NOTE: THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED DUE TO FOUL GRAMMAR. Thanks! :) I hope you'll like the way I'd edited this! I really tried my best to correct my...disgusting grammar. And seriously, while I was rereading the first chapter I was like: OMG. I'm such a dork. I've also placed new scenes and I don't know why I did those.

A/N: Another story hidden inside my notebook *devilish grin*. Actually, this story was originally written in script type, together with my first story. There are three stories altogether inside my magical notebook... Another thing! Those sentences in italic are the thoughts of the characters, the thing they are thinking about...^_^ By the way, hope you to enjoy this story! Pls.. Review...

"Donnie! The disintegrator!" The 'fearless leader' yelled, whilst his younger brothers were fighting some of the robot units from their enemy, the Foot Clan. They were all on top of a rooftop, trying to retrieve the stolen disintegrator they used during the Kraang invasion.

"That robot is taking it! What should we do!?" While fighting the other bots, Mikey saw a group from the team, retreated as they were holding the weapon.

Slashing the footbot from his front, Leonardo took a step back and gripped his katanas tightly. "Listen! Mikey and Donnie, follow that group! Raph..." A robot cut in, which was slashed by the sharp blades of Leo's katana. "...let's take down the remaining group! Hurry!" The eldest commanded the group, whilst dividing two footbots at a time.

"Let's just follow the one who took it!" Raph bounced behind, leaving Leo to handle all the footbots that remained.

"What?! No we can't!" The footbots surrounded the leaf green turtle, aiming their weapons at him. "They will just follow and protect the one who's holding the disintegrator, so get back here!" Leo yelled and glared at Raph. His stubbornness attacks once again.

"We'll take them down in one place, fearless!" The red clad insisted, as he crossed his arms.

While Leo was blocking the strikes from the group that surrounded him, a robot grabbed his legs and the other one his head, dragging him down the ground and losing his balance. After distracting him, the remaining robots ran away and followed their comrades. A ticked and disappointed Leo stood up, and stared with daggers at his hot-headed brother.

"See?" Leo growled. "Only if you just followed my orders?!" The azure eyed turtle dashed away and followed the escaped enemies.

As the red masked ninja saw his big brother's mad frown, he followed the enemies while thinking that he'd done the right thing. That would make him realize he's wrong.

"That one dashes so fast! He nearly ran 200 kilometers per hour!" Donatello was trying to cope up with the speed of the robot. He almost slipped because of the speed of the footbot.

"Alright, Dr. Speedo. I understand that you were fascinated by the robot's speed that you even counted it with numbers but I can't count the others running at my baaack!" The youngest turtle ran away from the footbots, jumping from one robot onto another.

Donatello looked at his back and saw his only younger brother's complain was right. "In Darwin's beard! How did they easily grow in such number?"

Michelangelo stopped and pulled out his kusarigama from his side pocket. "Booyakasha, ugly bots! Ahhhh! They're just so many!" Mikey yelled, who was seeking some help from any brother.

The two eldest reached the location where their younger brothers were chased by groups of footbots. Leo unsheathed his katanas and yelled a command, "Donnie! Just keep following it!"

"I-I can't! I'm trapped!" Donnie was surrounded by footbots and the others were pinning him on the floor.

"Raph!" Leo shouted, and knocked a bot with a slice. "Where are you! Why aren't you helping!" The blue masked turtle found his brother standing steadily at one corner of the rooftop, who wasn't participating in the fight, legs and arms crossed and showed no interest in helping the team.

"That stupid useless gun isn't important. Why do we even need to tire ourselves to retrieve that thing?" The red masked turtle rolled his eyes and escaped a glance with Leo.

"What!" The leader gritted his teeth as he watched the footbots had escaped with the disintegrator. He could feel his temper slowly dissipating until the very last drops. He went towards his not-so-helpful brother and glared at him. "See?! They got away! What were you thinking!" Leo raised his voice and clenched his fists.

Without talking to his brother with an eye to eye contact, Raph replied with gritted teeth. "If we only did what I say, we should've beaten those robots!" Raph faced his brother and shouted at him.

"Beating?! Is the thing that is important for you?!" Leo stared angrily at his hot headed brother, his last drop of patience at risk. You don't really understand, Raphael. I can't believe you're my...

Leo's thoughts were interrupted. "No! The thing that I really care is not you!" Raphael pointed his finger at his brother. "...being the leader of this team! You always fail! Your decisions were all lame!" Raph suddenly flinched by seeing Leo's broken image. He carelessly spit out words that had hurt his elder brother the most.

The two younger turtles set their selves aside, far from their raging brothers.

"Uh-oh... Round one..." Mikey took a step back, nervously staring at Leo and Raph.

Leo felt that he'd been slapped hard on the face. "Do you really think leading was easy?!"

"I don't want you being my brother!" The four siblings went silent. The silence was enough to hear the wind breeze.

Raph glared at his brother with fiery eyes. "Now you finally heard what I really felt?! To go with your stupid thoughts!" Raphael still continued. He didn't mind the tears that flooded Leo's eyes.

The blue banded turtle closed his eyes, letting the tears flow down his cheeks. He remained silent for the moment he heard those words.

"I'm tired of listening to your orders! I really hate you, Leo! You're the world's worst leader and brother of all!" Raphael's eyes narrowed, his teeth gritted.

Leonardo shut his eyes tighter, as more tears flowed down from his eyes. I hate you, Leo! You're the worst brother of all! Raph's statement repeatedly echoed in his mind, creating several wounds into his heart. He was hurt. He was really wounded. Instead of sadness, he felt being worn out. He felt deep anger that seemingly came from within him. The evil inside him had awakened. Leo compressed his left fist and hit the concrete floor of the rooftop.

His knuckle cracked the concrete, just like how his heart was broken. Crimson liquid from his left hand dripped down and dropped onto the ground. Still, he left his eyes shut as tears were flowing down.

A drop of blood doesn't matter. Leo thought to himself. So it was done. It was clear from Raph that he hated him. No wonder they always had fights. Maybe Raph was regretting Leo as a brother.

"Huh?!" Donnie and Mikey were surprised by what they had heard and seen. "Gosh, I've never seen Leo like that before!" Donnie was frustrated. He could also perceive Leo's emotions, but hurting himself wasn't on the list.

He was giving up. Out of all the quarrels with Raph, he could say this was the worst. Leo was known to be meek, not wanting any feud from anyone among his brothers, but Raph made him like Raph himself- seeking any argument from everyone. He grabbed his katanas from their sheaths. He threw it right in front of his wicked brother. It may be called as a sign of disrespect towards the sacred sword he had, but what Raph had done to him was also a sign of disrespect. Nothing could be changed anyway.

"Leo? Don't worry. T-the disintegrator is not that important. I can duplicate that, I already know its structure-" Donnie tried to pull Leo up, but he was halted with his elder brother's intimidating glare.

Leo's eyes were flooded with tears, the time he opened those. "Just promise me you can live without me." After the last word, his tears flowed down from his azure eyes. The once called 'Fearless leader' gave up. He didn't deserve to earn the title, 'Fearless' nor 'leader'; Neither 'brother'. He turned his back and leapt away from them.

"Leo!" The orange banded turtle tried to reach for his eldest brother, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Raph..? Why did you say that? Do you...really mean it?" Donnie went towards the red clad turtle and asked him.

"Tss. I don't care if he was hurt on what I've said. He's a coward for thinking so selfishly!" Raph turned his back and crossed his arms.

The two youngest were left behind, worrying about their brother. "Leo..." Mikey's baby blue eyes sparkled, not of joy, but sadness. He picked Leo's one katana from the ground. Donnie sat down and wiped the blood out of the crack. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Sorry, Leo.

He kept running; away and as far as his feet could manage. It didn't matter if one of the people around New York saw him. All he could think was that, he was hurt. He was broken. He was starting to break down.

His feet and legs burned because of his intensive running. He reached a rooftop and his legs collapsed.

I don't want you as my brother! I really hate you, Leo! You're the worst brother of all! The words kept ringing, almost unstoppable. The blue banded turtle wept and bowed his head down low. I think…Raph was right. I do not deserve to be their leader.

"I..I'm I..I'm just...useless.." Leo said between sobs. Why would Raph tell that he was the worst? All that Leo thought was his brothers' safety, all for their best and goodness. He even became selfless just to fill the role as a big brother to them, but he never earned any respect; especially from Raph.

Suddenly, he felt something sneaking behind him. He harshly wiped the tears in his eyes and stood up, still his legs were trembling, but he tried to stand in a fighting stance. He reached a hand at his back, but then he realized that he left his weapons to his brothers.

"Who's there?!" Leo looked around and scanned the place. Footbots. Sweet. This is really my lucky day. "So it was you." Leonardo kicked a footbot, knocking it on the ground. He grabbed the robot's weapon and used it to wipe out the remaining. After a long exchange of attacks, all robots had been taken down. The turtle sighed, feeling relieved. These footbots made him feel better, and lose some of his burdens by fighting them.

The blue clad sat back. He rolled his eyes to his right, knowing that someone had been watching him. A silhouette of a slim kunoichi appeared from the shadows, her face lined with a smirk and her amber eyes glimmered in the dark. "Karai?" asked Leo without turning his head back. "What do you need?"

The kunoichi picked the two best katanas she saw from the footbots and tossed them to Leo.

He turned back, whilst still sitting and then he caught the two blades that Karai chose him to get. They were like his katana, but a lot thinner and a little shorter. The handles were in the darker shade of red and the diamond designs were black.

"Where are your katanas?" The girl asked him, one hand placed on her hip.

"I don't wanna fight. Not now." The leaf green turtle stood up and sheathed the blades.

Karai went nearer to Leo. "So..." Hey, three-toes, what's wrong? She stared against the turtle's ocean blue eyes in a way like reading each other's thoughts. "I can feel something in you." Karai said with a tone of worrying within her voice. Leo replied with a forced smirk, bowed his head down and stared at the floor like it was going to melt anytime.

"It's okay, you can tell it to me." The kunoichi kept staring at the turtle, trying to force him to look up. "Come on, don't be so down." She held the turtle's chin, raising his head up. She gasped shortly and saw a tear drop falling from Leo's stormy blue eyes. She wiped it using her fingers. Leo followed the trail of Karai's fingers by his eyes.

"Let me guess.. You and Raphael had another fight? Am I right?" Karai placed her hand on his cheek.

Leo blushed slightly but then he kept in silence. I just don't want to talk about it. A half crescent formed on Karai's face, waiting for him to answer.

Leo sighed. Karai's amber orbs pierced through his soul and made him give up. "You really know a lot about me, Karai." He finally stared against the kunoichi's eyes and lent her his trust.

"You know, it's not right to keep a woman waiting." Karai teased and rolled her eyes to her right. She placed her right hand on her hip, as she waited for Leo's answer.

"Alright, I'll tell you." He smirked, but still his eyes were dull, full of sadness.

"So we'll be sharing thoughts." said Karai, as both ninjas sat beside on each other at the edge of the rooftop.

"Raph and I were always arguing about everything since we were little, but this was the first time I felt that he really meant what he'd said. He always says that, he hates me and so on, but as he was speaking...the words slowly divided my heart into two." Leo raised his left hand, which was still bleeding.

Karai immediately grabbed Leo's hand. "What happened to your hand?!" She creased her brows.

"Uh, Karai, actually it's fi-"

"No! Bleeding never had been fine!" Karai grabbed a bandage from her pocket and expertly wrapped it around Leo's fist.

Leo stared at Karai, smiling fondly. "What were those words anyway?" Karai asked, while she was wrapping the bandage around the turtle's hand.

"Uhm. Well..." Leo turned his head above and stared at the bright moon. "...he never wanted me as his brother. All he wanted was to do things his way. Yes, I value their abilities. I love them and all but what Raph wants is not easy. All I wanted was their safety and what is best for them... I will do anything, even if my own life will be the exchange of their safety."

"There, all done." Karai had finished wrapping his hand. "Your brother is a total fool. Waste of time and effort. If I were you, I would punch his thick face instead of the ground." She told Leo.

"Uh, thank you, Karai." Leo held Karai's hand and placed his bandaged hand on top of her hand. Karai smiled at Leo, their eyes were clashing at each other as both orbs gleamed. Leo felt the heat rushing within him as he blushed profusely. Karai was also feeling the same as they both let their hands go and turned at the other direction, just to be away from each other's melting stare.

"So we're almost the same." Karai broke down the awkward silence between them.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Leo quickly added.

Karai bowed his head down. "Shredder always wants to do what he wants me to do. He always dictates every move. Freedom is forbidden, and cannot be found in his vocabulary." Karai sighed. "Even for hisdaughter." The kunoichi clenched her fists and closed her eyes in frustration.

"Karai.." Leo placed his hand on Karai's shoulder. "I don't really know what to say but... Real loving father wants his son to be happy." The azure eyed turtle stared carefully at Karai and then he removed his hands from her shoulder. "If Shredder is not doing it to you, don't you think that-"

"I know what you mean." Karai cut off Leo. "You do really insist your sensei, don't you?" Karai frowned.

Suddenly, they both felt something behind their backs. "Looks like, we're not alone." Leo said as they both turned their backs and stood up. The two of them unsheathed their weapons and readied themselves to battle.

In the sewer lair, where the other turtles retreated after the battle for the retrieval of the stolen disintegrator and the fight between Leo and Raph, Donnie kept asking Raph for about the hundredth time in a row to find their eldest brother.

"Raph, why aren't we finding Leo?! What if he's in trouble right now, and come home dying and beaten, or even probably won't come back, what are we going to do?!" Raph rolled his eyes to Donnie and bowed down.

Raph meant it, until the very last of his word. But he never wanted to see Leo the way he acted. Was this his fault? No. Not of course. It was Leo's, because of his coward actions and... A part of this was...was his fault. He didn't want to hurt his brothers, especially Leo. What if Donnie was right? What if Leo's in trouble because of him? What if he...

His thoughts were cut by Mikey's interruption. "Raph, I never knew that you hated Leo and even regretted him as your...our brother, but I also know and I have a faith in you that you love him, don't you?" Mikey was dead serious. Raph never saw Mikey this serious. He was smiling, but inside that smile, Mikey was crying.

His brothers were all right. At first, after he had said those words to Leo, he felt proud of himself. He made Leo cry in front of everyone, well not everyone really, but in front of their brothers; in front of him, looking very weak and helpless. But as the time goes by, Raph slowly felt the guilt consuming him.

The two youngest stared at each other with disbelief, still holding Leo's katanas. They shook their heads and sighed deeply.

Raph headed to the couch and sat down. He stared blankly at the glowing television set, as a drop of tear successfully found a spot to fall down. He harshly wiped the stray tear. No, he wouldn't cry; never. He was the strongest among his brothers. Crying had never been his job.

Master Splinter went out of the training dojo, together with April. "You are improving, April. Very good." Splinter told April, as he tapped the teen on her shoulder in appreciation.

April bowed down. "Thank you, sensei." The red haired teen rolled her eyes to the turtles, who looked like they lost a million dollar. "Guys, how's your mission?" She smiled a little as she raised an eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, it was not that good. The disintegrator was stolen." Noticing none of his other brothers had the energy to answer April, he chose to do it. He unconsciously held the hilt of Leo's katana a lot tighter, as his body stiffened.

"Uhm, and where is Leo?" April quickly regretted asking. Her eyes averted to Raph, who was obviously in grief. The time she mentioned Leo's name, Raph visually flinched. Not really the best time. Your mouth, April. Shut it.

"Why are Leonardo's katanas with you?" Splinter asked, sternly, gesturing at both swords Donnie and Mikey were holding. "Has something wrong happened?" Splinter raised a brow and played with his chin beard.

The turtle brothers wouldn't escape from their father. Not by chance.

Mikey raised his right hand and stared suspiciously at the katana, like it wasn't there at all and it just appeared on his hand. "Actually... Uh... Leo just let me borrow this for the meantime and..."

"Michelangelo!" The ninja master hit the ground with the end of his staff, which made the two turtles stood straight. He slowly walked towards them, whipping his tail at his back.

Mikey, known for being not a good liar, scratched his head and smiled sheepishly at his father. "Sensei...uh...he's still out there...uhm..uh.." The orange clad turned his head above, like the script was right there. "Buys pizza! Oh yeah right! He's still buying pizza, topped with jellybeans, anchovies and jalapeños, his favorite!" He yelled the lamest excuse of all time. How could Leo buy pizza personally in the store? They were turtles-- Mutant turtles and the world may not accept them outside. Mikey mentally punched himself on his face.

Donnie added another punishment for his stupidity and smacked him. "Aww! What?!" The purple clad glared at his brother.

"What am I gonna say?!" Mikey turned to his brother. "Tell sensei that Leo and Raph had a fight, and then Leo went away saying," Mikey tried his best impersonating skills to imitate Leo. "...'Just promise me you can live without me', that?! You want ME, to say that?!" The youngest yelled angrily at Donnie.

"You already did." Donnie growled and facepalmed.

Splinter crossed his arms across his back and turned to Raph, with a raised brow. "Raphael, can I hear you?"

The red clad turtle closed his eyes, tightly as he crumpled his hands into fists. "I don't know sensei. I really have no idea." He churned his bottom lip and bowed his head lower.

The rodent placed his paw on Raph's left shoulder. The red clad flinched, and opened his eyes suddenly. He turned to his father and met his questioning gaze, but the gaze was tender and comfortable.

"Sensei..." He didn't know where to start. He didn't even know what to do. He even forgot that there were eight eyes staring at him, waiting for him to explain. He didn't notice that his eyes were flooded with tears. "... I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to hurt him that way." Raph closed his eyes and wiped out the tears. " I...I didn't expect I would say that to him."

"Then, what were those words?" Splinter gripped his son's shoulder tighter, but retained its gentleness.

"I told him that..." Raph opened his eyes and rolled them rightward. "...I don't want him as my brother."

On the other side of the lair, April's eyes narrowed as she covered her mouth with her hands. He said those?!

"Sorry, sensei. I'll get him back." Raph turned his head upwards and stared at his father's hazel eyes.

"Don't say the apology to me; say it to your brother instead. I know that you both need a time to talk. Anger will not resolve any problem." Master Splinter's ears twitched as he took a step backward.

The red clad turtle bowed his head down. I'm sorry. I was so reckless!

"What were the other things that happened? Donatello, Michelangelo?" Splinter turned to the other two, who were nervously tapping the ground with their feet.

"Sensei...we ae just worried about Leo. When he was...putting some of his steam out, he hit the ground hardly with his fist, which obviously caused his hand to be damaged. I couldn't know what its real state as of now. I haven't checked on his hand." Donnie explained.

"Find your brother, before it's too late." The ninja master turned back and went to inside the dojo.

April sighed and went towards Donnie. "I wasn't there so I don't know what to say, but, Raph..." She turned to Raph. The red clad bowed down and clenched another fist. "Please understand Leo. He's not just your leader, he's your brother; your elder brother. I bet, he's also seeking for some respect from you all. Maybe you can show that by just following his simple orders. That's not too hard, is it?" She smiled a little and gestured at Raph.

The red clad turtle raised his head and stood up. "Yes... You're right. It's my fault."

"No! It's not! What am I saying is that, you must respect each other. That's the key for a successful team." She smiled, but a lot bigger this time. She tried to sound confident, which, didn't fail.

"Where'd you get all of those, April?" Mikey asked from the back, looking bewildered.

"By just listening to the heart, that's all." April turned to Mikey and winked.

Returning to the rooftop, where Leo and Karai were facing a certain battle, it was revealed that the footbots were behind those sounds.

"So you mean…you sneaked out?" Leo asked Karai, one foot forward and a hand blocking the attack from a footbot.

"Yeah. And it was pretty fun. You should try it at once." Karai answered the ninja as she jumped back to dodge the attack from a robot.

"Why would I?" Leo raised a non-existent brow and turned at Karai with a skeptical look.

Karai felt like her stomach was rolling inside, as she bursted into laughter. "Gosh, Leo! I should have brought a camera! Your face was priceless!" She took a step back and continued to laugh, placing a hand on her mouth.

Leo frowned and sliced the two footbots on his way towards Karai. "I never knew you're making fun of me." He slowly walked towards Karai. She was as well taking some steps backward, and still trying to stop her laughter.

Leo smiled mischievously and continued to walk slowly, as he led Karai to the nearest wall. "What's so funny, anyway?" They both stopped when Karai leaned onto the wall. The blue clad pressed a hand on the wall, as he leaned on Karai.

Karai smirked and raised her head a little, making a half inch distance from their faces. "You always make me smile; laughing as well. Why is that?"

"I don't know. I never joked." Leo smirked as well and stared against her golden orbs.

Look at those blue crystals...

Her amber eyes are just so wonderful...

"Look at that..." The two ninjas quickly turned their heads to the direction where the sound came from. It was from Fishface, accompanied by Rahzar.

Leo cleared his throat and stepped back away from Karai. He unsheathed his weapons and gestured at Karai, with a raised brow. What's the meaning of this?

The kunoichi unsheathed her weapon as well and shrugged. I have no idea. They stood beside each oher and held their grounds, glaring at the two newcomers.

"Karai. Master Shredder wants you to get back." Rahzar landed at a corner with his claws drawn out, ready to battle, as he asked Karai.

Leo saw Karai's body stiffened, as she was clenching her fists into tight rolls. "I don't want to! You can't say what I will do!" She kicked the battered footbot on her front, and sent it flying towards Rahzar's direction. Leo took a step forward and placed a hand on Karai's shoulder.

"Ohh..." Fishface rolled his eyes to the blue clad and smirked. "It's one of the turtles. Two birds hit with one stone. Are you two dating?"

Leo frowned and blushed slightly. He rolled his eyes to the kunoichi, who was glaring daggers at Rahzar and Fishface. If ever she could produce lasers by just glaring, she could have killed the two mutants.

"If we'll bring the turtle to Master Shredder, we can get a big comeback!" Rahzar said, as he signaled the remaining footbots at his back to attack the pair. He and Fishface also charged forward, as they attacked the two. Rahzar was after Leo, while Fishface was to Karai.

Fishface and Karai started to clash with one another's weapons. "Karai, you are good at choosing a man, aren't you?" Fishface said to Karai, giving her a smirk.

Karai rolled her eyes and glanced at the blue clad turtle. "Not like Shredder choosing his army, right?" The kunoichi replied also with a smirk as she took a step forward and pushed her opponent.

On the other hand, Leo and Rahzar were still fighting. Rahzar was successful in dodging some of the turtle's attacks, but Leo was still able to counter Rahzar. He was quickly overpowering his foe, by creating several cuts using his katanas.

"Where are your brothers? Why are you alone?"

Leo obviously flinched, as he raised an eye ridge. "Who are you for me, to say that?" The turtle answered coldly, as he landed a swift and accurate kick at Rahzar's abdomen.

Rahzar immediately stood up and used his sharp claws to attack the turtle. Leo easily blocked it using his weapons. After a long exchange of attacks, Leo and Karai gained the upper hand during the battle but still, the two other mutants were still fighting.

Time to use our last resort! "Xever! We have no time! Use the needle!" Rahzar ordered his partner, panting from exhaustion.

When Fishface heard this, he miraculously responded with a nod, which was not expected from him. From a compartment at the back of his robot leg, he grabbed a syringe containing an unknown yellowish fluid.

Leo saw this at the corner of his eyes. Fishface prepared to inject this to Karai. With a split second, Leo sheathed back his weapons and ran to Karai. "Karai! Look out!" The blue clad turtle held Karai's both arms, shielding her from the injection.

The syringe was then injected into the turtle's neck. The amber eyes of the kunoichi narrowed as she gasped in surprise.

Leo felt like the city was rolling on top of him. Before completely falling into unconsciousness, he smiled to Karai as he fell; his eyes were rolling at the back of his head. He was caught by Karai, as he hung limply on her.

Karai was left immobilized of what had happened. She was dumbfounded, still supporting Leo. "No! Leo!" She held the turtle's bandana tails, as a silent tear fell.

"Oops. Wrong hit." Fishface jumped at the back of Karai, and held both of her arms, making her unable to fight back.

"Will you...let me go!" The turtle's sleeping figure fell on the floor. "What did you do to him?!"Karai shouted as she tried to escape from the grip of the mutant fish.

"We have no choice. Let's go. Tie her." Rahzar said as he carried Leo on his shoulder.

Fishface dragged Karai near to a water storage tank on the rooftop. From there, he tied a rope around Karai and around the bars, holding her from falling. "I think, there are some more left." The mutant fish turned to his hand, which held the syringe with a little amount left. He injected it into Karai's arm.

The kunoichi's vision became blurred -covering her sight with a white haze- like everything around her was spinning. "Wh-where are you taking him?!" Karai could still see what was happening, even though she becomes drowsy everytime.

"I think this turtle can give us more points." Rahzar's voice was muffled when it reached to Karai. The mutant continued to go away, while carrying Leo's unconscious body.

"Le-o!" Karai's sight became totally black, as her eyes were closing, allowing her to undergo into deep sleep.

Returning to the sewer lair...

"I can help you." April took a step forward toward her mutant friends. The turtles were preparing their gears inside Donnie's laboratory.

Raph turned to April, as he twirled his sais before putting them back into their sheaths. You're too naughty.

Mikey also heard it. He mentally shook his head and smiled a little. He then placed his nunchucks at his shell's side pocket. He grabbed Leo's katanas and stared at them. He walked towards the table and placed both of the weapons carefully. He smiled as he saw his own reflection from the blade. Sorry Leo. But please, be safe, bro. Whenever Mikey thinks about his brother, his smile fades.

Donnie was not so sure about April's request. He bit his cheeks as he went towards April. I won't take your life at risk, April. I won't forgive myself. "But April, it is too dangerous. We don't even know where he is."

Raph did not also agree with April. They know that April is currently training with Master Splinter to be a kunoichi, but still, she's not yet 'experienced' enough. She's way too far from them. They could even fold her like a paper with ease. "We can't let you April" Raph's cold voice replied.

Having a slight humiliation, April still insisted. Not because I am a first timer in ninjuitsu, that doesn't mean you can't trust me with this. "Nothing is more dangerous than leaving your brother alone!" She blurted out.

The red haired teen felt a rage within her heart. "Leo is also my friend. He's like a brother to me!" She creased her brows and obviously turned red because of anger.

Everyone in the lab stared intentionally to April. Their eyes grew wide as they watched her.

"I'll help because I want to bring Leo back not that because you want me to, okay?!" April raised her hand up into the air, meeting both eyebrows at the center. She stomped her foot on the ground and glared at the turtles one by one.

The orange clad turtle walked near to April and Donnie. Whoa. April really wants to. "Okay April, chillax. We understand you, girl."

Donnie sighed. Even though she's really beautiful, she's also stubborn…And feisty at the same time. "Alright. If you really want, then let's go"

"You have your T-Phone, right?" the red clad turtle asked April.

The teen answered with a nod, as she grabbed her T-Phone from her pocket.

"Use it if you found somethin'." Raph walked out of the lair with Mikey, having his signature frown.

The purple clad turtle smiled a little, and then he stared at April. Why do April cares that much to Leo? Not that I'm feeling jealous …Yes, he is her friend but… Argh! Too much! Donnie bit his lips and clenched a fist.

April walked out of the lab with a slight, light heart. But then, she noticed that Donnie did not follow her and he was still staring at the ground. "Hey Don! Come on!"

"Uh...Oh! Yes! Come on April, let's hurry!" Donatello grabbed his staff from his working table and placed it on the back of his shell, sheathing his weapon. He smiled sheepishly, as he scratched the back of his head.

April and the turtles were all on top of a rooftop, inspecting every building within range. Donnie was on the other side, using binoculars. April -also willing to help- used another binocular, peeking on it as she checked every building.

Raph was sitting, his legs were folded and arms around both legs, hugging them as he buried his face on them. He was still thinking and depicting his latest fight with his eldest brother. Why was everything seemed to be complicated? Why did they even have to...fight always? Raph couldn't understand why everytime he sees Leo, his blood seems to rise as if his fists wanted to land on Leo. But even though they had this sibling rivalry, both of them couldn't hide the fact that they really cared so much with each other. Maybe they were just destined to have each other's compliments. And fight over those.

Mikey was on the other side, leaning on a wall and was playing with his nunchuck. This keeps getting boring all the time. I'm still waiting for the moon to smile at me. "What if we split up?" Mikey's voice broke the silence.

When everyone heard this, they all stared at Mikey as they all raised a brow. "I agree with Mikey." April said.

Raph stood up and went towards hos orange clad brother. "You've agreed with the opinion of a dork, like Mikey? Wow. A great achievement, numbskull. I thought you don't want to go alone." He pointed him using his right hand, as he crossed his arms around his plastron.

"Thanks!" Mikey released his signature smile. Raph raised a brow then smacked Mikey at the back of his shell.

"Aw!" Mikey pouted as he glared at Raph.

"You did not get what I mean?!"

"I get it so I said thanks!" The youngest turtle protested, rubbing his back. Raphael just rolled his eyes in annoyance and scoffed.

"Alright, let's spit up. Call in the T-Phone if anyone needs help." Donnie said as everyone started to walk.

I got an idea! "Let's use the T-Spy!" (A/N: You can read my story, "The Worst Nightmare" for the details about the T-Spy :)) Mikey snapped and suggested something to the team.

The purple banded turtle heard this. "It's not yet ready. I need to fix some of its parts." Donnie said and he continued to walk as he launched a back flip to cross the other building.

"Great idea, Mikey." April gave Mikey a smile to make him appreciated about his idea. She also continued to walk.

Mikey also replied with a smile. When Raph passed near him, he stuck his tongue out, taunting his brother.

The forest green turtle saw this. Raph then hit his brother's back. "Aw!" Raphael just rolled his eyes then the team split up.

A/N: Ohhh! What do you think happened to Leo? And also Karai? Read and read to find out!

What do you think of the story? Please review! I am totally shaking my shell to write the 2nd chapter.

Thank you again! *Hugging you very tight*

"I don't think you are!" –Leo

"Oh really? How do you think this is?!" -Karai