"Go, Go, Go!" one of the doctors shouted as he pushed open a door as he and wheeled in a stretcher fast with a young woman laying in it.

"What do we have here?" asked another doctor.

"Car crash victim!" said one of the attendees, "Her side of the car was hit really bad. She's loosing a lot of blood!"

"Get her prepped into surgery stat!" ordered the head doctor. Then he noticed another stretcher being wheeled in with a young man in it.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"He's the husband we think. He was in the car with her but he wasn't hurt as bad as she was. He seems to be more in shock than anything," said one of the doctors attending to the man.

"Get him into a room," ordered the head doctor following. He shown a light in the man's eyes to try and get his attention. The man didn't seem to notice at first.

"Sir," said the doctor seeming to suddenly getting the man's attention, "Can you tell me your name?"

"Tokiya," he managed to say softly, "Tokiya Ichinose."

"Tokiya Ichinose?" said a nurse, "the famous idol?" The man turned and looked at the doctor.

"Where's my wife?" he asked, "What happened to her?"

"Your wife, she was in the car with you right?" asked the docotor.

"I bet he's talking about Haruka Ichinose. She's the composer for STARISH, his group," said the nurse.

"Where is she?" Tokiya asked.

"Sir calm down now she's fine," said the doctor. He turned and whispered to the nurse.

"No sense in getting him agitated at the moment if we can help it. Do we have an updates on his wife in surgery?"

"Not yet," said nurse.

"Let me know the minute we have any updates on her and her progress," said the doctor. He turned his attention back to Tokiya still in bed, "Sir is there anyone we can contact, friends or family?" Tokiya looked like he was seriously thinking about what he should contact.

"I have some friends I should contact, and my children," he said at last.

"Children?" asked the doctor, "Do you know where your children are at the moment?"

"They were with a friend of mine. He likes cute things so he's often wanting to spend time with them," said Tokiya.

"I wonder if he's talking about one of those other members of STARISH," said the nurse.

"Can we use your cellphone or something sir to try to contact your friends?" asked the doctor.

"Yeah, there," said Tokiya pulling out his phone, "But what about my wife? Where is she? Was she okay?"

"I don't know yet sir but I'm sure she's fine," said the doctor, "We'll let you know the minute we have an update on her condition."

"But where is she?" asked Tokiya.

"Just relax sir," said the doctor, "She's in good hands at the moment. She's being taken care of."

"I need to know where she is!" Tokiya demanded.

"Sir okay calm down," said the doctor. He turned to look at the nurse, "Go find out where is there's any update on the wife." The nurse nodded and headed out as fast as she could towards the OR. However the minute she got there, she saw a surgeon coming out looking upset as he tore off his mask.

"Doctor do you know who's responsible for the surgery of Haruka Ichinose?" she asked, "Her husband's really anxious to hear about her."

"Haruka Ichinose, was she the car crash victim with the red hair?" asked the surgeon.

"Yes that was her," said the nurse.

"Oh dear," said the doctor, "I have some bad news for the husband."

"Okay sir don't you worry. We've contact your friends and they're all on their way. They also wanted to let you know your children are okay as well."

"Right my children," said Tokiya, "what about my wife? What about Haruka?"

"The nurse is checking on her condition right now as we speak," said the doctor, "But I'm sure she's alright."

"Excuse me Doctor?" said the nurse coming back into the room. She looked upset, "Can I talk to you outside for a moment?"

"Uh yes excuse me," said the doctor as he walked out with her. Tokiya watched the door intensely waiting for the doctor to come back in and tell him about Haruka. She had to be alright, she just had to be. She was the love of his life. She kept him in perspective when it came to music and life in general. They were married. It hadn't been easy to get Shining's approval to get married. Not to mention the other six hadn't been all too happy with the notion of him marrying the one girl they had loved. However they managed to make work and gotten married. Not too long after that the two of them had three small children Their oldest, their son Kazushige or Kazu for short. He was stubborn like him but also really determined like his mother. Then there was their older daughter Rui. She was actually born sickly much like her mother and was often plagued with having to go to doctor visits. However she somehow managed to keep her spirits up. She was a fighter much like her mother. Then last was their youngest daughter who was barely two years old, Shinako. She already had a love for music and was often playing with the different toy instruments she had. For some reason she had hair like her mother's and his eyes while the older two inherited his hair but with their mother's eyes. He wondered if they were really okay right now and they weren't too scared with the idea of their parents being in the hospital. Of course if someone would just tell him what was going on with his wife right now he'd feel better too. He was getting impatient with the doctor not telling him anything on her condition.

He struggled with the notion of the idea that he should possibly getting out of bed and going to find the doctor and demand to know about Haruka's condition. However before he could move the door opened and the doctor walked in.

"Hi how are we feeling?" he asked.

"Did you learn anything about my wife?" asked Tokiya.

"Well yes," said the doctor.

"Well is she alright?" asked Tokiya.

"Well now don't get excited Mr. Ichinose," said the doctor moving over to the bed.

"Just tell me what you know!" said Tokiya.

"Mr. Ichinose please calm down and I'll tell you," said the doctor. It sounded like he was trying hard to avoid giving him a straight answer. He was having enough of this. He grabbed the doctor by his shirt and pulled him close.

"Just tell m what you know!" he finally demanded.

"Sir, I'm sorry but your wife is dead," said the doctor. At that Tokiya finally let go of the doctor as look of utter shock and disbelief came over his face.

"What?" he said.

"She's dead," said the doctor, "I'm sorry I really am. The surgeons did all they could...,"

"She's really dead?" Tokiya asked again.

"Yes," said the doctor.

"No," said Tokiya.

"Mr. Ichinose, there's something else I need to discuss with you," said the doctor, "It turns out your wife is a match for another patient who really needs a heart transplant and..,"

"I don't care," said Tokiya.

"I'm sorry?" said the doctor.

"I said I don't care. It doesn't matter," said Tokiya looking away from the doctor, "Do what you want to do."

"So we have your permission to use your wife's heart for another patient?" asked the doctor.

"If it gets you out of here then yes, you have my permission to do that what you want," said Tokiya.

"Alright, I'll just leave you be then," said the doctor slowly backing away.

Elsewhere in the hospital, a family all sat around their loved one waiting to hear news.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" asked the older sister as she paced around the room.

"Honey getting impatient won't help, calm down," said the mother.

"I'm sorry but I can't help but it! I hate sitting here in suspense," said the sister.

"Then why don't you go home? Spend some time with your husband and children?" suggested the father.

"Oh they're fine," said the sister, "I don't want to leave until I know we have a heart."

"Is it really worth it?"asked the patient in the bed, "I mean I only get a heart if someone dies. Why should they die so I should live? Am I worth it? Maybe I should just let go.'

"Don't talk like that!" said her father.

"Yeah you are so worth it!" insisted her sister.

"I'm sure the family would be happy knowing they could help save a life by giving you their loved one's heart even if it hurts," said her mother, "We would."

Just then a nurse walked in.

"I have good news!" she said, "We have a donor!"

"You do?!" said the father.

"Yes," said the nurse.

"Oh my god, that's great," said the sister.

"Yeah we need to get your daughter prepped for surgery," said the nurse.

"Of course," said the mother, "Don't worry dear it'll be fine."

"Yeah," said the patient, "I hope the other family's doing okay."

Tokiya sat in his room, still trying to take in the news he just received. Haruka was really dead? She can't be, she just couldn't. She couldn't leave his children, their friends or even him. She couldn't leave him.

'Haruka,' he thought looking up to the ceiling and stretching his arm up, 'Please don't leave me!'