A/N: Hey! I wanted to do something a little different and this is something new for me XD. So let's see how this story will go, and I hope you enjoy it!

Dedication: This entire story is dedicated to the lovely, Nadheen! I was inspired to write this story, thanks to that amazing author! The idea is completely their's, however I'm adding my own plot and twists. So thanks for the idea, and I hope you enjoy!

Warning: There is homophobia in this story—Just being realistic.

AND THERE WILL BE YAOI! (Boy x Boy lovin'). Don't like don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. We all know this.

Title: Defying Faith

Rating: M

Summary: After his parents died in a fatal car accident, Naruto went into the legal custody of his grandparents, who strongly believed in faith. So he grew up as religious as they get; until the anniversary of his parents' death came—So he got wasted. But when did waking up, naked, next to a man become part of his itinerary?AU

~Chapter 1~



John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.



"Great sermon!"

"Pastor preached today, and I received every word!"

"I know right! He's one blessed man!" Naruto glanced over his shoulder nonchalantly, as the church doors opened, and the congregation spilled into the parking lot. He examined each individual intently, until he felt that his inspection was no longer needed. Slowly turning back around, he rested his azure eyes lazily on the gravel sidewalk, as he kicked a couple rocks nonchalantly. His hands resting firmly in his black pants' pockets. Clad in a black tux with an emerald tie, the blonde was dashingly handsome. His blonde hair and light blue eyes corresponded with his tie, and it drove the young ladies in the church wild. Shoulders squared, and back slightly hunched. He'd grown up his entire life attending the same church, with the same people—who may or may not remember his name. You know how the elderly are so forgetful.

Scuffing his leather shoes on the gravel, Naruto's lazy gaze fell on his grandmother, Tsunade as she strolled towards him. Clad in a cream ruffle dress, with a large cream hat, golden 3 inch heels, and a golden cheetah print shawl to match. Decorating the sombrero-like-hat, sat a white rose, with great pedals. Tsunade sashayed over to her grandson, who rolled his eyes before sending her a crocked smile. "There you are, Brat. I've been looking for you, since you left for the restroom." She teased, slapping the young man on his shoulder, which made him stumble forward a bit. He and Tsunade had a very bizarre relationship, that only they could manage to work. They insulted each other on a daily bases—she'd threaten his life, and he'd threaten to call the cops—but it was all in good fun. Anyone else would think that they were psycho, however they didn't even know the half of the woman's deranged behavior.

Rubbing his sore shoulder, Naruto shot the woman a side glare, which she returned with a smile. "Listen, you old Hag. You hit like a man, and I already said I went to the restroom, and the ushers wouldn't let me back in because, the benediction was underway." He hissed in pain. "Imma have to get a restraining order on you, if you keep abusing me!-"

"-Tsk. I didn't hit you that hard." She retorted with a hint of annoyance tainting her words. Naruto shot her another glare, stiffening when Shizune—the church nurse— rushed over towards them.

"Ms. Tsunade! You look so gorgeous as usual." Shizune, wore a plain black dress, that held her body in a firm embrace. And her feet were firmly shoved into black scandals, that looked too small on her feet. They greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek, and a two-handed hug, instead of the usual one-handed. Naruto cringed and gagged, earning another hit from his grandmother.

"Oh hush, Naruto. You look lovely, Shizune. Have you lost weight?" Naruto's shot over to inspect the woman for himself, and it was obvious she hadn't. Shizune honestly didn't need to loose anymore weight. She was already underweight for her age, so why would she want to loose more? Said Shizune, pff'd in disbelief, fanning the question away, as if it had no meaning to her.

"Tsunade, you of all people know that I'm trying to gain weight-"

"-I just thought to give it a try-"

"Yeah, and it obviously backfired." Naruto mumbled under his breath, eliciting his grandmother to punch him once more in the arm. "Ow! You're abusive, you old Hag!" Shizune gawked at Naruto, averting her gaze languidly towards Tsunade, who mouthed off threats to the young blonde. "I will sue!"

"Sue?! Keep it up, Brat and you'll be sleeping with the fishes!" Naruto argued back, while Shizune began to turn beet red in the face from embarrassment.

"Tsu-Tsunade I...I-gotta-go-feed-my...my cat!" Shizune sputtered out, making the other two stop, and quirk up an eyebrow at her sudden outburst.

"But, Shizune, you don't have a ca—" Before the blonde-haired woman could finish her sentence, the other woman had already ran away. Tsunade frowned, then turned to glare at Naruto once more. "See what you did, Brat. You scared her off-"

"-Me?! Scared her off?! You threatened my life!" Naruto retorted. "Because, from what I remember, I wasn't the one who said- 'Keep it up, Brat and you'll be sleeping with the fishes'." He mocked. "Very Christian of you, to kill me...Isn't that one of the Ten Commandments?" He tapped his chin, while pretending to ponder on the question, he'd just asked. "Thou shall not, what?"

"Brat, you're lucky I'm trying to go to heaven."

Naruto smiled enthusiastically. "Glad to know."

"Naruto! Tsunade! It's time to go home." Jiraiya, Naruto's grandfather exclaimed to the duo, as he slowly approached him in the driver's seat of his slick, white Charger. How the old pervert was able to afford such an expensive car, still baffled Naruto—but he assumed all those old pornographic novels he use to write, before he was—"saved by the blood of Jesus" as he stated—had something to do with all the money he had saved in the bank. The two partners in crime, made their way over to the vehicle, until Kiba called after Naruto, who immediately took a side step. The brunette hit the ground face-first and groaned on the pavement. Why he felt the need to jump the blonde any chance he got, really did make Naruto doubt the man's sense. Naruto didn't have that much himself, but he wouldn't tell anyone that; it would only make everyone around him even more arrogant. After a couple of minutes of sulking on the ground, Kiba pushed himself off the pavement and brushed off the debris from his new suit. "Hey Kiba." Jiraiya greeted, turning to whisper something to Tsunade, who choked down a laugh.

"Hey, Mr. Jiraiya." Kiba answered with an embarrassed palm way, and stutter step. Turning to greet his best friend since birth, the brunette flung his arm nonchalantly around Naruto's shoulder, escorting him away from ear range, so his grandparents wouldn't be able to hear him. "Hey, Dude...I'm really sorry about your lost. You know your parents' death anniversary is tomorrow, and my mom decided that if you wanted—you could come over to eat dinner with us. I mean, I don't get off work until 6, so you'll be there with my mom." Naruto gave Kiba a slide glare, before pulling his arm from off his shoulder.

"Look..." Naruto retorted. Resting his hand in his pants pockets nonchalantly, without any hesitation or struggling on his part. Squaring his shoulders, and slightly slouching—like he normally did—Naruto stared intently at his leather shoes to distract himself from looking into Kiba's eyes. "...Thanks for looking out for me, but I'm just gonna...you know, visit their graves, sit down and talk to them like I do each year-"

"-C'mon, Naruto. It's okay to visit them, but will you please just at least come have a few drinks with me?" Azure eyes snapped opened at the newly processed information.

"Kiba, you drink?!" The brunette scoffed.

"Who doesn't?"

"Me! Dude, drinking just for the fun of it, is a sin!-"

"-Don't go all holier than thou on me. I don't need that right now. Naruto, you're 24-years-old, and you've never had a drink? Dude, sin is sin. No matter what you do, it's always there. You curse like a sailor, when you're mad—sin. You fight with your grandmother, who'd probably lay your ass out—sin. Yet, you don't wanna go to a club tomorrow night, after you visit your parents?" Naruto looked up at Kiba, who gave a half-hearted smile. "We're still young, live life, and stop throwing the bible up in everything..." Kiba grabbed both of Naruto's forearms, and shook him. "...Don't you wanna do something spontaneous with your life?" Naruto looked into his best friend's eyes, quite bewildered that he used such a big vocabulary word, before sighing in defeat.

"Fine. Tomorrow, we'll go out for drinks, but that's it." He sternly ordered, watching Kiba rest his right hand firmly against his own chest; just above his heart.

"I promise. Pick you up at 10 o'clock?" Naruto nodded, before turning to head back to his grandparent's car, while Jiraiya continuously blew the horn to show his impatience.

If Naruto didn't make it into heaven, because of Kiba—He'd kill him!