Author's Note: Hi people! This is my first real fanfic type thing ever (cuz that Last Of Us thing was just a small idea thingamabob). Anyways, this first part is going to be written differently from the rest of the story, since I want the actual story to be at least semi serious and not just comedy or whatever. Thanks for taking the time to look at my story and sorry for grammar mistakes (and bad puns).

Daniel Fenton is a young adult who has learned to survive using only his father's suit, good looks, and his ghostly powers. After running away at the age of 14, Danny learns he can survive by conning others. When he meets Vlad Masters, his skills as a Con Artist (and his ghost powers) greatly improve, which leads Danny to believe he can return to his hometown for a few weeks for the biggest payload of his life. But what happens when a girl named Samantha Manson is thrown into the mix? AU, right after Danny gets his powers. No PP.


Prologue, I guess

The portal: A few minutes after the incident

I don't know exactly why I did it, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I can see I was dead wrong. Emphasis on the dead part. See, the thing is, I'm pretty sure I'm dead now. My skin is ice cold and my hair and eyes changed color. How does that even happen? Anyways, when I stepped into the ghost portal my parents designed, I thought it was no big deal. I mean, really, what could go wrong in a non functioning device? After all, my parents had tried to make it work several times before I stepped in, literally. Why would I make a difference? Well it turns out that Danny Fenton + Broken Ghost Portal = Working Ghost Portal + Unconsciousness. Not to mention unbearable, excruciating pain. And death, don't forget about death.

A few minutes after the few minutes after the incident

Well, it turns out I didn't die after all. What a relief. Actually, not really, considering my situation. After I freaked out a bit – okay, a LOT - at my death and new appearance, I realized that I was in fact a ghost. This realization caused me to faint – again. Hey. Shut up. I'm pretty sure if that happened to you, you wouldn't be laughing. Anyways, the only good thing that came from me fainting was that when I woke up, I was normal, alive.


I have no idea whether that ghost stuff was a dream or not but I really hope it was because you know what? If I really am part ghost, if not all ghost, then I have to leave my home and family. Mainly because of two reasons. Those two reasons being my parents. You see, you know what my parents are? Professional ghost hunters. In the 14 years that I have known them, they have never shown mercy to any ghost no matter how big, small, funny, mean-looking, or nice-looking the ghost was. So if some new ghost just popped out of nowhere claiming it was their son Danny Fenton then I'm pretty sure they would try to kill it…I mean, me. Or at least tear me apart molecule by molecule, as my dad puts it. See, I've thought this through. If I transform in front of them, they'll just think it's some ghost that probably killed their son and impersonated him or something. And as I said before, they'd try to kill me or tear me apart molecule yada yada yada. You get the point. Therefore, I have decided with a heavy heart to leave my family. Yeah, cheesy, I know. But what other choice do I have?

Three days after the incident:

Uhhh okay, it turned out that my ghost side was not a dream, so for the past two days, I have been trying to get a hang of it. The cool thing is that I have powers now. When I turn into a ghost, I can fly, shoot beams out of my hands, lift super heavy objects, turn invisible, and turn intangible. I'm like ghost Superman! Well, if Superman had a ghost. Anyways, the joking aside, these powers really do show me that if I stay here any longer then my life will be put in danger. By my own parents too! Who'da thunk it? Well, I've made my choice. Sorry Mom, Dad, and Jazz. I never meant for this to happen.


And that's the end of the first part in the beginning of a long (I hope) story. Since I'm just starting out with writing stuff, updates may take a while, especially for this one, since it's the first one. I don't know exactly how long, sorry. Also, since school is starting soon (Aug 25th), I may not be able to update as much as I want to. Like I said before, this first part is going to be written differently than the rest of the story, the actual story. Still debating on third or first person, although I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Anyways, thanks again for taking the time to read this. Rating may change. I DO NOT own anything relating to the thing I'm writing about, except for MY OWN ideas.