Communication Part 5: Hi-ho, Hi-ho, to America we go!

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime mentioned within the reaches of this story, but oh, do I wish I did. Okay, okay, enough of that. I can't think of who all they belong to, so everyone goes with his or her respective owner. I make no money from this.

Communication. It's all DBZ for now, but just wait until later *grin* We shall see the addition of other animes later on. This whole think is one big mess of nonsense and insanity, but I would like to hope that it's amusing! Um...and I think their just a bit OOC...well, okay, a lot OOC, but it helps the storyline along!

One more thing, please review! I don't care if you think it's the most idiotic fic you've ever read, tell me so, so then I know and can strive for better work! Review?

This story was redone to comply with's new standards, because I desperately wanted to keep it chapter at a time... ~Yami


While the Z Senshi were busily conversing, Frieza was causing havoc in America. Suddenly, a "Beep-beep-be-be-beep-beep!" was heard from the communicator on Goku's wrist.

At this moment in time, Gohan suddenly decided to wake up. "I thought we were done with Power Rangers..." he commented upon hearing the familiar tune.

Goku ignored that comment, and listened to a message from none other than Zordon! "Oh, no, guys!" he said after listening to the report. "Frieza is freaking out people in America! We've got to save him!"

Piccolo gave him an odd look. "Don't you mean save the people?" he asked.

"No, we must save Frieza," Goku replied. "Remember, hot dogs, unfortunately, exist." That earned strange looks from everyone, being that his reasoning didn't make a large amount of sense.

"Hey, I'm back!" Trunks shouted happily as he was suddenly located with the group again. "What do hot dogs have to do with anything?" he asked, stating the question that everyone else at that point was wondering about.

Goku shrugged. "I dunno..." he said.

And so they were on their way to America! Everyone stood, waiting for Goku to lead the way. When nothing happened, they all stared at Goku. "Well, Kakarotto," Vegeta asked impatiently, "What are we waiting for?"

"Um..." Goku said, scratching the back of his head, "I forget how to get to America..."

At that statement, everyone sweatdropped. "Vegeta," Piccolo said as a sudden realization hit him, "do you still have that travel map in your car?"

Vegeta thought for a moment. "Yeah...just a second..." he said as he ran off to retrieve it. Returning quickly, he yelled, "Got it!" Showing the map to Goku, he pointed out where America was. "Okay, America is right here. Kakarotto, Instant Transmission, please?" This phrase seemed to catch everyone by surprise.

"Did I hear that right?" Gohan wondered out loud.

"Wait, that's America?" Goku said, confirming the location of the continent. "Okay, got it! Let's go!" he said, finding it.

With that, Goku Instant Transmissioned to America from wherever in the world they were at that given point in time.

Arriving in a city with a whole lot of people, the first thing they noticed was Frieza's current state. He was being chased by a huge crowd, including screaming girls, men with clubs, and a few donkeys.

"Help me!!!" Frieza shouted in immense fear.

"See?" Goku said matter-of-factly. "I told you Frieza would be the one to need our help.

"Wow, look at all the people chasing him," Piccolo commented, amazed at the huge crowd.

In the meantime, different shouts could be heard from the crowd. Such phrases as "Frieza!" and "She'll be comin' around the mountain when she comes!" were two seemingly popular ones.

"I'll be good, I promise!" Frieza screamed.

Vegeta smirked. "Where would the fun be in that?" he asked, amused.

"Anywhere but HERE!!!" the frightened villain yelled.

Piccolo watched as Frieza continued to run away from the masses. "Well, what's the verdict, guys?" he asked.

"I think it's dinnertime!" Goku said happily.

Piccolo sweatdropped. "Um...Goku, I meant about Frieza..." he said, giving Goku an extremely strange look.

"Me too," Goku said in all seriousness. "Let's eat him!"

"" Trunks stated. His reply seemed to apply to the rest of the Z Senshi as well...or rather, most of them.

"Kakarotto, you can't just going around eating every villain you see. Save a few for those special occasions," Vegeta commented, seemingly a master of the subject. "This is one," Goku semi-whined. "I've never been to America!"

That remark got Gohan to thinking. "You know," he said, "now that you mention it, none of us have..."

That comment made, they all stared around in wonder.

--- They're in America now?! Oy, what next? ^_~ We'll see... ~Yami