AN: Helloooooo! I hope you all had a good start to the new year! And so, after a few months(sorry about that...) I bring you the next chapter of Lost, But Not Gone Forever. Hope you guys like it!

"Yeah yeah, nice story." Ron said, waving a hand in Kagome's direction. Kagome huffed, looking away from Ron's obviously bored statement. Hearing a loud puff come from Ron, Kagome looked over to see a rather large book slide from Ron's head onto his lap and Hermione brushing the dust from the book from her hands.

"Yes Kagome, it was a very nice story. And how did the wand react?" Hermione asked, obviously wondering how a wand could choose a muggle. Kagome touched the wand gently, and smiled.

"I had only seen something like it once, and it happened to a friend of mine. Everything got very bright, and there was wind, which was strange considering we were inside a building. Everything felt so… Different somehow." Kagome said. Hermione and Harry exchanged a look then smiled at her.

"You should try using it. You know, see what happens." Harry said. Hermione and Ron sent him a look that basically said "Are you crazy?" But Harry wasn't looking at them, he was waiting for me to do something, anything, with my wand.

"Um… Alright." Kagome said, raising her wand slightly. Flicking it forward gently, as small, pink orb flowed through the tip. The others watched in a sort of nervous amazement as Kagome guided the orb around the room, a small tail fluttering behind it.

"What is that?" Ron asked, no longer only half heartedly paying attention. After making a full round of the room Kagome nervously flicked the wand again. The orb shot towards her and back into the tip of the wand. "What was that?" Ron asked again, louder.

"That was... Interesting. I've never seen anything like that before! Well, maybe the patronus spell, but… How did you do that Kagome?" Harry asked, the curiosity shining through in his eyes.

"I have no idea! That did kind of look like my sacred arrow's power though." Kagome said, beginning to mumble to herself.

"Sacred arrows…? I think we should go talk to Dumbledore." Hermione said, getting up from her chair. And, after pulling Ron out of his chair, they were off.