Discalimer: I don't own Dan/Phil nor anyone associated with them

Hey guys, so I come to you with a brand new series! This one is going to be a mix of the Stalker verse, with 'Through My Eyes ' thrown in and it centers around Dan and Phil so yeah I hope you like it XD Also, in honor of Halloween coming up in a couple of months, think about it as the first 'Halloweenish fic of the year'

"Finished." Said Dan, before flopping down on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. He'd finished unpacking, and setting his room up. Unfortunately, the room was quite small and being the tall person he was he barely had any room to move. Well, said a little voice in his mind it's the building that's the closest to your lectures and there's even a gym and a bar. It wasn't the most luxurious place in the world, but it wasn't so bad...at least he wasn't living with his parents anymore. He looked at his wrist and removed the various wristbands, setting them over on the desk before tracing his fingers lightly on the now fading scars. He loved his parents, he really did...but they rarely ever payed attention to him and combined with the fact he didn't have any friends well...he felt alone in the house anyway.

Technically though, he did have one friend...said a tiny voice in the back of his mind when he heard his computer ping. He smile softly and sat up on the bed, setting the laptop on his lap. He accepted the Skype call and was soon met with Phil's smiling face.

" Hey Dan, how do you like Uni so far?" Asked Phil curiously.

" It's ok, though I haven't really been to any classes yet this room is small though." Said Dan, as he showed Phil his room.

"Was your room like this?" He asked curiously.

"Well I went to York, not Manchester but overall it was the same." Said Phil with a small shrug, Dan gave a small chuckle as Phil told him all about the videos he was planning to upload and other plans he had. He also mentioned that he'd be going somewhere with Charlie, which made Dan wince although he tried hard not to show it. He was a bit jealous of Charlie, who was Phil's boyfriend but tried hard not to let it show. Phil was happy, and honestly it was enough being Phil's friend...he didn't think he'd ever meet his favorite Youtuber much less get to befriend him and all of the others.

" What about you, any plans yet?" He asked, Dan shrugged once again.

" Honestly not really, I mean I doubt anyone will invite me to anything." Said Dan with a small wistful smile. Phil shook his head, and offered Dan a small smile.

" Come on Dan, you're a fun person to be around I'm sure at least one person will want to be your friend, but I'm already your best friend so they have to settle for second best friend." Said Phil, making Dan chuckle, Phil's smile grew. He was glad that he could help him smile and feel better at least. The two young me, sat there talking for the rest of the afternoon and into the night, when Dan heard a loud bang down the hall.

Immediately he looked up, and furrowed his brow.

" Dan?" Said Phil, when Dan held up a finger and set the laptop aside before getting up and slowly opened the door. There was nothing out there but the incredibly darkened hallway, he mentally cursed himself and wondered just what time it was as he slowly made his way down the dark hallway. He cried out as he bumped into someone and nearly fell over, when the other person caught him by wrapping an arm around his waist.

"You alight there?" Asked the guy, Dan blushed at the red headed guy who was a few inches taller than him and from what he could see, thanks to the light coming from his room. The guy was pretty good looking too, he gave a small nervous chuckle and immediately felt incredibly embarrassed, the guy smiled down at Dan and removed his arm from around him.

" Yeah, um..th-thanks, I-I heard a bang..a couple of them actually and I was going to go see. Stupid right? I mean hearing a noise in the middle of the night and going to check it out it's..it's what gets people killed in movies and..and I should stop talking now." Said Dan inwardly cringing, the guy chuckled at the adorable boy before him.

" It's fine, this building's pretty old you might here a few moans and groans here and there, but it's just the pipes, name's Andrew and you are?" He asked politely, although Dan was inwardly gushing over his voice...when he looked up into his brown eyes ansd suddenly the good feelings were gone. There was something about the way he was staring at him that Dan didn't like. It made him feel self conscious and slightly dirty.

" Dan, it's nice to meet you...and thanks for catching me." Said Dan, Andrew smiled and gave Dan a small wink.

"No problem, I'll cya around Dan." Said Andrew, before walking off. Dan shook his head and headed back to his room, closing the door behind him and telling Phil everything.

"See Dan? I told you you'd make at least one friend there." Said Phil,

"I dunno he seemed kind of creepy." Said Dan, Phil sighed and rolled his eyes affectionately.

" Or maybe he's just trying to be your friend Dan." Said Phil, Dan shrugged his shoulders in response. They stayed up before finally bidding each other good night and Dan closed the laptop. He sighed as he closed his eyes trying to remember what Andrew said. After bidding Phil goodnight he got his music and plugged in his ear phones into his ipod before turning the lights and trying to sleep.