This is going to be a very VERY sad story, so please read with caution. :(

Septimus pushed himself up on the table with his hands, looking down and watching his feet as he kicked them back and forth. For some reason this movement helped calmed him; he was anxious. His mind was wandering back to the scene that had taken place a few hours- maybe even a day at this point he really didn't know- and why Aries had seemed so spooked. The fire demons as there, but for some reason he couldn't remember what had happened... how had he gotten out there in the first place? What had everyone been doing...? Had they been fighting? And why did everyone look so... shocked...? Did something happen...?

The fire demon couldn't seem to relax right now... he felt like something was going on that he didn't know about- and he HATED not knowing things... how did he even get to where he was? Last thing he remembered was walking around Deedstown, scaring the humans with a single glance, when he felt a sharp tug at his chest. Everything was a blank after that though...

' Hmmm... did I pass out? ' Septimus pondered quietly, tilting his head up to the right a little bit. ' Maybe Aries even came out to get me because I was taking too long. Keh... knowing him, I wouldn't be that surprised if that were true. But that doesn't really explain why the others were there... and why were they so shocked? Even Fatch was shocked- and he's seen his share of shocking stuff... even Aries was shocked... did I maybe sleep walk, and do something without even REALIZING it? '

The fire demon chuckled at that last sentence; yeah. Right. He SLEEP walked. He's only never sleep walked once in his entire freakin LIFE! Hah...

Getting back to his previous thoughts, he began to wonder why Aries still wasn't back yet. Again, it had been a day, and Aries never left Nerezza for THIS long without it being an assignment. He hated fighting, and he didn't like being out of the protection of the dark world for too long. Probably due to being traumatized the day he was left for dead... he didn't like being far away from Septimus since that day, probably because he knew the fire demon could easily rid of anyone who even got CLOSE to hurting him.

It was kinda funny... Aries name meant the Greek god of war, yet he wasn't a fighter in any way... it was odd for his parents to name him something like that if he was such a gentle soul... but it wasn't his place to question family matters. Besides, Aries didn't live with them. He lived here with Septimus. Whatever the family issue, it couldn't reach him here in Nerezza.

" There you are Septimus. "

Septimus jumped horribly, his entire body bursting into flames. It had been quiet for so long, he hadn't expected any voices to come up. Turning, the flames dying down, he was genuinely surprised to find Merek standing there, looking very seldom and slightly upset. Immediately the demon rose to his feet, raising his fists in a warning way. He wasn't in the mood for this... but he knew Merek was one of the few people who could even REMOTELY knock him down a few sizes. He couldn't afford to lower his guard...

" What are you doing here?! "

Septimus growled, his fists setting themselves on fire.

" Are you here for a fight?! Because I won't show you any mercy if you are! "

" You can relax, Septimus. "

Merek said calmly, holding his hands out to defend himself.

" I am not here to fight. I wish to tell you something. "

Septimus lowered his fists, looking confused as hell really. Merek never came down here just to TALK to him. Something had to be SERIOUSLY wrong. The demons arms completely fell now, raising an eyebrow at the angel questionably.

" What do you want then...? "

" I just want you to know... I am being sincere. "

A fear rose up in the very pit of his stomach at how Merek was acting. The angel only acted like this when he had to deliver bad news. But what kind of news was the angel going to tell him? The angel normally didn't bother telling HIM of all people bad news. Did Flash maybe put him up to it? Why would the angel of creation- his arch freakin enemy- want to tell him something? ... What was the news...?

Septimus sighed, feeling his wings close up behind him.

" Spill it Merek. What's going on? "

Merek bit his lower lip, clearly nervous about telling him. Why would he be though? It wasn't like the world was ending (even thought that'd be GOOD news for the fire demon), and even if it was, Septimus doubted the angel would come here just to tell him that. He wished the angel would just man up and tell him right now. The suspense was beginning to make him crabby.

" Septimus... we have finally discovered your TRUE identity. "

Septimus raised an eyebrow at this, naturally skeptical. What identity? His name was Septimus Winter, and he was born a fire demon. True he had no childhood memories, but then again he woke up one day in the hospital with a nice doctor named Jenette patching him up. Jenette was even the one who gave him his name! Hence why the demon never threatened her. She was one of the few people who was ever nice to him.

" You are not a demon at all. "

Merek continued, Septimus actually insulted by this statement. Yet he said nothing, and waited for the other to continue.

" You're real name is Platinum Winchester. The son of Flash. "

Septimus felt himself burst into flames upon hearing this for a brief second before he glared violently at the angel. That JERK! He had the NERVE to tell him that he was a freakin ANGEL?! Nah, the freakin son of Flash?! ... Did this guy WANT to stir up drama?! Did he WANT to cause him pain?! Holy hell- for an angel he sure liked to stir up trouble!

The demon growled viscously before pulling back a fiery fist and attempting to slam it in Merek's face, the angel dodging it with ease.

" YOU LYING ANGEL B******! "

The demon roared, continuously trying- and failing- to strike the angel.

" Are you TRYING to upset me?! "

He swung again, still missing the strangely calm angel.

" I can't believe you- you jack a**! "

" sigh... think what you want. "

Merek said blandly, turning away right as Septimus tried to strike him, causing the demon to fall to the ground. He looked up at the angel in confusion, wondering why the angel wasn't fighting back.

" I'm going. I pray that you will get through this without too much suffering... "

As the angel vanished, Septimus rose to his feet, unable to help but wonder what had just happened. Never once had he seen the angel so... so... seldom. So... upset about telling him about the fact he was an angel. And he doubted angel would pull a fast one on him with this severity...

No... there was no way he was an angel- nay FLASH'S freaking CHILD. Sure his past was a blank, but come on. An ANGEL?! There was just... no way that could be true...

... He... wasn't an angel... right...? He knew nothing about himself in total seriousness. All he knew was waking up one day, learning he was a demon and being filled with evil thoughts. That's all he knew. That's all he'd EVER known. He didn't know if he had parents, he didn't know if he had siblings, he didn't even know if he used to be human! With all his powers he'd ASSUMED he'd never been human, so he highly doubted he was human. But being an angel... there was just... no way that could be true... especially considering he was severely evil. He just couldn't be an angel...

The floor creaked behind him, and Septimus turned to see Aries walking towards him with Blitz in his arms, the young drake shaking and keeping his face buried in the demons chest. The fire demon smiled, not noticing the saddened look on his friends face. He was just glad to see his friend right now. Unknowingly his tail began to wag and he slowly approached the others.

" Aries! "

He said happily.

" Blitz! Oh MAN am I glad to see you guys! You won't BELIEVE what-... "

Finally he took in Aries facial expression. The psychic was clearly torn, and it seemed he barely had the emotional strength to stand before him right now. It... it worried the fiery being to the core. It wasn't often Aries was like this...

" Aries... "

Septimus muttered.

" Is... everything ok...? "

" ... No... "

Aries whisperd, his eyes closing sadly.

" Everything is NOT alright... Septimus, I-I-... WE... have to leave... "

" Wh-what...? "

Septimus chuckled lightly, honestly fooling himself into believing his ears had deceived him. Needless to say, this did NOTHING for Aries mood; the psychic opened his eyes, glaring softly yet sadly.

" I'm serious Septimus. We need to go. "

" B-but why...? "

The fire demon whimpered, focusing on the dragon now, who'd still refused to look at him.

" Blitz...? "

The dragon sobbed, curling into a tighter ball; it was clear he was crying. Septimus looked back at Aries, who still held a saddened glare; this couldn't be real... this wasn't happening. Blitz and Aries couldn't be leaving him... not now... not after what Merek had told him... this had to be a dream- or an hallucination... it just couldn't be reality...

Septimus frowned sadly, placing a hand on his chest.

" Aries, I... I can't believe you're leaving, I... "

The demon choked horribly, covering his mouth for a brief moment before lowering it and continuing.

" I-I need you. Merek just tried to tell me I'm an angel, a-and- "

" He's right. "

Septimus pulled back upon hearing this, seriously wishing he'd heard wrong. But he knew he heard right...

" ... Wh-what...? "

" You are an angel. Platinum Winchester. The son of Flash himself. I saw you change before my very eyes... "

Could it really be true...? Could he really be the child of Flash...? H-how was it even possible? Before the demon could get too far into his thoughts, he found Aries walk passed him, causing him to immediately turn his head after them. His hand shot out, despite knowing he wouldn't be able to reach.

" W-WAIT! "

Septimus hollered, causing the psychic to slowly stop walking. Yet the other never turned to face him. Should he have turned, he would've seen the tears slowly rolling down the demons face, burning and sizzling with every second. But the demon didn't even acknowledge the burning; no. He couldn't feel it. He didn't even know they were there... he was purely focused on what was happening...

" Please... "

He whispered, unable to yell again.

" Don't go... I-I need you... I-I need you now more than ever... "

The boy could actually see Aries shaking, worrying about his psychic friend. Was it cold, or was Aries, maybe, touched by what he'd just said somehow? A sigh could be heard from the other, and Septimus began to feel relief. He'd assumed Aries had decided to stay. Thank goodness too... Septimus really DIDN'T know how he'd make it without his dear friends... the only ones who understood him... the only ones who probably ever would understand him... he didn't think he had it in him to face this news alone, and having Blitz and Aries there by his side reassured him that he'd be alright.

His heart SANK when he heard Aries response.

" I'm sorry... "

Aries whimpered, summoning the portal to the mortal world with a simple flick of his hand.

" We must go... "

As Aries jumped up and through the portal, Septimus found himself SHOUTING up at him in a fit of despair.


As the portal closed, the demons assumed rage diminished, leaving the demon tearful and hurt. Slowly he fell to his knees, covering his face and crying silently into his hands. He was alone... all alone with the recent fact that he was an angel... a son of Flash himself... all of this was too much for him to take, he couldn't help his crying...

Aries put Blitz down, performing a few hand motions, creating a purple hexagon in the air before shoving it at the portal. This spell locked the door to Nerezza, something only he and Septimus could perform. Septimus couldn't leave that darkened world now... as the portal disappeared, Aries finally couldn't take it anymore; he fell to his knees, allowing himself to cry. He felt Blitz crawling into his lap, hugging him gently and crying as well. That... was the hardest he'd ever had to do... oh the look on Septimus' face tore him apart inside...

A hand fell upon his shoulder, and he immediately looked up to find a very regretful looking Merek.

" I'm so sorry you two... "

The angel apologized, getting Blitz to cry harder.

" Merek... a-are you positive this'll work...? "

Aries asked gently, trying to dry his eyes.

" I am. It's all we can do for him Aries. "

" H-how will we know when he's ready to come out...? "

" I set up a few cameras before meeting with him. We'll know. "

Aries sniffled, looking back down again and hugging the baby dragon closer. Even if they had cameras, Aries wouldn't be able to watch the demons suffering. It... would just be too painful... he just prayed his fiery friend would be alright...

Already sad... :(