cocked to the side, debating on what to prepare this morning. The dark haired man smiled triumphantly as he managed to balance both the carton of eggs, butter, and a jug of milk in the other. He gave a surprised yelp at the disembodied voice of Jarvis. He clutched the food items close to his chest while his eyes wildly scanned the area.

"Good Morning Mister Laufeyson."

Loki stumbled back against the kitchen counter taking a second to calm his racing heart, "Morning Jarvis."

Despite living with Anthony for almost year, it still was strange for the god to suddenly hear the voice of the A.I. ring throughout the home at random moments

"Miss Potts asked me to inform Mr. Stark that there are a number of memos waiting for him. Mr. Stark requested that you be informed as well to whatever task Miss Potts give shim. He firmly stated that he trusted you to say whether they were important enough to interrupt your time together."

He shook his head at the last sentence Jarvis had uttered to him.

Oh Tony.

Tony was his silly sentimental mortal, but it was a very charming attribute like Anthony cherishing their alone time together as much as he did.

Tony Stark wasn't just a wonderful, attentive lover but he also had a very famous and important company to run. Miss Pepper Potts was head of the company but that didn't mean Tony was free from obligations or from attending "boring, stupid conferences". He made it very clear to Loki that they shared the same idea and phrase 'I do what I want'.

Running his hands through the tangled loose curls of his ebony hair, Loki answered, "I do not want Tony to suffer the wrath of Miss Potts and I understand that it is his establishment to be in command of but I do prefer to spend at least the morning with him before he is off to conferences and signings. Would you mind holding off their notifications?"

Forest green eyes attempted to pinpoint the source of the voice; it would definitely take some time getting use to. At least that's what Tony assured him after calmly prying the kitchen knife from his grip the first day he'd moved in and heard Jarvis. The first few days moving in with the genius had been quite an adventure and they remained that way.

The British accented voice responded, "Of course Sir, I will remind Mr. Stark later throughout the day."

It was silent again except for the sound of Loki's bare footsteps padding across the marble floor.

Loki reached for his hair tie around his wrist, twisting his long locks into a loose tail before reaching up to open the cabinet containing the pancake flour. He pointed a finger to the cool container or refrigerator as Tony called it and in line came out the rest of the needed ingredients. His penchant for cooking came not only as a surprise to Tony but to the rest of the Avengers as well. He'd been on Earth long enough to become familiar with cooking meals for the both of them and occasionally an Avenger would stay to ogle at the cooking god.

Loki was sprinkling fresh blueberries on the sizzling batter shaped into wonky circles when Tony quiet as could be snuck behind the god. His face was splattered with spots of flour, strands of hair ticking his high cheekbones as they fell from its tie.

He jumped slightly at the sudden strong arms curling them gently around his waist, grinning at the nuzzling in his neck. Loki squirmed slightly at the prickling sensation that came with Tony's goatee. The rumpled inventor pressed a sweet kiss on the side of his jaw, making the god's lips curve into a smile.

"Good Morning Tony. Are you hungry?"

Tony's voice sounded rough from his sleeping, "Would it be incredibly corny if I said that I was hungry for you?" The genius grinned widely at the sight of Loki snorting back his laughter before rushing to save an almost burning pancake.

Successfully flipping it with a flourish, Loki gave a side glance to the genius who sat at the counter eating the blueberries leftover.

"I would say you are completely insatiable my darling. Am I to assume that you enjoyed my purchases last night?"

Tony dropped the almost empty plastic bag before swiftly making his way to the busy god, whose elegant, pale face held a teasing smirk. The mischievous spark lightening his eyes.

Tony's hands gripped the man's hips, slowly easing the sweatpants, his sweatpants down the slimmer figure, his fingers splayed delicately over the curve of the god's bottom. He heard a soft moan escape Loki's lips as he pressed himself against the god, his semi-erection teasing his ass.

Loki hummed lowly, bending his head slightly once he turned to face the inventor. His lips connected with Tony's parted mouth, moaning softly at the warm palm gripping his neck and that warm tongue tangling with his own.

The god ended their kiss at the sound of the sizzling pan. He ran a pink tongue over his wet lips as he expertly flipped the pancake with a flick of his wrist, relishing the sweet taste that was Tony.

"I very much did, sweetheart, but I have to admit seeing you in my clothes with that rock star hair still does it for me. Here, let me help you set the table." Tony gathered two plates, cups and sets of utensils before setting the table. It was such a domestic thing to do.

"Hey Lokes how about after we're done, we make a quick stop at our new favorite store."

Having Loki model new outfits in the very intimate changing rooms, especially ones as revealing and saucy as the ones he'd seen yesterday was an incentive enough for the mechanic. Loki was stacking the piles of pancakes on a plate when his eyes widened, "Oh brilliant you might get to meet Jonathon."

His eyes were fully focused on the task at hand; he failed to notice Tony's shoulders tense at the mention of an unfamiliar name. Tony cursed softly as the teapot he'd been holding overfilled Loki's mug.

The smaller of man of the two attempted to sound nonchalantly. Attempted.

"Who's 'Jonathon', and why would he possibly be there?"

He tried to keep the jealousy from sounding in his voice but honestly who wouldn't feel suspicious. "Oh he's an employee there in the shop I visited. He was most helpful in offering me to help get my size right-"

Tony scratched the side of his head before asking bluntly, no longer caring if he sounded jealous, "Are you saying he touched you?"

No one touches my stuff- my Loki!

It may have come out slightly angry which caused Loki to pause his movements. The God of Mischief noticed how rigid and tense his lover appeared after mentioning the very attentive employee. Loki placed the rest of breakfast, egg benedict and sausage with pancakes, on the table, before settling himself on the seat beside Tony. Those hazel eyes seemed darker without their usual laughter.

He sighed softly, resting his hands upon narrow hips. "No he did not touch me. I am more than capable of figuring out what size fits me. Jonathon was simply helping me nothing else."

The fallen god thoughts went back to the day before remembering the overly helpful employee offering his time and attention. He did seem a bit over attentive but wasn't that a requirement of their job? Loki was still figuring the behavior of Midgardians. Their lack of personal space was one issue he was currently battling everyday.

His emerald gaze fell upon Tony who occupied himself by pouring an insane amount of sugar into his coffee. "It sounds like this guy wanted to see more of your skin then help you Lokes!"

They were now fully seated at the table, the slight steam from their meals rising causing their stomachs to grumble with anticipation.

The dark haired man shook his head, his eyebrows rising at Tony's response. "Don't be ridiculous, if he believed I found him attractive why didn't he just say so instead of giving me his phone number?"

Loki pursed his lips at the obnoxious scoff that came from the back of Tony's throat. Honestly the man could act almost as bad as Thor when he didn't get his way. He brought his mug close to his lips the sweet aroma soothingly filling his senses.

"He gave you his phone number?" Loki nodded once more before returning his attention to his breakfast. It was too early for Tony's overdramatic antics. "Okay that is it! Jarvis? Send me the suit, I have someone to target practice with."

The mechanic stood abruptly from the table but not before nabbing a fluffy pancake and taking a vicious bite from it.

Loki rolled his eyes clearly exasperated with Tony, his hand reached to pull on the faded shirt Tony wore and urged the infuriated man to take a seat.

"No he wanted to meet you too. I may have mentioned that I was with someone. He said something about getting together sometime. All of us." The taller of the two frowned slightly when Tony a broke out into loud guffaws.

Tony's feelings of anger and jealousy were simmered once he learned that the douche bag was not only attracted to Loki but had a little something else in mind that involved the three of them. The much darker, scandalous side of Tony assumed the pervert wanted a threesome. Which was not going to happen, sex was only between Loki and him. And both being the divas that they were respectively known as, did not share.

His lover despite his mischievousness and intelligence was not aware of the intentions of others who found him attractive. More than several occasions had Tony needed to control his temper to not hit fire at someone for flirting with an unknowing Loki.

And this was one of those times.

"Sweetheart I think it would be best if perhaps we found another place with more variety of clothing that you like instead of shopping where this Jaso-"

"Jonathon," corrected Loki.

"Right..." Tony angrily stabbed his eggs with a fork before shoving it into his mouth. He immediately felt himself have a foodgasm. The god's culinary skills were out of this world. Pun intended.

He dug into his breakfast, moaning appreciatively at the famous pancakes that Loki was becoming known for. They rivaled Captain America's cooking. Loki held his steaming tea close to his lips as his hooded eyes lingered on the eating man. He meditatively took a sip, before asking, "You're not jealous are you? It's not as if I found particularly attractive. You are the one I want Tony and some dull human with too much hairspray is not going to change that do you understand me?

He gave a stern look toward Tony who was slumped over in his seat. He knew he was acting ridiculous well more so than Pepper would say. Loki had never given him the reason to question the god's fidelity but his confidence; the famous Stark confidence waned whenever he was out with Loki. Younger men who were decent looking would make double, no triple glances at the lean figure with a penchant for tight jeans and leather boots. The media, willing to sell any story to attract viewers, came up with the idea that Loki was a new and upcoming European model and was dating playboy Tony Stark. They would joke often about how long their relationship would last and while it amused Loki it infuriated the genius.

But it was way better than the city knowing that New York's newest resident was the very same villain who had tried to destroy and take over the city and the very people who inhabited it.

Still it was annoying and now his insecurities had come to bite him hard in the ass with a disappointed god looking at him.

"Fine! I apologize for getting angry with you. Its just hearing this jerk flirting with you despite knowing that you were in a relationship poked at one of my-"


Loki raised an eyebrow after finishing Tony's sentence. He could only nod in agreement.

"You are a silly man Tony Stark."

Tony slumped further in his seat. Great now he was pathetic. Wonderful.

"What on earth could you possibly be insecure of Tony? You are this intelligent, extremely attractive man with money and the brain power to make your machines and toys at your own leisure. You are a hero to millions of children in the world. That boy or honestly any mortal you see looking at me-yes I know they do, are nothing compared to you. I went into that store and purchased those garments for both of us to enjoy. That was just for you, silly man. Only for you."

Loki took a bite of his breakfast leaving Tony to sit jaw-slack at his speech. He was about to reach for the syrup when the sudden scraping of chair being pushed back and the hand cupping the side of his face roughly to pull him into a hard, wet kiss. Sure it wasn't the loveliest kiss considering the food bits but actions were louder than words and Tony was expressing how the god had just managed to make those worries disappear in an instant. And remind him that Loki was his and Tony vice versa.

Tony broke them apart, his hands pulling Loki closer to him until the man was practically in his lap. Loki took it all into stride resting comfortably on Tony's lap before taking a sip from the dark coffee his lover was so fond of.

"Hmm…that is not as bad I originally thought."

He took a sip from the offered mug before replying:

"I bet you said the same thing once you tried on all those fancy panties, huh?"

Loki tilted his head back to rest on Tony's shoulder, he moved closer until his mouth was resting close to the inventor's ear. He pressed his lips against the warm skin, smirking at the sharp intakes of breath from Tony. He whispered, "Since you seemed to enjoy my as you say "panties" last night. How about we go try on the rest? I even have this red silk- TONY! Put me down this instant you are well aware I detest being carried in this manner!"

Tony grunted slightly under the weight, "Sorry honey I hear "red" and "panties" in the same sentence. With the image of you wearing said panties is definitely a turn on!"

The fireman's carry as unromantic as it looked led both Tony and Loki into their private quarters where Tony was allowed to see Loki model one or two before he finally pulled Loki down onto the bed where he began to ravish the slighter man.

"Sir, Miss Potts requested for you to-

"Jarvis mute I'm kind of busy here- oh did I mention how flexible you are! Oh!Uhhh! Hey buddy tell her that something came up and I really, really need to – oh that mouth is the definition of sin- take care of!"

The harsh breathing along with the rustling sounds of the sheets moving and bed creaking were heard throughout the tower. About a few days later, Loki was out of underwear and Tony was all too willing to go shopping with the god of exquisite taste on trip to Paris. He had heard from an unknown source that there was a little shop that would please not only Loki's taste in clothes but as well as was beginning to have a thing for corsets. Loki thought of them as a type of warrior garment and Tony thought the god would be the most delicious sight in a black fringed, emerald satin corset. It was a win-win for them both.

He'd never thought shopping would be this exciting.

A/N: Review and fave please!