Hi everyone! I plan on this being the best story I've written so far, which won't be too hard ;). Anyways, this story will be taking place after the LAST OLYMPIAN. The events will take place twenty years in the future.

Main Chorian Headquarters:

Location - Alpha Centauri

"Lord Chaos," The Commanders bowed. "It is an honor."

Chaos was a commanding figure, a very tall being with eyes of pure energy and dressed in full battle attire, made from the core of a dying star. He looked at the ten commanders who stood before him, each standing before their position at the Table of Vynix.

"You are all probably wondering why I have called you all here on such short notice," Chaos paused, looking for any reaction in his commanders. To his satisfaction, there were no looks of curiosity on their faces, only steadiness. "I have just received credible intel that Nyx is planning a major assault on some of our forward bases."

Zoe Nightshade, Commander 7, opened her mouth.

"Permission to speak, Lord Chaos." She asked.

"None of you need permission to speak. You are commanders." Chaos replied briefly. "Go on."

"Did we not defeat Nyx and her forces only two weeks ago?" She asked. "It seems unlikely that she would attack us again, being so weak."

"You're right. We did indeed defeat her forces two weeks ago." Chaos replied. "However, it seems that they were only a small part of a very large army." He sighed.

"Do we know the extent of their power as of now, or what we should expect?" Commander 2, Aethen asked. He was from the planet Vumia, a planet several million light years away from Earth, with no solid ground on it at all.

For a few moments, Chaos did not answer.

"Nyx has hid her power very well. Be prepared for the worst." He said. "We have four forward stations close to their territory. I want the first eight Commanders to divide up into pairs. Each pair will be assigned to one of the forward bases. Your troops have already been briefed. As soon as you receive your assignment, leave immediately."

"Yes, Lord Chaos." The First Eight commanders shuffled out of the room, leaving Commander 9, Avtani from Raleksi, and Commander 10, Ethan Nakamura.

"What about us, Lord Chaos?" Ethan asked. Lord Chaos rubbed his temples, thinking.

"I'm worried Nyx might commit everything she has to this assault. Be ready for emergency support calls from the forward stations." Ethan and Avtani both bowed as Chaos left the Command Room.

Outside Chorian HQ Station:

One Hour Later

Percy felt a power decrease within Chorian Headquarters as he sensed eight missing auras. He was standing right above the control room, out in space. Behind him, half a dozen elite Kadashi assassins were waiting patiently for his command.

"When I give the order, shadowmist into their Control Room." Percy ordered. The assassins nodded, and began preparing their energy and weapons.

As Percy looked down at the Control room, he caught a glimpse of himself, another reminder of how much he had changed. The main physical features that had changed were his eyes. No longer the sea green eyes he had inherited from his father, they were now a swirling mixture of black and purple.

After a few minutes of waiting, Percy raised his left fist, wrapped within a black gauntlet.

"Let's go."

The seven figures disappeared into black dust outside the Headquarters, quickly being dispersed, while the seven figures appeared inside, vague dark mists slowly fading away from their bodies.

"Vytan, I want you to access all of their documents here and upload it to the Secure Vault. You, stay with him." Percy gestured to one of the assassins. "The rest of you, come with me. Out target is Chaos."

Chorian Operations Control:

Located within Main Chorian HQ

Avtani watched the holographic map as Nyx began her assault on one of the forward bases.

"Is she attacking the other bases the same way?" Ethan asked one of the tactical supervisors.

"Bringing up all four bases on Main Holographic Screen." He replied. A few seconds later, the images of the four bases appeared. It seemed that three of the bases were under heavy fire, but the other one had been left alone.

Suddenly, there was a red light glowing in the room as the alarm sounded.

"Someone's trying to get to the Control room." Ethan said to Avtani, and he cursed.

"I'll deal with it. Try to get in contact with the bases. See if they need any help."

Ethan nodded, and turned to the men and women working furiously inside Operations.

"Get me contact with the bases!"

A few moments later, one of the supervisors shouted, "Message from Forward Base 3!"

"Put it on!" Ethan replied.

On the main screen, Zoe's face appeared, and she seemed very tired.

"There were no outside forces that attacked us like they did with the other three bases." She rambled out. "There were moles in the base, at least a hundred. Then a group of Kadashi assassins came."

"Whoa, whoa, Zoe, slow down." Ethan said. "What is your status?"

"Commander 8 is dead. The assassins singled her out, but she held them off for a long time." There seemed to be sadness in her words, grief as well. "There are still skirmishes going around in the base. It's going to be destroyed. We need reinforcements!"

"I'll do my best, Zoe." Ethan said. "I'll get you as many fighters as I can."

Not too far away, Avtani drew his blade, followed by four soldiers. As they approached the Control Room, a figure in black appeared out of the air and cut down one of the men.

"Kadashi!" Avtani shouted, engaging the assassin. Two more assassins appeared, and the soldiers quickly engaged them in combat.

Avtani's blade clanged with the assassin's, and he blasted him away with a Chaos field.

He raised his blade instinctively, managing to stop a blade from decapitating him. Ethan, I need help! He sent the mental message to Ethan, hoping desperately that he would receive it in time. The two remaining assassins cut down the soldiers accompanying Avtani and looked at him.

"You are a commander, yes?" One of them asked.

"Is it important?" Avtani replied.

"For you, yes it is." The same assassin replied. "Oh, what a sight it will be when you see your master, dead."

Avtani's eyes widened as he realized that they weren't here just for documents, but to kill Chaos as well.

Ethan, protect Chaos! He sent another message, before charging the Kadashi assassins. One of them quickly lunged forward, while the other one circled around him.

Summoning the powers Chaos gave him, Avtani sidestepped the first assassin's deadly lunge, then let a wave of star energy burst out through his eyes into the Kadashi assassin, decimating them instantly. The other assassin quickly shadowmisted away, and Avtani began running towards Chaos' Quarters.

As he ran by, he saw a group of soldiers falling victim to a Kadashi assassin attack, being cut down with terrifying ease. He wanted to help, but he knew his primary objective.

As he turned around the corner to reach Chaos' Quarters, he saw three bodyguards lying dead and Ethan lying against the wall, a spear impaled into his stomach.

"Ethan!" Avtani exclaimed, moving towards him.

"No!" Ethan rasped out. "Chaos... Assassins."

Avtani understood, summoning a protective aura around him as he rushed into Chaos' rooms. He saw Chaos locked in a fierce battle with man dressed in black. Without thinking twice, he rushed towards the mysterious man, hoping to catch him off guard.

The man seemed to be even more adept than the Kadashi assassins. Avtani could sense that he had predicted Avtani's move.

In a graceful move, the figure deflected Chaos' power blast with one hand and caught Avtani's blade in the other. Avtani's eyes widened.

"It can't be." He said softly. "Who are you?"

All three combatants stepped back for a moment, each gaining a moment of respite.

"He is the Champion of Nyx." Chaos said calmly. He then spoke to the figure. "You don't need to do this. We both know that this can only end in tragedy."

"My life has always been a tragedy." The man replied. "I will serve Nyx until my heart stops. I owe her everything. So if she tells me that I need to kill you, I will kill you."

"What is your name, you insolent fool?" Avtani demanded. "How dare you threaten Lord Chaos!"

"His name is Percy. Percy Jackson." Chaos answered for the man.

Haha, I only had an hour to write, so this is all I did! I hope you guys enjoyed it, review please! I'll try to update as soon as I can :)