Well, this is it for this story. After this it'll be officially complete and it'll be time to work on the next part to this series. It was great working on this one, but everything has to come to a close eventually. Enjoy, and keep an eye out for the next fic, coming soon!


Slade awoke in a medical bed. How long he'd been slipping in and out of consciousness he didn't know, but he was aware that he was in a prison. The armed and uniformed guard would have tipped him off if he wasn't, as would the barred windows and the general din filling the air. His body ached deeply, and though his body was fully capable of healing faster than any normal man had a right to, he could still feel his flesh and bones mending. Perhaps it was artificially slowed, or Beast Boy's attack had been more serious than he'd thought. Either way, he knew he wouldn't be leaving for several days at least.

"He's awake, ma'am. Come on in." He heard the guard speak into a radio. Without another word the man stepped out of the room, slipping a slim cigarette between his lips as he walked. For a moment, he was left alone. No doctors, no nurses, no other patients. That left only a few possibilities as to what was about to happen. He wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight, but if they were here for his life, they wouldn't get it without a fight. He reached out for the IV stand as he heard footsteps outside the room, ready to bring it around if they tried anything cute.

The first two through the door were large, square-jawed men with shaved heads and cleanly-shave cheeks. Probably military or some sort of government service from their posture and the meticulously pressed suits. They moved to flank his bed as the third of his visitors arrived; Tall, Black, fat, her hair cut in a no-nonsense crew cut, her own dark blue suit jacket and skirt as neat as her subordinates'. She folded her hands behind her back as she moved to stand at the foot of his bed, her face set grimly as she eyed the battered, nearly naked man.

"Slade Wilson, formerly Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, United States Army. Born in Macon, Georgia to Reuben and Carla Wilson. Lied about your age to join the army at sixteen, served in Korea, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam, as well as several secret operations in Russia, Markovia, Kasnia, Cuba and China. Married Captain Adeline Kane in 1972, had your first child, Grant Wilson, in 1973. Second child, Rose Wilson, born in 1986, and Joseph Wilson, AKA Jericho, in 1988. Volunteered for Project Terminator in 1967, where you were injected with a serum which gave you enhanced strength and regenerative abilities. Dishonorably discharged when you disobeyed orders to rescue a British agent named Wintergreen, who served as your butler until dying of a heart attack five moths ago. Operated as a mercenary in secret for nearly thirty years. Divorced in 1994 after Joseph was kidnapped by Jackal and a former friend of yours named Bill Walsh, then left mute when your rescue was botched. Of course, that was after Adeline shot you in the face and destroyed your right eye." She paused to look him squarely in the eye, her lips pulled into a faintly amused smirk. "Shall I continue?"

Slade merely glared at her, his own lips pressed into a thin line as he listened to the fat bitch speak. He thought of clubbing her and the man on his left with the IV stand, but he knew the other marine, he guessed, would put him down before he could do anything more.

"You have my full attention. Curious as to how you know my resume so well. I'll have to order a few body bags."

"It's my job to be aware of the likes of you, Mr. Wilson. It's also my job to ensure that this country is kept safe with the very best talent possible. You made that job more difficult when you stole a shipment I had moved to STAR Labs for a crucial project. Hence my visit to this lovely facility." Slade laughed bitterly at that, his bearded face twisting into a bemused expression.

"Trying to convince me to reenlist, pay you back for the chemicals? I'm afraid I'm not much of a patriot anymore." The woman's face was unmoving, back to that stoney look of grim determination.

"Tell me, how is that morphine treating you?" The one-eyed man's brow raised at that. He didn't bother to answer her. She continued, the smirk slowly returning to her fat face. "Those nanobots you infected the Titans with last year were an impressive piece. My boys at the lab had some real fun with the modifications." Slade's blood stood still, chilled in his veins. He looked at the IV bag, half-empty now as it dripped the drugs into his body. He stared at it for a long moment, then, slowly, he turned back to the woman.

"What do you want?" He demanded harshly, though for the first time in many years, fear made its way into his voice.

"You, Mr. Wilson." She leaned in closer, eyes burrowing into his soul as her hand came up with a small, cylindrical device tipped with a red trigger. He knew it very well. "I'm putting together a task force for some very delicate work. We're going to reawaken that patriotism. More importantly," She leaned in even closer, her free hand resting on the edge of his bed while her thumb moved dangerously towards the trigger of the device. "Slade the mastermind is dead. Deathstroke the Terminator, however, is going to be coming out of retirement, and he will serve his country again. Have I made myself clear?"

There was little choice in the matter.



Beast Boy groaned as he sat up in his bed, wincing at the pain in his chest. On the TV, Cartoon Network played a re-run of Samurai Jack, which he had been watching intently before he felt the need to stretch. Terra's hand was on his shoulder immediately, helping him up carefully.

"Easy, BB, the doctor said you needed to relax for a week or two." She said, her voice as soft and soothing as could be. He looked up and smiled at her, and she smiled back, leaning over to kiss his cheek, which when bright red immediately after.

"I know. Just need to stretch my legs a little, I promise I'll take it easy." Beast Boy said, starting to rise up out of bed slowly. Nodding, Terra stood as well, her hand close to his in case he needed it. She'd been his side constantly since they'd gotten out of the cloning lab, both in the hospital and the tower when the doctors had declared it safe to take him home. The other Titans had been relieved when they were told he'd make a full recovery, though he himself had turned white a sheet when he realized he'd need to take a lot of trips to a dental surgeon to get his teeth fixed. "So what's the word on Slade and his guys?"

"Slade's in prison here now, they've been talking about setting up the trial as soon as possible. Parasite, Atomic Skull and Shade are all getting moved to Stryker's. Electrocutioner and Sportsmaster got sent to Blackgate." Terra said, walking close at Beast Boy's side as they went down the hall toward the living room. The changeling nodded and smiled again, still blushing at the closeness of Terra's body to him. The other Titans were waiting for them, and they greeted him with open smiles, even Raven.

"Well now, look who's moving around again!" Cyborg said, clasping his adoptive brother on the shoulder. Beast Boy winced a little, but grinned back at the older teen. "Bet you'll be back to your old self in a couple days."

"Hope so. Not looking forward to going to the dentist..." Beast Boy said with a little bit of dread in his voice at that thought.

"Ah relax, they'll knock you out for that whole thing." Cy said reassuringly, making room as Raven approached the two of them. She looked at the short, green boy, her hood down and her expression warmer than he'd ever seen before.

"We're proud of you, so you know. Beating Slade like you did after what he'd done took strength and courage." She turned to Terra then. "And of you. We couldn't have stopped his plan if you weren't here. We're glad to have you on the team." Both of them blushed at that, smiling shyly. Terra was the first to speak.

"Thank you, all of you for taking me in. I know that I screwed up bad the first time. I almost betrayed you all after what you've done for me, and it's never going to happen again. You're the best friends I've ever had. And...Beast Boy..." She turned to the green Titan, and soundly kissed him full on the lips. Cyborg gave an emphatic whoop and Stafire squealed with such delight that she might have exploded into confetti. Robin and Raven just nodded with wry smirks, stepping back to give the two room. Terra eventually pulled back, leaving both their faces even brighter than before. "I love you. I always will."

Beast Boy just stood there awkwardly for a moment, blushing and smiling at his geomancer girlfriend. Then, slowly, he slipped his arms around her waist, heedless of the ache the movement caused in his chest.

"I love you too, Terra."

"Why don't we let the lovebirds enjoy the view for a while? I'm sure they'd like to enjoy the sunset over the city that owes them again." Robin said, gesturing for the others follow them. "I'll buy the pizza."

And so the two Titans were left alone then, basking in each other's warmth as they watched the sun fall over Jump City. The challenges ahead would be great, but facing them together and with with their friends, they would conquer them all. For now, however, they were content to enjoy the other's company, full of love for each other and pride for what they had accomplished. They were Titans together, now and forever.
