Hello! This story kind of popped into my head and had been bothering me all morning so I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't know if I'll stick with it yet. I'm going to give it a trial run. Oh and To Heal a Broken Heart and Her Bodyguard should be updated sometime this week. I know I know it's been a while but I'm back now. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

4 Years Ago…

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Big Jerry roared at the two teenagers who flinched at his booming voice and took a step a back.

His face was a deep color of red and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. There was no word to describe how Big Jerry felt and to say he was furious would be too vague.

"Jerry calm down and let's hear them out." Susan Grant said in a soft and relaxed tone while gently grabbing his left arm.

Big Jerry turned and glared at her.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down and hear them out? What's there left to hear out Sue? They just told us they are expecting and that they are keeping it. How can you be so calm right now?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"Jerry just listen to what they have to say before jumping to any conclusions and acting irrationally please." She said still in the same relaxed tone, but her eyes were giving him a pleading look.

Big Jerry sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fine speak." He spat gesturing for one of them to talk.

Fitz and Olivia looked at each other before Fitz cleared his throat and began speaking.

"As you guys already know Liv is pregnant and we're keeping it. We already came up with a plan…" Fitz paused and took a deep breath before continuing. He knew the next words that were about to come out of his mouth would have his dad going ballistic.

"We decided that I'm not going to go to college right away. I'm-"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!" Big Jerry bellowed not even allowing Fitz to finish what he was going to say.

"I did not invest all my time and money in you for you to not go to college. You practically have every division 1 college trying to bust down our door, wanting you to commit to their school. You have a full ride to any college you want, a deal that is guaranteed to get you in the pros and instead you are going to pass up the greatest opportunity of your life to take care of this little whore and her bastard child. How do you know it's even yours? You know girls her kind are always getting knocked up and claiming that guys like you are the father. Or she probably got pregnant on purpose to trap you. Whichever one it is, it doesn't matter because I refuse to have you destroy your future for that girl." Big Jerry looked at both at Olivia in disgust.

"JERRY!" Susan yelled in disbelief that he would talk about Olivia like that in front of her face.

It wasn't the first time he spoke unkindly about Olivia and often expressed his disliking of her. On more than one occasion he and Fitz got into heated arguments about his relationship with Olivia. Fitz never did understand why his father hated Olivia so much. She was kind, respectful, sweet, encouraging, supportive, and an all-around beautiful person.

His mother was the complete opposite of his father. She was always warm and welcoming to Olivia. They spent a lot of time together and even sat next to one another at Fitz' football games. She had grown to love Olivia like she was her own daughter, especially since Olivia and Fitz had been dating for three years.

Fitz was seething with anger. It was now his turn to be a deep shade of red and his eyes were filled with flames. He was seeing red. He walked forward until he was standing right in front of his father. Fitz had to clench and unclench his fists to refrain from punching Big Jerry in the face. Fitz didn't care if Big Jerry insulted him, but when it came to Olivia he would be damned if he let anyone including his father talk ill of her in front of his face.

Fitz spoke slowly. His voice was cold and venom like.

"First of all you will NOT disrespect Olivia and our unborn child. The baby IS mine and I WILL be there for him or her. You will NOT blame Liv for getting pregnant because she is not the only one at fault here. Yes we obviously slept together but I chose not to wear a condom and I chose not to pull out. I AM the father of our baby and I know that for a fact. As for college if you would have let me finished then maybe you would have heard the rest of the plan. I will go to college eventually but not right away. I'm going to get a job and save the money that I earned for the baby and stuff that will be needed to take care of the baby. Then I will get us a place of our own. Once we're settled in and stable financially I will take online college courses and get my law degree that way."

"Law degree? That's what you want to be a lawyer? So let me get this right you are going to throw your once and a lifetime chance to play in the NFL to become a lawyer? Are you crazy or stupid?"

"Neither. I'm being responsible. I'm being a man. I'm going to be father, which means my dreams and aspirations are going to have to be put on hold because Liv and I chose to have unprotected sex and as a result we're having a baby."

Big Jerry laughed and shook his head. "I'm going to go with stupid. In fact I like idiot better. Yeah that's it, you're an idiot."

"And you're a worthless son of a bitch who lives his life through his only son. It's not my fault your chance of going to NFL was taken away when you chose to drive while under the influence and got into an accident which ended in you having a concussion, a few broken ribs, a broken leg, and a broken arm. You made a decision that changed your life forever and so did I. Do not stand there and act as if you're all high and mighty because you were once in my shoes. At least I didn't embarrass myself and my football career will remain squeaky clean." Fitz fired back.

He was not going to stand there and let Big Jerry call him names when he made a mistake many years ago ending his football career and having everyone look down on him.

Big Jerry's facial expression changed from amused to serious and stone cold within seconds.

"Listen boy don't you ever talk to me like that again do you understand me? You may think you're a man because you whipped out that tail between your legs and shoved it in your little whorish girlfriend who can't keep her legs closed but I am still your father and you will respect me."

Fitz scoffed, "You… you think you're my father? No you're my sperm donor. Just because I have your name, DNA, and blood running through my veins doesn't make you my father. You have never been a father to me and you never even made an attempt to act like one. You use me for your own personal goals by controlling me. You're the puppet master and I'm the puppeteer instead of your son right?"

"That's right. You should be thanking me. If it weren't for me you would be walking around in a dress and heels. You use to cry over the littlest things like when you got your feelings hurt. I had to teach you to man up but apparently all that hard work still hasn't pay off."

Big Jerry added in that last part as a kick in the stomach to Fitz as he looked into his tear filled eyes.

"Look at you… once a pussy always a pussy. And what's worse is that not only are you a pussy but you're also pussy whipped. When she says move, you move. When she says crawl, you crawl. When she says jump, you ask how high. You are weak pathetic loser that will never amount to anything. You are nothing and will always mean nothing. Your little sister has more balls than you. The only manly thing you have ever done in your entire existence was knock that girl up."

Fitz lowered his head and nodded accepting everything Big Jerry had said to him. He brought his head back up and resumed looking Big Jerry square in the eyes.

"I don't care what you think of me. I'm so immune to this treatment by you that I just started accepting it and taking all your words with a grain of salt. Ok so what I'm a sensitive guy big deal. I have feelings and I care about things beyond words. I love things with all the passion and fire that burns within me. You can call me a pussy for that but I'll always be a bigger and better man than you because I'm not afraid to admit any of that. I like who I am, hell I love who I am and I'm proud of who I am. I don't want to be you or anything like you because you're a selfish miserable bastard and I don't want to be anything close to that. Olivia and I are having this baby and we will go through with our plan. The plan that we BOTH came up with TOGETHER."

"Then I will disown you. You want to have your bastard child with your whore fine but you will no longer be a part of this family. You will never be welcomed here again if you leave here tonight with her."

"Jerry." Susan gasped.

"Shut up Sue. He thinks he's a man then he will be treated like one. I'm giving you one chance, one offer and that's it. You can break up with that girl right now and I'll pay for her to have an abortion or she can keep the baby as long as you're nowhere near it. Or you can pack up your shit and leave with that girl. You will be disowned. Everything that you leave behind will be destroyed and burned. You will be cut out of pictures. It will be as if you never even existed. It's your choice, you decide." Big Jerry challenged.

He had a smug look on his face because he knew his son and he knew that he would be too much of a wimp to give up everything his family, his future, his life as he knows it for some girl. After a while Big Jerry became a little nervous when Fitz stared at him with a blank expression on his face. The room was completely silent except for the sound of light breathing coming from everyone in the room. Fitz finally peeled his eyes away from Big Jerry and turned around to face Olivia.

He walked over to her and brought a hand to her face cupping her cheek. He smiled softly at her as he gently stroked her cheek. Olivia smiled back at him. He leaned down and softly kissed her lips. The kiss was light and brief. Fitz then engulfed her in a warm hug and whispered in her ear that he loved her. He reluctantly pulled away from her and turned around. He walked passed Big Jerry who had a confused look on his face and exited the room.

He walked up the stairs and went to his bedroom. Olivia's eyes immediately filled up with tears that wasted no time running down her cheeks as she watched the love of her life, the father of her baby cower away and leave her on her own. Olivia looked at Big Jerry who had a victorious smile on his face. She didn't even bother to hide the fact that she was crying and her heart broke with each passing minute.

"Well honey Fitzgerald made his decision. If you want an abortion you let me know and I will pay for it. Other than that there is no reason for you to be associated with my family. In fact I don't want you to contact anyone in my family especially my son. You will stay away from him. Now it's pretty late you should be get going home." Big Jerry said in his faux sweetest voice.


"What Sue? It's late and I'm sure her mother is worried about her. Besides I think its best she leaves now anyway."

Olivia ignored Big Jerry and stared at the stairs wishing Fitz would come down them. After about a minute of staring at the empty staircase and still no sign of Fitz, Olivia collected her sweater and purse from a nearby a couch and walked to the front door. She was about to walk out the door when she heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. She turned and looked up to see Fitz coming into view with two full packed suitcases in his hands.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Big Jerry asked. His voice was mixed with shock and anger.

Fitz ignored and walked passed him. He walked to where his mother was standing and hugged her with everything he had. When they pulled apart he gave her a hug and wiped the tears that were streaming down her face with the pads of his thumbs. It broke his heart to see his mother like that especially since he was the reason behind it.

He gave her a weak smile, "I love you mom."

"Fitz please don't go, don't do this I love you so much." She sobbed as she pulled him into another hug.

Fitz wrapped her up in a bear hug and held her until her sobbing became whimpers. He pulled back a little to look in her eyes.

"I have to go. I have to do what's right for Liv and the baby. Just know that I love you and I will always love you no matter what."

Fitz gently removed his mother's arms from around his waist and bent down to pick up his suitcases. He walked over to Olivia and gave her a reassuring smile. They were about to walk out the door when Big Jerry's icy voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Remember if you walk out that door don't bother coming back. You will no longer be a part of this family and are forbidden to talk to any of us. Also if I ever see you anywhere near this house I will shoot you myself and I always shoot to kill."

"Well I guess this means you won't have a son anymore because I'm leaving with Olivia and our baby she's carrying." Fitz stated matter-of-factly.

Fitz opened the front door and held it open for Olivia allowing her to walk through it first.

"Jerry please don't do this. Don't let him leave. Go after him and apologize just don't let my baby boy leave." Susan sobbed and pleaded. She was on both of her knees in front of him holding onto his leg.

He kicked her off of him. "Have some damn dignity woman. Get your ass up off the floor now." He demanded. "The boy made a choice. He chose to leave with his whore and ruin his life. I will not be a part of his failed future and neither will you." He said walking away from his wife who remained in the same spot she had been sobbing for loss of her son.

Olivia and Fitz were halfway down the driveway, but stopped when they heard a voice calling Fitz' name. They turned around and was greeted by Fitz' 11 year old sister.

"Kayla what's wrong and what are you still doing up? Why are you out here? I already said goodbye to you." Fitz said gently as he squatted down so they were eye level with each other.

"I know but I wanted to give you something special so you will always remember me." She responded sweetly.

"Oh yeah? Can I tell you something?" Kayla nodded her head yes.

"You are my something special kiddo."

He tapped the tip of her nose which always caused her to laugh. Fitz loved seeing his little sister smile and listening to her laugh. Kayla meant everything to Fitz and vice versa. It was killing him inside to leave her behind, but he had to be strong for her and to do right by Olivia and their unborn child.

When she stopped laughing, Kayla told Fitz to close his eyes and open his hand. He did what she asked and she carefully placed the object in his hand and pushed his hand into a fist. Kayla then told Fitz to open his eyes and his hand. He looked down to see a heart shaped necklace locket in his hand. Fitz opened the locket and found a picture of Kayla in it.

"Awe Kay this is beautiful. Thank you so much."

Fitz pulled her into a hug and held on for dear life. He didn't want to let go, but knew that it was getting late and he did not want her getting in trouble by Big Jerry, so Fitz reluctantly let go and stood up.

"Don't lose that Fitz please. Pinky promise you'll keep that forever." Kayla held up her pinky finger causing Fitz and Olivia to chuckle.

Fitz grabbed her pinky finger with his much larger one. "I promise I'll keep it forever. I'll always cherish it."

Kayla smiled and nodded. She gave Fitz another hug and Olivia a hug before she sprinted up the driveway and entered the house. Fitz watched until Kayla was safely inside and let his eyes take in the only home he had ever known one last time. The sound of Olivia's voice pulled him out of his daze and he turned his attention to her.

"I'm sorry what did you say Livvie?"

"I asked if you were alright." She said softly.

Olivia felt bad and guilty for everything. She felt as if the whole situation was her fault.

"Honestly I don't know. There are some many emotions going through me right now that I- I just don't know how answer that at this very moment."

"Fitz go back in there. I feel absolutely terrible for what happened tonight. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry Fitz you need to go talk to your dad. Actually I'll do it instead. Maybe I could change his mind or at least fix some of our problems. I can't allow you to walk away from your family."

Olivia continued rambling as she walked up the driveway and away from a confused Fitz. Once Fitz let her words sink in, he ran to catch up with her. He stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders stopping her movements.

"Whoa Livvie stop right there. None of what's going on right now is your fault. If there's anyone to blame in all this mess it's Big Jerry. He is the one who is acting like a complete asshole. He never did approve of our relationship and this was bound to happen anyway. What's done is done and it's too late to take any of it back."

Olivia shook her head. "No Big Jerry was right. Fitz you worked too hard to just give everything up. It's not fair that you have to sacrifice everything for me. Maybe having this baby isn't such a good idea. Maybe we should forget about our plan and let things go back to normal."

Fitz was starting to get angry. He hated that Olivia was second guessing their plan and was actually considering getting rid of their baby.

"Liv I love you, I'm in love with, you're the love of my life, and I love our baby so terminating it is not an option." He said sternly. "Playing football isn't everything. There's more to life than playing football. I don't care about possibly going pro and I'm not guaranteed to play in the NFL. I don't care about the things that come with being a pro athlete because none of the fame and fortune will ever come close to love I have for you. Liv I love you so much that it hurts and I'm willing to go through hell and high water to be with you. I choose you. I choose us. I love you." Fitz' voice cracked as he professed his love for her.

Olivia wrapped her arms around Fitz' neck and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss him on the lips.

"Fitz I love you too so very much and I'm sorry for bringing up the idea of getting rid of our baby. It's just I hate the fact that you're giving it all up for me and I have nothing to give you in return." Olivia lowered her head in shame.

Fitz gently grabbed her chin and raised her head so they were looking in each other's eyes.

"Hey hey don't do that, don't hide from me Livvie. We're all each other have now. What you just said isn't true. I'm not giving much up except for my family; the other stuff doesn't mean shit to me. And you are giving me something. You're giving me your love, your heart, and in nine months the greatest gift I could ever ask for… our baby. So don't think you're not doing anything for me because you are."

Fitz bent his head down and placed another kiss on Olivia's lips while resting a hand on her stomach. Olivia was the first to break the kiss and her body stiffened as panic began to fill it when another thought came in mind. Fitz immediately felt her stiffen up in his arms and he asked her what was wrong. She didn't answer instead she stepped out of his embrace and turned her back to him.

"Livvie please tell me what's wrong." Fitz softly pleaded.

"Fitz I ca- what if you end up blaming me years from now." She turned around finally having enough courage to look him in the eye. "What if we broke up or things weren't going good between us and you end up blaming me for your missed opportunity. I couldn't live with myself if you were to live in a life full of regret and end up blaming me for it. That's how Big Jerry is living and I don't want you to end up like him. I don't want you to say should've, could've and would've but didn't because of me."

"Livvie come here." She walked back to where Fitz was standing and allowed him to hold her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head. "Listen to me no matter what happens, I mean no matter what I will never blame you because I chose to be with you. I could have taken the easy way out and be a coward, but I'm choosing to be a man and take on full responsibility of my duties. I will not regret my decision because I'm doing the right thing. The same thing my heart told me to do."

"Fitz promise you'll never blame me." Olivia said looking up at him with desperate look on her face. She needed to hear him say the words out loud.

Fitz looked down at her and smiled. "I promise."

Olivia nodded and snuggled her head back into his chest. After a while they pulled apart and walked hand in hand back down the driveway. Fitz bent down and picked up his two suitcases. Even though Fitz had a car, he refused to take it with them. He knew that Big Jerry would probably have it repossessed and he honestly didn't want the car that his dick of a father gave to him, so he and Olivia opted to walk to their next destination.

Once Fitz found a comfortable way to hold both his suitcases on one side, he wrapped his free arm around Olivia's shoulders and they began walking into the cool night.

"Fitz where are we going to go?" Olivia asked after about 5 minutes had passed.

"Honestly I don't know Livvie but what I do know is that wherever we go, we'll always have each other and we'll always be together."

Author's Note: So what'd ya think? Let me know if I should continue or not. I hope you enjoyed!