Last chapter. Enjoy :)

Some time later...

Bruce and Diana were dancing together at Clark and Lois's wedding reception. It was a fun affair, absolutely no press allowed, only a wedding photographer. Bruce and Diana were happy to see their best friend finally married to the love of his life. All the members of the League who knew Superman's secret identity were there, trying to keep a low profile. Wally was there, chatting with Jimmy and showing off his girlfriend, Linda. J'onn was there in disguise with his wife, happily dancing and chatting with Clark's parents.

The newly married Oliver and Dinah Queen were there, dancing and having a great time. Now, that wedding had been a huge event. Since their identities weren't so secret, pretty much every member of the League had been there, in costume, as well as family and friends. A few villains had tried to take advantage of the wedding, but they were easily defeated by the horde of super powered wedding guests before they even got through the door. Not the brightest idea.

Dick and Barbara were dancing together, while Tim was enjoying all the food. John and Shayera were there, Shayera's wings hidden with a cloaking device Bruce whipped up, though she had to be careful not to run into anyone with her wings.

John and Shayera had recently gotten back together with surprisingly little drama. Vixen had been upset for awhile of course, but she had taken it fairly well and was dating Mr. Terrific now. Even Huntress and the Question were there in their civilian identities. Clark had never told them who he was, but he invited them anyway, assuming the Question had figured it out awhile ago. And who knew with Helena. Better to assume she knew than risk making her mad if she wasn't invited.

Bruce knew Clark wished his friends in the League who didn't know his identity could come to his wedding, but, as Bruce and Diana gently reminded him, that was just one of the drawbacks of Lois marrying Clark instead of Superman.

Bruce watched Lois and Clark as they stepped onto the stage for their first dance. He smiled, noticing that Clark was levitating them slightly, so they were dancing on air. Lois had been so angry with Clark when she learned who he was. She was angry that he had lied to her for so long. She didn't want to be angry with him, but she was. She refused to even speak to him for over a week. Eventually, she realized how much she missed him, missed Clark, and they got back together, first as friends, and then eventually as Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Superman and Lois slowly appeared to drift apart rather quietly, and when the tabloids had gotten bored with their undramatic, rather boring split, Lois and Clark officially started dating. Less than a year later, they were engaged. Clark had gotten all sorts of jokes at work about how it would suck if he ever had a run in with Lois's ex. He just shrugged it off, laughing about it with Lois later. Now that he could tell Lois everything, their relationship had grown even more. They were best friends, and they were in love. They were a perfect couple.

Clark smiled and laughed as Lois whispered something in his ear. They both looked so happy. Lois was tucked into Clark's arms and smiling contentedly. They were finally together, no more secrets or lies.

"I still can't believe you're actually wearing these," said Diana, drawing Bruce out of his thoughts and tapping the frames of his fake glasses.

"Hey, if it works for him," said Bruce grinning. He hadn't want to draw any unwanted attention to Clark's wedding, so he wore some glasses and was careful to only go by his first name. Besides, just because all the League members there knew Superman's identity didn't mean they knew Batman's. So far, no one had recognized him. How such a transparent disguise worked so well, Bruce had no idea, and he wasn't in the mood to question it. Most people didn't even recognize Diana as Wonder Woman, except for those who already knew. Diana said people always saw the armor, not her face. She had her hair elegantly twisted up and was wearing flowing, seafoam green, floor-length gown. Bruce was stunned every time he looked at her.

Diana was so happy that Clark had finally listened to her and told Lois the truth. They couldn't be happier. And her relationship with Bruce was going very well too. They'd survived some minor arguments and had grown closer because of it. He was less afraid now. They'd tried to keep it a secret from their friends, but it didn't go very well. John called them out the very next day. Diana had no clue how he'd known. He claimed it was instinct or something. Even Wally figured it out pretty quickly. Clark somehow managed to win a bit of money from some secret betting pool on their relationship, but J'onn won the most. As the resident mind reader, it didn't come as much of a surprise. Everyone had been so supportive.

Despite her friends antics, Diana was happy. Bruce didn't try to change her. He loved and respected her. She could kick his butt most of the time, and he accepted that. Most men would have been upset, but not him. And he loved her. Just thinking that still made her stomach flip-flop. Just a few years ago, she never could have imagined being friends with a man, much less falling in love with one.

Diana smirked. "Don't look now, but Jimmy's giving you weird looks again." Sure enough Jimmy Olson, who was dancing with maid of honor Lucy Lane, Lois's sister, was frequently glancing at him. He was clearly trying to be sneaky, but it wasn't working at all. According to Lois and Clark, who'd recently danced by to chat, Jimmy had grilled them about this new, spectacled man named Bruce who was Clark's best man while he, Jimmy Olson, was a mere groomsman. Apparently, he'd concluded that this man must be Superman in disguise. Who else would Clark choose to be best man over him? So for most of the evening, Jimmy had been hovering around Bruce, trying to see if he was Superman.

The four of them almost died laughing. Clark was barely able to hold it together when Jimmy confronted him in the first place. The irony was hilarious. Clark didn't lie, but he didn't exactly deny it either. Clark had told Wally, who had told the rest of the original seven members of the League, who all snickered as they danced by Bruce, looking from him to Jimmy. John and Wally were giving him a particularly hard time about it, egging Jimmy on, making him more suspicious.

"He'll just have to get over it," he said, twirling her around and dipping her, smiling down at her.

She grinned back. "Yes, I suppose he will." They were silent for awhile as they continued dancing, enjoying being together, and enjoying their friend's happiness.

"Bruce," said Diana, looking around the room at all of their friends dancing, smiling, laughing; and then at him, "we have a good life, don't we." She smiled at him.

Bruce looked around the room, watching Wally and Linda dance, seeing John and Shayera laughing, noticing the way J'onn always held his wife's hand, watching his son dance with the girl he loved, and seeing his best friend twirl his wife around, or rather above, the dance floor. Clark locked eyes with him and smiled, glancing at where he could see the ring box hidden in Bruce's pants pocket and grinning at him knowingly.

Bruce smirked back, then turned to face Diana. He pulled her close, kissed her, and smiled. "Yes, yes we do."

The End

Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it and sharing it with you :).