Why hadn't it appeared? Nearly everyone I knew had already found their soulmate and was in a happy relationship, but not I. Every time I see my wrist it brings me pangs of sadness. Only half a purple heart, that was what I've had on my wrist since the day I was born. Was there anyone out there who would be my other half? I was starting to give up and resign to the fact I may be single for life.

"I just turned twenty one, too..." I always dreamed of getting married and starting a family but you have to find your soulmate for that. But they have to be out there, somewhere, the incomplete heart on my wrist proved it. The heart would disappear if they died and in those cases the living soulmate stays single for life. But if you meet your soulmate and the heart becomes complete, if one was to die the other would die as well, this is the world we live in.

"Ahh! I'm going to be late." I had organised with my friend to watch a parade today through the streets. Prince Joshua would be greeting the people of his kingdom. Although, that would be incorrect, I didn't organize to go, it was all my friend. I didn't have much interest in the prince. Yes he was handsome but he was still just a person like the rest of us.

(She can't get enough of him. I reckon she's his biggest fan.) Just thinking about all the merchandise she has collected of the prince is enough to make me roll my eyes.

I promised I'd accompany her so she wouldn't be alone. (It's not like I want to see him or anything… definitely not.)

I rushed to get to our meeting place, I didn't want to keep her waiting.

(Wow. So many people.)

The streets were filled with hundreds of people; I had never seen so many in one place before. I really wasn't comfortable in huge crowds but I will just have to deal with it.

(The prince sure has quite a lot of admirers.)

I waited at the place we had planned to meet but my friend was nowhere to be seen. "How strange. There is no way she would miss this." I waited a couple more minutes but still nothing. I decided to check my phone just in case.

"Ah. A text." I saw a text from my friend and quickly opened it up. "She's...sick and bedridden." I was besides myself learning this. I had already received it before I left home but thanks to my head being in the clouds I missed it. "Now what? I came because of her." I sighed, hanging my head.

"Huh?" The sounds of screams echoed in my ears. "I think I'm going to go deaf." I held my hands over my ears.

(I wish they would turn it down a notch. Yeesh. Women can be total fanatics.)

I saw the reason for their screams. The parade was underway. Stern looking guardsmen were seated upon horses and in the middle was an extravagant car that no doubt seated the prince.

(Here he comes.) I started to push through the crowds to get a closer look; I wasn't even sure what came over me but I was swept up into the excitement like everyone else.

"Prince Joshua…" I saw him seated within the car. He looked even more handsome in person. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he had taken my breath away.

(What is wrong with me…? I told myself I wouldn't get caught up in this but here I am.)

Word on the street is the prince hasn't found his soulmate yet. Everyone here must be looking for their soulmate and hoping he may be the one.

(Hah. As if any of us would be his soulmate.)

The very idea made me laugh. "Hmm." A weird tingling sensation centred on my wrist. I quickly inspected it, "No way!" I thought my heart would stop. The heart...it was complete.

At the same moment the car stopped moving. One thing happened after another it was like the world was moving in slow motion around me. Prince Joshua appeared from the car and the screams intensified but I could hardly hear them as my mind was focused solely on the prince.

Prince Joshua stopped a few feet away from his car and raised his arm, "The woman who just received their other half please step forward. Don't try to hide, I know you are close by." The prince carefully looked around, a serious look on his face.

(Wait… What… No. Me?!) I quietly gasped as the realization washed over me. I was the prince's other half, impossible. No, it was downright ridiculous. How could I be the partner to a prince? Me, who couldn't even care about being here…

(He expects me to appear in front of all these people? What does he want to happen, see me have a panic attack?)

The prince continued to wait and as I hesitated he started to talk again, "If you don't appear soon I will personally come find you. You have one minute. No one may leave."

"Ack. I have no choice now?!" I did my best to calm my thoughts and face what lay ahead. I always wanted to find my soulmate but not like this.

Slowly, I appeared from the crowd who had erupted into whispers about who has the mark and everyone was looking at one another. As soon as I stepped on the road I could feel everyone's eyes on me, like they were appraising me if I was worthy.

"That girl is his soulmate?"

"What a joke."

"Poor prince…"

(Ugh. Would they all just shut up.)

I did my best to ignore them and approach the prince. I could feel Prince Joshua watching me with interest, ever since I appeared from among the crowd it was like he too was appraising me.

"H-Hello. Nice to meet you, Your Highness." I awkwardly said with and even more awkward bow.

"You are my soulmate." He mused, like he was evaluating me. "Are you prepared to become a princess worthy of ruling by my side?"

His question made me want to back away and run but I stood my ground and with shaky hands I firmly looked him in the eyes. (I'm nervous as heck but I am his soulmate and that comes with heavy responsibilities. I have to be strong now.)

"Yes. I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my duty." I said and bowed.


"Huh?" I was surprised to hear the prince suddenly laughing.

"Just moments ago you looked scared half to death and then you became so serious. It didn't suit you at all." Prince Joshua said, still smiling slightly.

"Oh. S-Sorry. I wasn't prepared for this." I say and sadly turn away, "How could I be prepared to suddenly become a princess? That was the last thing I expected to happen today."

I hear a sigh followed by a voice. "I should be apologizing."

"What?" His words capture my attention, my eyes return to meet his gaze. I wonder what he will say next?

"I saw you from the car. You didn't look the slightest bit interested to be here. You were different from the rest and it caught my attention." Joshua explained and suddenly grabbed my wrist, "Let's go somewhere more private."

"Whoa. Where are we going?" Joshua dragged me into the car and after telling the driver to head back to the palace he began to speak further.

"You look to be the kind of girl with a rebellious streak. Maybe a little airheaded." Those were the first things he said once in the car. Joshua spoke them so nonchalantly that it shocked me. I, on the other hand, was ready to get upset.

"Excuse me?" I said with a slightly tone, glaring at him.

"I was just being honest."

"That doesn't make it any better!"

"I was right. You don't care that I am a prince, unlike everyone else."

I froze and my eyes widened, "What? Um." I stumbled about, not sure what to say. "That's true." I say in a quieter voice than usual, "I never cared about that. I viewed you like a person just like everyone else. You may have a heavier burden than most but you were still just a person."

"What's your name?"

"My name?" I gasped when I realized I had never told him my name yet.

"That is an important detail."

"Sorry. It slipped my mind." I awkwardly laugh, "I'm _."

"The name suits you."

I blush at his compliment, "T-Thanks."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into all this but it's not something we can decide. From now on our lives are bound to one another." Joshua said, looking at his wrist.

"Yes…" I nodded looking at my own wrist. I place it close to his. Two beautiful purple hearts adorned our wrists, the proof of our bonds.

"I'm glad it was you…"

My heart skipped a beat at his words, I felt my body grow warm. "Is that so?"

Joshua nods, "I always believed whoever I married would never truly love me but only what I am. They would never see the real me and I would never learn what love truly was." He says and looks at me with a tender smile, "But I have hope that we will come to love each other. That is what I believe."

I can't help but smile in return. I place a hand over his, "I promise I will fulfill my role as princess and as your wife."

"_. Thank you."

"To think I wanted nothing to do with this earlier. You must have rubbed off on me." There was a cheeky grin on my face as I teased him.

"Just one of my many charms."

"I see the prince has a funny bone."

"And I can see trouble in my future." Joshua sighs, and with a smile shakes his head.

"So… I've been trying to lighten the mood but I'm not sure what to do now." I say, starting to feel a little nervous.

"I guess it'd be too soon to kiss you."

"Kiss me." I said in disbelief. The way I blurted it out surprised Joshua.

"What? You want me to kiss you?"

"N-O!" I adamantly refused, shaking my head in a panic.

"You are giving me mixed signals."

"I was surprised you come out with that. How was I supposed to react?!"

A smirk formed on his face as he stared at me. I grew even more uncomfortable. "What now?"

"I was just thinking you look attractive when angry."

"W-W-What?" The prince was way too outspoken. Saying all these things so readily was not good for my heart.

"Heh. Now you look like a tomato. You sure change like a yo-yo." Joshua chuckles, he was clearly amused.

"It's your fault. We only just met and you are already talking about doing weird things and laughing at me." I huff, cross my arms and turn away.

"Kissing isn't 'weird'. We are going to be married in the near future so it is only natural." The way he talks about it so casually makes me only more uncomfortable.

(Agh. Why doesn't he understand. I'm not ready to kiss yet.)

I turn around to get mad at him again only to have my lips suddenly sealed shut.


(He's kissing me…?!)

After what seemed like forever he pulled away leaving me breathless.

"Was that so bad?" He said looking rather happy with himself.

I was frozen. I looked at him in shock, my eyes blinking a few times.

(I can still feel the sensation of his lips on mine… my first kiss.)

"Not bad for a first kiss, don't you agree?"

"Um." That's right. It's the prince's first time too. Was he so eager to kiss me because he's waited so long?

"If you are thinking I kissed you because I was desperate, then you are wrong."

"What? You didn't?"

He shook his head, "I kissed you because I wanted to. This could be...love at first sight."

I gasped as my entire body burned hot, "You mean…"

"Yes. I think I'm already starting to develop feelings for you. I haven't even known you for long but in this short time we've talked I have grown rather fond of you." Joshua said and nuzzled up closer to me, "I look forward to getting to know you even better."

"I see…" I looked away, embarrassed.

"You really are cute when you're shy." Joshua smiled softly, "I want to kiss you again, may I?"

I immediately looked up in surprise and jumped when his face was just a hair breadth away from mine.

(This time he asks? Even if I say no he probably still would. And… I think I liked the kiss.)

"I can see it in your eyes. You want me to kiss you."

"That may be so."

This time Joshua was the one surprised, "You are finally being honest. I really am thankful you are my soulmate. Now I can look forward to my future." He says, intertwining his fingers with mine as his lips envelop my own. The kiss this time wasn't gentle like the first but much more passionate. I couldn't think of anything but him. I wanted to give into his every desire and let him have his way with me- that was what my body was telling me. Prince Joshua, he was slowly stealing my heart.

What challenges lay ahead in our future? I never expected my life to change so drastically nor for the prince to be my soulmate but no matter what I was going to do my best to fulfill my destiny as future princess. I knew for certain I would grow to love this man as I may have experienced the same sensation as he did- love at first sight.